483 resultados para Scintillation counters.
"Task No. 4 ; Contract No. AT-(40-1)-2513"--Added title page.
"July 1960."
Includes index.
Measurements of neutron and gamma dose rates in mixed radiation fields, and gamma dose rates from calibrated gamma sources, were performed using a liquid scintillation counter NE213 with a pulse shape discrimination technique based on the charge comparison method. A computer program was used to analyse the experimental data. The radiation field was obtained from a 241Am-9Be source. There was general agreement between measured and calculated neutron and gamma dose rates in the mixed radiation field, but some disagreement in the measurements of gamma dose rates for gamma sources, due to the dark current of the photomultiplier and the effect of the perturbation of the radiation field by the detector. An optical fibre bundle was used to couple an NE213 scintillator to a photomultiplier, in an attempt to minimise these effects. This produced an improvement in the results for gamma sources. However, the optically coupled detector system could not be used for neutron and gamma dose rate measurements in mixed radiation fields. The pulse shape discrimination system became ineffective as a consequence of the slower time response of the detector system.
The Scintillation Proximity Assay (SPA) is a method that is frequently used to detect and quantify the strength of intermolecular interactions between a biological receptor and ligand molecule in aqueous media. This thesis describes the synthesis of scintillant-tagged-compounds for application in a novel cell-based SPA. A series of 4-functianlised-2,5-diphenyloxazole molecules were synthesised. These 4-functionalised-2,5-diphenyloxazoles were evaluated by Sense Proteomic Ltd. Accordingly, the molecules were evaluated for the ability to scintillate in the presence of ionising radiation. In addition, the molecules were incorporated into liposomal preparations which were subsequently evaluated for the ability to scintillate in the presence of ionising radiation. The optimal liposomal preparation was introduced into the membrane of HeLa cells that were used successfully in a cell-based SPA to detect and quantify the uptake of [14C]methionine. This thesis also describes the synthesis and subsequent polymerisation of novel poly(oxyethylene glycol)-based monomers to form a series of new polymer supports. These Poly(oxyethylene glycol)-polymer (POP) supports were evaluated for the ability to swell and mass-uptake in a variety of solvents, demonstrating that POP-supports exhibit enhanced solvent compatibilities over several commercial resins. The utility of POP-supports in solid-phase synthesis was also demonstrated successfully. The incorporation of (4’-vinyl)-4-benzyl-2,5-diphenyloxazole in varying mole percentage into the monomer composition resulted in the production of chemically functionalised scintillant-containing poly(oxyethylene glycol) polymer (POP-Sc) supports. These materials are compatible with both aqueous and organic solvents and scintillate efficiently in the presence of ionising radiation. The utility of POP-Sc supports in solid-phase synthesis and subsequent in-situ SPA to detect and quantify, in real-time, the kinetic progress of a solid-phase reaction was exemplified successfully.In addition, POP-Sc supports were used successfully both in solid-phase combinatorial synthesis of a peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-library and subsequent screening of this library for the ability to hybridise with DNA, which was labelled with a suitable radio-isotape. This data was used to identify the dependence of the number and position of complimentary codon pairs upon the extent of hybridisation. Finally, a further SPA was used to demonstrate the excellent compatibility of POP-Sc supports for use in the detection and quantification of enzyme assays conducted within the matrix of the POP-Sc support.
A scintillation proximity assay (SPA) has been used successfully to detect and quantify, in real-time, the kinetic progress of hydrolysis of [ H]acetate esters from scintillant-containing styrenic and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based polymer supports in both organic and aqueous media.
Ce projet de recherche s’inscrit dans le domaine de la dosimétrie à scintillation en radiothérapie, plus précisément en curiethérapie à haut débit de dose (HDR). Lors de ce type de traitement, la dose est délivrée localement, ce qui implique de hauts gradients de dose autour de la source. Le but de ce travail est d’obtenir un détecteur mesurant la dose en 2 points distincts et optimisé pour la mesure de dose en curiethérapie HDR. Pour ce faire, le projet de recherche est séparé en deux études : la caractérisation spectrale du détecteur à 2-points et la caractérisation du système de photodétecteur menant à la mesure de la dose. D’abord, la chaine optique d’un détecteur à scintillation à 2-points est caractérisée à l’aide d’un spectromètre afin de déterminer les composantes scintillantes optimales. Cette étude permet de construire quelques détecteurs à partir des composantes choisies pour ensuite les tester avec le système de photodétecteur multi-point. Le système de photodétecteur est aussi caractérisé de façon à évaluer les limites de sensibilité pour le détecteur 2-points choisi précédemment. L’objectif final est de pouvoir mesurer le débit de dose avec précision et justesse aux deux points de mesure du détecteur multi-point lors d’un traitement de curiethérapie HDR.
Résumé : Les performances de détecteurs à scintillation, composés d’un cristal scintillateur couplé à un photodétecteur, dépendent de façon critique de l’efficacité de la collecte et de l’extraction des photons de scintillation du cristal vers le capteur. Dans les systèmes d’imagerie hautement pixellisés (e.g. TEP, TDM), les scintillateurs doivent être arrangés en matrices compactes avec des facteurs de forme défavorables pour le transport des photons, au détriment des performances du détecteur. Le but du projet est d’optimiser les performances de ces détecteurs pixels par l'identification des sources de pertes de lumière liées aux caractéristiques spectrales, spatiales et angulaires des photons de scintillation incidents sur les faces des scintillateurs. De telles informations acquises par simulation Monte Carlo permettent une pondération adéquate pour l'évaluation de gains atteignables par des méthodes de structuration du scintillateur visant à une extraction de lumière améliorée vers le photodétecteur. Un plan factoriel a permis d'évaluer la magnitude de paramètres affectant la collecte de lumière, notamment l'absorption des matériaux adhésifs assurant l'intégrité matricielle des cristaux ainsi que la performance optique de réflecteurs, tous deux ayant un impact considérable sur le rendement lumineux. D'ailleurs, un réflecteur abondamment utilisé en raison de ses performances optiques exceptionnelles a été caractérisé dans des conditions davantage réalistes par rapport à une immersion dans l'air, où sa réflectivité est toujours rapportée. Une importante perte de réflectivité lorsqu'il est inséré au sein de matrices de scintillateurs a été mise en évidence par simulations puis confirmée expérimentalement. Ceci explique donc les hauts taux de diaphonie observés en plus d'ouvrir la voie à des méthodes d'assemblage en matrices limitant ou tirant profit, selon les applications, de cette transparence insoupçonnée.
Railway signaling facilitates two main functions, namely, train detection and train control, in order to maintain safe separations among the trains. Track circuits are the most commonly used train detection means with the simple open/close circuit principles; and subsequent adoption of axle counters further allows the detection of trains under adverse track conditions. However, with electrification and power electronics traction drive systems, aggravated by the electromagnetic interference in the vicinity of the signaling system, railway engineers often find unstable or even faulty operations of track circuits and axle counting systems, which inevitably jeopardizes the safe operation of trains. A new means of train detection, which is completely free from electromagnetic interference, is therefore required for the modern railway signaling system. This paper presents a novel optical fiber sensor signaling system. The sensor operation, field setup, axle detection solution set, and test results of an installation in a trial system on a busy suburban railway line are given.
The knowledge and skills of fashion and textiles design have traditionally been transferred through the indenture of an apprentice to a master. This relationship relied heavily on the transfer of explicit methods of design and making but also on the transfer of tacit knowledge, explained by Michael Polanyi as knowledge that cannot be explicitly known. By watching the master and emulating his efforts in the presence of his example, the apprentice unconsciously picks up the rules of the art, including those which are not explicitly known to the master himself (Polanyi, 1962 p.53). However, it has been almost half a century since Michael Polanyi defined the tacit dimension as a state in which “we can know more than we can tell” (Polanyi, 1967 p.4) at a time when the accepted means of ‘telling’ was through academic writing and publishing in hardcopy format. The idea that tacit knowledge transfer involves a one to one relationship between apprentice and master would appear to have dire consequences for a discipline, such as fashion design, where there is no such tradition of academic writing. This paper counters this point of view by providing examples of strategies currently being employed in online environments (principally through ‘craft’) and explains how these methods might prove useful to support tacit knowledge transfer in respect to academic research within the field of fashion design, and in the wider academic community involved in creative practice research. A summary of the implications of these new ideas for contemporary fashion research will conclude the paper.