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In mid-January 2000, the reappearance of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus activity in the Australasian region was first demonstrated by the isolation of JE virus from 3 sentinel pigs on Badu Island in the Torres Strait. Further evidence of JE virus activity was revealed through the isolation of JE virus from Cidex gelidus mosquitoes collected on Badu Island and the detection of specific JE virus neutralizing antibodies in 3 pigs from Saint Pauls community on Moa Island. Nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analyses of the premembrane and envelope genes were performed which showed that both the pig and mosquito JE virus isolates (TSOO and TS4152, respectively) clustered in genotype I, along with northern Thai, Cambodian, and Korean isolates. All previous Australasian JE virus isolates belong to genotype II, along with Malaysian and Indonesian isolates. Therefore, for the first time, the appearance and transmission of a second genotype of JE virus in the Australasian region has been demonstrated.


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Patterns of association of digenean families and their mollusc and vertebrate hosts are assessed by way of a new database containing information on over 1000 species of digeneans for lift-cycles and over 5000 species from fishes. Analysis of the distribution of digenean families in molluscs suggests that the group was associated primitively with gastropods and that infection of polychaetes, bivalves and scaphopods are all the results of host-switching. For the vertebrates. infections of agnathans and chondrichthyans are apparently the result of host-switching from teleosts. For digenean families the ratio of orders of fishes infected to superfamilies of molluscs infected ranges from 0.5 (Mesometridae) to 16 (Bivesiculidae) and has a mean of 5.6. Individual patterns of host association of 13 dipenean families and superfamilies are reviewed. Two, Bucephalidae and Sanguinicolidae. are exceptional in infecting a range of first intermediate hosts qualitatively as broad as their range of definitive hosts. No well-studied taxon shows narrower association with vertebrate than with mollusc clades. The range of definitive hosts of digeneans is characteristically defined by eco-physiological similarity rather than phylogenetic relationship. The range of associations of digenean families with mollusc taxa is generally much narrower. These data are considered in the light of ideas about the significance of different forms of host association. If Manter's Second Rule (the longer the association with a host group, the mure pronounced the specificity exhibited by the parasite group) is invoked, then the data may suggest that the Digenea first parasitised molluscs before adopting vertebrate hosts. This interpretation is consistent with most previous ideas about the evolution of the Digenea but contrary to current interpretations based on the monophyly of the Neodermata. The basis of Manter's Second Rule is. however, considered too flimsy for this interpretation to be robust. Problems of the inference of the evolution of patterns of parasitism in the Neodermata al-e discussed and considered so intractable that the truth may be presently unknowable. (C) 2001 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We show that stochastic electrodynamics and quantum mechanics give quantitatively different predictions for the quantum nondemolition (QND) correlations in travelling wave second harmonic generation. Using phase space methods and stochastic integration, we calculate correlations in both the positive-P and truncated Wigner representations, the latter being equivalent to the semi-classical theory of stochastic electrodynamics. We show that the semiclassical results are different in the regions where the system performs best in relation to the QND criteria, and that they significantly overestimate the performance in these regions. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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The known permutation behaviour of the Dickson polynomials of the second kind in characteristic 3 is expanded and simplified. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).


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Aims: The aim of this study was to identify, clone and characterize the second amylase of Aeromonas hydrophila JMP636, AmyB, and to compare it to AmyA. Methods and Results: The amylase activity of A. hydrophila JMP636 is encoded by multiple genes. A second genetically distinct amylase gene, amyB, has been cloned and expressed from its own promoter in Escherichia coli. AmyB is a large alpha-amylase of 668 amino acids. Outside the conserved domains of alpha-amylases there is limited sequence relationship between the two alpha-amylases of A. hydrophila JMP636 AmyA and AmyB. Significant (80%) similarity exists between amyB and an alpha-amylase of A. hydrophila strain MCC-1. Differences in either the functional properties or activity under different environmental conditions as possible explanations for multiple copies of amylases in JMP636 is less likely after an examination of several physical properties, with each of the properties being very similar for both enzymes (optimal pH and temperature, heat instability). However the reaction end products and substrate specificity did vary enough to give a possible reason for the two enzymes being present. Both enzymes were confirmed to be alpha-type amylases. Conclusions: AmyB has been isolated, characterized and then compared to AmyA. Significance and Impact of Study: The amylase phenotype is rarely encoded by more than one enzyme within one strain, this study therefore allows the better understanding of the unusual amylase production by A. hydrophila.


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We study difference equations which arise as discrete approximations to two-point boundary value problems for systems of second-order ordinary differential equations. We formulate conditions which guarantee a priori bounds on first differences of solutions to the discretized problem. We establish existence results for solutions to the discretized boundary value problems subject to nonlinear boundary conditions. We apply our results to show that solutions to the discrete problem converge to solutions of the continuous problem in an aggregate sense. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We give conditions on f involving pairs of discrete lower and discrete upper solutions which lead to the existence of at least three solutions of the discrete two-point boundary value problem yk+1 - 2yk + yk-1 + f (k, yk, vk) = 0, for k = 1,..., n - 1, y0 = 0 = yn,, where f is continuous and vk = yk - yk-1, for k = 1,..., n. In the special case f (k, t, p) = f (t) greater than or equal to 0, we give growth conditions on f and apply our general result to show the existence of three positive solutions. We give an example showing this latter result is sharp. Our results extend those of Avery and Peterson and are in the spirit of our results for the continuous analogue. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study the continuous problem y"=f(x,y,y'), xc[0,1], 0=G((y(0),y(1)),(y'(0), y'(1))), and its discrete approximation (y(k+1)-2y(k)+y(k-1))/h(2) =f(t(k), y(k), v(k)), k = 1,..., n-1, 0 = G((y(0), y(n)), (v(1), v(n))), where f and G = (g(0), g(1)) are continuous and fully nonlinear, h = 1/n, v(k) = (y(k) - y(k-1))/h, for k =1,..., n, and t(k) = kh, for k = 0,...,n. We assume there exist strict lower and strict upper solutions and impose additional conditions on f and G which are known to yield a priori bounds on, and to guarantee the existence of solutions of the continuous problem. We show that the discrete approximation also has solutions which approximate solutions of the continuous problem and converge to the solution of the continuous problem when it is unique, as the grid size goes to 0. Homotopy methods can be used to compute the solution of the discrete approximation. Our results were motivated by those of Gaines.


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The cattle tick, Boophilus microplus, is a major pest of cattle in Australia, Central and South America, and parts of Africa and Asia. Control of ticks with organophosphates (OPs) and carbamates, which target acetylcholinesterases (AChE), led to evolution of resistance to these pesticides. Alleles at the locus studied here, AChE2, from OP-susceptible female ticks from Australia and Mexico differed at 46 of 1689 nucleotide positions (20 putative amino acid differences) whereas alleles from three strains of OP-resistant ticks from Australia differed with the allele from the Australian susceptible ticks at six to 13 nucleotide positions (three to six putative amino acid differences). However, the role, if any, of these polymorphisms in the OP-resistance phenotype is unknown. Certainly none of the polymorphisms correspond to sites in ACK that are involved in catalysis or binding of acetylcholine in other organisms. Both of the AChE loci of B. microplus, AChE1 and AChE2, are apparently expressed in synganglia; AChE1 is also expressed in salivary glands and ovaries, in OP-susceptible and OP-resistant ticks. This seems to contradict studies of enzyme kinetics, which indicated that only one form of AChE was present in the synganglia, the site of the action of OPs, in this species of tick. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present whole-rock and zircon rare earth element (REE) data from two early Archaean gneisses (3.81 Ga and 3.64 Ga) from the Itsaq gneiss complex, south-west Greenland. Both gneisses represent extremely rare examples of unaltered, fresh and relatively undeformed igneous rocks of such antiquity. Cathodoluminescence imaging of their zircons indicates a single crystallisation episode with no evidence for either later metamorphic and/or anatectic reworking or inheritance of earlier grains. Uniform, single-population U/Pb age data confirm the structural simplicity of these zircons. One sample, a 3.64 Ga granodioritic gneiss from the Gothabsfjord, yields a chondrite-normalised REE pattern with a positive slope from La to Lu as well as substantial positive Ce and slight negative Eu anomalies, features generally considered to be typical of igneous zircon. In contrast, the second sample, a 3.81 Ga tonalite from south of the Isua Greenstone Belt, has variable but generally much higher light REE abundances, with similar middle to heavy REE. Calculation of zircon/melt distribution coefficients (D-REE(zircon/melt)) from each sample yields markedly different values for the trivalent REE (i.e. Ce and Eu omitted) and simple application of one set of D-REE(zircon/melt) to model the melt composition for the other sample yields concentrations that are in error by up to two orders of magnitude for the light REE (La-Nd). The observed light REE overabundance in the 3.81 Ga tonalite is a commonly observed feature in terrestrial zircons for which a number of explanations ranging from lattice strain to disequilibrium crystallisation have been proposed and are further investigated herein. Regardless of the cause of light REE overabundance, our study shows that simple application of zircon/melt distribution coefficients is not an unambiguous method for ascertaining original melt composition. In this context, recent studies that use REE data to claim that > 4.3 Ga Hadean detrital zircons originally crystallised from an evolved magma, in turn suggesting the operation of geological processes in the early Earth analogous to those of the present day (e.g. subduction and melting of hydrated oceanic crust), must be regarded with caution. Indeed, comparison of terrestrial Hadean and > 3.9 Ga lunar highland zircons shows remarkable similarities in the light REE, even though subduction processes that have been used to explain the terrestrial zircons have never operated on the Moon. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The management of 12 women who presented with a second primary oesophageal cancer following radiotherapy for breast cancer was reviewed. It was concluded that nine cases fitted the classical description of a radiation-induced malignancy. Most cases were successfully managed with combined modality therapy in spite of their previous radiotherapy. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A radiation of five species of giant tortoises (Cylindraspis ) existed in the southwest Indian Ocean, on the Mascarene islands, and another (of Aldabrachelys ) has been postulated on small islands north of Madagascar, from where at least eight nominal species have been named and up to five have been recently recognized. Of 37 specimens of Madagascan and small-island Aldabrachelys investigated by us, 23 yielded significant portions of a 428-base-pair (bp) fragment of mitochondrial (cytochrome b and tRNA-Glu), including type material of seven nominal species (A. arnoldi, A. dussumieri, A. hololissa, A. daudinii, A. sumierei, A. ponderosa and A. gouffei ). These and nearly all the remaining specimens, including 15 additional captive individuals sequenced previously, show little variation. Thirty-three exhibit no differences and the remainder diverge by only 1-4 bp (0.23-0.93%). This contrasts with more widely accepted tortoise species which show much greater inter- and intraspecific differences. The non-Madagascan material examined may therefore only represent a single species and all specimens may come from Aldabra where the common haplotype is known to occur. The present study provides no evidence against the Madagascan origin for Aldabra tortoises suggested by a previous molecular phylogenetic analysis, the direction of marine currents and phylogeography of other reptiles in the area. Ancient mitochondrial DNA from the extinct subfossil A. grandidieri of Madagascar differs at 25 sites (5.8%) from all other Aldabrachelys samples examined here.