853 resultados para SUPPORTED LIPID-BILAYERS
Membranen spielen eine essentielle Rolle bei vielen wichtigen zellulären Prozessen. Sie ermöglichen die Erzeugung von chemischen Gradienten zwischen dem Zellinneren und der Umgebung. Die Zellmembran übernimmt wesentliche Aufgaben bei der intra- und extrazellulären Signalweiterleitung und der Adhäsion an Oberflächen. Durch Prozesse wie Endozytose und Exozytose werden Stoffe in oder aus der Zelle transportiert, eingehüllt in Vesikel, welche aus der Zellmembran geformt werden. Zusätzlich bietet sie auch Schutz für das Zellinnere. Der Hauptbestandteil einer Zellmembran ist die Lipiddoppelschicht, eine zweidimensionale fluide Matrix mit einer heterogenen Zusammensetzung aus unterschiedlichen Lipiden. In dieser Matrix befinden sich weitere Bausteine, wie z.B. Proteine. An der Innenseite der Zelle ist die Membran über Ankerproteine an das Zytoskelett gekoppelt. Dieses Polymernetzwerk erhöht unter anderem die Stabilität, beeinflusst die Form der Zelle und übernimmt Funktionenrnbei der Zellbewegung. Zellmembranen sind keine homogenen Strukturen, je nach Funktion sind unterschiedliche Lipide und Proteine in mikrsokopischen Domänen angereichert.Um die grundlegenden mechanischen Eigenschaften der Zellmembran zu verstehen wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit das Modellsystem der porenüberspannenden Membranen verwendet.Die Entwicklung der porenüberspannenden Membranen ermöglicht die Untersuchung von mechanischen Eigenschaften von Membranen im mikro- bis nanoskopischen Bereich mit rasterkraftmikroskopischen Methoden. Hierbei bestimmen Porosität und Porengröße des Substrates die räumliche Auflösung, mit welcher die mechanischen Parameter untersucht werdenrnkönnen. Porenüberspannende Lipiddoppelschichten und Zellmembranen auf neuartigen porösen Siliziumsubstraten mit Porenradien von 225 nm bis 600 nm und Porositäten bis zu 30% wurden untersucht. Es wird ein Weg zu einer umfassenden theoretischen Modellierung der lokalen Indentationsexperimente und der Bestimmung der dominierenden energetischen Beiträge in der Mechanik von porenüberspannenden Membranen aufgezeigt. Porenüberspannende Membranen zeigen eine linear ansteigende Kraft mit zunehmender Indentationstiefe. Durch Untersuchung verschiedener Oberflächen, Porengrößen und Membranen unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung war es für freistehende Lipiddoppelschichten möglich, den Einfluss der Oberflächeneigenschaften und Geometrie des Substrates, sowie der Membranphase und des Lösungsmittels auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften zu bestimmen. Es ist möglich, die experimentellen Daten mit einem theoretischen Modell zu beschreiben. Hierbei werden Parameter wie die laterale Spannung und das Biegemodul der Membran bestimmt. In Abhängigkeit der Substrateigenschaften wurden für freitragende Lipiddoppelschichten laterale Spannungen von 150 μN/m bis zu 31 mN/m gefunden für Biegemodulde zwischen 10^(−19) J bis 10^(−18) J. Durch Kraft-Indentations-Experimente an porenüberspannenden Zellmembranen wurde ein Vergleich zwischen dem Modell der freistehenden Lipiddoppelschichten und nativen Membranen herbeigeführt. Die lateralen Spannungen für native freitragende Membranen wurden zu 50 μN/m bestimmt. Weiterhin konnte der Einfluss des Zytoskeletts und der extrazellulä-rnren Matrix auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften bestimmt und innerhalb eines basolateralen Zellmembranfragments kartiert werden, wobei die Periodizität und der Porendurchmesser des Substrates das räumliche Auflösungsvermögen bestimmen. Durch Fixierung der freistehenden Zellmembran wurde das Biegemodul der Membran um bis zu einem Faktor 10 erhöht. Diese Arbeit zeigt wie lokal aufgelöste, mechanische Eigenschaften mittels des Modellsystems der porenüberspannenden Membranen gemessen und quantifiziert werden können. Weiterhin werden die dominierenden energetischen Einflüsse diskutiert, und eine Vergleichbarkeit zurnnatürlichen Membranen hergestellt.rn
This thesis focuses on the controlled assembly of monodisperse polymer colloids into ordered two-dimensional arrangements. These assemblies, commonly referred to as colloidal monolayers, are subsequently used as masks for the generation of arrays of complex metal nanostructures on solid substrates.rnThe motivation of the research presented here is twofold. First, monolayer crystallization methods were developed to simplify the assembly of colloids and to produce more complex arrangements of colloids in a precise way. Second, various approaches to colloidal lithography are designed with the aim to include novel features or functions to arrays of metal nanostructures.rnThe air/water interface was exploited for the crystallization of colloidal monolayer architectures as it combines a two-dimensional confinement with a high lateral mobility of the colloids that is beneficial for the creation of high long range order. A direct assembly of colloids is presented that provides a cheap, fast and conceptually simple methodology for the preparation of ordered colloidal monolayers. The produced two-dimensional crystals can be transformed into non-close-packed architectures by a plasma-induced size reduction step, thus providing valuable masks for more sophisticated lithographic processes. Finally, the controlled co-assembly of binary colloidal crystals with defined stoichiometries on a Langmuir trough is introduced and characterized with respect to accessible configurations and size ratios. rnSeveral approaches to lithography are presented that aim at introducing different features to colloidal lithography. First, using metal-complex containing latex particles, the synthesis of which is described as well, symmetric arrays of metal nanoparticles can be created by controlled combustion of the organic material of the colloids. The process does not feature an inherent limit in nanoparticle size and is able to produce complex materials as will be demonstrated for FePt alloy particles. Precise control over both size and spacing of the particle array is presented. rnSecond, two lithographic processes are introduced to create sophisticated nanoparticle dimer units consisting of two crescent shaped nanostructures in close proximity; essentially by using a single colloid as mask to generate two structures simultaneously. Strong coupling processes of the parental plasmon resonances of the two objects are observed that are accompanied by high near-field enhancements. A plasmon hybridization model is elaborated to explain all polarization dependent shifts of the resonance positions. Last, a technique to produce laterally patterned, ultra-flat substrates without surface topographies by embedding gold nanoparticles in a silicon dioxide matrix is applied to construct robust and re-usable sensing architectures and to introduce an approach for the nanoscale patterning of solid supported lipid bilayer membranes. rn
Die Entstehung und Evolution des genetischen Codes, der die Nukleotidsequenz der mRNA in die Aminosäuresequenz der Proteine übersetzt, zählen zu den größten Rätseln der Biologie. Die ersten Organismen, die vor etwa 3,8 Milliarden Jahren auf der Erde auftraten, nutzten einen ursprünglichen genetischen Code, der vermutlich ausschließlich abiotisch verfügbare Aminosäuren terrestrischer oder extraterrestrischer Herkunft umfasste. Neue Aminosäuren wurden sukzessive biosynthetisiert und selektiv in den Code aufgenommen, welcher in der modernen Form aus bis zu 22 Aminosäuren besteht. Die Ursachen für die Selektion und die Chronologie ihrer Aufnahme sind bis heute unbekannt und sollten im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit erforscht werden. Auf Grundlage quanten-chemischer Berechnungen konnte in dieser Arbeit zunächst ein Zusammenhang zwischen der HOMO-LUMO-Energiedifferenz (H-L-Distanz), die ein inverses quanten-chemisches Korrelat für allgemeine chemische Reaktivität darstellt, und der chronologischen Aufnahme der Aminosäuren in den genetischen Code aufgezeigt werden. Demnach sind ursprüngliche Aminosäuren durch große H-L-Distanzen und neue Aminosäuren durch kleine H-L-Distanzen gekennzeichnet. Bei einer Analyse des Metabolismus von Tyrosin und Tryptophan, bei denen es sich um die beiden jüngsten Standard-Aminosäuren handelt, wurde ihre Bedeutung als Vorläufer von Strukturen ersichtlich, die sich durch eine hohe Redox-Aktivität auszeichnen und deren Synthese gleichzeitig molekularen Sauerstoff erfordert. Aus diesem Grund wurden die Redox-Aktivitäten der 20 Standard-Aminosäuren gegenüber Peroxylradikalen und weiteren Radikalen getestet. Die Untersuchungen ergaben eine Korrelation zwischen evolutionärem Auftreten und chemischer Reaktivität der jeweiligen Aminosäure, die sich insbesondere in der effizienten Reaktion zwischen Tryptophan bzw. Tyrosin und Peroxylradikalen widerspiegelte. Dies indizierte eine potentielle Bedeutung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) bei der Konstituierung des genetischen Codes. Signifikante Mengen an ROS wurden erst zu Beginn der Oxygenierung der Geobiosphäre, die als Great Oxidation Event (GOE) bezeichnet wird und vor circa 2,3 Milliarden Jahren begann, gebildet und müssen zur oxidativen Schädigung vulnerabler, zellulärer Strukturen geführt haben. Aus diesem Grund wurde das antioxidative Potential von Aminosäuren beim Prozess der Lipidperoxidation untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass lipophile Derivate von Tryptophan und Tyrosin befähigt sind, die Peroxidation von Rattenhirnmembranen zu verhindern und humane Fibroblasten vor oxidativem Zelltod zu schützen. Daraus gründete sich das in dieser Arbeit aufgestellte Postulat eines Selektionsvorteils primordialer Organismen während des GOEs, die Tryptophan und Tyrosin als redox-aktive Aminosäuren in Membranproteine einbauen konnten und somit vor Oxidationsprozessen geschützt waren. Demzufolge wurde die biochemische Reaktivität als Selektionsparameter sowie oxidativer Stress als prägender Faktor der Evolution des genetischen Codes identifiziert.
The eukaryotic cell membrane possesses numerous complex functions, which are essential for life. At this, the composition and the structure of the lipid bilayer are of particular importance. Polyunsaturated fatty acids may modulate the physical properties of biological membranes via alteration of membrane lipid composition affecting numerous physiological processes, e.g. in the immune system. In this systematic study we present fatty acid and peptide profiles of cell membrane and membrane rafts of murine macrophages that have been supplemented with saturated fatty acids as well as PUFAs from the n-3, the n-6 and the n-9 family. Using fatty acid composition analysis and mass spectrometry-based peptidome profiling we found that PUFAs from both the n-3 and the n-6 family have an impact on lipid and protein composition of plasma membrane and membrane rafts in a similar manner. In addition, we found a relation between the number of bis-allyl-methylene positions of the PUFA added and the unsaturation index of plasma membrane as well as membrane rafts of supplemented cells. With regard to the proposed significance of lipid microdomains for disease development and treatment our study will help to achieve a targeted dietary modulation of immune cell lipid bilayers.
The Ca(2+) content of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of cardiac myocytes is thought to play a role in the regulation and termination of SR Ca(2+) release through the ryanodine receptors (RyRs). Experimentally altering the amount of Ca(2+) within the SR with the membrane-permeant low affinity Ca(2+) chelator TPEN could improve our understanding of the mechanism(s) by which SR Ca(2+) content and SR Ca(2+) depletion can influence Ca(2+) release sensitivity and termination. We applied laser-scanning confocal microscopy to examine SR Ca(2+) release in freshly isolated ventricular myocytes loaded with fluo-3, while simultaneously recording membrane currents using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Following application of TPEN, local spontaneous Ca(2+) releases increased in frequency and developed into cell-wide Ca(2+) waves. SR Ca(2+) load after TPEN application was found to be reduced to about 60% of control. Isolated cardiac RyRs reconstituted into lipid bilayers exhibited a two-fold increase of their open probability. At the low concentration used (20-40muM), TPEN did not significantly inhibit the SR-Ca(2+)-ATPase in SR vesicles. These results indicate that TPEN, traditionally used as a low affinity Ca(2+) chelator in intracellular Ca(2+) stores, may also act directly on the RyRs inducing an increase in their open probability. This in turn results in an increased Ca(2+) leak from the SR leading to its Ca(2+) depletion. Lowering of SR Ca(2+) content may be a mechanism underlying the recently reported cardioprotective and antiarrhythmic features of TPEN.
This article reports on recent electrical and optical techniques for investigating cellular signaling reactions in artificial and native membranes immobilized on solid supports. The first part describes the formation of planar artificial lipid bilayers on gold electrodes, which reveal giga-ohm electrical resistance and the insertion and characterization of ionotropic receptors therein. These membranes are suited to record a few or even single ion channels by impedance spectroscopy. Such tethered membranes on planar arrays of microelectrodes offer mechanically robust, long-lasting measuring devices to probe the influence of different chemistries on biologically important ionotropic receptors and therefore will have a future impact to probe the function of channel proteins in basic science and in biosensor applications. In a second part, we present complementary approaches to form inside-out native membrane sheets that are immobilized on micrometer-sized beads or across submicrometer-sized holes machined in a planar support. Because the native membrane sheets are plasma membranes detached from live cells, these approaches offer a unique possibility to investigate cellular signaling processes, such as those mediated by ionotropic or G protein-coupled receptors, with original composition of lipids and proteins.
The SLC9 gene family encodes Na(+)/H(+) exchangers (NHEs). These transmembrane proteins transport ions across lipid bilayers in a diverse array of species from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, including plants, fungi, and animals. They utilize the electrochemical gradient of one ion to transport another ion against its electrochemical gradient. Currently, 13 evolutionarily conserved NHE isoforms are known in mammals [22, 46, 128]. The SLC9 gene family (solute carrier classification of transporters: www.bioparadigms.org ) is divided into three subgroups [46]. The SLC9A subgroup encompasses plasmalemmal isoforms NHE1-5 (SLC9A1-5) and the predominantly intracellular isoforms NHE6-9 (SLC9A6-9). The SLC9B subgroup consists of two recently cloned isoforms, NHA1 and NHA2 (SLC9B1 and SLC9B2, respectively). The SLC9C subgroup consist of a sperm specific plasmalemmal NHE (SLC9C1) and a putative NHE, SLC9C2, for which there is currently no functional data [46]. NHEs participate in the regulation of cytosolic and organellar pH as well as cell volume. In the intestine and kidney, NHEs are critical for transepithelial movement of Na(+) and HCO3 (-) and thus for whole body volume and acid-base homeostasis [46]. Mutations in the NHE6 or NHE9 genes cause neurological disease in humans and are currently the only NHEs directly linked to human disease. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that members of this gene family contribute to the pathophysiology of multiple human diseases.
Expression, purification and low-resolution structure of human vitamin C transporter SVCT1 (SLC23A1)
Expression and purification of human membrane proteins for structural studies represent a great challenge. This is because micro- to milligram amounts of pure isolated protein are required. To this aim, we successfully expressed the human vitamin C transporter-1 (hSVCT1; SLC23A1) in Xenopus laevis oocytes and isolated highly pure protein in microgram amounts. Recombinant hSVCT1 was functional when expressed in oocytes and glycosylated. Structural analysis of purified hSVCT1 by transmission electron microscopy and single particle analysis unveiled its shape, dimensions and low-resolution structure as well as the existence of a major monomeric and minor dimeric population. Chemical crosslinking of isolated oocyte membranes containing expressed hSVCT1 indicated similar oligomeric states of hSVCT1 in lipid bilayers. This work reports the first purification and structural analysis of a human SVCT protein and opens the way for future functional and structural studies using purified hSVCT1.
Cupiennins are small cationic a-helical peptides from the venom of the ctenid spider Cupiennius salei which are characterized by high bactericidal as well as hemolytic activities. To gain insight into the determinants responsible for the broad cytolytic activities, two analogues of cupiennin 1a with different N-terminal hydrophobicities were designed. The insecticidal, bactericidal and hemolytic activities of these analogues were assayed and compared to the native peptide. Specifically, substitution of two N-terminal Phe residues by Ala results in less pronounced insecticidal and cytolytic activity, whereas a substitution by Lys reduces strongly its bactericidal activity and completely diminishes its hemolytic activity up to very high tested concentrations. Biophysical analyses of peptide/bilayer membrane interactions point to distinct interactions of the analogues with lipid bilayers, and dependence upon membrane surface charge. Indeed, we find that lower hemolytic activity was correlated with less surface association of the analogues. In contrast, our data indicate that the reduced bactericidal activity of the two cupiennin 1a analogues likely correspond to greater bilayer-surface localization of the peptides. Overall, ultimate insertion and destruction of the host cell membrane is highly dependent on the presence of Phe-2 and Phe-6 (Cu 1a) or Leu-6 (Cu 2a) in the N-terminal sequences of native cupiennins.
Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is a bullet-shaped rhabdovirus and a model system of negative-strand RNA viruses. Through direct visualization by means of cryo-electron microscopy, we show that each virion contains two nested, left-handed helices: an outer helix of matrix protein M and an inner helix of nucleoprotein N and RNA. M has a hub domain with four contact sites that link to neighboring M and N subunits, providing rigidity by clamping adjacent turns of the nucleocapsid. Side-by-side interactions between neighboring N subunits are critical for the nucleocapsid to form a bullet shape, and structure-based mutagenesis results support this description. Together, our data suggest a mechanism of VSV assembly in which the nucleocapsid spirals from the tip to become the helical trunk, both subsequently framed and rigidified by the M layer.
A membrane fraction (M$\sb{\rm PS}$), enriched in Cl$\sp-$ channels, has been isolated from bovine tracheal epithelia and renal cortex homogenates by hydrophobic chromatography. The tracheal fraction shows a 37 fold enrichment of Cl$\sp-$ channels over crude tracheal homogenates by net Cl$\sp-$ measurements in membrane vesicles. Alkaline phosphatase and (Na$\sp+$ + K$\sp+$)-ATPase are not found in these membranes, suggesting that they are not apical or basolateral plasma membranes. The M$\sb{\rm PS}$ fraction exhibits a protein profile unlike that of other membrane fractions with major proteins of 200 kDa and 42 kDa, proteins of 30 to 35 kDa, and lesser amounts of other proteins. Reconstitution of M$\sb{\rm PS}$ fractions from both trachea and kidney into planar lipid bilayers demonstrates the presence of a single type of anion channel. The current-voltage relationship of this channel is linear with a slope conductance of 84 pS in symmetrical 400 mM KCl, and is identical to that of the predominant anion channel observed in tracheal apical membranes under similar conditions (Valdivia, Dubinsky, and Coronado. Science, 1988). In addition, the voltage dependence, selectivity sequence of Cl$\sp- >$ Br$\sp- \ge$ I$\sp-$, and inhibition by low concentrations of the Cl$\sp-$ channel blocker, DIDS, correspond to those of the predominant apical membrane channel. Thus, although the M$\sb{\rm PS}$ fraction appears to be of subcellular origin, it may be functionally related to an apical membrane Cl$\sp-$ permeability. When renal M$\sb{\rm PS}$ membranes were treated with the detergent octyl-glucoside (OG, 2%) and centrifuged, the supernatant, sM$\sb{\rm PS}$, showed a 2 to 7-fold enrichment in specific Cl$\sp-$ flux activity compared with the detergent treated M$\sb{\rm PS}$. These solubilized proteins were then size fractionated on a Superose 12 HPLC gel filtration column, followed by fractionation on a Mono Q HPLC anion exchange column. Fractions that eluted in high salt consistently exhibited significant Cl$\sp-$ flux activity. These fractions had protein profiles consisting of a major band at 34 kDa, a band at 66 kDa, and variable faint bands. Fractions eluting in lower salt had protein profiles consisting of a single band at 34 kDa, and often had little or no Cl$\sp-$ flux activity. However, co-reconstitution of the low salt, solely 34 kDa protein-containing Mono Q fractions with sM$\sb{\rm PS}$ resulted in an enhancement of flux activity compared to that of sM$\sb{\rm PS}$ reconstituted alone. Flux assays of active Mono Q fractions showed that the channel retained its DIDS sensitivity. Applying sM$\sb{\rm PS}$ to a DIDS-affinity column and eluting with salt resulted in fractions with protein profiles again consisting of at least one major band at 34 kDa, a band at 66 kDa, and variable faint bands. Co-reconstitution with sM$\sb{\rm PS}$ again resulted in an enhancement of activity. Thus, the 34 kDa protein appears to be a component of the M$\sb{\rm PS}$ Cl$\sp-$ channel. ^
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a powerful imaging technique that allows recording topographical information of membrane proteins under near-physiological conditions. Remarkable results have been obtained on membrane proteins that were reconstituted into lipid bilayers. High-resolution AFM imaging of native disk membranes from vertebrate rod outer segments has unveiled the higher-order oligomeric state of the G protein-coupled receptor rhodopsin, which is highly expressed in disk membranes. Based on AFM imaging, it has been demonstrated that rhodopsin assembles in rows of dimers and paracrystals and that the rhodopsin dimer is the fundamental building block of higher-order structures.
The small HIV-1 accessory protein Vpr (virus protein R) is a multifunctional protein that is present in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid of AIDS patients. We previously showed that Vpr can form cation-selective ion channels across planar lipid bilayers, introducing the possibility that, if incorporated into the membranes of living cells, Vpr might form ion channels and consequently perturb the maintained ionic gradient. In this study, we demonstrate, by a variety of approaches, that Vpr added extracellularly to intact cells does indeed form ion channels. We use confocal laser scanning microscopy to examine the subcellular localization of fluorescently labeled Vpr. Plasmalemma depolarization and damage are examined using the anionic potential-sensitive dye bis(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid) trimethine oxonol and propidium iodide (PI), respectively, and the effect of Vpr on whole-cell current is demonstrated directly by using the patch-clamp technique. We show that recombinant purified extracellular Vpr associates with the plasmalemma of hippocampal neurons to cause a large inward cation current and depolarization of the plasmalemma, eventually resulting in cell death. Thus, we demonstrate a physiological action of extracellular Vpr and present its mechanistic basis. These findings may have important implications for neuropathologies in AIDS patients who possess significant amounts of Vpr in the cerebrospinal fluid.
The surface force apparatus was used to measure directly the molecular forces between streptavidin and lipid bilayers displaying grafted Mr 2,000 poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). These measurements provide direct evidence for the formation of relatively strong attractive forces between PEG and protein. At low compressive loads, the forces were repulsive, but they became attractive when the proteins were pressed into the polymer layer at higher loads. The adhesion was sufficiently robust that separation of the streptavidin and PEG uprooted anchored polymer from the supporting membrane. These interactions altered the properties of the grafted chains. After the onset of the attraction, the polymer continued to bind protein for several hours. The changes were not due to protein denaturation. These data demonstrate directly that the biological activity of PEG is not due solely to properties of simple polymers such as the excluded volume. It is also coupled to the competitive interactions between solvent and other materials such as proteins for the chain segments and to the ability of this material to adopt higher order intrachain structures.
The BCL-2 family of proteins is composed of both pro- and antiapoptotic regulators, although its most critical biochemical functions remain uncertain. The structural similarity between the BCL-XL monomer and several ion-pore-forming bacterial toxins has prompted electrophysiologic studies. Both BAX and BCL-2 insert into KCl-loaded vesicles in a pH-dependent fashion and demonstrate macroscopic ion efflux. Release is maximum at ≈pH 4.0 for both proteins; however, BAX demonstrates a broader pH range of activity. Both purified proteins also insert into planar lipid bilayers at pH 4.0. Single-channel recordings revealed a minimal channel conductance for BAX of 22 pS that evolved to channel currents with at least three subconductance levels. The final, apparently stable BAX channel had a conductance of 0.731 nS at pH 4.0 that changed to 0.329 nS when shifted to pH 7.0 but remained mildly Cl− selective and predominantly open. When BAX-incorporated lipid vesicles were fused to planar lipid bilayers at pH 7.0, a Cl−-selective (PK/PCl = 0.3) 1.5-nS channel displaying mild inward rectification was noted. In contrast, BCL-2 formed mildly K+-selective (PK/PCl = 3.9) channels with a most prominent initial conductance of 80 pS that increased to 1.90 nS. Fusion of BCL-2-incorporated lipid vesicles into planar bilayers at pH 7.0 also revealed mild K+ selectivity (PK/PCl = 2.4) with a maximum conductance of 1.08 nS. BAX and BCL-2 each form channels in artificial membranes that have distinct characteristics including ion selectivity, conductance, voltage dependence, and rectification. Thus, one role of these molecules may include pore activity at selected membrane sites.