220 resultados para Sapo-cururu


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente estudo, que aborda a avaliação postural de crianças com Paralisia Cerebral (PC), teve como objetivos: avaliar o alinhamento da postura e controle postural nessas crianças e descrever o posicionamento dos segmentos corporais na postura ereta em vista anterior, posterior, lateral direita e esquerda. Foram avaliados, através do SAPO, 7 indivíduos com PC que se mantinham na posição ortostática sem apoio. Foi feita estatística descritiva e uma comparação dos valores de referência (teste t-Student) com nível de significância 5% para todas variáveis. No ângulo Q esquerdo (vista anterior), houve diferença significativa do valor de referência p=0,476. O ângulo perna/retropé direito (vista posterior) apresentou p=0,0257. Para a vista lateral direita: Alinhamento horizontal da cabeça (C7) obteve p<0,001; Ângulo do quadril (tronco e coxa), p=0,0126; Alinhamento horizontal da pelve, p=0,0043 e o Ângulo do Tornozelo p<0,001. Para a vista lateral esquerda: Alinhamento horizontal da cabeça (C7), p<0,001; Alinhamento horizontal da pelve p=0,0332 e o Ângulo do tornozelo obteve p-valor<0,001. Houve evidente anteversão pélvica dos sujeitos com possível aumento da lordose lombar, alterações relacionadas a joelhos e tornozelos que podem ser causadas por assimetrias das forças atuantes em seguimentos superiores e anteriorização da cabeça. Seis das sete crianças apresentaram seu centro de gravidade deslocado para o lado contralateral ao hemicorpo afetado. Sendo a PC uma desordem do movimento e postura e, levando em consideração que alterações posturais decorrentes desta desordem podem interferir no desempenho motor, sugerimos estudos que relacionem esses fatores, promovendo uma intervenção em crianças com PC baseada em evidências


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Fil: González, Lucía. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Spain is the fifth-largest producer of melon (Cucumis melo L.) and the second exporter in the world. To a national level, Castilla-La Mancha emphasize and, specifically, Ciudad Real, where is cultivated 27% of national area dedicated to this crop and 30% of melon national production. Melon crop is cultivating majority in Ciudad Real and it is mainly located in the Alto Guadiana, where the major aquifers of the region are located, the aquifer 23 or Mancha Occidental and the aquifer 24 or Campo de Montiel, both declared overexploited and vulnerable zones to nitrate pollution from agricultural sources. The problem is exacerbated because in this area, groundwater is the basic resource of supply to populations, and even often the only one. Given the importance of melon in the area, recent research has focused on the irrigation of melon crop. Unfortunately, scant information has been forthcoming on the effect of N fertilizer on melon piel de sapo crop, so it is very important to tackle in a serious study that lead to know the N requirements on the melon crop melon by reducing the risks of contamination by nitrate leaching without affecting productivity and crop quality. In fact, the recommended dose is often subjective and practice is a N overdose. In this situation, the taking of urgent measures to optimize the use of N fertilization is required. To do it, the effect of N in a melon crop, fertirrigated and on plastic mulch, was studied. The treatments consisted in different rates of N supply, considering N fertilizer and N content in irrigation water, so the treatment applied were: 30 (N30), 85 (N85), 112 (N112) and 139 (N139) Kg N ha-1 in 2005; 93 (N93), 243 (N243) and 393 (N393) kg ha-1 in 2006; and 11 (N11), 61 (N61), 95 (N95) and 148 (N148) kg ha-1 in 2007. A randomized complete-block design was used and each treatment was replicated four times. The results showed a significant effect of N on dry biomass and two patterns of growth were observed. On the one hand, a gradual increase in vegetative biomass of the plant, leaves and stem, with increasing N, and on the other hand, an increase of fruit biomass also with increasing N up to a maximum of biomass corresponding to the optimal dose determined in 90 kg ha-1 of N applied, corresponding to 160 kg ha-1 of N available for melon crop, since this optimum dose, the fruit biomass suffers a decline. A significant effect was observed in concentration and N uptake in leaf, steam, fruit and whole plant, increasing in all of them with increasing of N doses. Fast N uptake occurred from 30-35 to 70-80 days after transplanting, coinciding with the fruit development. The N had a clear influence on the melon yield, its components, skin thickness and flesh ratio. The melon yield increased, as the mean fruit weight and number of fruits per m2 with increasing N until achieve an above 95% of the maximum yield when the N applied is 90 kg ha-1 or 160 kg ha-1 of N available. When N exceeds the optimal amount, there is a decline in yield, reducing the mean fruit weight and number of fruits per square meter, and was also observed a decrease in fruit quality by increasing the skin thickness and decrease the flesh ratio, which means an increase in fruit hollowed with excessive N doses. There was a trend for all indexes of N use efficiency (NUE) to decline with increasing N rate. We observed two different behaviours in the calculation result of the NUE; on the one hand, all the efficiency indexes calculated with N applied and N available had an exponential trend, and on the other hand, all the efficiency indexes calculated with N uptake has a linear trend. The linear regression cuts the exponential curve, delimiting a range within which lies the optimum quantity of N. The N leaching as nitrates increased exponentially with the amount of N. The increase of N doses was affected on the N mineralization. There was a negative exponential effect of N available on the mineralization of this element that occurs in the soil during the growing season, calculated from the balances of this element. The study of N leaching for each N rate used, allowed to us to establish several environmental indices related to environmental risk that causes the use of such doses, a simple way for them to be included in the code of Best Management Practices.


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The need to reduce nitrogen (N) fertilizer pollution strengthens the importance of improving the utilization efficiency of applied N to crops. This requires knowledge of crop N uptake characteristics and how fertilization management affects it. A three-year field experiment was conducted from May to September in central Spain to investigate the influence of different N rates, which ranged from 11 to 393 kg ha-1, applied through drip irrigation, on the dynamics of N uptake, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), fruit yield and quality of a ?Piel de sapo? melon crop (Cucumis melo L. cv. Sancho). Both N concentration and N content increased in different plant parts with the N rate. Leaves had the highest N concentration, which declined by 40-50% from 34-41 days after transplanting (DAT), while the highest N uptake rate was observed from 30-35 to 70-80 DAT, coinciding with fruit development. In each year, NUE declined with increasing N rate. With N fertilizer applications close to the optimum N rate of 90-100 kg ha-1, the fruits removed approximately 60 kg N ha-1, and the amount of N in the crop residue was about 80 kg N ha-1; this serves to replenish the organic nutrient pool in the soil and may be used by subsequent crops following mineralization.