307 resultados para Scalp Dermatoses
The association of sustained cerebral edema with poor neurological outcome following hypoxia-ischaemia in the neonate suggests that measurement of cerebral edema may allow early prediction of outcome in these infants. Direct measurements of cerebral impedance have been widely used in animal studies to monitor cerebral edema, but such invasive measurements are not possible in the human neonate. This study investigated the ability of noninvasive cerebral impedance measurements to detect cerebral edema following hypoxia-ischaemia. One-day-old piglets were anaesthetized, intubated and ventilated. Hypoxia was induced by reducing the inspired oxygen concentration to 4-6% O-2. Noninvasive cerebral bioimpedance was measured using gel electrodes attached to the scalp. Cerebral bioimpedance was also measured directly by insertion of two silver-silver chloride electrodes subdurally. Noninvasive and invasive measurements were made before, during and after hypoxia. Whole body impedance was measured to assess overall fluid movements. Intracranial pressure was measured continuously via a catheter inserted subdurally, as an index of cerebral edema. There was good agreement between noninvasive and invasive measurements of cerebral impedance although externally obtained responses were attenuated. Noninvasive measurements were also well correlated with intracranial pressure. Whole body impedance changes did not account for increases in noninvasively measured cerebral impedance. Results suggest that noninvasive cerebral impedance measurements do reflect intracranial events, and are able to detect cerebral edema following hypoxia-ischaemia in the neonate. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Twenty-three dogs and three cats with generalised demodicosis were treated with weekly subcutaneous injections of doramectin at a dose of 600mcg/kg body weight. All dogs and cats responded to treatment by going into remission. The median time until skin scrape results were negative was eight weeks (range five to 20 weeks). Ten dogs remained in remission after the first treatment, five were lost to follow up and seven needed a second course of doramectin or were maintained in remission by monthly injections. Time to when skin scrape results were negative for the cats was two to three weeks with one cat still in remission four years later. The other two cats were euthanased due to their underlying disease whilst only four and six months into remission. Weekly subcutaneous doramectin injections are useful in the treatment of generalised demodicosis in dogs and cats. No systemic side effects of the drug were seen, the injection was painless and no reactions were seen at the sites.
O Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) caracteriza-se por uma série de distúrbios cognitivos e neurocomportamentais e sua prevalência mundial é estimada em 1 criança com TEA a cada 160 crianças com típico desenvolvimento (TD). Indivíduos com TEA apresentam dificuldade em interpretar as emoções alheias e em expressar sentimentos. As emoções podem ser associadas à manifestação de sinais fisiológicos, e, dentre eles, os sinais cerebrais têm sido muito abordados. A detecção dos sinais cerebrais de crianças com TEA pode ser benéfica para o esclarecimento de suas emoções e expressões. Atualmente, muitas pesquisas integram a robótica ao tratamento pedagógico do TEA, através da interação com crianças com esse transtorno, estimulando habilidades sociais, como a imitação e a comunicação. A avaliação dos estados mentais de crianças com TEA durante a sua interação com um robô móvel é promissora e assume um aspecto inovador. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram captar sinais cerebrais de crianças com TEA e de crianças com TD, como grupo controle, para o estudo de seus estados emocionais e para avaliar seus estados mentais durante a interação com um robô móvel, e avaliar também a interação dessas crianças com o robô, através de escalas quantitativas. A técnica de registro dos sinais cerebrais escolhida foi a eletroencefalografia (EEG), a qual utiliza eletrodos colocados de forma não invasiva e não dolorosa sobre o couro cabeludo da criança. Os métodos para avaliar a eficiência do uso da robótica nessa interação foram baseados em duas escalas internacionais quantitativas: Escala de Alcance de Metas (do inglês Goal Attainment Scaling - GAS) e Escala de Usabilidade de Sistemas (do inglês System Usability Scale - SUS). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, pela técnica de EEG, foi possível classificar os estados emocionais de crianças com TD e com TEA e analisar a atividade cerebral durante o início da interação com o robô, através dos ritmos alfa e beta. Com as avaliações GAS e SUS, verificou-se que o robô móvel pode ser considerado uma potencial ferramenta terapêutica para crianças com TEA.
The ability to monitor fetal heart rate is vital during late pregnancy and labor in order to evaluate fetal well-being. Current monitoring practice is essentially based on external cardiotocography and, less frequently, during labor, invasive fetal scalp electrocardiography. Many current and envisaged applications could benefi t from simpler devices using a 3-lead ECG confi guration. We are designing a maternity support belt with an embedded wireless 3-lead ECG sensor, and have investigated the infl uence of the ground electrode position on signal quality. Data from over 100 pregnant women was collected with the ground electrode placed in 3 locations in order to determine optimum electrode placement and belt form factor.
This paper proposes a wireless EEG acquisition platform based on Open Multimedia Architecture Platform (OMAP) embedded system. A high-impedance active dry electrode was tested for improving the scalp- electrode interface. It was used the sigma-delta ADS1298 analog-to-digital converter, and developed a “kernelspace” character driver to manage the communications between the converter unit and the OMAP’s ARM core. The acquired EEG signal data is processed by a “userspace” application, which accesses the driver’s memory, saves the data to a SD-card and transmits them through a wireless TCP/IP-socket to a PC. The electrodes were tested through the alpha wave replacement phenomenon. The experimental results presented the expected alpha rhythm (8-13 Hz) reactiveness to the eyes opening task. The driver spends about 725 μs to acquire and store the data samples. The application takes about 244 μs to get the data from the driver and 1.4 ms to save it in the SD-card. A WiFi throughput of 12.8Mbps was measured which results in a transmission time of 5 ms for 512 kb of data. The embedded system consumes about 200 mAh when wireless off and 400 mAh when it is on. The system exhibits a reliable performance to record EEG signals and transmit them wirelessly. Besides the microcontroller-based architectures, the proposed platform demonstrates that powerful ARM processors running embedded operating systems can be programmed with real-time constrains at the kernel level in order to control hardware, while maintaining their parallel processing abilities in high level software applications.
: In this work we derive an analytical solution given by Bessel series to the transient and one-dimensional (1D) bioheat transfer equation in a multi-layer region with spatially dependent heat sources. Each region represents an independent biological tissue characterized by temperature-invariant physiological parameters and a linearly temperature dependent metabolic heat generation. Moreover, 1D Cartesian, cylindrical or spherical coordinates are used to define the geometry and temperature boundary conditions of first, second and third kinds are assumed at the inner and outer surfaces. We present two examples of clinical applications for the developed solution. In the first one, we investigate two different heat source terms to simulate the heating in a tumor and its surrounding tissue, induced during a magnetic fluid hyperthermia technique used for cancer treatment. To obtain an accurate analytical solution, we determine the error associated with the truncated Bessel series that defines the transient solution. In the second application, we explore the potential of this model to study the effect of different environmental conditions in a multi-layered human head model (brain, bone and scalp). The convective heat transfer effect of a large blood vessel located inside the brain is also investigated. The results are further compared with a numerical solution obtained by the Finite Element Method and computed with COMSOL Multi-physics v4.1 (c). (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We present the modeling efforts on antenna design and frequency selection to monitor brain temperature during prolonged surgery using noninvasive microwave radiometry. A tapered log-spiral antenna design is chosen for its wideband characteristics that allow higher power collection from deep brain. Parametric analysis with the software HFSS is used to optimize antenna performance for deep brain temperature sensing. Radiometric antenna efficiency (eta) is evaluated in terms of the ratio of power collected from brain to total power received by the antenna. Anatomical information extracted from several adult computed tomography scans is used to establish design parameters for constructing an accurate layered 3-D tissue phantom. This head phantom includes separate brain and scalp regions, with tissue equivalent liquids circulating at independent temperatures on either side of an intact skull. The optimized frequency band is 1.1-1.6 GHz producing an average antenna efficiency of 50.3% from a two turn log-spiral antenna. The entire sensor package is contained in a lightweight and low-profile 2.8 cm diameter by 1.5 cm high assembly that can be held in place over the skin with an electromagnetic interference shielding adhesive patch. The calculated radiometric equivalent brain temperature tracks within 0.4 degrees C of the measured brain phantom temperature when the brain phantom is lowered 10. C and then returned to the original temperature (37 degrees C) over a 4.6-h experiment. The numerical and experimental results demonstrate that the optimized 2.5-cm log-spiral antenna is well suited for the noninvasive radiometric sensing of deep brain temperature.
Certas dermatoses, pertencentes ao grupo das síndromes paraneoplásicas mucocutâneas, podem ser o prenúncio de uma neoplasia previamente não conhecida. Tanto a síndrome de Sweet como a policondrite recidivante incluem-se neste grupo. A síndrome de Sweet e a PR são raramente encontradas em um mesmo paciente. A presença de policondrite recidivante e síndrome de Sweet em um mesmo paciente tem se revelado mais frequente em pacientes com neoplasias associadas, sobretudo hematológicas. Relata-se o caso de paciente do sexo masculino, 79 anos, com síndrome de Sweet e policondrite recidivante, em quem, subsequentemente, foi diagnosticada uma síndrome mielodisplásica. Palavras-chave: Policondrite recidivante; Síndrome de Sweet; Síndromes paraneoplásicas
Reports on airborne dermatoses are mainly published in the context of occupational settings. Hence, in recent years, dermatologists and also occupational physicians have become increasingly aware of the airborne source of contact dermatitis, resulting mainly from exposure to irritants or allergens. However, their occurrence is still underestimated, because reports often omit the term 'airborne' in relation to dust or volatile allergens. For the present update, we screened the journals 'Contact Dermatitis' (July 2000 to December 2006); 'Dermatitis', formerly named 'American Journal of Contact Dermatitis'; 'La Lettre du Gerda' (January 2000 to December 2006); and also included relevant articles from other journals published during the same period. This resulted in an updated list of airborne dermatitis causes.
Durante a época do Verão, as lesões cutâneas que surgem na praia são um motivo frequente de recurso aos serviços de urgência e de consulta de dermatologia. Os autores descrevem o caso de uma criança com uma lesão maculopapular dolorosa que resultou de um provável contato com uma caravela-portuguesa. Não apresentava outros sinais ou sintomas pelo que foi medicada em ambulatório com analgesia, anti-histamínico e corticoide tópico. Após uma semana de evolução constatou-se resolução completa das lesões cutâneas. Apesar da gravidade da maioria dos casos de dermatoses marítimas encontradas em Portugal ser ligeira, considera-se ser importante o estudo da fauna e da flora de cada região para adequar os cuidados terapêuticos.
A larva migrans cutânea representa uma das dermatoses mais frequentes nos turistas que regressam de países tropicais e sub-tropicais. O agente mais frequente é a larva Ancylostoma brasiliensis que habita no intestino de cães e gatos. Os humanos são afetados quando contatam com solo contaminado com os excrementos de animais infetados. Apresentamos o caso de uma professora, 39 anos de idade, natural e residente em Portugal que, após regressar de férias no Nordeste do Brasil, refere dermatose localizada à 4ª prega interdigital e porção adjacente do dorso dos pés, constituída por várias lesões eritematosas, pruriginosas, de trajecto serpiginoso, compatíveis com larva migrans cutânea. O quadro regrediu após terapêutica com Albendazol. Devido à maior frequência de fluxos migratórios na atualidade, as dermatoses tropicais podem tornar-se mais frequentes nos países de clima temperado. Salienta-se a importância do aconselhamento dos turistas para a prevenção desta dermatose, nomeadamente através do uso de calçado protetor.
O conceito de dermatoses neutrofílicas engloba diversas entidades que partilham aspetos clínicos e histológicos. Recentemente descrita, a dermatose neutrofílica do dorso das mãos é uma patologia com etiologia desconhecida que se assemelha, clinicamente, a uma variante localizada da Síndrome de Sweet com lesões predominantemente localizadas no dorso das mãos e com presença variável de sintomas gerais acompanhantes. Do ponto de vista histológico é caracterizada por um denso infiltrado inflamatório neutrofílico, sendo variável a existência de achados de vasculite. Os autores apresentam dois doentes com dermatose neutrofílica do dorso das mãos e discutem os aspetos clínicos, laboratoriais, histopatológicos e a as opções terapêuticas desta entidade. A dermatose neutrofílica do dorso das mãos é um conceito em evolução, que partilha diversos aspetos comuns com outras dermatoses neutrofílicas, sugerindo um espetro continuo deste grupo de doenças.
Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a chronic, indolent, disfiguring disease that is characterized by scaly, erythematous, disk-shaped patches and plaques followed by atrophy, scarring and depigmentation. In a small number of patients, it is refractory to standard therapies. In several studies, thalidomide has been reported to be an effective treatment in those cases. The most fearful side effects are teratogenicity and neuropathy. Adequate counseling and vigilance must be given to the patients. We report a 45-year-old Portuguese woman who presented with a 20-year history of severe facial and scalp DLE confirmed by histopathology. For several years, it failed to respond to several therapies, including topical, intralesional and oral corticosteroids, hydroxychloroquine, methotrexate, azathioprine and topical tacrolimus. Thalidomide was initiated at a dosage of 50mg/day and the skin lesions had improved dramatically after three weeks with complete clinical remission. Two months later, the dose was reduced to 50mg, five days per week without disease rebound. The patient´s concomitant medications during the treatment included sunscreen, hydroxycholoroquine, enoxaparin and aspirin to prevent thromboembolic events. Pregnancy testing, routine laboratory and electrocardiography were performed at regular intervals for safety monitoring and the results were within normal limits. Only minor side effects as nausea, constipation and somnolence were noted, however, they improved with dose reduction. Our data confirm that thalidomide therapy is an alternative or adjunctive treatment for patients with severe, chronic DLE that is refractory to standard therapies. In this patient, low-dose thalidomide was an effective treatment with minimal side effects.
A pre-Columbian Peruvian scalp was examined decades ago by a researcher from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Professor Olympio da Fonseca Filho described nits and adult lice attached to hair shafts and commented about the origin of head lice infestations on mankind. This same scalp was sent to our laboratory and is the subject of the present paper. Analysis showed a massive infestation with nine eggs/cm2 and an impressive number of very well preserved adult lice. The infestation age was roughly estimated as nine months before death based on the distance of nits from the hair root and the medium rate of hair growth. A small traditional textile was associated with the scalp, possibly part of the funerary belongings. Other morphological aspects visualized by low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy are also presented here for adults and nits.