989 resultados para Seismic Fragility Functions, moment resisting frame, hazus, abaqus


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In this thesis, a method to retrieve the source finiteness, depth of faulting, and the mechanisms of large earthquakes from long-period surface waves is developed and applied to several recent large events.

In Chapter 1, source finiteness parameters of eleven large earthquakes were determined from long-period Rayleigh waves recorded at IDA and GDSN stations. The basic data set is the seismic spectra of periods from 150 to 300 sec. Two simple models of source finiteness are studied. The first model is a point source with finite duration. In the determination of the duration or source-process times, we used Furumoto's phase method and a linear inversion method, in which we simultaneously inverted the spectra and determined the source-process time that minimizes the error in the inversion. These two methods yielded consistent results. The second model is the finite fault model. Source finiteness of large shallow earthquakes with rupture on a fault plane with a large aspect ratio was modeled with the source-finiteness function introduced by Ben-Menahem. The spectra were inverted to find the extent and direction of the rupture of the earthquake that minimize the error in the inversion. This method is applied to the 1977 Sumbawa, Indonesia, 1979 Colombia-Ecuador, 1983 Akita-Oki, Japan, 1985 Valparaiso, Chile, and 1985 Michoacan, Mexico earthquakes. The method yielded results consistent with the rupture extent inferred from the aftershock area of these earthquakes.

In Chapter 2, the depths and source mechanisms of nine large shallow earthquakes were determined. We inverted the data set of complex source spectra for a moment tensor (linear) or a double couple (nonlinear). By solving a least-squares problem, we obtained the centroid depth or the extent of the distributed source for each earthquake. The depths and source mechanisms of large shallow earthquakes determined from long-period Rayleigh waves depend on the models of source finiteness, wave propagation, and the excitation. We tested various models of the source finiteness, Q, the group velocity, and the excitation in the determination of earthquake depths.

The depth estimates obtained using the Q model of Dziewonski and Steim (1982) and the excitation functions computed for the average ocean model of Regan and Anderson (1984) are considered most reasonable. Dziewonski and Steim's Q model represents a good global average of Q determined over a period range of the Rayleigh waves used in this study. Since most of the earthquakes studied here occurred in subduction zones Regan and Anderson's average ocean model is considered most appropriate.

Our depth estimates are in general consistent with the Harvard CMT solutions. The centroid depths and their 90 % confidence intervals (numbers in the parentheses) determined by the Student's t test are: Colombia-Ecuador earthquake (12 December 1979), d = 11 km, (9, 24) km; Santa Cruz Is. earthquake (17 July 1980), d = 36 km, (18, 46) km; Samoa earthquake (1 September 1981), d = 15 km, (9, 26) km; Playa Azul, Mexico earthquake (25 October 1981), d = 41 km, (28, 49) km; El Salvador earthquake (19 June 1982), d = 49 km, (41, 55) km; New Ireland earthquake (18 March 1983), d = 75 km, (72, 79) km; Chagos Bank earthquake (30 November 1983), d = 31 km, (16, 41) km; Valparaiso, Chile earthquake (3 March 1985), d = 44 km, (15, 54) km; Michoacan, Mexico earthquake (19 September 1985), d = 24 km, (12, 34) km.

In Chapter 3, the vertical extent of faulting of the 1983 Akita-Oki, and 1977 Sumbawa, Indonesia earthquakes are determined from fundamental and overtone Rayleigh waves. Using fundamental Rayleigh waves, the depths are determined from the moment tensor inversion and fault inversion. The observed overtone Rayleigh waves are compared to the synthetic overtone seismograms to estimate the depth of faulting of these earthquakes. The depths obtained from overtone Rayleigh waves are consistent with the depths determined from fundamental Rayleigh waves for the two earthquakes. Appendix B gives the observed seismograms of fundamental and overtone Rayleigh waves for eleven large earthquakes.


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Home to hundreds of millions of souls and land of excessiveness, the Himalaya is also the locus of a unique seismicity whose scope and peculiarities still remain to this day somewhat mysterious. Having claimed the lives of kings, or turned ancient timeworn cities into heaps of rubbles and ruins, earthquakes eerily inhabit Nepalese folk tales with the fatalistic message that nothing lasts forever. From a scientific point of view as much as from a human perspective, solving the mysteries of Himalayan seismicity thus represents a challenge of prime importance. Documenting geodetic strain across the Nepal Himalaya with various GPS and leveling data, we show that unlike other subduction zones that exhibit a heterogeneous and patchy coupling pattern along strike, the last hundred kilometers of the Main Himalayan Thrust fault, or MHT, appear to be uniformly locked, devoid of any of the “creeping barriers” that traditionally ward off the propagation of large events. The approximately 20 mm/yr of reckoned convergence across the Himalaya matching previously established estimates of the secular deformation at the front of the arc, the slip accumulated at depth has to somehow elastically propagate all the way to the surface at some point. And yet, neither large events from the past nor currently recorded microseismicity nearly compensate for the massive moment deficit that quietly builds up under the giant mountains. Along with this large unbalanced moment deficit, the uncommonly homogeneous coupling pattern on the MHT raises the question of whether or not the locked portion of the MHT can rupture all at once in a giant earthquake. Univocally answering this question appears contingent on the still elusive estimate of the magnitude of the largest possible earthquake in the Himalaya, and requires tight constraints on local fault properties. What makes the Himalaya enigmatic also makes it the potential source of an incredible wealth of information, and we exploit some of the oddities of Himalayan seismicity in an effort to improve the understanding of earthquake physics and cipher out the properties of the MHT. Thanks to the Himalaya, the Indo-Gangetic plain is deluged each year under a tremendous amount of water during the annual summer monsoon that collects and bears down on the Indian plate enough to pull it away from the Eurasian plate slightly, temporarily relieving a small portion of the stress mounting on the MHT. As the rainwater evaporates in the dry winter season, the plate rebounds and tension is increased back on the fault. Interestingly, the mild waggle of stress induced by the monsoon rains is about the same size as that from solid-Earth tides which gently tug at the planets solid layers, but whereas changes in earthquake frequency correspond with the annually occurring monsoon, there is no such correlation with Earth tides, which oscillate back-and-forth twice a day. We therefore investigate the general response of the creeping and seismogenic parts of MHT to periodic stresses in order to link these observations to physical parameters. First, the response of the creeping part of the MHT is analyzed with a simple spring-and-slider system bearing rate-strengthening rheology, and we show that at the transition with the locked zone, where the friction becomes near velocity neutral, the response of the slip rate may be amplified at some periods, which values are analytically related to the physical parameters of the problem. Such predictions therefore hold the potential of constraining fault properties on the MHT, but still await observational counterparts to be applied, as nothing indicates that the variations of seismicity rate on the locked part of the MHT are the direct expressions of variations of the slip rate on its creeping part, and no variations of the slip rate have been singled out from the GPS measurements to this day. When shifting to the locked seismogenic part of the MHT, spring-and-slider models with rate-weakening rheology are insufficient to explain the contrasted responses of the seismicity to the periodic loads that tides and monsoon both place on the MHT. Instead, we resort to numerical simulations using the Boundary Integral CYCLes of Earthquakes algorithm and examine the response of a 2D finite fault embedded with a rate-weakening patch to harmonic stress perturbations of various periods. We show that such simulations are able to reproduce results consistent with a gradual amplification of sensitivity as the perturbing period get larger, up to a critical period corresponding to the characteristic time of evolution of the seismicity in response to a step-like perturbation of stress. This increase of sensitivity was not reproduced by simple 1D-spring-slider systems, probably because of the complexity of the nucleation process, reproduced only by 2D-fault models. When the nucleation zone is close to its critical unstable size, its growth becomes highly sensitive to any external perturbations and the timings of produced events may therefore find themselves highly affected. A fully analytical framework has yet to be developed and further work is needed to fully describe the behavior of the fault in terms of physical parameters, which will likely provide the keys to deduce constitutive properties of the MHT from seismological observations.


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In this thesis, I apply detailed waveform modeling to study noise correlations in different environments, and earthquake waveforms for source parameters and velocity structure.

Green's functions from ambient noise correlations have primarily been used for travel-time measurement. In Part I of this thesis, by detailed waveform modeling of noise correlation functions, I retrieve both surface waves and crustal body waves from noise, and use them in improving earthquake centroid locations and regional crustal structures. I also present examples in which the noise correlations do not yield Green's functions, yet the results are still interesting and useful after case-by-case analyses, including non-uniform distribution of noise sources, spurious velocity changes, and noise correlations on the Amery Ice Shelf.

In Part II of this thesis, I study teleseismic body waves of earthquakes for source parameters or near-source structure. With the dense modern global network and improved methodologies, I obtain high-resolution earthquake locations, focal mechanisms and rupture processes, which provide critical insights to earthquake faulting processes in shallow and deep parts of subduction zones. Waveform modeling of relatively simple subduction zone events also displays new constraints on the structure of subducted slabs.

In summary, behind my approaches to the relatively independent problems, the philosophy is to bring observational insights from seismic waveforms in critical and simple ways.


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Underground structures constitute crucial components of the transportation networks. Considering their significance for modern societies, their proper seismic design is of great importance. However, this design may become very tricky, accounting of the lack of knowledge regarding their seismic behavior. Several issues that are significantly affecting this behavior (i.e. earth pressures on the structure, seismic shear stresses around the structure, complex deformation modes for rectangular structures during shaking etc.) are still open. The problem is wider for the non-circular (i.e. rectangular) structures, were the soilstructure interaction effects are expected to be maximized. The paper presents representative experimental results from a test case of a series of dynamic centrifuge tests that were performed on rectangular tunnels embedded in dry sand. The tests were carried out at the centrifuge facility of the University of Cambridge, within the Transnational Task of the SERIES EU research program. The presented test case is also numerically simulated and studied. Preliminary full dynamic time history analyses of the coupled soil-tunnel system are performed, using ABAQUS. Soil non-linearity and soil-structure interaction are modeled, following relevant specifications for underground structures and tunnels. Numerical predictions are compared to experimental results and discussed. Based on this comprehensive experimental and numerical study, the seismic behavior of rectangular embedded structures is better understood and modeled, consisting an important step in the development of appropriate specifications for the seismic design of rectangular shallow tunnels.


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作物的抗旱性是一个多基因控制的、极为复杂的数量性状,植物对干旱在分子水平上的差异反应通过植物组织生理和细胞生物学水平,最终表现为植物抗旱性的不同。在我国,旱地农业超过耕地面积的50%,但水资源短缺,因此培育和选育抗旱高产作物是发展节水型农业最有效的途径。 青藏高原气候恶劣、年均降雨量少,也是世界大麦初生起源中心,因而蕴藏了十分丰富的与抗逆相关的种质资源材料,从这些特殊的资源材料克隆抗旱基因,不仅对培育抗旱、优质、高产大麦新品种具有重要理论意义和经济价值,而且对整个作物抗旱基础和育种应用研究都具重大促进作用。 为了筛选青稞(裸大麦,Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare)抗旱性材料,本研究选用来自青藏高原不同地区的84份青稞为材料,在叶片失水率(water loss rate, WLR)检测分析的基础上,选择失水率值差异显著的12个品种,通过相对含水量(relative water content, RWC)和反复干旱法评价其抗旱性,并通过植株对干旱胁迫下的丙二醛(MDA)含量和游离脯氨酸(free-proline)含量变化,了解不同抗旱性材料的生理反应特性。选择抗旱性强弱不同的品种各两份进行LEA2蛋白基因(Dhn6基因)、LEA3蛋白基因(HVA1基因)的克隆,比较LEA蛋白结构差异与作物抗旱性之间的关系。同时,对抗旱性不同的青稞品种受到干旱时间不同的失水变化率(dynamics water loss rate, DWLR)进行了检测;对抗旱性不同的青稞对照材料进行2 h、4 h、8 h和12 h的快速干旱处理,通过SYBR Green实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术对Dhn6基因、Dhn11基因、Dhn13基因和HVA1基因在不同抗旱性材料受到不同干旱时间处理后的相对表达水平进行了检测。本研究对LEA蛋白基因在抗旱性不同的青稞材料中的干旱胁迫分子水平上的差异反应进行了研究,也对植物的抗旱机理进行了初步探讨。主要研究结果如下: 1. 青稞苗期进行离体叶片失水率测定结果表明,来自青藏高原的84份青稞材料的WLR在0.086~0.205gh-1g-1DW之间。选择WLR低于0.1gh-1g-1DW和WLR高于0.18gh-1g-1DW的品种各6份,并对苗期分别进行未干旱及干旱12小时的处理。相对含水量检测结果表明,低失水率青稞材料干旱后的具有更高的相对含水量,盆栽缺水试验也显示叶片失水率低的材料耐旱能力强于失水率高的材料。通过水合茚三酮法测定离体叶片游离脯氨酸的含量,结果表明,所有品种未干旱处理时,游离脯氨酸含量差异不大(17.10~25.74 µgg-1FW);干旱12小时后,低失水率的品种游离脯氨酸含量明显增高(32.99~53.45µgg-1FW),高失水率品种的游离脯氨酸含量与干旱前变化不明显(P<0.05)。硫代巴比妥酸法测定离体叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量,结果显示,12份所选对照品种中,丙二醛的含量在0.97~2.74nmolg-1FW,干旱12小时后丙二醛的含量显著上升(1.46~4.74nmolg-1FW),高失水率的6个品种的丙二醛含量在未干旱和干旱处理时都明显高于低WLR品种。本研究结果表明青稞的低失水率、低丙二醛含量、高相对含水量和高脯氨酸含量具相关性(P<0.05)。综上研究,我们认为作物失水率的测定可以作为快速检测作物抗旱性的指标之一,因此,强抗旱品种喜玛拉10号(TR1)、品比14号(TR2)和弱抗旱品种冬青8号(TS1)、QB24 (TS2)被选作抗旱基因克隆和表达分析的研究材料。 2. 高等植物胚胎发育晚期丰富蛋白(late embryogenesis abundant proteins, LEA proteins)与植物耐脱水性密切相关,为了探讨青稞LEA蛋白结构差异性与植物抗旱性的关系,本研究以强抗旱品种(喜玛拉10号、品比14号)和弱抗旱品种(冬青8号、QB24)为材料,利用同源克隆法,通过RT-PCR,分别克隆了与抗旱性密切相关的Dhn6基因和HVA1基因。Dhn6基因序列分析结果表明,强抗旱品种品比14号和弱抗旱品种冬青8号Dhn6基因所克隆到的序列为1026bp,它们之间只有5个碱基的差异;喜玛拉10号和QB24克隆到的序列长963bp。在强弱不同的抗旱品种中有22个核苷酸易突变位点,相应的脱水素氨基酸序列推导结果表明,22个核苷酸突变位点中,仅有8个位点导致相应的氨基酸残基的改变,其余的位点系同义突变,另外,21个富含甘氨酸序列的缺失并没有联系作物抗旱性特征。推测这些同义突变位点的氨基酸残基对维持青稞DHN6蛋白的正常结构和功能起着非常重要的作用,也可能DHN6蛋白对青稞长期适应逆境胁迫和遗传进化的结果。对HVA1基因的序列分析结果表明,冬青8号、QB24、品比14号和喜玛拉10号的目的基因核苷酸序列全长分别为661bp、697bp、694bp和691bp,它们都包含1个完整的开放阅读框。相应的LEA3蛋白氨基酸序列结果表明,11个高度保守的氨基酸残基组成基元重复序列的拷贝数与青稞抗旱性之间没有必然关系,在强抗旱品种(喜玛拉10号、品比14号)中三个共同的氨基酸突变位点Gln32、Arg33和Ala195可能对抗旱蛋白的结构和功能有影响;另外,强抗旱青稞品种LEA3蛋白质中11-氨基酸保守基元序列拷贝数和极性氨基酸占蛋白的比例更高,推测LEA3蛋白中基元序列拷贝数和极性氨基酸占蛋白的比例对该蛋白的结构和功能影响更大。 3. LEA蛋白基因的表达水平的上调与植物的耐脱水性密切相关,我们对强抗旱性材料(喜玛拉10号、品比14号)和弱抗旱材料(冬青8号、QB24)进行干旱处理2 h、4 h、6 h、8 h和10 h的失水变化率进行测定,结果表明弱抗旱品种在2~4小时之间失水率变化最明显,而四个对照品种的失水率在8小时后和24小时的失水率值变化不大。进一步提取青稞苗期进行2 h、4 h、8 h和12 h的干旱处理后的总RNA,通过SYBR Green实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术对青稞脱水素基因(Dhn6、Dhn11和Dhn13)和LEA3蛋白基因(HVA1)的相对表达水平受干旱时间和作物抗旱性的影响进行了检测。研究发现,抗旱性不同的青稞品种随干旱处理的时间延长,Dhn6、Dhn11、Dhn13和HVA1基因的相对表达水平不同。 Dhn6基因的相对表达水平在强抗旱青稞品种干旱8小时后快速上升,但在弱抗旱青稞品种干旱处理12小时后检测到更高表达量;Dhn11基因在对照青稞抗旱品种的表达累积水平随干旱时间的延长持续下降;整个干旱过程中,Dhn13基因的相对表达水平在弱抗旱品种持续上升,在强抗旱品种中干旱处理8小时快速上升并达到最高,干旱12小时后降低。与脱水素基因相比较,强抗旱青稞品种在干旱2小时后HVA1基因的相对表达水平显著升高,相对表达量随干旱处理的时间持续上升,在干旱12小时后达到最高;与之相比较,在整个干旱过程中,弱抗旱品种的相对表达水平显著低于强抗旱品种,在干旱8小时之前弱抗旱品种的相对表达水平变化不明显;在干旱8~12小时后却显著上升。上述结果表明,不同的LEA蛋白在植物耐脱水过程中的干旱表达累积水平不同;干旱不是诱导高等植物Dhn11基因表达的主要因素;植物的抗旱性不同,不同LEA蛋白基因对干旱的反应有差异。推测某些LEA蛋白基因的干旱胁迫早期表达累积程度与植物的抗旱性直接相关;其中,Dhn11基因和Dhn12基因不同的表达模式可能与干旱调控表达顺式作用成分(dehydration responsive element, DRE)的有无或结构上的差异有关。 本研究结果认为,(1)失水率和相对含水量可作为植物抗旱性检测的指标之一;(2) DHN6同义突变位点的氨基酸残基对维持该蛋白的正常结构和功能起着重要作用;(3) 11-氨基酸保守基元序列拷贝数和极性氨基酸的比例对LEA3蛋白结构和功能有重要影响;(4)LEA蛋白表达随着干旱胁迫程度而增加,但Dhn11基因并不受干旱诱导表达;(5)作物的抗旱性不同,LEA蛋白对干旱的累积反应并不相同,干旱早期LEA蛋白的累积程度可能会影响植物的抗旱性。 Drought resistance was a complex trait which involved multiple physiological and biochemical mechanisms and regulation of numerous genes. Because its complex traits, it is difficult to understand the mechanisms of drought resistance in plants. Plants respond to water stress through multiple physiological mechanisms at the cellular, tissue, and whole-plant levels. Tibetan hulless barley, a pure line, is a selfing annual plant that has predominantly penetrated into the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and remains stable populations there. The wide ecological range of Tibetan hulless barley differs in water availability, temperature, soil type and vegetation, which makes it possess a high potential of adaptive diversity to abiotic stresses. This adaptive genetic diversity indicates that the potential of Tibetan hulless barley serves as a good source for drought resistance alleles for breeding purposes. 12 contrasting drought-tolerant genotypes were selected to measure relative water content (RWC), maldondialdehyde (MDA) and proline content, based on values of water loss rate (WLR) and repeated drought methods from Tibetan populations of cultivated hulless barley. As a result of the screening, sensitive and tolerant genotypes were identified to clarify relationships between characteristics of LEA2/LEA3 genes sequences and expression and drought-tolerant genotypes, associated with resistance to water deficit. In addition, dynamics water loss rate (DWLR) was measured to observe the changes on diffrential drought-tolerant genotypes. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR was applied to detect relative expression levels of Dhn6, Dhn11, Dhn13 and HVA1 genes in sensitive and tolerant genotypes with 2 h, 4 h, 8h and 12 h of dehydration. In the present study, differential sequences and expression of LEA2/LEA3 genes were explored in Tibetan hulless barley, associated with phenotypically diverse drought-tolerant genotypes. 1. The assessments of WLR and RWC were considered as an alternative measure of plant water statues reflecting the metabolic activity in plants, and the parameters of MDA and proline contents were usually consistent with the resistance to water stress. The values of detached leaf WLR of the tested genotypes were highly variable among 84 genotypes, ranging from 0.086 to 0.205 g/h.g DW. The 12 most contrasting genotypes (6 genotypes with the lowest values of WLR and 6 genotypes with the highest values of WLR) were further validated by measuring RWC, MDA and free-proline contents, which were well watered and dehydrated for 12 h. Results of RWC indicated that the values of 12 contrasting genotypes RWC ranged from 89.94% to 93.38% under condition of well water, without significant differences, but 6 genotypes with lower WLR had higher RWC suffered from 12 h dehydration. The results indicated that lower MDA contents, lower scores of WLR and higher proline contents were associated with drought-tolerant genotypes in hulless barley. Remarkably, proline amounts were increased more notable in 6 tolerant genotypes than 6 sensitive genotypes after excised leaves were dehydrated for 12 h, with control to slight changes under condition of well water. Results of MDA contents showed that six 6 tolerant genotypes had lower MDA contents than the 6 sensitive genotypes under both stressed and non-stressed conditions. As a result of that screening, drought- resistant genotypes (Ximala 10 and Pinbi 14) and drought-sensitive genotypes (Dongqing 8 and QB 24) were chosen for comparing the differential characteristics of LEA2/LEA3 genes and their expression analysis. It was conclusion that measurements of WLR could be considered an alternative index as screening of drought-tolerant genotypes in crops. 2. Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins were thought to protect against water stress in plants. To explore the relationships between configuration of LEA proteins and phenotypically diverse drought-tolerant genotypes, sequences of LEA genes and their deduced proteins were compared in Tibetan hulless barley. Results of comparing Dhn6 gene in Ximala 10 and QB24 indicated that absence of 63bp was found, except that only 5 mutant nucleotides were found. While 22 mutant sites were taken place in Dhn6 gene between sensitive and tolerant lines, 14 synonymous mutation sites appeared in the contrasting genotypes. The additional/absent polypeptide of 21 polar amino acid residues was not consistent with phenotypically drought-tolerant genotypes in hulless barley. It was deduced that synonymous mutation sites would play important roles in holding out right configurations and functions on DHN6 protein. The sequencing analysis results indicated that each cloned HVA1 gene from four selected genotypes contained an entire open reading frame. The whole sequence of HVA1 gene from Dongqing 8, QB24, Pinbi 14 and Ximala 10 was respectively 661bp, 697bp, 694bp and 691bp. Results of DNA sequence analyses showed that the differences in nucleotides of HVA1 gene in sensitive genotypes were not consistent with that of tolerant genotypes, except for absence of 33 nucleotides from +154 to +186 (numbering from ATG) in QB24. Database searches using deduced amino acid sequences showed a high homology in LEA3 proteins in the selected genotypes. Multiple sequence alignments revealed that LEA3 protein from Dongqing 8 was composed of 8 repeats of an 11 amino acid motif, less the fourth motif than Pinbi 14, Ximala 10 and QB24. Consistent mutant amino acid residues appeared in contrasting genotypes by aligning and comparing the coding sequence region, including Gln32, Arg33 and Ala195 in tolerant genotypes as compared to Asp32, Glu33 and Thr195 (Thr184 in Dongqing 8) in sensitive lines. It was concluded that consistent appearance of Gln32, Arg33 and Ala195 would contributed to functions of LEA3 protein in crops, as well as higher proportion of 11-amino-repeating motifs and polar amino acid residues. 3. Most of the LEA genes are up-regulated by dehydration, salinity, or low temperature, are also induced by application of exogenous ABA, which increases in concentration in plants under various stress conditions and acts as a mobile stress signal. Higher levels of proteins of LEA group 3 accumulated was correlated well with high level of desiccation tolerance in severely dehydrated plant seedlings. Dehydrins (DHNs), members of LEA2 protein, are an immunologically distinct protein family, and Dhn genes expression is associated with plant response to dehydration. Dynamic water loss rate was measured between sensitive genotypes and tolerant genotypes after they were dehydrated for 2 h, 4 h, 6h and 8 h. Detailed measurements of WLR at the early stage of dehydration (2, 4, 6, and 8 h) showed that WLR was stabilizing after 8 h, and there were no significant changes between these values and WLR after 24 h. Drought stress was applied to 10-day-old seedlings by draining the solution from the container for defined dehydration periods. Leaf tissues of the selected genotypes were harvested from control plants (time 0); and after 2, 4, 8, and 12 h of dehydration. Differential expression trends of Dhn6, Dhn11, Dhn13 and HVA1 genes were detected in phenotypically diverse drought-tolerant hulless barleys, related to different time of dehydration. Results of quantitative real-time PCR indicated that relative level of HVA1 expression was always higher in tolerant genotypes, rapidly increasing at the earlier stages (after 2-4 h of dehydration). However, HVA1 expressions of sensitive genotypes had a fast increase from 8 h to 12 h of stress. Significant differences in expression trends of dehydrin genes between tolerant genotypes and sensitive lines were detected, mainly in Dhn6 and Dhn13 gene, depending on the duration of the dehydration stress. The relative expression levels of Dhn6 gene were significantly higher in tolerant genotypes after 8 h dehydration, by control with notable higher expression levels after 12 h water stress in sensitive ones. The relative expression levels of Dhn13 gene tended to ascend during exposure to dehydration in drought-sensitive genotypes. However, fluctuate trends of Dhn13 expression level were detected in drought-resistant lines, including in lower expression levels of 12 h dehydration as compared to 8 h water stress. It was conclusion that (1) diverse LEA proteins would play variable roles in resisting water stress in plants; (2) expression of Dhn11 gene was not induced by dehydrated signals because of the trends of expression descended in contrasting genotypes suffered from water deficit and (3) variable accumulations on LEA proteins would be appear in diverse drought-tolerant genotypes during dehydrations. It is deduced that higher accumulations of Dhn6 and Dhn13 expression in 8 h dehydration are related to diverse drought-tolerant lines in crops. The present results indicated that different dehydrin genes would play variable functional roles in resisting water stress when plants were suffered from water deficit. The authors suggest physiologically different reactions between resistant and sensitive genotypes may be the results of differential expression of drought-resistant genes and related signal genes in plants. In addition, contrarily induced expression of Dhn11 and Dhn12 was related to dehydration responsive element (DRE) in barleys. The present study indicated that (1) measurements of WLR and RWC could be considered as one index of drought-tolerant screenings; (2) synonymous mutation sites would play important roles in holding out right configurations and functions on DHN6 protein, (3) higher proportion of 11-amino-repeating motifs and polar amino acid residues would contribute to functions on LEA3 protein, (4) the longer drought, the more accumulation on LEA proteins, except for Dhn11 gene in crops and (5) differential responses on expression of LEA protein genes would result in physiological traits of drought tolerance in plants.


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The processes of seismic wave propagation in phase space and one way wave extrapolation in frequency-space domain, if without dissipation, are essentially transformation under the action of one parameter Lie groups. Consequently, the numerical calculation methods of the propagation ought to be Lie group transformation too, which is known as Lie group method. After a fruitful study on the fast methods in matrix inversion, some of the Lie group methods in seismic numerical modeling and depth migration are presented here. Firstly the Lie group description and method of seismic wave propagation in phase space is proposed, which is, in other words, symplectic group description and method for seismic wave propagation, since symplectic group is a Lie subgroup and symplectic method is a special Lie group method. Under the frame of Hamiltonian, the propagation of seismic wave is a symplectic group transformation with one parameter and consequently, the numerical calculation methods of the propagation ought to be symplectic method. After discrete the wave field in time and phase space, many explicit, implicit and leap-frog symplectic schemes are deduced for numerical modeling. Compared to symplectic schemes, Finite difference (FD) method is an approximate of symplectic method. Consequently, explicit, implicit and leap-frog symplectic schemes and FD method are applied in the same conditions to get a wave field in constant velocity model, a synthetic model and Marmousi model. The result illustrates the potential power of the symplectic methods. As an application, symplectic method is employed to give synthetic seismic record of Qinghai foothills model. Another application is the development of Ray+symplectic reverse-time migration method. To make a reasonable balance between the computational efficiency and accuracy, we combine the multi-valued wave field & Green function algorithm with symplectic reverse time migration and thus develop a new ray+wave equation prestack depth migration method. Marmousi model data and Qinghai foothills model data are processed here. The result shows that our method is a better alternative to ray migration for complex structure imaging. Similarly, the extrapolation of one way wave in frequency-space domain is a Lie group transformation with one parameter Z and consequently, the numerical calculation methods of the extrapolation ought to be Lie group methods. After discrete the wave field in depth and space, the Lie group transformation has the form of matrix exponential and each approximation of it gives a Lie group algorithm. Though Pade symmetrical series approximation of matrix exponential gives a extrapolation method which is traditionally regarded as implicit FD migration, it benefits the theoretic and applying study of seismic imaging for it represent the depth extrapolation and migration method in a entirely different way. While, the technique of coordinates of second kind for the approximation of the matrix exponential begins a new way to develop migration operator. The inversion of matrix plays a vital role in the numerical migration method given by Pade symmetrical series approximation. The matrix has a Toepelitz structure with a helical boundary condition and is easy to inverse with LU decomposition. A efficient LU decomposition method is spectral factorization. That is, after the minimum phase correlative function of each array of matrix had be given by a spectral factorization method, all of the functions are arranged in a position according to its former location to get a lower triangular matrix. The major merit of LU decomposition with spectral factorization (SF Decomposition) is its efficiency in dealing with a large number of matrixes. After the setup of a table of the spectral factorization results of each array of matrix, the SF decomposition can give the lower triangular matrix by reading the table. However, the relationship among arrays is ignored in this method, which brings errors in decomposition method. Especially for numerical calculation in complex model, the errors is fatal. Direct elimination method can give the exact LU decomposition But even it is simplified in our case, the large number of decomposition cost unendurable computer time. A hybrid method is proposed here, which combines spectral factorization with direct elimination. Its decomposition errors is 10 times little than that of spectral factorization, and its decomposition speed is quite faster than that of direct elimination, especially in dealing with a large number of matrix. With the hybrid method, the 3D implicit migration can be expected to apply on real seismic data. Finally, the impulse response of 3D implicit migration operator is presented.


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The dissertation addressed the problems of signals reconstruction and data restoration in seismic data processing, which takes the representation methods of signal as the main clue, and take the seismic information reconstruction (signals separation and trace interpolation) as the core. On the natural bases signal representation, I present the ICA fundamentals, algorithms and its original applications to nature earth quake signals separation and survey seismic signals separation. On determinative bases signal representation, the paper proposed seismic dada reconstruction least square inversion regularization methods, sparseness constraints, pre-conditioned conjugate gradient methods, and their applications to seismic de-convolution, Radon transformation, et. al. The core contents are about de-alias uneven seismic data reconstruction algorithm and its application to seismic interpolation. Although the dissertation discussed two cases of signal representation, they can be integrated into one frame, because they both deal with the signals or information restoration, the former reconstructing original signals from mixed signals, the later reconstructing whole data from sparse or irregular data. The goal of them is same to provide pre-processing methods and post-processing method for seismic pre-stack depth migration. ICA can separate the original signals from mixed signals by them, or abstract the basic structure from analyzed data. I surveyed the fundamental, algorithms and applications of ICA. Compared with KL transformation, I proposed the independent components transformation concept (ICT). On basis of the ne-entropy measurement of independence, I implemented the FastICA and improved it by covariance matrix. By analyzing the characteristics of the seismic signals, I introduced ICA into seismic signal processing firstly in Geophysical community, and implemented the noise separation from seismic signal. Synthetic and real data examples show the usability of ICA to seismic signal processing and initial effects are achieved. The application of ICA to separation quake conversion wave from multiple in sedimentary area is made, which demonstrates good effects, so more reasonable interpretation of underground un-continuity is got. The results show the perspective of application of ICA to Geophysical signal processing. By virtue of the relationship between ICA and Blind Deconvolution , I surveyed the seismic blind deconvolution, and discussed the perspective of applying ICA to seismic blind deconvolution with two possible solutions. The relationship of PC A, ICA and wavelet transform is claimed. It is proved that reconstruction of wavelet prototype functions is Lie group representation. By the way, over-sampled wavelet transform is proposed to enhance the seismic data resolution, which is validated by numerical examples. The key of pre-stack depth migration is the regularization of pre-stack seismic data. As a main procedure, seismic interpolation and missing data reconstruction are necessary. Firstly, I review the seismic imaging methods in order to argue the critical effect of regularization. By review of the seismic interpolation algorithms, I acclaim that de-alias uneven data reconstruction is still a challenge. The fundamental of seismic reconstruction is discussed firstly. Then sparseness constraint on least square inversion and preconditioned conjugate gradient solver are studied and implemented. Choosing constraint item with Cauchy distribution, I programmed PCG algorithm and implement sparse seismic deconvolution, high resolution Radon Transformation by PCG, which is prepared for seismic data reconstruction. About seismic interpolation, dealias even data interpolation and uneven data reconstruction are very good respectively, however they can not be combined each other. In this paper, a novel Fourier transform based method and a algorithm have been proposed, which could reconstruct both uneven and alias seismic data. I formulated band-limited data reconstruction as minimum norm least squares inversion problem where an adaptive DFT-weighted norm regularization term is used. The inverse problem is solved by pre-conditional conjugate gradient method, which makes the solutions stable and convergent quickly. Based on the assumption that seismic data are consisted of finite linear events, from sampling theorem, alias events can be attenuated via LS weight predicted linearly from low frequency. Three application issues are discussed on even gap trace interpolation, uneven gap filling, high frequency trace reconstruction from low frequency data trace constrained by few high frequency traces. Both synthetic and real data numerical examples show the proposed method is valid, efficient and applicable. The research is valuable to seismic data regularization and cross well seismic. To meet 3D shot profile depth migration request for data, schemes must be taken to make the data even and fitting the velocity dataset. The methods of this paper are used to interpolate and extrapolate the shot gathers instead of simply embedding zero traces. So, the aperture of migration is enlarged and the migration effect is improved. The results show the effectiveness and the practicability.


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The rotating-frame nuclear magnetic relaxation rate of spins diffusing on a disordered lattice has been calculated by Monte Carlo methods. The disorder includes not only variation in the distances between neighbouring spin sites but also variation in the hopping rate associated with each site. The presence of the disorder, particularly the hopping rate disorder, causes changes in the time-dependent spin correlation functions which translate into asymmetry in the characteristic peak in the temperature dependence of the dipolar relaxation rate. The results may be used to deduce the average hopping rate from the relaxation but the effect is not sufficiently marked to enable the distribution of the hopping rates to be evaluated. The distribution, which is a measure of the degree of disorder, is the more interesting feature and it has been possible to show from the calculation that measurements of the relaxation rate as a function of the strength of the radiofrequency spin-locking magnetic field can lead to an evaluation of its width. Some experimental data on an amorphous metal - hydrogen alloy are reported which demonstrate the feasibility of this novel approach to rotating-frame relaxation in disordered materials.


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The authors have recently described a cold-formed steel portal framing system in which simple bolted moment-connections, formed through brackets, were used for the eaves and apex joints. Such connections, however, cannot be considered as rigid because of localised in-plane elongation of the bolt-holes caused by bearing against the bolt-shanks. To therefore predict the initial stiffness of such connections, it is necessary to know the initial bolt-hole elongation stiffness k(b). In this paper, a finite element-solid idealisation of a bolted lap joint in shear will be described that can be used to determine k(b); the results obtained are validated against experimental data. A beam idealisation of a cold-formed steel bolted moment-connection is then described, in which spring elements are used to idealise the rotational flexibility of the bolt-groups resulting from bolt-hole elongation: Using the value of k(b) in the beam idealisation, the deflections predicted are shown to be similar to those measured experimentally in laboratory tests conducted on the apex joint of a cold-formed steel portal frame. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Non-linear large-displacement elasto-plastic finite element analyses are used to propose design recommendations for the eaves bracket of a cold-formed steel portal frame. Owing to the thinness of the sheet steel used for the brackets, such a structural design problem is not trivial as the brackets need to be designed against failure through buckling; without availability of the finite element method, expensive laboratory testing would therefore be required. In this paper, the finite element method is firstly used to predict the plastic moment capacity of the eaves bracket. Parametric studies are then used to propose design recommendations for the eaves bracket against two potential buckling modes of failure:


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Details are given of a cold-formed steel portal framing system that uses simple bolted moment-connections for both the eaves and apex joints. However, such joints function as semi-rigid and, as a result, the design of the proposed system will be dominated by serviceability requirements. While serviceability is a mandatory design requirement, actual deflection limits for portal frames are not prescribed in many of the national standards. In this paper, a review of the design constraints that have an effect on deflection limits is discussed, and rational values appropriate for use with cold-formed steel portal frames are recommended. Adopting these deflection limits, it is shown through a design example how a cold-formed steel portal frame having semi-rigid eaves and apex joints can be a feasible alternative to rigid-jointed frames in appropriate circumstances.


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We present the DONUTS autoguiding algorithm, designed to fix stellar positions at the sub-pixel level for high-cadence time-series photometry, and also capable of autoguiding on defocused stars. DONUTS was designed to calculate guide corrections from a series of science images and recentre telescope pointing between each exposure. The algorithm has the unique ability of calculating guide corrections from undersampled to heavily defocused point spread functions. We present the case for why such an algorithm is important for high precision photometry and give our results from off and on-sky testing. We discuss the limitations of DONUTS and the facilities where it soon will be deployed.


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The hybrid test method is a relatively recently developed dynamic testing technique that uses numerical modelling combined with simultaneous physical testing. The concept of substructuring allows the critical or highly nonlinear part of the structure that is difficult to numerically model with accuracy to be physically tested whilst the remainder of the structure, that has a more predictable response, is numerically modelled. In this paper, a substructured soft-real time hybrid test is evaluated as an accurate means of performing seismic tests of complex structures. The structure analysed is a three-storey, two-by-one bay concentrically braced frame (CBF) steel structure subjected to seismic excitation. A ground storey braced frame substructure whose response is critical to the overall response of the structure is tested, whilst the remainder of the structure is numerically modelled. OpenSees is used for numerical modelling and OpenFresco is used for the communication between the test equipment and numerical model. A novel approach using OpenFresco to define the complex numerical substructure of an X-braced frame within a hybrid test is also presented. The results of the hybrid tests are compared to purely numerical models using OpenSees and a simulated test using a combination of OpenSees and OpenFresco. The comparative results indicate that the test method provides an accurate and cost effective procedure for performing
full scale seismic tests of complex structural systems.


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In this investigation, the seismic torsional response of a multi-storey concentrically braced frame (CBF) plan irregular structure is evaluated numerically and experimentally through a series of hybrid tests. CBF structures have become popular in seismic design because they are one of the most efficient types of steel structures to resist earthquake loading. However, their response under plan irregular conditions has received little focus mostly in part
due to their complex behaviour under seismic loading conditions. The majority of research on the seismic response of plan irregular structures is based purely on numerical investigations. This paper provides much needed experimental investigation of the seismic response of a CBF plan irregular structure with the aim of characterising the response of this class of structure. The effectiveness of the Eurocode 8 torsional effects provision as a method of designing for
low levels of mass eccentricity is evaluated. Results indicate that some of the observations made by purely numerical models are valid in that; torsionally stiff structures perform well and the stiff side of the structure is subjected to a greater ductility demand compared to the flexible side of the structure. The Eurocode 8 torsional effects provision is shown to be adequate in terms of ductility and interstorey drift however the structure performs poorly
in terms of floor rotation. Importantly, stiffness eccentricity occurs when the provision is applied to the structure when no mass eccentricity exists and results in a significant increase in floor rotations.


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Seismic risk evaluation of built-up areas involves analysis of the level of earthquake hazard of the region, building vulnerability and exposure. Within this approach that defines seismic risk, building vulnerability assessment assumes great importance, not only because of the obvious physical consequences in the eventual occurrence of a seismic event, but also because it is the one of the few potential aspects in which engineering research can intervene. In fact, rigorous vulnerability assessment of existing buildings and the implementation of appropriate retrofitting solutions can help to reduce the levels of physical damage, loss of life and the economic impact of future seismic events. Vulnerability studies of urban centresshould be developed with the aim of identifying building fragilities and reducing seismic risk. As part of the rehabilitation of the historic city centre of Coimbra, a complete identification and inspection survey of old masonry buildings has been carried out. The main purpose of this research is to discuss vulnerability assessment methodologies, particularly those of the first level, through the proposal and development of a method previously used to determine the level of vulnerability, in the assessment of physical damage and its relationship with seismic intensity.