201 resultados para Sagui (Callithrix jacchus)
Callithrix jacchus studies involving differences between the sexes regarding the performance on tasks food still offers room for the investigation of some factors, among them there is the differences in color vision, which can directly influence the detection of visual clues on food items. This study aimed to analyze the performance of C. jacchus in tasks involving detection of food items. Some factors were analyzed such as the differences in performance between the sexes and behavioral categories present during the task. There were no differences in performance between the animals in carrying out the task, for all situations presented, examining the behavioral categories observed. The fact of the task to be very simple might have influenced the results, and it was not possible to observe differences in performance. Males and females showed the same performance in all analyzed situations. The sex differences were not found possibly due to the influence of external factors, such as the structure of the experimental apparatus. The animals are more efficient in carrying out the task during the morning, in comparison to the afternoon. The light may have been one of the factors that influenced these results. Due to the influence of other factors that probably contributed to these results, we believe that different results can be found in future work
Papel de sinais cromáticos na identificação de parceiros sexuais em sagüi comum (callithrix jacchus)
The literature concerning color vision shows a trichromatic advantage in detecting ripe fruits and young leaves, but there are contradictory results. There is also the suggestion of this type of vision being adapted to perceive socio-sexual signals. Indeed, Old World primates utilize the skin color of conspecifics as a factor of attraction. But in New World primates there is no record of a coloration signal in the body that can be utilized by other group members. The present study aims to: 1- test whether there is a relation between coloration of body regions and ovulatory cycle in female Callithrix jacchus; 2- Determine if this species uses visual signals to choose mates that are sexually receptive. We collected feces from six females during one month to quantify progesterone concentration by EIA. Body region coloration was measured using a portable spectrometer and modeled to obtain the quantum catch of each photoreceptor, the opponency channels and chromatic distance between the points in units of JND. We recorded the behavior of six males exposed to three pairs of females with a cycling and a non-cycling female in each pair using a transparent plexiglass apparatus. The color of different body regions presented a correlation between progesterone concentration and the yellow-blue and red-green visual axes, with the genitalia as the region showing the highest correlation. The visual axis more apt to see the color variations was the yellow-blue in dichromats, and in trichromats were the red-green to face, yellow-blue to abdomen and both chromatic axes to genitalia. There was no difference in the signal detectability between trichromats and dichromats, but the perception pattern differed between the phenotypes, with a better signal detection by the dichromat phenotype 562 and the trichromat phenotype 543/562. During the behavioral experiments males presented longer gaze duration in periods of experimental manipulation and gaze duration was always longer towards cycling females compared to non-cycling females. Male locomotion during experimental manipulation was greater than in the control only during the periovulatory period of the female, indicating greater excitement. The behavior of cycling females was more active than the behavior of the non-cycling ones regarding locomotion and touching of the plexiglass division of the apparatus. Male gaze duration to cycling females increased with decreasing progesterone concentration, but none of the coloration parameters was correlated to the mate preference exhibited. This coloration signal can transmit information to animals of the group about fertility of female. Different from the intense red of the genitalia swellings of Old World primates, marmoset female genitalia became more bluish-green in the fertile period. Males chose fertile females and were able to visually identify the periovulatory period of females. Choice is related to progesterone concentration, but our results do not show relation between coloration and mate preference. Maybe some behavioral measure is associated with the choice
The thalamus plays an important role in the sensorial processing information, in this particular case, the visual information. Several neuronal groups have been characterized as conductors and processors of important sensorial information to the cerebral cortex. The lateral geniculate complex is one to them, and appears as a group very studied once it is responsible, in almost all totality, for the processing of visual information. Among the nuclei that constitute the lateral geniculate complex we highlight the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (DLG), the main thalamic relay for the visual information. This nucleus is located rostral and lateral to medial geniculate nucleus and ventral to thalamic pulvinar nucleus in most of the mammals. In the primates humans and non-humans, it presents as a laminate structure, arranged in layers, when observed in coronal sections. The objective of this work was to do a mapping of the retinal projections and a citoarchictetonic and neurochemical characterization of DLG in the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), a New World primate. The retinal projections were traced by anterograde transport of subunit b of cholera toxin (CTb), the citoarchicteture was described by Nissl method, and to neurochemical characterization immunohistochemicals technical were used to examine the main neurotransmitters and neuroatives substances present in this neural center. In DGL of marmoset thalamus, in coronal sections labeled by Nissl method, was possible to visualize the division of this nucleus in four layers divided in two portions: magnocellular and parvocellular. The retinal projections were present being visualized fibers and terminals immunorreactives to CTb (IR-CTb) in the DLG ipsilateral and contralateral. And through the immunohistochemicals techniques was observed that DLG contain cells, fibers and/or terminals immunoreactives against neuronal nuclear protein, subunits of AMPA 15 glutamate receptors (GluR1, GluR2/3, GluR4), choline acetyltransferase, serotonin, glutamic acid decarboxylase, binding calcium proteins (calbindin, parvalbumin and calretinin), vasopressin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, and an astrocyte protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein.
Callithrix jacchus are small primates that live in cooperative reproductive family groups. They explore their home range in search of fruits, exudates and animal prey. In this study we investigate the existence of traveling routes and its relation with the feeding habits in a group of Callithrix jacchus. The group was followed for 6 months in an area of Atlantic secondary Forest at the FLONA-ICMBio of Nísia Floresta, Rio Grande do Norte. Two observers in alternated days collected data referring to the group s location using a GPS navigation device, plotting data in 5 minute intervals, and with a position accuracy under 9 meters. All behavioral recordings were done through focal time samplings. The recording windows were 15 minutes with 1 minute intervals. The main activity was foraging, which propelled the animals to explore the environment with inconsistent intensity through the months, and correlated with the location of fruits, exudates and sleeping sites. From another standpoint, most activities were focused in the core areas that featured most sleeping sites, exudates trees and fruit trees. Insects, mostly Orthopterans, were hunted in all areas. The greater ratio of movement was registered during the last hours of sunlight, when animals returned to the sleeping sites and ate a greater number of fruits. The spatial and seasonal distribution of fruits forced the animals to travel long routes. The capacity to remember the location and navigate efficiently through feeding sources is important to save energy and time costs. Learning and familiarizing with the environment through the use of landmarks and acquisition of new information is extremely important to increase the chances of survival in a constantly changing environment
Seeing colors can be advantageous, because they are an important signal for providing information about the environment, such as the location of food. However, not every animals sees these chromatic signals in the same way. In primates, the group of Plathyrrhini has polymorphic sex-linked vision with males always dichromats and dichromats or trichromats females. Studies indicate that trichromats during foraging would benefit by seeing better than dichromats ripe fruits against the green foliage background. On the other hand, dichromats appear to distinguish camouflaged insects better than trichromats. The marmoset (Callihtrix jacchus) is a neotropical primate species that have color vision polymorphism. This species establishes family groups with highly reproductive bias, with breeding females often having preferential access to food. This work aims to study whether the social context influences the foraging ability of camouflaged and red items in groups of C. jacchus. Four groups of captive marmosets were presented to four food tasks, involving difficult, easy, reddish and camouflaged food targets. Foods were presented in a concentrated and dispersed manner, to check whether there was monopolization of the resources by the dominant subjects and if this would affect the ability of individuals to find the food targets. Success was measured by latency to food acquisition and number of targets consumed. Males and females differed in their foraging success for camouflaged and reddish items, although this difference has not appeared in all situations and experimental conditions. In general males were more successful for detecting camouflaged items while females succeeded more in identifying reddish items. There were no differences in foraging success between individuals of different social status, however, there were differences in the success of consumption of food items for different situations when food was concentrate compared with dispersed food. Taken as a role, there was a greater difficulty in detecting food items when they were presented in concentrated arrangement, which is supposed to be related to a higher difficulty to approach and stay near the food. Although it appears that there was no direct competition seems to have group's indirect influence on the detection of food items and foraging success of individuals, affecting mainly those items more difficult to detect
The genus Callithrix, like other marmosets, presents a cooperative breeding system, characterized by the contribution of parents and non-breeding individuals of the social group in the care of infants. This care is provided through lactation, transport, supervision of infants and food transfers. In this study, we investigated the care of offspring in Callithrix jacchus through the food transfers in family groups under conditions of abundance and scarcity of food resources. We also attempted to verify the relationship between the participation of individuals in the transport of infants and in the food sharing. We observed four families at the Núcleo de Primatologia of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, in a total of seven infants, six twins and a single infant. Each infant was observed twice a week, from 1st to 20th week of life using the methods focal continuous and focal instantaneous sampling with one minute intervals. The observations were carried by 10 minutes and beginning with the supply of food for each family. Two families were tested under conditions of scarcity of food resources (experimental condition) and two others were subjected to conditions of abundant food, both conditions with restricted access to food supply. The condition of food scarcity did not influence the rate of food sharing with the infants that, in general, was considered low. All shares observed were passive sharings. Only one family showed higher levels of food begging, probably due to the loss of the mother during the period of lactation of her offspring. In this family, the dominant and subadult males were primarily responsible for the food sharing. The experimental condition influenced the distance of infants in relation to food source, so the infants in families that received abundant food remained closer to the source. However, it is believed that the place of food consumption was not influenced by experimental condition. There was no relationship between the participation of individuals in the transport and food sharing with their young. Therefore, it is suggested that, in general, the transfer of food in C. jacchus is characterized by tolerance to the demands of caregivers, represented by the passive sharing. Rates of sharing with infants were low, probably due to intra-group competition for food generated by the experiment.
Considering the constant environmental changes, the ability to introduce new food items in the diet is crucial to omnivore animal survival. For optimal nourishment and lessening of intoxication risks, the animals must detect signs that indicate which items are adequate for their intake. We investigate some factors that interfere in the responses to non familiar food, modulating their neophobic behavior, of marmosets Callithrix jacchus, an omnivore and generalist primate, native to Northeast Brazil, known for being cautious in ingesting not known food. We analyzed the influence of food taste (sweet or salty), pregnancy and sex in feeding behavior and neophobic responses in these animals. 10 captive females were first selected, 5 of them being then pregnant. The females, pregnant or not, ate more when presented to the sweet items than to the salty ones. Pregnant females, however, themselves were less neophobic to both tastes, being also strongly neophilic to the sweets. We verified then the influence of nourishment during pregnancy on young males and females post natal feeding behavior. We observed 10 young divided in two groups, one whose mother ate that food item during pregnancy and one whose mother had no contact to it. In the first group that food was more easily accepted by the young, suggesting that neofobia and feeding behavior had a pre natal influence. Female young also ingested more food and were less neophobic than males, a difference already observed in behavior of adults of these specie. These results suggest that the low neophobic behavior to sweet food showed by females can be adaptive, and might have bestowed more fitness to those who presented it
Several studies on nonhuman primates show that the relationships between individuals strongly influence the expression of cooperative behavior, both in natural environment and in captivity settings. Recent studies suggest that cooperative breeders present outstanding performance in tasks involving social cognition, such as cooperative tasks with experimental apparatuses. In experimental research on this subject it is crucial to differentiate between real cooperation (or communicative cooperation, mediated by social attention) and by-product cooperation that results from simultaneous actions of individuals. The present study assessed, in Callithrix jacchus, a cooperative breeder species, if social relationships and social attention between subjects are important factors during performance in cooperative tasks. During the experimental procedure the animals participated in three different cooperative tasks: cooperation task, prosocial task and control task. Diverging from the literature, matrix correlation tests revealed no significant relationship between grooming or proximity and the execution of the tasks, suggesting that other factors such as age or hierarchy may have an effect on the performance in cooperative tasks in this species. There was also no relationship between the execution of the cooperative tasks and social glances, suggesting that there was no social attention during the tasks. Moreover, there were lower rates of social glances in the cooperative tasks as opposed to the control tasks. However, the small number of pulls in prosocial tasks suggests that the animals distinguished between tasks that benefited only a partner and tasks that generated benefits to themselves, choosing the latter. We conclude that, for the tasks presented in this study, we could neither detect the role of social relationships on the cooperative tasks nor assert that there were true cooperation and prosocial behavior
The group Callithrichidae is characterized by the flexibility in its mating system. This fact generates questions about the mechanisms that Callithrix jacchus males reach the breeding position in a group and how they prevent the subordinates reproduction, since the competition apparently happens with less intensity when compared to the females. Studies have shown the importance of social interactions and kinship among individuals in the distribution of mating opportunities in a group. This work aimed to evaluate if dyads of Callithrix jacchus males acted socially different due to kinship. We observed the agonistic and affiliative behaviours made by the males when associated in dyads (Phase 1) and when these dyads received a female (Phase 2), which was introduced in the pair`s cage for 45 minutes. In the phase 2, we also accounted for the sexual interactions between males and female in each trio. We used 16 males, 8 related (brothers-R) and 8 nonrelated (NR), as well as 8 females. Each phase lasted 4 weeks, with 3 observations/week, during 15 min/male in phase 1 and 2. In the first phase, two pairs of R males had a contested dominance and the other two, just like in the NR males, had an uncontested dominance. The NR dominant males were more aggressive than the subordinates. With the female`s entrance in the cage, all male pairs began to have an uncontested dominance. The NR males aggression frequency rose along with the subordinates` submission. In the R males, the frequency of grooming and physical contact was higher than in the NR males. So, we conclude that the low levels of agonism presented by the R males, along with the higher tolerance shown amongst them, lead us to believe that kinship attenuate the competition among these males
Callithrix jacchus, as the other species in the family Callitrichidae, lives in social groups. The groups cam be found in different habitats, whose distinct floristic physiognomies and communities are intrinsically related to their behavioral ecology and social relations. Our objective was to describe the social relations and feeding behavior of Callithrix jacchus in the Bioma Caatinga. We observed a group at the FLONA (National Forest IBAMA), in Açu-RN, in northeastern Brazil, compose of five adults (2 females and 3 males) at the beginning of the study. The birth of five animals was registered along the study. The following behavioral categories were registered along eleven months, once a week, through instantaneous focal animal sampling: social grooming, contact, proximity, foraging, feeding, locomotion and rest. Foraging presented the highest levels comparing to other activities, and was more frequent in the dry season. Social grooming was the second more frequent activity, with higher levels in the rainy season, and between the reproductive couple. We found similar results for proximity. The most explored feeding item was the gum, specially in the rainy season. The most explored species for exudates feeding were Cirus limon (limão) and Pitecolobiun foliolosum (jurema branca). The comparision of fruit and insect ingestion between the seasons showed higher percentage for both in the dry season. The general activity pattern was similar to what is registeded in groups the inhabit the Atlantic Forest. These results indicate the flexibility of the species which survives and reproduces in such physically and biologically different environments
Contrary to what is recorded for Callithrix jacchus females, the social interactions and hormonal profiles of males are less studied, and mainly in wild groups. The goal of this study was to investigate the behavioral and endocrine profiles of reproductive (RMs) and non-reproductive (NRs) common marmoset adult free-ranging males living in two natural groups (GC1 and GR2). The groups inhabited the area of the Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí/UFRN, located in Macaíba, Brazil. Fecal collection for cortisol and androgen measurement and behavioral monitoring was carried out during the active phase from April to September, 2005. For behavioral data collection the focal instantaneous method was used every 5 min, for a total of 11.563 records. Statistical analysis was performed using non parametric tests and p < 0.05. Besides showing diurnal variation, the frequency of affiliative behaviors was significantly higher for RMs toward reproductive females than for NRs. Affiliative interactions of RMs with both reproductive females and NRs were similar, probably related to pair bond formation and helper recruitment, respectively. Parental care was also similar for both RMs and NRs. Both androgen and cortisol levels increased after the birth of the infants, mainly in RMs. The longitudinal profile of androgens fluctuates more in response to agonistic encounters and sexual behavior than that of cortisol. The mean basal excretion of both hormones was significantly higher in RMs and seems to reflect their higher participation in territorial vigilance and mate guarding behaviors. Significant positive correlations were found between agonism and cortisol and androgen hormones. These results describe, for the first time, the behavioral and hormonal profiles of common marmosets living in free-ranging groups and suggest that reproductive males are more responsive both behaviorally and hormonally to social group dynamics
Marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, are strictly diurnal animals. The motor activity rhythmicity is generated by the circadian timing system and is modulated by environmental factors, mainly by photic stimuli that compose the light-dark cycle. Photic stimuli can reset the biological oscilators changing activity motor pattern, by a mechanism called entrainment. Otherwise, light can act directly on expressed rhythm, without act on the biological oscillators, promoting the masking. Thus, photic stimuli can synchronize the circadian activity rhythm (CAR) by two distinct mechanisms, acting isolated or at a combined way. Among the elements that can influence photic synchronization, the duration and time of photic exposure is pointed out. If in the natural environment the marmoset can choose places of different intensity illumination and is synchronized to light-dark cycle (LD), how the photic synchronization mechanism can be evaluated in laboratory by light self-selection? With objective to response this question, four adult male marmosets were studied at two conditions: with and without sleeping box. The animals were submitted to a LD cycle (12:12/ 350:2 lx) and constant light (LL: 350 lx) conditions in individual cages with an opaque sleeping box, that permitted the light self-selection. At the room, the temperature was 25.6 ºC (± 0.3 ºC) and humidity was 78.7 (± 5%). The motor activity was recorded at 5 min bins by infrared movement sensors installed at the top of the cages. The motor activity profile was distinct at the two conditions: without the sleeping box protection against light, the activity frequency was higher at CT 11-12 (ANOVA; F(3.23) = 62.27; p < 0.01). Also, the duration of the active phase (α) was prolonged of about 1 h (t test, p < 0.05) and the animals showed a significant delay on the activity onset and offset (t test, p < 0.05) and at the acrophase (confidence intervals of 5%) of CAR. In LL, the light continuous exposure prolonged the active phase and influenced the endogenous expression of the circadian activity rhythm period. From the result analysis, it is concluded that the light self-selection can modify several parameters of CAR in marmosets, allowing the study of the synchronization mechanism using the burrow model. Thus, without sleeping box there was a phase delay between the CAR and LD (entrainment) and an increase of activity near lights off (positive masking). Furthermore, in LL, the light continuous exposure modifies α and the endogenous expression of CAR. It is suggested that the light self-selection might be take into account at investigations that evaluate the biological rhythmicity in marmosets
The Callitrichidae family presents cooperative breeding, where breeders and non breeders take care of the offspring. The aspects of care analyzed in this study were infant carrying, supervision, proximity and food transfer. Three sets of infants from two wild groups of Callithrix jacchus were studied in the environments of Caatinga (Assu group) and Atlantic Forest (Jundiaí group). The methods used in the study were instantaneous focal sampling (infant carrying, supervision and proximity) and continuous focal sampling (food transfer). In the two sets observed in Assu group, the father carried and transferred food to infants more than the rest of the group. The biggest contribution in supervision was from the father and from another adult male. The members that remained in proximity to the infants in both groups were the younger in the groups (juveniles and sub-adults). In the Jundiaí group, the father and the adult male helper of the group were the main caregivers; one of the sub-adult females was responsible for supervision of the infants. With the disappearance of the reproductive male and one of the sub-adults females in 3º month of infants life, the care was redistributed and the only adult male left in the group was the animal that contributed more in provisioning of the infant. In the Assu group, there were adult females in its composition which were involved in agonistic interactions with breeders and adult males, and seemed to influence their low participation in care. Food transfer initiates early in the development of the infants, as a way to encourage nutritional independence. Different types of food transfer (active food transfer, food steal, food steal attempt, passive food transfer and food handling) were observed in the study and frequency of each one varied with developmental phase and tolerance by the members. One relevant data of the study was the presence of active food transfer in Assu group, since in literature there are very few registers of this type of transfer for this species. It is important that groups from distinct environments and composition be studied for a better understanding of the dynamics of infants development
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)