986 resultados para Salomon, Alice


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Se analiza la obra del autor inglés Lewis Carroll, en su obra titulada Alicia en el País de las Maravillas. Se considera que se trata no sólo de un maravilloso cuento para niños sino también de una obra maestra del lenguaje del absurdo. El libro describe las aventuras de una niña pequeña, Alicia. Para describir estas aventuras, Lewis Carroll usa un inglés sencillo, pero con un dominio tal de la lengua que no sólo consigue presentar situaciones absurdas, sino que logra no significar nada en absoluto. Se ponen como ejemplo varias situaciones y pasajes del libro. En definitiva el contenido es un puro absurdo, ya que en el poema las palabras, aunque estructuralmente en perfecto orden, son en gran parte creación suya, pero sin ningún significado. Aquí más que en ninguna otra ocasión, se revela la mente matemática del autor fuera de toda dimensión conocida. Una especie de lenguaje cifrado cuya clave sólo Carroll conocería. Lo esencial de este poema es esto precisamente: la invención de palabras que aunque no son propias del idioma inglés merecerían serlo. Finalmente, todo este lenguaje absurdo de la obra de Lewis Carroll es un perfecto ejemplo del sentimiento de fantasía que subyace en ambos cuentos. Leerlos no es solamente trasladarnos por unos momentos al mundo de lo maravilloso, sino también un ejercicio mental de primera categoría.


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O ensaio deseja indicar pistas para a projectação em Arquitectura, através duma introdução à Teoria Paradigmática que caracteriza e define a nossa contemporaneidade e a Estrutura da Forma. Aflorando a Teoria do Caos e textos de Teoria de Arte que desejam ser rupturas epistemológicas ou seus indicadores, sugere-nos técnicas que pela criatividade se tornam dispositivos para o projecto em Arquitectura. Por fim, é apresentado um caso de estudo de um arquitecto da actualidade, a proposta de Peter Eisenman para Cannaregio. As consequências ambicionadas pelo ensaio são as motivações chave para a criação duma arquitectura mais próxima dos anseios sociais e que através delas existam contributos mais ousados e criativos para uma arquitectura que seja verdadeiramente expressão do pulsar da nossa sociedade.


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Kate McInally approaches censorship from perspectives we often overlook in censorship discussions: self-censorship and the censorship of evasion. Using two novels by Australian author Doug MacLeod, McInally explores the subtle queering of heteronormative ideologies, the art of, perhaps, gently twisting depictions of sexualities and desires rather than overtly transgressing the expected norms. McInally commends MacLeod’s humorous and incisive questioning of those hetero-norms, yet questions some of his editorial decisions, wondering if he has stopped short of the story he really hoped to tell.
- Caroline Jones, editor Alice's Academy


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There have been a number of evaluations of alcohol management in the Alice Springs region. Interestingly, an evaluation in 1975 emphasised the need for government and other agencies to view the issues holistically and to address them accordingly. The outcomes of this evaluation point to a similar situation with comparable recommendations.

The situation in Alice Springs is unique in some respects but has parallel characteristics to other towns and communities in Australia. Alice Springs is an important regional supply, service-orientated, and tourism town. Its people have diverse backgrounds and appear as durable as the environment they live in. Associated with this is a hard drinking culture that permeates the community with a range of issues regardless of one’s cultural background.

The research group found a community that in many ways is ruptured and fragmented when it comes to the ways and means of how such challenges can be confronted. This situation is exemplified by the perception that alcohol problems are confined to a minority of drinkers that seemingly pervades the dialogue surrounding drinking and its effects in the town.

Nevertheless, a positive outcome of such discourse is the fact that people do care about their community and are very keen to live in a town where there are more responsible attitudes toward drinking. There is some way to go; the first thing that everyone needs to accept is that it is a community problem. Non-Indigenous and Indigenous individuals, groups and organisations all have a responsibility therefore in addressing the challenges and working toward better solutions. Government have an important role of course, however the acceptance by the community that it is a community problem is paramount.

Some of the community and government initiatives are having a positive effect on drinking in the town. However, some of the initiatives, such as certain restrictions, can and should not be considered, on their own, as long-term solutions. Other processes need to be implemented, oversighted and managed in an effective manner. An important component of such processes is data that is well managed, available, and appropriate for those agencies involved.


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 Signature edition


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 The thesis Alice: Walking in Her Footsteps employs memoir writing and exegesis to examine the impact of government policies on Aboriginal Families in Australia in the 20th Century.