957 resultados para Self-Awareness


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Objectif : Cette thèse a pour but de préciser les mécanismes neuropsychologiques de la douleur, de la régulation endogène de la douleur et de l'hypoalgésie induite psychologiquement (HIP) par la synthèse de près de trente ans de recherche imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle. Méthodologie : Étant donné l'abondance des études sur le sujet et le manque d'intégration de leurs résultats, la technique de métaanalyse quantitative basée sur les coordonnées d'activation cérébrale fut privilégiée dans cette thèse, telle qu’implémentée dans l'algorithme ALE (Activation Likelyhood Estimate). Une force supplémentaire de cette thèse repose sur la rigueur du processus de sélection des articles. En effet, les études incluses dans les métaanalyses devaient satisfaire des critères stricts d'inclusion, ceci dans le but de favoriser la précision et la validité des conclusions subséquentes. Étude 1 : Le premier article visait à identifier les aires cérébrales impliquées dans la réduction de la douleur par des méthodes psychologiques d'interventions. Les articles retenus portent sur une variété de méthodes d'intervention, telles que le placebo, l'hypnose, la méditation, la perception de contrôle sur la stimulation douloureuse et l'induction d'émotions. Les résultats indiquent que l'HIP implique un vaste réseau d'activation qui comprend le cortex cingulaire antérieur, l'insula antérieure, les zones orbitofrontale et préfrontale latérale, ainsi que les régions pariétale, temporale et souscorticales. Ces activations reflèteraient l'implication des mécanismes neuropsychologiques cognitifs et émotionnels sous-tendent les interventions psychologiques ciblées par ces études, incluant la conscience de soi et la motivation. De plus, les divergences de patron d'activation entre les approches ont été explorées, notamment pour le placebo et la distraction. Étude 2 : Le deuxième article a identifié des patrons d'activations préférentiellement associés à la perception de la douleur, à l'HIP, ainsi que des activations communément associées à la douleur et l'HIP. Les résultats indiquent que 1) la perception de la douleur est associée à l'activation d'aires somatosensorielles et motrices, ce qui pourrait être le reflet de la préparation d'une action adaptative, 2) l'HIP est liée à l'engagement de régions préfrontales antéromédianes et orbitales, possiblement en lien avec des processus motivationnels et émotionnels, et 3) la douleur et l'HIP sont associés à l'activation d'aires préfrontales dorsolatérales, de l'insula antérieure et du cortex cingulaire moyen, ce qui pourrait refléter l'engagement spontané pendant la douleur de mécanismes endogènes de régulation descendante. Conclusion : Par ces études, cette thèse fait le point sur les mécanismes cérébraux impliqués différentiellement dans la perception de la douleur, dans sa régulation endogène et dans l'hypoalgésie induite psychologiquement.


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This research was undertaken with the primary objective of explaining differences in consumption of personal care products using personality variables. Several streams of research reported were reviewed and a conceptual model was developed. Theories on the relationship between self concept and behaviour was reviewed and the need to use individual difference variables to conceptualize and measure the salient dimensions of the self were emphasized. Theories relating to social comparison, eating disorders, role of idealized media images in shaping the self-concept, evidence on cosmetic surgery and persuasibility were reviewed in the study. These came from diverse fields like social psychology, use of cosmetics, women studies, media studies, self-concept literature in psychology and consumer research, and marketing. From the review three basic dimensions, namely self-evaluation, self-awareness and persuasibility were identified and they were posited to be related to consumption. Several personality variables from these conceptual domains were identified and factor analysis confirmed the expected structure fitting the basic theoretical dimensions. Demographic variables like gender and income were also considered.It was found that self-awareness measured by the variable public self-consciousness explain differences in consumption of personal care products. The relationship between public self-consciousness and consumption was found to be most conspicuous in cases of poor self-, evaluation measured by self-esteem. Susceptibility to advertising also was found to explain differences in consumption.From the research, it may be concluded that personality variables are useful for explaining consumption and they must be used together to explain and understand the process. There may not be obvious and conspicuous links between individual measures and behaviour in marketing. However, when used in proper combination and with the help oftheoretical models personality offers considerable explanatory power as illustrated in the seventy five percent accuracy rate of prediction obtained in binary logistic regression.


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Lo que pretende esta investigación es estudiar el concepto del Liderazgo que maneja la Universidad del Rosario en la Maestría en Dirección y también la metodología que usa para desarrollarlo. A partir de estos resultados, se investigan alternativas para complementar tanto el concepto como las didácticas para formarlo. Se busca que estas alternativas estén basadas en técnicas artísticas para poder finalmente demostrar que mediante el arte se pueden desarrollar varias, por no decir todas las habilidades concernientes a un líder efectivo e integral. La idea de demostrar esto es poder proponer a la Universidad que incluya dentro del Documento Maestro y por ende dentro de la Maestría, estrategias didácticas basadas en el arte para desarrollar un liderazgo efectivo e integral en directores, favoreciendo el diferencial que caracteriza al programa en este momento a nivel nacional.


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A Perturbação de Hiperatividade e Défice de Atenção (PHDA) é um distúrbio que, segundo a literatura, afeta entre 3-7% das crianças em idade escolar e que consiste numa tríade de desatenção, hiperatividade e impulsividade. Este distúrbio é prevalente e para os atingidos pode ter consequências gravosas sendo o insucesso escolar um dos primeiros obstáculos. Muitas vezes entendidas pela classe docente como falta de educação e preguiça, estas características não recebem a atenção devida. Baseado num aluno do 8º ano com diagnóstico de PHDA do tipo misto desde os 5 anos de idade, este projeto destinou-se a estudar sumariamente a PHDA e a encontrar, aplicar e avaliar a eficácia de um conjunto de estratégias de aprendizagem que, numa perspetiva inclusiva, permitissem quer ao aluno quer ao grupo turma desenvolver os seus potenciais de aprendizagem. O aluno não se encontra abrangido pelo Decreto Lei 3/2008 mas apresentou insucesso escolar no 7º ano que quase comprometeu a sua progressão. Integra uma turma de dezasseis alunos que inclui três alunos abrangidos pelo referido decreto sendo um de currículo específico individual. Este projeto desenvolveu-se no primeiro período do ano letivo 2012-2013 e possui duas vertentes: a tutoria individual - num tempo semanal – assumido na qualidade de diretora de turma, e o espaço de sala de aula curricular de Físico-Química – em três tempos semanais – da qual a autora do presente trabalho é docente. O projeto de tutoria, sugerido pelo psicólogo que acompanha o aluno, destinou-se à implementação de um Programa de Promoção da Função Cognitiva e de Métodos e Hábitos de Estudo incidindo nos seguintes domínios: componente motivacional, componente comportamental, componente cognitiva, autoconhecimento e autoavaliação, e planeamento de uma metodologia de estudo mais eficaz. Em sala de aula o enfoque esteve na componente motivacional para o estudo da disciplina com o intento de otimizar as funções executivas de Ativação, Foco e Esforço mencionadas por Brown (2009), e na atribuição de significado aos conteúdos estudados para trabalhar a Memória de curto e longo prazo. Para a abordagem dos vários temas utilizaram-se recursos variados procurando respeitar os vários estilos de aprendizagem mas o recurso a objetos e atividades experimentais foram os que se revelaram mais eficazes. No final desta intervenção, a avaliação do período em estudo revelou um aluno mais motivado e participativo na generalidade das disciplinas e especialmente em Físico-Química onde obteve classificações acima da média da turma. PALAVRAS CHAVE: Perturbação de hiperatividade e défice de atenção, inclusão, estratégias de intervenção em sala de aula.


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“I’m all lost in the supermarket. I can no longer shop happily. I came in here for the special offer. A guaranteed personality”. The song by The Clash, released in 1979, “Lost in the Supermarket” describes the protagonist struggle to deal with an increasingly commercialized society and the depersonalization of the world around him. The song speaks about alienation and the feelings of disillusionment and lack of identity that come through modern society. There are different ways which one can decrease those feelings and promote knowledge, self-awareness and understanding. The museum, when used with all its potential, is one of the ways. But how to do that? That is the question museum professionals ask themselves. This paper analyses how the traditional museum can use the new museology concepts, and the challenges of this approach, to become a vehicle for community development and empowerment, diminishing the feelings sang by The Clash.


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Would a research assistant - who can search for ideas related to those you are working on, network with others (but only share the things you have chosen to share), doesn’t need coffee and who might even, one day, appear to be conscious - help you get your work done? Would it help your students learn? There is a body of work showing that digital learning assistants can be a benefit to learners. It has been suggested that adaptive, caring, agents are more beneficial. Would a conscious agent be more caring, more adaptive, and better able to deal with changes in its learning partner’s life? Allow the system to try to dynamically model the user, so that it can make predictions about what is needed next, and how effective a particular intervention will be. Now, given that the system is essentially doing the same things as the user, why don’t we design the system so that it can try to model itself in the same way? This should mimic a primitive self-awareness. People develop their personalities, their identities, through interacting with others. It takes years for a human to develop a full sense of self. Nobody should expect a prototypical conscious computer system to be able to develop any faster than that. How can we provide a computer system with enough social contact to enable it to learn about itself and others? We can make it part of a network. Not just chatting with other computers about computer ‘stuff’, but involved in real human activity. Exposed to ‘raw meaning’ – the developing folksonomies coming out of the learning activities of humans, whether they are traditional students or lifelong learners (a term which should encompass everyone). Humans have complex psyches, comprised of multiple strands of identity which reflect as different roles in the communities of which they are part – so why not design our system the same way? With multiple internal modes of operation, each capable of being reflected onto the outside world in the form of roles – as a mentor, a research assistant, maybe even as a friend. But in order to be able to work with a human for long enough to be able to have a chance of developing the sort of rich behaviours we associate with people, the system needs to be able to function in a practical and helpful role. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to get a free ride from many people (other than its developer!) – so it needs to be able to perform a useful role, and do so securely, respecting the privacy of its partner. Can we create a system which learns to be more human whilst helping people learn?


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Research in construction management is diverse in content and in quality. There is much to be learned from more fundamental disciplines. Construction is a sub-set of human experience rather than a completely separate phenomenon. Therefore, it is likely that there are few problems in construction requiring the invention of a completely new theory. If construction researchers base their work only on that of other construction researchers, our academic community will become less relevant to the world at large. The theories that we develop or test must be of wider applicability to be of any real interest. In undertaking research, researchers learn a lot about themselves. Perhaps the only difference between research and education is that if we are learning about something which no-one else knows, then it is research, otherwise it is education. Self-awareness of this will help to reduce the chances of publishing work which only reveals a researcher’s own learning curve. Scientific method is not as simplistic as non-scientists claim and is the only real way of overcoming methodological weaknesses in our work. The reporting of research may convey the false impression that it is undertaken in the sequence in which it is written. Construction is not so unique and special as to require a completely different set of methods from other fields of enquiry. Until our research is reported in mainstream journals and conferences, there is little chance that we will influence the wider academic community and a concomitant danger that it will become irrelevant. The most useful insights will come from research which challenges the current orthodoxy rather than research which merely reports it.


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Research in construction management is diverse in content and in quality. There is much to be learned from more fundamental disciplines. Construction is a sub-set of human experience rather than a completely separate phenomenon. Therefore, it is likely that there are few problems in construction requiring the invention of a completely new theory. If construction researchers base their work only on that of other construction researchers, our academic community will become less relevant to the world at large. The theories that we develop or test must be of wider applicability to be of any real interest. In undertaking research, researchers learn a lot about themselves. Perhaps the only difference between research and education is that if we are learning about something which no-one else knows, then it is research, otherwise it is education. Self-awareness of this will help to reduce the chances of publishing work which only reveals a researcher’s own learning curve. Scientific method is not as simplistic as non-scientists claim and is the only real way of overcoming methodological weaknesses in our work. The reporting of research may convey the false impression that it is undertaken in the sequence in which it is written. Construction is not so unique and special as to require a completely different set of methods from other fields of enquiry. Until our research is reported in mainstream journals and conferences, there is little chance that we will influence the wider academic community and a concomitant danger that it will become irrelevant. The most useful insights will come from research which challenges the current orthodoxy rather than research which merely reports it.


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Dualism has long distinguished between the mental and the body experiences. Probing the structure and organisation of the self traditionally calls for a distinction between these two sides of the self coin. It is far beyond the scope of this chapter to address these philosophical issues, and our starting point will be the simple distinction between reflective processes involved in the elaboration of body image, self awareness and self-recognition (i.e. ‘the self’) and the sensori-motor dialogues involved in action control, reactions and automatisms (i.e. ‘the body’ schema). This oversimplification does not take into account the complex interactions taking place between these two levels of description, but our initial aim will be to distinguish between them, before addressing the question of their interactions. Cognitive and sensori-motor processes have frequently been distinguished (review: Rossetti and Revonsuo 2000), and it may be proposed that a similar dissociation can be put forward, a priori, between a central representation of self and a bodily representation corresponding to body schema (Figure 1).


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This article explores the representations and tonal qualities of British “structured reality” programming. Focusing on The Only Way Is Essex and Made in Chelsea, it investigates their glocalizing of the model established by MTV’s Laguna Beach and The Hills. It argues that while they blur boundaries between docusoap, drama, and soap opera, the British programs also recognize and foreground issues of construction for their reality TV-literate youth audience. It suggests the programs play a key role in their respective channel identities and the ideologies of British youth television, connecting to larger issues of class, gender, and taste. This is articulated through their regional and classed femininities, with the article exploring how the programs draw on classed ideologies surrounding “natural” and “excessive” femininities and of the role of this in their engagement with construction and camp play. This play contributes to the tonal shift offered by the British programs, mixing the melodrama of the MTV programs with a knowing, at times comic edge that can tip into mockery. In doing so, the programs offer their audience a combination of performative self-awareness and emotional realism that situates them clearly within British youth television


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This article reflects on the introduction of ‘matrix management’ arrangements for an Educational Psychology Service (EPS) within a Children’s Service Directorate of a Local Authority (LA). It seeks to demonstrate critical self-awareness, consider relevant literature with a view to bringing insights to processes and outcomes, and offers recommendations regarding the use of matrix management. The report arises from an East Midland’s LA initiative: ALICSE − Advanced Leadership in an Integrated Children’s Service Environment. Through a literature review and personal reflection, the authors consider the following: possible tensions within the development of matrix management arrangements; whether matrix management is a prerequisite within complex organizational systems; and whether competing professional cultures may contribute barriers to creating complementary and collegiate working. The authors briefly consider some research paradigms, notably ethnographic approaches, soft systems methodology, activity theory and appreciative inquiry. These provide an analytic framework for the project and inform this iterative process of collaborative inquiry. Whilst these models help illuminate otherwise hidden processes, none have been implemented following full research methodologies, reflecting the messy reality of local authority working within dynamic organizational structures and shrinking budgets. Nevertheless, this article offers an honest reflection of organizational change within a children’s services environment.


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Leadership is about synchronizing people into doing actions together to reach a common goal. To be able to do such thing you have to be a good leader. A mutual feature between good leaders is a good self awareness in order to be able to lead others. By letting others evaluate the features of a leader it can give a good self image of the leaders’ leadership. This is for seeing if there is a gap between the leaders own and the co-workers opinions about the leaders’ leadership. The purpose is to analyze if there could be a gap between a leader and its co-workers opinions about the leaders’ leadership and also to analyze why such a gap could exist.The method that has been used for analyzing the leadership is a 360 degree evaluation. The 360 degree evaluation is used in such way that the chosen leader, beyond its self assessment, is getting evaluated by its co-workers closest to him or her. This was implemented by questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaires are made after Adizes leadership roles and Hersey and Blanchards’ situational leadership.A leader often has different features, these does not accentuate because of the organizational structure and the position of the leaders in the organization emphasizes different features.


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Research objectives Poker and responsible gambling both entail the use of the executive functions (EF), which are higher-level cognitive abilities. The main objective of this work was to assess if online poker players of different ability show different performances in their EF and if so, which functions are the most discriminating ones. The secondary objective was to assess if the EF performance can predict the quality of gambling, according to the Gambling Related Cognition Scale (GRCS), the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) and the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI). Sample and methods The study design consisted of two stages: 46 Italian active players (41m, 5f; age 32±7,1ys; education 14,8±3ys) fulfilled the PGSI in a secure IT web system and uploaded their own hand history files, which were anonymized and then evaluated by two poker experts. 36 of these players (31m, 5f; age 33±7,3ys; education 15±3ys) accepted to take part in the second stage: the administration of an extensive neuropsychological test battery by a blinded trained professional. To answer the main research question we collected all final and intermediate scores of the EF tests on each player together with the scoring on the playing ability. To answer the secondary research question, we referred to GRCS, PGSI and SOGS scores.  We determined which variables that are good predictors of the playing ability score using statistical techniques able to deal with many regressors and few observations (LASSO, best subset algorithms and CART). In this context information criteria and cross-validation errors play a key role for the selection of the relevant regressors, while significance testing and goodness-of-fit measures can lead to wrong conclusions.   Preliminary findings We found significant predictors of the poker ability score in various tests. In particular, there are good predictors 1) in some Wisconsin Card Sorting Test items that measure flexibility in choosing strategy of problem-solving, strategic planning, modulating impulsive responding, goal setting and self-monitoring, 2) in those Cognitive Estimates Test variables related to deductive reasoning, problem solving, development of an appropriate strategy and self-monitoring, 3) in the Emotional Quotient Inventory Short (EQ-i:S) Stress Management score, composed by the Stress Tolerance and Impulse Control scores, and in the Interpersonal score (Empathy, Social Responsibility, Interpersonal Relationship). As for the quality of gambling, some EQ-i:S scales scores provide the best predictors: General Mood for the PGSI; Intrapersonal (Self-Regard; Emotional Self-Awareness, Assertiveness, Independence, Self-Actualization) and Adaptability  (Reality Testing, Flexibility, Problem Solving) for the SOGS, Adaptability for the GRCS. Implications for the field Through PokerMapper we gathered knowledge and evaluated the feasibility of the construction of short tasks/card games in online poker environments for profiling users’ executive functions. These card games will be part of an IT system able to dynamically profile EF and provide players with a feedback on their expected performance and ability to gamble responsibly in that particular moment. The implementation of such system in existing gambling platforms could lead to an effective proactive tool for supporting responsible gambling.