937 resultados para Secondary ion mass spectrometry


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In situ secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) analyses of oxygen isotopes in authigenic calcite veins were obtained from an active thrust fault system drilled at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 892 (44°40.4'N, 125°07.1'W) along the Cascadia subduction margin. The average d18OPDB value of all samples is -9.9 per mil and the values are the lowest of any measured in active accretionary prisms. Ranges in individual veins can be as much as 19.6 per mil. There is an isotopic stratigraphy related to the structural stratigraphy. Mean isotope values in the hanging wall, thrust, and footwall are -14.4 per mil, -9.5 per mil, and -5.2 per mil, respectively. Several veins and crosscutting vein sequences show a general trend from lower to higher d18O values over time. Isotopic and textural data indicate several veins formed by a crack-seal mechanism and growth into open fractures. The best explanation for the strong 18O depletions is periodic rapid flow from 2-3 km deeper in the prism. Relatively narrow isotopic ranges for most veins suggest that fluids were derived from a similar source depth for each episode of fluid pulse and calcite crystallization. Structural and mass balance considerations are consistent with a record preserved in the veins of ten to hundreds of thousands of years. The fluid pulses may relate to periodic large earthquake events such as those recognized in the paleoseismicity records from the Cascadia margin.


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The aim of this project was a petrogeochemical study of igneous rocks in the areas of the Mohns and Knipovich Ridges, both being the northern extensions of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), using data available for quenching glass samples collected during Cruises 36 and 38 of R/V Akademic Mstislav Keldysh and during Cruise 15 of R/V Professor Logachev. Results of igneous rock studying from the Mohns and Knipovich Ridges at the background of evolution of the total North Atlantic Province, which had been identified earlier from tectonic and geophysical data, showed that igneous rocks of the Knipovich Ridge can be ranked as shallow tholeiites, primary melts of which were relatively rich in Na and Si and poor in Fe. This type of magma is characteristic of colder regions of the oceanic lithosphere. Its occurrence in the Knipovich Ridge and its potential propagation up to the Gakkel Ridge suggest that igneous rocks of this region originated under conditions of passive spreading in contrast to the MAR region in vicinity of Iceland and Azores, where substantial contribution of hotter material of a rising plume contributed to formation of the oceanic crust. The North Atlantic Ocean is the youngest province in terms of ocean-floor opening. Geologically and geophysically it is one of well studied regions of the World Ocean. Nevertheless some basic key items of its origin still remain to be clarified. In 1975 Scatler et al. proved specifics of this region manifested in growth of the gravity field, and also in relative height of the ocean floor in the region of 33-70°N, which was associated by them with rise of the hotter mantle, as compared with common regions of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Later this view was confirmed by character of magmatism, which differed in depth of generation and by melting degree of the resulting primary magma. Uniqueness of the North Atlantic region was also proved by the fact that this region was marked by extensive geochemical anomalies associated with Azores, Iceland, and Jan Mayen. All of these data allow to consider the northern part of the MAR (north of 33°N) as an united global geotectonic province. The Mohns and Knipovich Ridges located north of Iceland locate at the northern end of this province. This is the least known region. Therefore, new data for ridge areas of 73-77°N are needed for more complete geologic history of the Arctic Basin. The aim of this study was to carry out a complex comparison of magmatism at the Mohns and Knipovich Ridges with magmatism at large segments of the MAR northern province and to reconstruct mechanisms of primary magma formation, as well as conditions of their fractionation. This paper was based on results of studying quenched glasses, which reflect evolution of melt in the course of its formation.


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Behavior of rare earth elements (REE) was examined in oceanic phillipsites collected from four horizons of eupelagic clay in the Southwest Basin of the Pacific Ocean. REE concentrations were determined in >50 ?m size fraction phillipsite samples by the ICP-MS method. Composition of separate phillipsite aggregates was studied by electron microprobe and secondary ion mass-spectrometry. Rare earth elements in phillipsite samples are related to admixture of ferrocalcium hydroxophosphates. Analysis of separate phillipsite aggregates reveals low (<0.1-18.1 ppm) REE(III) concentrations. Ce concentration varies between 2.7 and 140 ppm. The correlation analysis shows that REE(III) present in admixture of iron oxyhydroxides in separate phillipsite aggregates. Based on the REE(III) concentration in iron oxyhydroxides we can identify two generations of phillipsite aggregates. Massive rounded aggregates (phillipsite I) are depleted in REE, while pseudorhombic (phillipsite II) aggregates are enriched in REE and marked by a positive Ce anomaly. Oceanic phillipsites do not accumulate REE or inherit the REE signature of volcaniclastic material and oceanic deep water. Hence, REE distribution in phillipsites does not depend on sedimentation rate and composition of host sediments.


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The paper is based on new results of melt inclusion studies in minerals. Physicochemical and geochemical parameters of plateau basalt magmatic systems of the Siberian Platform and Ontong Java Plateau (Pacific Ocean) have been established. The studied melts are enriched in Fe. That differs them from magmatic melts of mid-ocean ridges (MOR). A comparative analysis of data on inclusions has shown a similarity of continental and oceanic plateau basalt magmatic systems. They considerably differ from those of MOR and intraplate oceanic islands. Crystallization of oceanic plateau basalts took place at lower temperatures and pressures as compared with similar rocks of the Siberian Platform. The data on inclusions evidence that the melts of the Siberian Platform and the Malaita Island underwent a serious evolution in contrast to magmas of the Nauru Basin that have more stable geochemical parameters. The most fractionated low-temperature high-Fe magmas with elevated contents of trace and rare-earth elements occur in the Malaita Island (Ontong Java Plateau) magmatic system.


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Despite the key importance of altered oceanic mantle as a repository and carrier of light elements (B, Li, and Be) to depth, its inventory of these elements has hardly been explored and quantified. In order to constrain the systematics and budget of these elements we have studied samples of highly serpentinized (>50%) spinel harzburgite drilled at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Fifteen-Twenty Fracture zone, ODP Leg 209, Sites 1272A and 1274A). In-situ analysis by secondary ion mass spectrometry reveals that the B, Li and Be contents of mantle minerals (olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene) remain unchanged during serpentinization. B and Li abundances largely correspond to those of unaltered mantle minerals whereas Be is close to the detection limit. The Li contents of clinopyroxene are slightly higher (0.44-2.8 µg/g) compared to unaltered mantle clinopyroxene, and olivine and clinopyroxene show an inverse Li partitioning compared to literature data. These findings along with textural observations and major element composition obtained from microprobe analysis suggest reaction of the peridotites with a mafic silicate melt before serpentinization. Serpentine minerals are enriched in B (most values between 10 and 100 µg/g), depleted in Li (most values below 1 µg/g) compared to the primary phases, with considerable variation within and between samples. Be is at the detection limit. Analysis of whole rock samples by prompt gamma activation shows that serpentinization tends to increase B (10.4-65.0 µg/g), H2O and Cl contents and to lower Li contents (0.07-3.37 µg/g) of peridotites, implying that-contrary to alteration of oceanic crust-B is fractionated from Li and that the B and Li inventory should depend essentially on rock-water ratios. Based on our results and on literature data, we calculate the inventory of B and Li contained in the oceanic lithosphere, and its partitioning between crust and mantle as a function of plate characteristics. We model four cases, an ODP Leg 209-type lithosphere with almost no igneous crust, and a Semail-type lithosphere with a thick igneous crust, both at 1 and 75 Ma, respectively. The results show that the Li contents of the oceanic lithosphere are highly variable (17-307 kg in a column of 1 m * 1 m * thickness of the lithosphere (kg/col)). They are controlled by the primary mantle phases and by altered crust, whereas the B contents (25-904 kg/col) depend entirely on serpentinization. In all cases, large quantities of B reside in the uppermost part of the plate and could hence be easily liberated during slab dehydration. The most prominent input of Li into subduction zones is to be expected from Semail-type lithosphere because most of the Li is stored at shallow levels in the plate. Subducting an ODP Leg 209-type lithosphere would mean only very little Li contribution from the slab. Serpentinized mantle thus plays an important role in B recycling in subduction zones, but it is of lesser importance for Li.


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Melt inclusions in olivine and plagioclase phenocrysts from rocks (magnesian basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, ignimbrite, and dacite) of various age from the Gorely volcanic center, southern Kamchatka, were studied by means of their homogenization and by analyzing the glasses in 100 melt inclusions on an electron microprobe and 24 inclusions on an ion probe. The SiO2 concentrations of the melts vary within a broad range of 45-74 wt%, as also are the concentrations of other major components. According to their SiO2, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, and P2O5 concentrations, the melts are classified into seven groups. The mafic melts (45-53 wt% SiO2) comprise the following varieties: potassic (on average 4.2 wt% K2O, 1.7 wt% Na2O, 1.0 wt% TiO2, and 0.20 wt% P2O5), sodic (3.2% Na2O, 1.1% K2O, 1.1% TiO2, and 0.40% P2O5), and titaniferous with high P2O5 concentrations (2.2% TiO2, 1.1% P2O5, 3.8% Na2O, and 3.0% K2O). The melts of intermediate composition (53-64% SiO2) also include potassic (5.6% K2O, 3.4% Na2O, 1.0% TiO2, and 0.4% P2O5) and sodic (4.3% Na2O, 2.8% K2O, 1.3% TiO2, and 0.4% P2O5) varieties. The acid melts (64-74% SiO2) are either potassic (4.5% K2O, 3.6% Na2O, 0.7% TiO2, and 0.15% P2O5) or sodic (4.5% Na2O, 3.1% K2O, 0.7% TiO2, and 0.13% P2O5). A distinctive feature of the Gorely volcanic center is the pervasive occurrence of K-rich compositions throughout the whole compositional range (silicity) of the melts. Melt inclusions of various types were sometimes found not only in a single sample but also in the same phenocrysts. The sodic and potassic types of the melts contain different Cl and F concentrations: the sodic melts are richer in Cl, whereas the potassic melts are enriched in F. We are the first to discover potassic melts with very high F concentrations (up to 2.7 wt%, 1.19 wt% on average, 17 analyses) in the Kuriles and Kamchatka. The average F concentration in the sodic melts is 0.16 wt% (37 analyses). The melts are distinguished for their richness in various groups of trace elements: LILE, REE (particularly HREE), and HFSE (except Nb). All of the melts share certain geochemical features. The concentrations of elements systematically increase from the mafic to acid melts (except only for the Sr and Eu concentrations, because of active plagioclase fractionation, and Ti, an element contained in ore minerals). The paper presents a review of literature data on volcanic rocks in the Kurile-Kamchatka area in which melt inclusions with high K2O concentrations (K2O/Na2O > 1) were found. K-rich melts are proved to be extremely widespread in the area and were found on such volcanoes as Avachinskii, Bezymyannyi, Bol'shoi Semyachek, Dikii Greben', Karymskii, Kekuknaiskii, Kudryavyi, and Shiveluch and in the Valaginskii and Tumrok Ranges.


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The proposed origins for the Enriched Mantle I component are many and various and some require an arbitrary addition of an exotic component, be it pure sediment or an enriched melt from the subcontinental lithosphere. With Pitcairn, Walvis Ridge is the 'type-locality' for the Enriched Mantle I (EMI) component. We analyzed basalts from DSDP Site 525A, Site 527 and Site 528 on the Walvis Ridge with the aim to constrain the history of its source. The isotopic compositions we measured for the three sites overlap with the values obtained by Richardson et al. (1982a) and extend towards less radiogenic Sr and more radiogenic Pb and Nd isotopic compositions. We used our new trace element and radiogenic isotope (Hf, Nd, Pb and Sr) characterization in combination with the literature data to produce the simplest possible model that satisfies the trace element and isotopic constraints. Although the elevated 207Pb/204Pb with respect to 206Pb/204Pb predicts an ancient origin for EMI, none of the proposed origins had modeled it as such. The data is consistent with the EMI composition being formed by the addition of a melt to a mantle with bulk Earth-like composition followed by melt extraction of a low degree melt. The timing of these two events is such that the metasomatism has to have taken place prior to 4 Ga and the subsequent melt removal before 3.5 Ga. This confirms the expectation of an ancient character for the EMI component. The Walvis Ridge data shows two distinct two component mixing trends: one formed by the less enriched Site 527 and Site 528 basalts and one formed by the Site 525A basalts. The two trends have the EMI endmember in common. The less depleted end of the Site 527-Site 528 basalts is FOZO-like and can be explained by the addition of a recycled component (basaltic oceanic crust plus sediment). This recycled component was altered during subduction. The sense and magnitude of the chemical fractionation resulting from the subduction alteration are in agreement with dehydration experiments on basalts and sediment. Compared to other EMI like basalts the Walvis Ridge basalts have flatter REE patterns and show less fractionation between large ion lithophile and heavy REE elements. Using the isotopic compositions as constrains for the parent-daughter ratios we were able to model the trace element patterns of the basalts as melting between 5 and 10% for Site 525A and between 10 and 15% for the depleted end of the Site 528-Site 527 array. In all cases a significant portion of melting takes place in the garnet stability field.


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The powerful eruption in the Akademii Nauk caldera on January 2, 1996 marked a new activity phase of the Karymsky volcano and became a noticeable event in the history of modern volcanism in Kamchatka. The paper reports data obtained by studying more than 200 glassy melt inclusions in phenocrysts of olivine (Fo82-72), plagioclase (An92-73), and clinopyroxene (Mg# 83-70) in basalts of the 1996 eruption. The data were used to estimate composition of the parental melt and physicochemical parameters of the magma evolution. According to our data, the parental melt corresponded to low magnesium, high aluminum basalt (SiO2 = 50.2%, MgO = 5.6%, Al2O3 = 17%) of the mildly potassium type (K2O = 0.56%) and contained much dissolved volatile components (H2O = 2.8%, S = 0.17%, and Cl = 0.11%). Melt inclusions in the minerals are similar in chemical composition, a fact testifying that the minerals crystallized simultaneously with one another. Their crystallization started at pressure ~1.5 kbar, proceeded within a narrow temperature range of 1040+/-20°C, and continued until near-surface pressure ~100 bar was reached. Degree of crystallization of the parental melt during its eruption was close to 55%. Massive crystallization was triggered by H2O degassing under pressure <1 kbar. Magma degassing in an open system resulted in escape of 82% H2O, 93% S, and 24% Cl (of their initial contents in the parental melt) to the fluid phase. Release of volatile compounds to the atmosphere during the eruption that lasted for 18 h was estimated as 1.7x10**6 t H2O, 1.4x10**5 t S, and 1.5x10**4 t Cl. Concentrations of most incompatible trace elements in the melt inclusions are close to those in the rocks and to the expected fractional differentiation trend. Melt inclusions in plagioclase were found to be selectively enriched in Li. The Li-enriched plagioclase with melt inclusions thought to originate from cumulate layers in the feeding system beneath Karymsky volcano, in which plagioclase interacted with Li-rich melts/brines and was subsequently entrapped and entrained by the magma during the 1996 eruption.