944 resultados para School field trips


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In the present investigation we studied the feeding habits of the fishes associated with aquatic macrophytes in the Rosana Reservoir, southeastern Brazil. Twenty fish species were collected during four field trips, regularly distributed across the dry and wet seasons. Focal snorkeling observations of the fishes were made over a total of six hours. Nine species were present in abundances of more than 1% and, therefore, had their feeding habits analyzed. Hemigrammus marginatus, Roeboides paranensis, Hyphessobrycon eques, Astyanax altiparanae, Serrasalmus spilopleura, and Bryconamericus stramineus were predominantly invertivores, with predominance of aquatic insects (Diptera, Ephemeroptera, and Trichoptera immatures) among their food items. The predominantly algivores were Apareiodon affinis, Serrapinnus notomelas, and Satanoperca pappaterra, with high frequency of filamentous blue-green algae, diatoms, clorophyts, and periderm. The different microhabitat exploitation plus diet composition suggests partitioning of resources and absence of food competition among the most representative fish species in the studied community, indicating the importance of the naturalistic approach to fish ecology studies.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Im Wassereinzugsgebiet der Aar zwischen Taunuskamm und Limburger Becken wurden 242 Erosionsschluchten, so genannte Runsen kartiert. Die vorgefundenen geomorphologischen Formen sind zum Teil mehr als 15 Meter tief, kerben- oder kastenförmig. Einige führen ein zeitweise oder ständig fließendes Gerinne. Die Untersuchung acht verschiedener Einzelbeispiele mit geomorphologischen, bodenkundlichen und kulturhistorischen Methoden ergab, dass die Erosionsschluchten in geschichtlicher Zeit entstanden sind. Damit wurden die Ergebnisse von BORK 1988, 1985, BORK et al. 1998, BAUER 1995, 1993, SEMMEL 1963, HEMPEL 1954, 1954 und HARD 1970 weitgehend bestätigt. Die Runsen an der Aar und ihrer Nebenbäche sind das Ergebnis exzessiver Erosionsprozesse, die in Folge einer erheblichen Übernutzung der Landschaft durch Köhlerei, Eisenerzverhüttung und Landwirtschaft hauptsächlich im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert ausgelöst wurden. Dabei kommt der seit 1656 betriebenen Michelbacher Hütte als landesherrliches Eisenwerk eine besondere Rolle zu. Ein weiterer Einfluss geht auf die spezifische Geofaktorenkonstellation im Untertaunus zurück. Die dort verbreiteten stark tonig verwitterten Schiefer und erodierten Parabraunerden fördern den Oberflächenabfluss, der während zeitweise auftretender Starkregenereignisse an den Hängen zum Einreißen von Erosionsschluchten führen kann . Zur Untersuchung des Phänomens wurden sowohl geomorphologische und bodenkundliche als auch historisch-kulturlandschaftgenetische Methoden herangezogen. Neben der bodenkundlichen Beprobung zahlreicher Aufschlüsse wurden auch Analysen mittels der Radiokarbonmethode, Schwermineralanalysen, Kohlholzspektren historischer Meilerplätze und die Auswertung von Archivunterlagen als Methoden herangezogen. Als grundlegendes Ergebnis liefert die vorliegende Arbeit einen umfassenden Abriss der Nutzungsgeschichte im Wassereinzugsgebiet der Aar von vorgeschichtlicher Zeit bis zum heutigen Tage. Zudem werden die naturräumlichen Einflussfaktoren, die die Entstehung von Erosionsschluchten erst ermöglichen, auf umfassende Weise dargestellt. Zwei Exkurse behandeln die Bedeutung der spätmittelalterlichen Landwehr bei Hennethal, die während der Geländearbeiten entdeckt wurde sowie die Entstehung und zeitliche Einordnung der Auelehme im Aartal.


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Die Marantaceae (550 Arten) sind eine weltweit verbreitete Familie von Stauden und Lianen aus dem Unterwuchs tropischer Tieflandregenwälder. Der morphologisch-ökologische Vergleich des basal abzweigenden Sarcophrynium-Astes mit dem in abgeleiteter Position stehenden Marantochloa-Ast, soll beispielhaft evolutionäre Muster in der Familie beleuchten. So wird in der Doktorarbeit zum ersten Mal ein Überblick über die Blütenbiologie und Phylogenie von rund 30 der 40 afrikanischen Marantaceae Arten präsentiert. Die Analysen basieren auf Daten von drei mehrmonatigen Feldaufenthalten in Gabun jeweils zwischen September und Januar. Vier Blütentypen werden beschrieben, die jeweils mit einer spezifischen Bestäubergilde verbunden sind (kleine, mittlere, große Bienen bzw. Vögel). Bestäubungsexperimente belegen, dass 18 Arten selbstkompatibel, aber nur zwei Arten autogam sind, also keine Bestäubungsvermittler benötigen. Der Fruchtansatz ist generell gering (10 -30 %). Die komplexe Synorganisation der Blüte ermöglicht in den Marantaceae einen explosiven Bestäubungsmechanismus. Um dessen ökologische Funktionalität zu verstehen, werden die Blüten von 66 Arten, alle wichtigen Äste der Marantaceae abdeckend, unter einem morphologisch-funktionalen Gesichtspunkt untersucht. Es gibt große Übereinstimmungen zwischen allen untersuchten Arten im Zusammenspiel (Synorganisation) der wichtigsten Bauelemente (Griffel, Kapuzenblatt, Schwielenblatt), die eine präzise Pollenübertragung ermöglichen. Basierend auf Daten von nrDNA (ITS, 5S) und cpDNA (trnL-F) wird für ein nahezu komplettes Artenspektrum die Phylogenie der zwei afrikanischen Äste erstellt. Hierauf werden morphologische und ökologische Merkmale sowie geographischer Verbreitungsmuster nach dem Parsimonieprinzip rekonstruiert, um so deren evolutionäre Bedeutung für die Marantaceae abschätzen zu können. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf die Beteiligung einer Vielzahl verschiedener Artbildungsfaktoren hin.


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This dissertation explores the viability of invitational rhetoric as a mode of advocacy for sustainable energy use in the residential built environment. The theoretical foundations for this study join ecofeminist concepts and commitments with the conditions and resources of invitational rhetoric, developing in particular the rhetorical potency of the concepts of re-sourcement and enfoldment. The methodological approach is autoethnography using narrative reflection and journaling, both adapted to and developed within the autoethnographic project. Through narrative reflection, the author explores her lived experiences in advocating for energy-responsible residential construction in the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan. The analysis reveals the opportunities for cooperative, collaborative advocacy and the struggle against traditional conventions of persuasive advocacy, particularly the centrality of the rhetor. The author also conducted two field trips to India, primarily the state of Kerala. Drawing on autoethnographic journaling, the analysis highlights the importance of sensory relations in lived advocacy and the resonance of everyday Indian culture to invitational principles. Based on field research, the dissertation proposes autoethnography as a critical development in encouraging invitational rhetoric as an alternative mode of effecting change. The invitational force of autoethnography is evidenced in portraying the material advocacy of the built environment itself, specifically the sensual experience of material arrangements and ambience, as well as revealing the corporeality of advocacy, that is, the body as the site of invitational engagement, emotional encounter, and sensory experience. This study concludes that vulnerability of self in autoethnographic work and the vulnerability of rhetoric as invitational constitute the basis for transformation. The dissertation confirms the potential of an ecofeminist invitational advocacy conveyed autoethnographically for transforming perceptions and use of energy in a smaller-scale residential environment appropriate for culture, climate, and ultimately part of the challenge of sustaining life on this planet.


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Dr. Richard J. Douglass has been conducting small mammal field studies since 1968. For the past 19 years he has been conducting field studies on the ecology of deer mice and hantavirus in Montana, Panama, and Argentina. He has published papers on mammals from rodents to large ungulates. He has been conducting student field trips at Montana Tech since 1983.


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The spectrum characteristic of the EMC ranges from eclogites (containing omphacite and/or jadeite, garnet, phengite, glaucophane, zoisite, chloritoid, rutile) to phengite schists, calcschists, and marbles, as well as a variety of orthogneisses. Despite the intense polyphase deformation and HP-metamorphic recrystallization, it is possible in some locations to recognize pre-Alpine characteristics in some of the protoliths. For instance, two types of felsic orthogneiss can be distinguished in the Aosta Valley, one derived from Permian granitoids (with local preservation of intrusive contacts, magmatic inclusions, leucocratic veins and other magmatic structures; Stop 3), the other derived from pre-Variscan leuco-monzogranite, such as the building stone mined at the “Argentera” quarry near Settimo Vittone / Montestrutto (Stop 2; so-called “Verde Argento” contains jadeite, phengite, K-feldspar, quartz). Polycyclic and more rarely monocyclic metasediments contain evidence of a complex Alpine PTDt-evolution, locally including relics of their prograde history from blueschist, one or more stages at eclogite facies. Recent petrochronological studies have dated this HP-evolution of the Sesia Zone in some detail. In the area visited, clear evidence of HP-cycling has been identified in one km-size tectonic slice (Stop 1), but not in adjacent parts of the EMC, indicating “yo-yo tectonics”. Partial retrogression and attendant ductile to brittle deformation of the HP-rocks is evident in one of the outcrops (Stop 4). Apart from the four localities in the Sesia Zone, a final outcrop introduces HP-rocks of the adjacent Piemonte oceanic unit, specifically calc-schists and ophiolite members of the “Zermatt-Saas” zone. The hilltop outcrop (Stop 5) displays foliated antigorite schist with peridotite relics (clinopyroxene, spinel) containing lenses derived from doleritic dykes. These fine-grained metarodingites and the folded veins containing Mg-chlorite and titanoclinohumite within serpentinite once again indicate equilibration under low-temperature eclogite facies conditions. However, these units reached that HP stage more than 20 Ma after the youngest eclogite facies imprint recognized in the Sesia Zone. Despite nearly half a century of intense study in the Sesia Zone, the complex assembly of its HP-terranes and their relation to more external parts of the Western Alps remains incompletely understood. This field guide merely introduces a few of the classic outcrops and discusses some of the critical evidence they contain, but it could not incorporate details on each stage of the evolution recognized so far.


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El proyecto de investigación para el Ordenamiento Territorial del Valle de Lerma (Salta, Argentina), incluye tanto zonas de valle propiamente dicho como sectores altos (hasta la divisoria de cuencas – aproximadamente de 2000 msnm hacia E y 4500 msnm hacia O). Se plantea la necesidad de un diagnóstico socio-económico. El objetivo es una aproximación real al sistema, mediante la observación directa y la interacción con los pobladores locales. Interesa elaborar un modelo cognocitivo del escenario actual considerando las problemáticas y potencialidades asociadas a la calidad de vida, el uso del suelo y de los recursos naturales, las perspectivas de los pobladores locales y las tendencia de las actividades productivas. El fin último es llegar a elaborar propuestas que permitan la mejora de la calidad de vida y el desarrollo productivo, en un contexto de creatividad y respeto, si se pretende signar las bases para la “conservación" e impulso de estas áreas. La información secundaria disponible sobre las zonas altas es prácticamente inexistente, por lo cual se pretende efectuar salidas de campo a los sectores altos para la georeferenciación de recorridos, sitios de valor cultural y natural, accidentes geográficos, infraestructuras y comunidades dispersas, como así la observación y registro de problemáticas y potencialidades asociadas al uso de los recursos, visita a pobladores locales, entrevistas abiertas y participación en actividades cotidianas.


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With full-waveform (FWF) lidar systems becoming increasingly available from different commercial manufacturers, the possibility for extracting physical parameters of the scanned surfaces in an area-wide sense, as addendum to their geometric representation, has risen as well. The mentioned FWF systems digitize the temporal profiles of the transmitted laser pulse and of its backscattered echoes, allowing for a reliable determination of the target distance to the instrument and of physical target quantities by means of radiometric calibration, one of such quantities being the diffuse Lambertian reflectance. The delineation of glaciers is a time-consuming task, commonly performed manually by experts and involving field trips as well as image interpretation of orthophotos, digital terrain models and shaded reliefs. In this study, the diffuse Lambertian reflectance was compared to the glacier outlines mapped by experts. We start the presentation with the workflow for analysis of FWF data, their direct georeferencing and the calculation of the diffuse Lambertian reflectance by radiometric calibration; this workflow is illustrated for a large FWF lidar campaign in the Ötztal Alps (Tyrol, Austria), operated with an Optech ALTM 3100 system. The geometric performance of the presented procedure was evaluated by means of a relative and an absolute accuracy assessment using strip differences and orthophotos, resp. The diffuse Lambertian reflectance was evaluated at two rock glaciers within the mentioned lidar campaign. This feature showed good performance for the delineation of the rock glacier boundaries, especially at their lower parts.


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From its humble beginnings as a small workshop established by Tomáš Baťa in 1874, the Bata Shoe Company became a gigantic concern in the 1920s, built on the principles of scientific management and welfare capitalism. The growth of the company engulfed Zlín (in today’s Czech Republic), its hometown, and transformed it into a modern industrial garden city satisfying the needs of both a growing industrial population, and those of the company itself. As a reaction to the aftermath of the crisis of 1929, the enterprise began a strategy of decentralization and international expansion characterized by the design and construction of a series of modern industrial towns that replicated the model of Zlín around the globe. This study is an exhaustive survey of these cities, their rationale, design, and their postindustrial conditions; it is a comparative work that has used field trips, photography, interviews, and archival material to explain the logics behind Bata’s project, to document the design and implementation of the model to multiple contexts and geographies, and to evaluate of the urban legacy of this undertaking. Finally, the research explores the question of what can the design disciplines, and other parties involved, learn from a full synthesis on the history and urbanism of the Bata satellite cities with regard to the re-imagination and sustainability of contemporary industry-sponsored interventions in developing geographies. RESUMEN Con origen en un humilde y pequeño taller fundado en 1874 por Tomáš Baťa, la Bata Shoe Company creció hasta convertirse en una gigantesca empresa en los anos 20, fundada en principios de control científico de la producción y capitalismo de bienestar. El crecimiento de la compañía se extendió por Zlín (en la actual República Checa), su pueblo de nacimiento, y la transformó en una moderna ciudad jardín industrial capaz de satisfacer las necesidades tanto de una población en alza como de la propia empresa. Como reacción a la crisis de 1929, Bata inició una estrategia de descentralización y expansión internacional caracterizada por el proyecto y construcción de modernas ciudades industriales que replicaron el modelo de Zlín por el mundo. Esta tesis es un estudio exhaustivo de estas ciudades: las razones detrás del proyecto, su diseño, y su condición post-industrial; es un estudio comparativo que se ha servido de trabajo de campo, documentación fotográfica, entrevistas y materiales de archivo para explicar la lógica detrás del proyecto de Bata, documentar el diseño e implementación de tal modelo en múltiples contextos y geografías, y valorar el legado urbano de esta empresa. Finalmente, la investigación evalúa qué podrían aprender las disciplinas del diseño y otras partes implicadas de una síntesis completa de la historia y el urbanismo de las ciudades satélite de Bata, en lo relativo a la reinvención y sostenibilidad de proyectos contemporáneos de la industria en geografías en desarrollo.