984 resultados para Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study was to examine the endothelial surface morphology and to perform morphometric analysis of the corneal endothelial cells of Yacare caiman (Caiman yacare) using scanning electron microscopy. Morphometric analysis with regard to polygonality, mean cell area, cell density and coefficient of variation of mean cell area was performed. Cell areas were measured using image analysis software. The normal corneal endothelium of Yacare caiman consisted of polygonal cells of uniform size and shape with interdigitations of the cell borders. Microvilli appeared as protrusions on the cellular surface. The average cell area was 270 +/- 24 mum(2) and the endothelial cell density was 3704 +/- 324 cells/mm(2). The coefficient of variation of cell area was 0.22. This study demonstrates that the Yacare caiman corneal endothelium is similar to those described in other vertebrates.


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Labial salivary glands are found in the majority of insects. They are relatively large, extend back into the thorax, and in Rhodnius, they are cherry red in color due to a pigment derived from traces of hemoglobin absorbed form the gut. In most insects they are acinous shaped, with long excretion channels that present differentiated regions which from salivary reservoirs. The glands may be relatively simple or complexly branched and convoluted. In Rhodnius they are described as being unilobed with no traces of division. The main duct leaves the gland at its anterior extremity. The acini have different kinds of cells but all of them are seen as sources of secretion. Our material has a different shape due to the fact that the animals spent 20 days under starvation conditions. New data are also obtained through treatment with collagenase and HCl. The importance of the study of these glands lies in the fact that it will further understanding of the transmission of Chagas' disease.


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The articular disc of the temporomandibular joint was studied in fetuses (16 to 39 weeks of intrauterine life), infants (up to 4 months of age), dentulous adults (aged 30 to 39 years), and completely edentulous adults (aged 60 to 69 years) by scanning electron microscopy. The constituent bundles of collagen fibers were stratified and were oriented anteroposteriorly, laterolaterally, and obliquely in the middle portion of the disc. A ring of laterolateral bundles constituted the main feature of the thick posterior portion. In the anterior portion of the disc, the fibers were anteroposteriorly and obliquely oriented. On the superior and inferior surfaces of the disc, a thin layer of perpendicularly arranged collagen fibers covered the underlying, thick, laterolateral oriented collagen fibers.


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Morphological features of the mid-palatal suture were studied in human foetuses from 4 to 9 months of intra-uterine life. The foetuses were divided into three age groups, GI (16-23 weeks), GII (24-31 weeks) and GIII (32-39 weeks). The mid-palatal suture in GI foetuses is rectilineal in form with a wide space between the palatal processes of the maxilla. The suture has a sinuous nature in GII and GIII foetuses due to growth of the bone processes crossing the mid-line. A wide zone of cellular proliferation observed in GI narrows in GII and GIII foetuses. The imbricating nature of the suture in GII and GIII is caused by bone growth adjacent to the mid-palatal suture. Sharpey's fibres, emerging from the bone processes, run to the median region of the mid-palatal suture and are observed from GI foetuses onwards. The collagen fibres of the mid-palatal suture are orientated transversely under the oral epithelium and exhibit a regular meshwork with a predominance of sagittal fibres in the median region of the suture. These fibres are orientated transversely and obliquely at the junction with the nasal septum.


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The cells of the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricles of the monkey Cebus apella apella were examined through scanning electron microscopy at contributing to the description of such structures in primates. The animals were anesthetized previously with 3% hypnol intraperitoneally and after perfusion with 2.5% glutaraldehyde, samples of the choroid plexus were collected after exhibition of the central portion and inferior horn of the lateral ventricles. The ventricular surface of those cells presents globose form as well as fine interlaced protrusions named microvilli. Among those, it is observed the presence of some cilia. Resting on the choroid epithelial cells there is a variable number of free cells, with fine prolongations which extend from them. They are probably macrophages and have been compared to Kolmer cells or epiplexus cells, located on choroid epithelium. The choroid plexus of the encephalic lateral ventricles of the monkey Cebus apella apella at scanning electron microscopy is similar to that of other primates, as well as to that of other species of mammals mainly cats and rats, and also humans.


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The corneal endothelium is essential for the maintenance of the corneal transparency. The aim of this study was to examine the morphology of the endothelial surface and perform morphometric analysis of the normal corneal endothelial cells of the Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) using scanning electron microscopy. The present work demonstrates that the corneal endothelium of the Magellanic penguin is similar to those described in other vertebrates. Copyright 2005 by American Association of Zoo Veterinarians.


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Acid etching promotes microporosities on enamel surface, which provide a better bonding surface to adhesive materials. The purpose of this study was to comparatively analyze the microstructure of enamel surface after etching with 37% phosphoric acid or with two self-etching primers, Non-rinse conditioner (NRC) and Clearfil SE Bond (CSEB) using scanning electron microscopy. Thirty sound premolars were divided into 3 groups with ten teeth each: Group 1: the buccal surface was etched with 37% phosphoric acid for 15 seconds; Group 2: the buccal surface was etched with NRC for 20 seconds; Group 3: the buccal surface was etched with CSEB for 20 seconds. Teeth from Group 1 were rinsed with water; teeth from all groups were air-dried for 15 seconds. After that, all specimens were processed for scanning electron microscopy and analyzed in a Jeol 6100 SEM. The results showed deeper etching when the enamel surface was etched with 37% phosphoric acid, followed by NRC and CSEB. It is concluded that 37% phosphoric acid is still the best agent for a most effective enamel etching.


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Triatoma baratai Carcavallo & Jurberg, is a wild (i.e., nonperidomestic) species found in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (Bodoquena region, county of Bonito), Brazil. Its eggs and nymphs are described here based on optical and scanning electron microscopy. The operculum and exochorion have pentagonal, hexagonal, and heptagonal cells, with small cracks and small random pits. Differences in the eggs and five nymphal instars of T. baratai allow them to be distinguished from the sympatric species Triatoma williami Galvão, Souza & Lima, and from six of the nine members of the Triatoma oliveirai complex. The most useful differentiating characters are in the color, shape of the abdomen, head, and total body length. Keys are provided to separate the eggs and nymphal instars of six of the nine members of the Triatoma oliveirai species complex. Copyright ©2009 Magnolia Press.


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A new device for irrigation, which presents hydrodynamic activation based on the pressure-suction technology, has recently been introduced to the market: the Rinsendo system. This study compared the efficacy of the Rinsendo system and conventional (manualdynamic) irrigation in the removal of debris from the root canal walls, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Twenty mandibular premolars with completely formed roots were selected and randomly divided into group 1 (irrigation with the Rinsendo system) and group 2 (conventional irrigation). The canals were irrigated with 1 ml of saline at each change of instrument. instrumentation started with a #15 K file and continued up to a #40 K file, which was standardized as the working length instrument. Then, the teeth were sectioned in buccolingual direction and the halves were sputter-coated with gold and examined by SEM. The apical, middle and cervical root canal thirds were evaluated, and the results were analyzed statistically by the Mann-Whitney test for comparison between methods, Kruskal-Wallis test for comparison among thirds, and Miller test for individual comparisons. A significance level of 5% was set for all analyses. The results did not show significant differences (p>0.05) between methods at each third and among thirds for each technique analyzed individually. in conclusion, there was no difference in the cleaning ability of the Rinsendo system and conventional irrigation.


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This study evaluated the efficacy of 2 types of rotary instruments employed in association with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) or EDTA in removing calcium hydroxide (CH) residues from root canals dentin walls. Forty-two mandibular human incisors were instrumented with the ProTaper System up to F2 instrument, irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl followed by 17% EDTA and filled with a CH intracanal dressing. After 7 days, the CH dressing was removed using 4 techniques: NiTi rotary instrument size 25, 0.06 taper (K3 Endo) and irrigation with 17% EDTA (Group 1), NiTi rotary F1 instrument (ProTaper) and irrigation with 17% EDTA (Group 2), NiTi rotary instrument size 25, 0.06 taper and irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl (Group 3) and NiTi rotary F1 instrument and irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl (Group 4). Two roots without intracanal dressing were used as negative controls. Teeth were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy, in the cervical and apical canal thirds. None of the techniques removed the CH dressing completely. In the apical and cervical thirds, F1 instrument was better than instrument size 25, 0.06 taper in removing CH residues (p<0.05), regardless of the final irrigating solution. No difference was found between the irrigating solutions in the groups of F1 instrument and of instrument size 25, 0.06 taper (p>0.05). The negative controls had no CH residues on the dentin walls. In conclusion, the ProTaper F1 instrument was better than K3 Endo instrument size 25, 0.06 taper in the removal of CH intracanal medication, regardless of irrigating solution used.