998 resultados para SUPPRESSOR GENE MASPIN


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Tumor response to antineoplastic drugs is not always predictable. This is also true for bladder carcinoma, a highly recurrent neoplasia. Currently, the combination of cisplatin and gemcitabine is well accepted as a standard protocol for treating bladder carcinoma. However, in some cases, this treatment protocol causes harmful side effects. Therefore, we investigated the roles of the genes TP53, RASSF1A (a tumor suppressor gene) and hMLH1 (a gene involved in the mismatch repair pathway) in cell susceptibility to cisplatin/gemcitabine treatment. Two bladder transitional carcinoma cell (TCC) lines, RT4 (wild-type TP53) and 5637 (mutated TP53), were used in this study. First, we evaluated whether the genotoxic potential of cisplatin/gemcitabine was dependent on TP53 status. Then, we evaluated whether the two antineoplastic drugs modulated RASSF1A and hMLH1 expression in the two cell lines. Increased DNA damage was observed in both cell lines after treatment with cisplatin or gemcitabine and with the two drugs simultaneously, as depicted by the comet assay. A lack of RASSF1A expression and hypermethylation of its promoter were observed before and after treatment in both cell lines. On the other hand, hMLH1 downregulation, unrelated to methylation status, was observed in RT4 cells after treatment with cisplatin or with cisplatin and gemcitabine simultaneously (wild-type TP53); in 5637 cells, hMLH1 was upregulated only after treatment with gemcitabine. In conclusion, the three treatment protocols were genotoxic, independent of TP53 status. However, cisplatin was the most effective, causing the highest level of DNA damage in both wild-type and mutated TP53 cells. Gemcitabine was the least genotoxic agent in both cell lines. Furthermore, no relationship was observed between the amount of DNA damage and the level of hMLH1 and RASSF1A expression. Therefore, other alternative pathways might be involved in cisplatin and gemcitabine genotoxicity in these two bladder cancer cell lines.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die vergleichende Sequenzierung und nachfolgende Analyse des syntänen chromosomalen Abschnitts auf dem kurzen Arm des humanen Chromosoms 11 in der Region 11p15.3 mit den Genen LMO1, TUB und dem orthologen Genomabschnitt der Maus auf Chromosom 7 F2. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführte Kartierung dieser beiden chromosomalen Bereiche ermöglichte die Komplettierung einer genomischen Karte auf insgesamt über eine Megabase, die im Kooperationssequenzierprojekt der Universitäts-Kinderklinik und dem Institut für Molekulargenetik in Mainz erstellt wurde. Mit Hilfe von 28 PAC- und Cosmid-Klonen konnten in dieser Arbeit 383 kb an genomischer DNA des Menschen und mit sechs BAC- und PAC-Klonen 412 kb an genomischer DNA der Maus dargestellt werden. Dies ermöglichte erstmals die exakte Festlegung der Reihenfolge der in diesem chromosomalen Abschnitt enthaltenen Gene und die genaue Kartierung von acht STS-Markern des Menschen, bzw. vier STS-Sonden der Maus. Es zeigte sich dabei, dass die chromosomale Orientierung telomer-/centromerwärts des orthologen Bereichs in der Maus im Vergleich zum Menschen in invertierter Ausrichtung vorliegt. Die Sequenzierung von drei humanen Klonen ermöglichte die Bestimmung von 319.119 bp an zusammenhängender genomischer DNA. Dadurch konnte die genaue Lokalisation und Strukturaufklärung der Gene LMO1, ein putatives Tumorsuppressorgen, das mit der Entstehung von Leukämien assoziiert ist, und TUB, ein Transkriptionsmodulator, der in die Fettstoffwechselregulation involviert ist, vorgenommen werden. Für das murine Genom wurden 412.827 bp an neuer DNA-Sequenz durch Sequenzierung von ebenfalls drei Klonen generiert. Der im Vergleich zum Menschen ca. 100 kb größere Genombereich beinhaltete zudem die neuen Gene Stk33 und Eif3. Es handelte sich dabei um zwei Gene, die erst im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entdeckt und charakterisiert wurden. Die parallele Bearbeitung beider Genombereiche ermöglichte eine umfassende komparative Analyse nach kodierenden, funktionellen und strukturgebenden Sequenzabschnitten in beiden Spezies. Es konnten dabei für beide Organismen die Exon-Intron-Strukturen der Gene LMO1/Lmo1 und TUB/Tub geklärt. Zudem konnten vier neue Exons und zwei neue speziesspezifischer Spleißvarianten für TUB/Tub beschrieben werden. Die Identifizierung dieser neuen Spleißvarianten offenbart neue Möglichkeiten für alternative Regulation und Funktion, oder für eine veränderte Proteinstruktur, die weitere Erklärungsansätze für die Entstehung der mit diesen Genen assoziierten Erkrankungen zulässt. In der sequenzierten, größeren Genomsequenz der Maus konnte in den flankierenden, nicht mit der sequenzierten Humansequenz überlappenden Bereich das neue Gen Eif3 in seiner Exon-Intron-Struktur und die beiden letzten Exons 11 und 12 des Gens Stk33 kartiert und charakterisiert werden. Die umfangreiche Sequenzanalyse beider sequenzierter Genombereiche ergab für den Abschnitt des Menschen insgesamt 229 potentielle Exonsequenzen und für den Bereich der Maus 527 mögliche Exonbereiche. Davon konnten beim Menschen explizit 21 Exons und bei der Maus 31 Exons als exprimierte Bereiche identifiziert und experimentell mittels RT-PCR, bzw. durch cDNA-Sequenzierung verifiziert werden. Diese Abschnitte beschrieben nicht nur die Exonbereiche der oben genannten vier Gene, sondern konnten auch neuen nicht weiter definierten EST-Sequenzen zugeordnet werden. Mittels des Interspeziesvergleiches war darüber hinaus auch die Analyse der nichtkodierenden Intergen-Bereiche möglich. So konnten beispielsweise im ersten Intron des LMO1/Lmo1 sieben Sequenzbereiche mit Konservierungen von ca. 90% bestimmt werden. Auch die Charakterisierung von Promotor- und putativ regulatorischen Sequenzabschnitten konnte mit Hilfe unterschiedlicher bioinformatischer Analyse-Tools durchgeführt werden. Die konservierten Sequenzbereiche der DNA zeigen im Durchschnitt eine Homologie von mehr als 65% auf. Auch die Betrachtung der Genomorganisation zeigte Gemeinsamkeiten, die sich meist nur in ihrer graduellen Ausprägung unterschieden. So weist ein knapp 80 kb großer Bereich proximal zum humanen TUB-Gen einen deutlich erhöhten AT-Gehalt auf, der ebenso im murinen Genom nur in verkürzter Version und schwächer ausgeprägt in Erscheinung tritt. Die zusätzliche Vergleichsanalyse mit einer weiteren Spezies, den orthologen Genomabschnitten von Fugu, zeigte, dass es sich bei den untersuchten Genen LMO1 und TUB um sehr konservierte und evolutiv alte Gene handelt, deren genomisches Organisationsmuster sich auch bei den paralogen Genfamilienmitglieder innerhalb derselben Spezies wiederfindet. Insgesamt konnte durch die Kartierung, Sequenzierung und Analyse eine umfassende Datenbasis für die betrachtete Genomregion und die beschriebenen Gene generiert werden, die für zukünftige Untersuchungen und Fragestellungen wertvolle Informationen bereithält.


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Inheritance of a mutant allele of the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor gene predisposes affected individuals to develop renal cysts and clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Von Hippel-Lindau gene inactivation in single renal tubular cells has indirectly been showed by immunohistochemical staining for the hypoxia-inducible factor alpha target gene product carbonic anhydrase IX. In this study we were able to show von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion in carbonic anhydrase IX positive nonneoplastic renal tubular cells, in epithelial cells lining renal cysts and in a clear cell renal cell carcinoma of a von Hippel-Lindau patient. This was carried out by means of laser confocal microscopy and immunohistochemistry in combination with fluorescence in situ hybridization. Carbonic anhydrase IX negative normal renal tubular cells carried no von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion. Furthermore, recent studies have indicated that the von Hippel-Lindau gene product is necessary for the maintenance of primary cilia stability in renal epithelial cells and that disruption of the cilia structure by von Hippel-Lindau gene inactivation induces renal cyst formation. In our study, we show a significant shortening of primary cilia in epithelial cells lining renal cysts, whereas, single tubular cells with a von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion display to a far lesser extent signs of cilia shortening. Our in vivo results support a model in which renal cysts represent precursor lesions for clear cell renal cell carcinoma and arise from single renal tubular epithelial cells owing to von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion.


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The chromosomal region 17p13.3 is frequently deleted or epigenetically silenced in a variety of human cancers. It includes the hypermethylated in cancer 1 (HIC1) gene placed telomerically to the p53 tumour suppressor gene. HIC1 encodes a transcriptional repressor, and its targets identified to date are genes involved in proliferation, tumour growth and angiogenesis. In addition, HIC1 functionally cooperates with p53 to suppress cancer development. Frequent allelic loss at position 17p13.1 in human cancers often points to mutations of the tumour suppressor p53. However, in a variety of cancer types, allelic loss of the short arm of chromosome 17 may hit regions distal to p53 and, interestingly, without leading to p53 mutations. Furthermore, the neighbouring region 17p13.3 often shows loss of heterozygosity or DNA hypermethylation in various types of solid tumours and leukaemias. In line with this concept, Wales et al. described a new potential tumour suppressor in this region and named it hypermethylated in cancer 1 (HIC1). Further, it was shown that in the majority of cases hypermethylation of this chromosomal region leads to epigenetic inactivation of HIC1. A role for HIC1 in tumour development is further supported by a mouse model, since various spontaneous, age- and gender-specific malignant tumours occur in heterozygous Hic1+/- knockout mice. Furthermore, exogenously delivered HIC1 leads to a significant decrease in clonogenic survival in cancer cell lines. This review highlights the role of HIC1 inactivation in solid tumours and particularly in leukaemia development.


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Tumor suppressor genes, such as p53, RB, the INK4-ARF family and PML, suppress malignant transformation by regulating cell cycle progression, ensuring the fidelity of DNA replication and chromosomal segregation, or by inducing apoptosis in response to potentially deleterious events. In myeloid leukemia, hematopoietic differentiation resulting from highly coordinated, stage-wise expression of myeloid transcription and soluble signaling factors is disrupted leading to a block in terminal differentiation and uncontrolled proliferation. This virtually always involves functional inactivation or genetic disruption of one or several tumor suppressor genes in order to circumvent their checkpoint control and apoptosis-inducing functions. Hence, reactivation of tumor suppressor gene function has therapeutic potential and can possibly enhance conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy. In this review, we focus on the role of different tumor suppressor genes in myeloid differentiation and leukemogenesis, and discuss implications for therapy.


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Using a human terato-carcinoma cell line, PA-1, the functional role of the oncogenes and tumor suppressor gene involved in the multistep process of carcinogenesis have been analyzed. The expression of AP-2 was strongly correlated with the susceptibility to ras transformation. The differential responsiveness to growth factors between stage 1 ras resistant cells and stage 2 ras susceptible cells was observed, indicating that the ability of stage 2 cells to respond to the mutated ras oncogenes in transformation correlated with the ability to be stimulated by certain growth factors. Using differential screening of cDNA libraries, a number of differentially expressed cDNA clones was isolated. One of those, clone 12, is overexpressed in ras transformed stage 3 cells. The amino acid sequence of clone 12 is almost identical to a mouse LLrep3 gene that was growth-regulated, and 78% similar to a yeast ribosomal protein S4. These results suggest that the S4 gene may be involved in regulation of growth. Clone 9 is expressed in stage 1 ras resistant cells (3.5-kb and 3.0-kb transcripts) but the expression of this clone in stage 2 ras susceptible cells and stage 3 ras-transformed cells is greatly diminished. The expression of this cDNA clone was increased to at least five fold in ras resistant cells and nontumorigenic hybrids treated with retinoic acid but not increased in retinoic acid treated ras susceptible cells, ras transformed cells and the tumorigenic segregants. Partial sequence of this clone showed no homology to the sequences in Genbank. These findings suggest that clone 9 could be a suppressor gene or the genes that are involved in the biochemical pathway of tumor suppression or neurogenic differentiation. The apparent pleiotropic effect of the loss of this suppressor gene function support Harris' proposal that tumor suppressor genes regulate differentiation. The tumor suppressor gene may act as negative regulator of tumor growth by controlling gene expression in differentiation. ^


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Tumor-specific loss of constitutional heterozygosity by deletion, mitotic recombination or nondisjunction is a common mechanism for tumor suppressor allele inactivation. When loss of heterozygosity is the result of mitotic recombination, or a segmental deletion event, only a portion of the chromosome is lost. This information can be used to map the location of new tumor suppressor genes. In osteosarcoma, the highest frequencies of loss of heterozygosity have been reported for chromosomes 3q, 13q, 17p. On chromosomes 13q and 17p, allelic losses are associated with loss of function at the retinoblastoma susceptibility locus (RB1) and the p53 locus, respectively. Chromosome 3q is also of particular interest because the high percent of loss of heterozygosity (62%-75%) suggests the presence of another tumor suppressor important for osteosarcoma tumorigenesis. To localize this putative tumor suppressor gene, we used polymorphic markers on chromosome 3q to find the smallest common region of allele loss. This putative tumor suppressor was localized to a 700 kb region on chromosome 3q26.2 between the polymorphic loci D3S1282 and D3S1246. ^


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Transglutaminases are a family of calcium-dependent enzymes, that catalyze the covalent cross-linking of proteins by forming $\varepsilon(\gamma$-glutamyl)lysine isopeptide bonds. In order to investigate the molecular mechanisms regulating the expression of the tissue transglutaminase gene and to determine its biological functions, the goal of this research has been to clone and characterize the human tissue transglutaminase promoter. Thirteen clones of the tissue transglutaminase gene were obtained from the screening of a human placental genomic DNA library. A 1.74 Kb fragment derived from DNA located immediately upstream of the translation start site was subcloned and sequenced. Sequence analysis of this DNA fragment revealed that it contains a TATA box (TATAA), a CAAT box (GGACAAT), and a series of potential transcription factor binding sites and hormone response elements. Four regions of significant homology, a GC-rich region, a TG-rich region, an AG-rich region, and HR1, were identified by aligning 1.8 Kb of DNA flanking the human, mouse, and guinea pig tissue transglutaminase genes.^ To measure promoter activity, we subcloned the 1.74 Kb fragment of the tissue transglutaminase gene into a luciferase reporter vector to generate transglutaminase promoter/luciferase reporter constructs. Transfection experiments showed that this DNA segment includes a functional promoter with high constitutive activity. Deletion analysis revealed that the SP1 sites or corresponding sequences contribute to this activity. We investigated the role of DNA methylation in regulating the activity of the promoter and found that in vitro methylation of tissue transglutaminase promoter/luciferase reporter constructs suppressed their basal activity. Methylation of the promoter is inversely correlated with the expression of the tissue transglutaminase gene in vivo. These results suggest that DNA methylation may be one of the mechanisms regulating the expression of the gene. The tumor suppressor gene product p53 was also shown to inhibit the activity of the promoter, suggesting that induction of the tissue transglutaminase gene is not involved in the p53-dependent programmed cell death pathway. Although retinoids regulate the expression of the tissue transglutaminase gene in vivo, retinoid-inducible activity can not be identified in 3.7 Kb of DNA 5$\sp\prime$ to the tissue transglutaminase gene.^ The structure of the 5$\sp\prime$ end of the tissue transglutaminase gene was mapped. Alignment analysis of the human tissue transglutaminase gene with other human transglutaminases showed that tissue transglutaminase is the simplest member of transglutaminase superfamily. Transglutaminase genes show a conserved core of exons and introns but diverse N-terminuses and promoters. These observations suggest that key regulatory sequences and promoter elements have been appended upstream of the core transglutaminase gene to generate the diversity of regulated expression and regulated activity characteristic of the transglutaminase gene family. ^


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Amplification or overexpression of HER-2/neu has been demonstrated in human cancers of the ovary, breast, lung and correlated with chemoresistance and poor clinic prognosis. We have previously found that the adenovirus type 5 early region 1A (E1A) gene product can repress the overexpression and suppress the tumorigenic potential of HER-2/neu-overexpressing cancer cells. In addition, E1A has been reported to induce apoptosis and inhibit the metastatic potential of tumor cells. Therefore, E1A could be considered as a tumor suppressor gene in HER-2/neu-overexpressing cancer cells. To develop an efficient HER-2/neu-targeting gene therapy with E1A, adenoviral vector or cationic liposome was used to introduce E1A into human ovarian, breast and lung cancer cells. Successful therapeutic effects were achieved.^ A replication-deficient adenovirus containing the E1A gene, Ad.E1A(+), was used to infect HER-2/neu-overexpressing human ovarian cancer cell line. Ovarian cancer growth in vitro and colony formation in soft agarose were greatly inhibited.^ To examine tumor suppressor function of E1A in breast cancer, we introduced E1A in vitro by adenovirus into both HER-2/neu-overexpressing and low-expressing human breast cancer cell lines. In HER-2/neu-overexpressing cells, E1A greatly inhibited tumor cell growth in vitro and colony formation in soft agarose. However, in low HER-2/neu expressing cancer cell lines, E1A could only reduce colony formation in soft agarose but had no significant effect on cell growth in monolayer, indicating different effects of E1A in these two types of cancer cells. To test the local therapeutic efficacy of E1A, we used either adenovirus- or liposome-mediated E1A gene delivery systems in an orthotopic breast cancer animal model.^ To test the therapeutic efficacy of systemically-delivered E1A in vivo lung cancer, we treated mice bearing intratracheal lung cancer by i.v. tail injections of Ad.E1A(+). As a result, Ad.E1A(+) suppressed HER-2/neu overexpression and inhibited intratracheal lung cancer growth. However, no significant tumor suppression effect of Ad.E1A(+) was observed in mice bearing HER-2/neu low expressing cell line when the same therapeutic procedure was followed. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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The Wilms' tumor 1 gene (WT1) encodes a zinc-finger transcription factor and is expressed in urogenital, hematopoietic and other tissues. It is expressed in a temporal and spatial manner in both embryonic and adult stages. To obtain a better understanding of the biological function of WT1, we studied two aspects of WT1 regulation: one is the identification of tissue-specific cis-regulatory elements that regulate its expression, the other is the downstream genes which are modulated by WT1.^ My studies indicate that in addition to the promoter, other regulatory elements are required for the tissue specific expression of this gene. A 259-bp hematopoietic specific enhancer in intron 3 of the WT1 gene increased the transcriptional activity of the WT1 promoter by 8- to 10-fold in K562 and HL60 cells. Sequence analysis revealed both GATA and c-Myb motifs in the enhancer fragment. Mutation of the GATA motif decreased the enhancer activity by 60% in K562 cells. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that both GATA-1 and GATA-2 proteins in K562 nuclear extracts bind to this motif. Cotransfection of the enhancer containing reporter construct with a GATA-1 or GATA-2 expression vector showed that both GATA-1 and GATA-2 transactivated this enhancer, increasing the CAT reporter activity 10-15 fold and 5-fold respectively. Similar analysis of the c-Myb motif by cotransfection with the enhancer CAT reporter construct and a c-Myb expression vector showed that c-Myb transactivated the enhancer by 5-fold. A DNase I-hypersensitive site has been identified in the 258 bp enhancer region. These data suggest that GATA-1 and c-Myb are responsible for the activity of this enhancer in hematopoietic cells and may bind to the enhancer in vivo. In the process of searching for cis-regulatory elements in transgenic mice, we have identified a 1.0 kb fragment that is 50 kb downstream from the promoter and is required for the central nervous system expression of WT1.^ In the search for downstream target genes of WT1, we noted that the proto-oncogene N-myc is coexpressed with the tumor suppressor gene WT1 in the developing kidney and is overexpressed in many Wilms' tumors. Sequence analysis revealed eleven consensus WT1 binding sites located in the 1 kb mouse N-myc promoter. We further showed that the N-myc promoter was down-regulated by WT1 in transient transfection assays. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed that oligonucleotides containing the WT1 motifs could bind WT1 protein. Furthermore, a Denys-Drash syndrome mutant of WT1, R394W, that has a mutation in the DNA binding domain, failed to repress the N-myc promoter. This suggests that the repression of the N-myc promoter is mediated by DNA binding of WT1. This finding helps to elucidate the relationship of WT1 and N-myc in tumorigenesis and renal development. ^


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Osseous metastases account for most of the morbidity and mortality associated with prostate cancer, for which there are currently no effective therapies. In the skeletal metastatic environment, neoplastic prostatic epithelial cells interact in a bidirectional stimulatory manner with osteoblastic stromal cells. Similarly, the presence of osteoblastic cells is essential for the survival and maintenance of intraosseous prostate cancer cells. In this thesis, I have developed novel gene therapy strategies for the treatment of androgen-independent human prostate cancers in experimental animal models. First, Ad-CMV-p53, a recombinant adenovirus (Ad) containing p53 tumor suppressor gene driven by the universal cytomegalovirus promoter, was effective in inhibiting prostate cancer cell growth, and direct intratumoral injections of Ad-CMV-p53 resulted in tumor regression. Second, because prostate cancer cells as well as osteoblastic cells produce osteocalcin (OC), OC promoter mediated tissue/tumor specific toxic gene therapy is developed to interrupt stromal-epithelial communications by targeting both cell types. Ad-OC-TK, a recombinant Ad containing the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (TK) gene driven by the OC promoter, was generated to inhibit the growth of osteoblastic osteosarcoma with prodrug acyclovir (ACV). Ad-OC-TK/ACV also inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells and suppressed the growth of subcutaneous and intraosseous prostate tumor. In order to combine treatment modalities to maximize tumor cell-kill with minimized host toxicities, Ad-OC-TK/ACV was applied in combination with low dose methotrexate to eradicate osteoblastic osteosarcoma. In targeting of micrometastatic disease, intravenous Ad-OC-TK/ACV treatment resulted in significant tumor nodule reduction and prolonged the survival of animals harboring osteosarcoma lung metastases without significant host toxicity. Ad-OC-TK is a rational choice for the treatment of prostate cancer skeletal metastasis because OC is uniformly detected in both primary and metastatic human prostate cancer specimens by immunohistochemistry. Ad-OC-TK/ACV inhibits the growth not only of prostate cancer cells but also of their supporting bone stromal cells. Targeting both prostate cancer epithelium and its supporting stroma may be most efficacious for the treatment of prostate cancer osseous metastases. ^


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A variety of human cancers overexpress the HER-2/neu proto-oncogene. Among patients with breast and ovarian cancers this HER-2/ neu overexpression indicates an unfavorable prognosis, with a shorter overall survival duration and a lower response rate to chemotherapeutic agents. Downregulation of HER-2/neu gene expression in cancer cells through attenuation of HER-2/neu promoter activity is, therefore, an attractive strategy for reversing the transformation phenotype and thus the chemoresistance induced by HER-2/neu overexpression. ^ A viral transcriptional regulator, the adenovirus type 5 E1A (early region 1A) that can repress the HER-2/neu promoter, had been identified in the laboratory of Dr. Mien-Chie Hung. Following the identification of the E1A gene, a series of studies revealed that repression of HER-2/neu by the E1A gene which can act therapeutically as a tumor suppressor gene for HER-2/ neu-overexpressing cancers. ^ The results of these preclinical studies became the basis for a phase I trial for E1A gene therapy among patients with HER-2/neu-overexpressing breast and ovarian cancer. In this dissertation, three primary questions concerned with new implications of E1A gene therapy are addressed: First, could E1A gene therapy be incorporated with conventional chemotherapy? Second, could the E1A gene be delivered systemically to exert an anti-tumor effect? And third, what is the activity of the E1A gene in low-HER-2/neu-expressing cancer cells? ^ With regard to the first question, the studies reported in this dissertation have shown that the sensitivity of HER-2/neu-overexpressing breast and ovarian cancer to paclitaxel is in fact enhanced by the downregulation of HER-2/neu overexpression by E1A. With regard to the second question, studies have shown that the E1A gene can exert anti-tumor activity by i.v. injection of the E1A gene complexed with the novel cationic liposome/protamine sulfate/DNA type I (LPDI). And with regard to the third question, the studies of low-HER-2/ neu-expressing breast and ovarian cancers reported here have shown that the E1A gene does in fact suppress metastatic capability. It did not, however, suppress the tumorigenicity. ^ Three conclusions can be drawn from the experimental findings reported in this dissertation. Combining paclitaxel with E1A gene therapy may expand the implications of the gene therapy in the future phase II clinical trial. Anti-tumor activity at a distant site may be achieved with the i.v. injection of the E1A gene. Lastly when administered therapeutically the anti-metastatic effect of the E1A gene in low-HER-2/neu-expressing breast cancer cells may prevent metastasis in primary breast cancer. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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Cancer is a result of defects in the coordination of cell proliferation and programmed cell death. The extent of cell death is physiologically controlled by the activation of a programmed suicide pathway that results in a morphologically recognizable form of death termed apoptosis. Inducing apoptosis in tumor cells by gene therapy provides a potentially effective means to treat human cancers. The p84N5 is a novel nuclear death domain containing protein that has been shown to bind an amino terminal domain of retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene product (pRb). Expression of N5 can induce apoptosis that is dependent upon its intact death domain and is inhibited by pRb. In many human cancer cells the functions of pRb are either lost through gene mutation or inactivated by different mechanisms. N5 based gene therapy may induce cell death preferentially in tumor cells relative to normal cells. We have demonstrated that N5 gene therapy is less toxic to normal cells than to tumor cells. To test the possibility that N5 could be used in gene therapy of cancer, we have generated a recombinant adenovirus engineered to express N5 and test the effects of viral infection on growth and tumorigenicity of human cancer cells. Adenovirus N5 infection significantly reduced the proliferation and tumorigenicity of breast, ovarian, and osteosarcoma tumor cell lines. Reduced proliferation and tumorigenicity were mediated by an induction of apoptosis as indicated by DNA fragmentation in infected cells. We also test the potential utility of N5 for gene therapy of pancreatic carcinoma that typically respond poorly to conventional treatment. Adenoviral mediated N5 gene transfer inhibits the growth of pancreatic cancer cell lines in vitro. N5 gene transfer also reduces the growth and metastasis of human pancreatic adenocarcinoma in subcutaneous and orthotopic mouse model. Interestingly, the pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells are more sensitive to N5 than they are to p53, suggesting that N5 gene therapy may be effective in tumors resistant to p53. We also test the possibilities of the use of N5 and p53 together on the inhibition of pancreatic cancer cell growth in vitro and vivo. Simultaneous use of N5 and RbΔCDK has been found to exert a greater extent on the inhibition of pancreatic cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo. ^