316 resultados para SUPERNATANTS


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The aim of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial properties of fifteen selected strains belonging to the Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Lactococcus, Streptococcus and Bacillus genera against Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria. In vitro antibacterial activity was initially investigated by an agar spot method. Results from the agar spot test showed that most of the selected strains were able to produce active compounds on solid media with antagonistic properties against Salmonella Typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium difficile. These results were also confirmed when cell-free culture supernatants (CFCS) from the putative probiotics were used in an agar well diffusion assay. Neutralization of the culture supernatants with alkali reduced the antagonistic effects. These experiments are able to confirm the capacity of potential probiotics to inhibit selected pathogens. One of the main inhibitory mechanisms may result from the production of organic acids from glucose fermentation and consequent lowering of culture pH. This observation was confirmed when the profile of organic acids was analysed demonstrating that lactic and acetic acid were the principal end products of probiotic metabolism. Furthermore, the assessment of the haemolytic activity and the susceptibility of the strains to the most commonly used antimicrobials, considered as basic safety aspects, were also studied. The observed antimicrobial activity was mainly genus-specific, additionally significant differences could be observed among species.


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The protein antigen MPB70 is a major component of culture supernatants of Mycobacterium bovis and Is an active ingredient of bovine PPD used for skin-testing cattle for tuberculosis. we have shown that Mycobacterium kansasii possesses a similar gene that cross-reacts in a PCR test for M. bovis. Single strand conformational polymorphism analysis, and the DNA sequence of the PCR product, shows differences between M. kansasii strains, supporting the suggestion that M. kansasii is not a homogeneous species.


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Mediators involved in the generation of symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are poorly understood. Here we show that colonic biopsy samples from IBS patients release increased levels of proteolytic activity (arginine cleavage) compared to asymptomatic controls. This was dependent on the activation of NF-kappaB. In addition, increased proteolytic activity was measured in vivo, in colonic washes from IBS compared with control patients. Trypsin and tryptase expression and release were increased in colonic biopsies from IBS patients compared with control subjects. Biopsies from IBS patients (but not controls) released mediators that sensitized murine sensory neurons in culture. Sensitization was prevented by a serine protease inhibitor and was absent in neurons lacking functional protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2). Supernatants from colonic biopsies of IBS patients, but not controls, also caused somatic and visceral hyperalgesia and allodynia in mice, when administered into the colon. These pronociceptive effects were inhibited by serine protease inhibitors and a PAR2 antagonist and were absent in PAR2-deficient mice. Our study establishes that proteases are released in IBS and that they can directly stimulate sensory neurons and generate hypersensitivity symptoms through the activation of PAR2.


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BACKGROUND: Fibroblast growth factor 9 (FGF9) is secreted from bone marrow cells, which have been shown to improve systolic function after myocardial infarction (MI) in a clinical trial. FGF9 promotes cardiac vascularization during embryonic development but is only weakly expressed in the adult heart. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used a tetracycline-responsive binary transgene system based on the α-myosin heavy chain promoter to test whether conditional expression of FGF9 in the adult myocardium supports adaptation after MI. In sham-operated mice, transgenic FGF9 stimulated left ventricular hypertrophy with microvessel expansion and preserved systolic and diastolic function. After coronary artery ligation, transgenic FGF9 enhanced hypertrophy of the noninfarcted left ventricular myocardium with increased microvessel density, reduced interstitial fibrosis, attenuated fetal gene expression, and improved systolic function. Heart failure mortality after MI was markedly reduced by transgenic FGF9, whereas rupture rates were not affected. Adenoviral FGF9 gene transfer after MI similarly promoted left ventricular hypertrophy with improved systolic function and reduced heart failure mortality. Mechanistically, FGF9 stimulated proliferation and network formation of endothelial cells but induced no direct hypertrophic effects in neonatal or adult rat cardiomyocytes in vitro. FGF9-stimulated endothelial cell supernatants, however, induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy via paracrine release of bone morphogenetic protein 6. In accord with this observation, expression of bone morphogenetic protein 6 and phosphorylation of its downstream targets SMAD1/5 were increased in the myocardium of FGF9 transgenic mice. CONCLUSIONS: Conditional expression of FGF9 promotes myocardial vascularization and hypertrophy with enhanced systolic function and reduced heart failure mortality after MI. These observations suggest a previously unrecognized therapeutic potential for FGF9 after MI.


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PURPOSE: Multi-species probiotic preparations have been suggested as having a wide spectrum of application, although few studies have compared their efficacy with that of individual component strains at equal concentrations. We therefore tested the ability of 4 single probiotics and 4 probiotic mixtures to inhibit the urinary tract pathogens Escherichia coli NCTC 9001 and Enterococcus faecalis NCTC 00775. METHODS: We used an agar spot test to test the ability of viable cells to inhibit pathogens, while a broth inhibition assay was used to assess inhibition by cell-free probiotic supernatants in both pH-neutralised and non-neutralised forms. RESULTS: In the agar spot test, all probiotic treatments showed inhibition, L. acidophilus was the most inhibitory single strain against E. faecalis, L. fermentum the most inhibitory against E. coli. A commercially available mixture of 14 strains (Bio-Kult(®)) was the most effective mixture, against E. faecalis, the 3-lactobacillus mixture the most inhibitory against E. coli. Mixtures were not significantly more inhibitory than single strains. In the broth inhibition assays, all probiotic supernatants inhibited both pathogens when pH was not controlled, with only 2 treatments causing inhibition at a neutral pH. CONCLUSIONS: Both viable cells of probiotics and supernatants of probiotic cultures were able to inhibit growth of two urinary tract pathogens. Probiotic mixtures prevented the growth of urinary tract pathogens but were not significantly more inhibitory than single strains. Probiotics appear to produce metabolites that are inhibitory towards urinary tract pathogens. Probiotics display potential to reduce the incidence of urinary tract infections via inhibition of colonisation.


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The aims of the present study were to investigate in vitro the antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus fermentum and Bifidobacterium longum, isolated from faeces of healthy elderly individuals, against enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (E. coli O157:H7) and enteropathogenic E. coli (E. coli O86), to determine the capability of the selected strains to tolerate acid and bile in vitro, to select suitable carbohydrates in order to enhance the growth and maximise antimicrobial activity of the putative probiotic organisms and examine the adhesion properties of the synbiotics. Antimicrobial activity of the putative probiotics and synbiotics was investigated by a microtitre method using cell-free culture supernatants (CFCS). Results of the antimicrobial assay showed that both putative probiotic strains produced compounds at pH 5 that lead to higher lag phases of both E. coli O157:H7 and E. coli O86. When half the quantity of cell-free culture supernatants of both probiotic strains was used at pH 5, B. longum maintained the same antimicrobial effect against both strains of E. coli, whereas L. fermentum lead to a higher lag phase of E. coli O86 only. Neutralization of the culture supernatants with alkali reduced the antimicrobial effect with only cell-free supernatant of L. fermentum causing lower maximum growth rates of E. coli O157:H7 and E. coli O86. L. fermentum appeared to be acid tolerant whereas B. longum was more susceptible to acid and both isolates were bile tolerant. A short chain fructooligosaccharide (scFOS) and an isomalto-oligosaccharide (IMO) proved to be the most effective substrates, enhancing antimicrobial activity for L. fermentum and B. longum respectively. The adhesion of the synbiotic combinations showed that L. fermentum, exhibited higher percentage of adhesion when grown on glucose and as a synbiotic combination with scFOS whereas B. longum exhibited lowest percentage of adhesion when grown on both glucose and IMO.


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As a model for brain inflammation we previously studied transcriptional profiles of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF)treated U373 astroglioma cells. In previous work we were able to demonstrate that the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1, SCYA2, CCL2, MCAF) expression in U373 cells was inducible by TNF-alpha treatment. Demonstrably MCP-1 mRNA and protein expression in U373 cells was sustainable over time and at the highest level of all genes analyzed (Schwamborn et al., BMC Genomics 4, 46, 2003). In the hematopoietic system MCP-1 is a CC chemokine that attracts monocytes, memory T lymphocytes, and natural killer cells. In search of further functions in brain inflammation we tested the hypothesis that MCP-1 acts as a chemokine on neural stem cells. Here we report that MCP-1 activates the migration capacity of rat-derived neural stem cells. The migration of stem cells in a Boyden chamber analysis was elevated after stimulation with MCP-1. Time-lapse video microscopy visualized the migration of single stem cells from neurospheres in MCP-1-treated cultures, whereas untreated cultures depicted no migration at all, but showed signs of sprouting. Expression of the MCP-1 receptor CCR2 in neurosphere cultures was verified by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence microscopy. Supernatants from TNF-treated U373 cells also induced migration of neural stem cells.


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P>Aim To evaluate in vitro the effect of calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)(2)] and Er:YAG laser on bacterial endotoxin [also known as lipopolysaccharide (LPS)] as determined by nitric oxide (NO) detection in J774 murine macrophage cell line culture. Methodology Samples of LPS solution (50 mu gmL-1), Ca(OH)(2) suspension (25 mg mL-1) and LPS suspension with Ca(OH)(2) were prepared. The studied groups were: I - LPS (control); II - LPS + Ca(OH)(2); III - LPS + Er:YAG laser (15 Hz 140 mJ); IV - LPS + Er:YAG laser (15 Hz 200 mJ); V - LPS + Er:YAG laser (15 Hz 250 mJ), VI - Pyrogen-free water; VII - Ca(OH)(2). Murine macrophage J774 cells were plated and 10 mu L of the samples were added to each well. The supernatants were collected for NO detection by the Griess reaction. Data were analysed statistically by one-way anova and Tukey`s test at 5% significance level. Results The mean and SE (in mu mol L-1) values of NO release were: I - 10.48 +/- 0.58, II - 6.41 +/- 0.90, III - 10.2 +/- 0.60, IV - 8.35 +/- 0.40, V - 10.40 +/- 0.53, VI - 3.75 +/- 0.70, VII - 6.44 +/- 0.60; and the values for the same experiment repeated after 1 week were: I - 21.20 +/- 1.50, II - 9.10 +/- 0.60, III - 19.50 +/- 1.00, IV - 18.50 +/- 0.60, V - 21.30 +/- 0.90, VI - 2.00 +/- 0.20, VII - 6.80 +/- 1.70. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between the control and the laser-treated groups (III, IV and V), or comparing groups II, VI and VII to each other (P > 0.05). Group I had significantly higher NO release than group II (P < 0.05). Groups II and VI had similar NO release (P > 0.05). Conclusions Calcium hydroxide inactivated the bacterial endotoxin (LPS) whereas none of the Er:YAG laser parameter settings had the same effectiveness.


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Spleen or spleen plus bone marrow cells from (BALB/c x C57Bl/6)F1 donors were transferred into BALB/c recipients 21 days before skin or cardiac transplantation. Prolonged graft survival was observed on recipients treated with the mixture of donor-derived cells as compared to those treated with spleen cells alone. We evaluated the expression of CD45RB and CD44 by splenic CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells 7 and 21 days after donor cell transfer. The populations of CD8(+)CD45RB(low) and CD8(+)CD44(high) cells were significantly decreased in mice pre-treated with donor spleen and bone marrow cells as compared to animals treated with spleen cells only, although these cells expanded in both groups when compared to an earlier time-point. No differences were observed regarding CD4+ T cell population when recipients of donor-derived cells were compared. An enhanced production of IL-10 was observed seven days after transplantation in the supernatants of spleen cell cultures of mice treated with spleen and bone marrow cells. Taken together these data suggest that donor-derived bone marrow cells modulate the sensitization of the recipient by semi-allogeneic spleen cells in part by delaying the generation of activated/memory CD8(+) T cells leading to enhanced graft survival. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) have been extensively studied and their effects associated with the local bleeding observed in human accidents by viper snakes. Representatives of P-I and P-III classes of SVMPs similarly hydrolyze extracellular matrix proteins or coagulation factors while only P-III SVMPs induce significant hemorrhage in experimental models. In this work, the effects of P-I and P-III SVMPs on plasma proteins and cultures of muscle and endothelial cells were compared in order to enlighten the mechanisms involved in venom-induced hemorrhage. To reach this comparison, BnP1 was isolated from B. neuwiedi venom and used as a weakly hemorrhagic P-I SVMPs and jararhagin was used as a model of potently hemorrhagic P-III SVMP. BnP1 was isolated by size exclusion and anion-exchange chromatographies, showing apparent molecular mass of approximately 24kDa and sequence similarity with other members of SVMPs, which allowed its classification as a group P-I SVMP. The comparison of local effects induced by SVMPs showed that BnP1 was devoid of significant myotoxic and hemorrhagic activities and jararhagin presented only hemorrhagic activity. BnP1 and jararhagin were able to hydrolyze fibrinogen and fibrin, although the latter displayed higher activity in both systems. Using HUVEC primary cultures, we observed that BnP1 induced cell detachment and a decrease in the number of viable endothelial cells in levels comparable to those observed by treatment with jararhagin. Moreover, both BnP1 and jararhagin induced apoptosis in HUVECs while only a small increase in LDH supernatant levels was observed after treatment with jararhagin, suggesting that the major mechanism involved in endothelial cell death is apoptosis. Jararhagin and BnP1 induced little effects on C2C12 muscle cell cultures, characterized by a partial detachment 24h after treatment and a mild necrotic effect as evidenced by a small increase in the supernatants LDH levels. Taken together, our data show that P-I and P-III SVMPs presented comparable effects except for the hemorrhagic activity, suggesting that hydrolysis of coagulation factors or damage to endothelial cells are not sufficient for induction of local bleeding. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The systemic inflammatory response syndrome ( SIRS) is triggered by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Gram-negative bacteria. Insulin was shown to have a protective role in SIRS related to sepsis. Lungs are particularly affected in this condition and provide a second wave of mediators/cytokines which amplifies SIRS. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of insulin on the signaling pathways elicited by LPS in alveolar macrophages (AMs) and its consequence in cellular response to LPS measured as production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF). To this purpose, resident AMs from male Wistar rats were obtained by lung lavage and stimulated by LPS ( 100 ng/mL). Insulin ( 1 mU/mL) was added 10 min before LPS. Activation ( phosphorylation) of signaling molecules by LPS was analyzed by western blot, 30 min after LPS stimulation. TNF was measured in the AMs culture supernatants by bioassay using L-929 tumor cells. Relative to controls, LPS induced a significant increase in the activation of ERK (3.6-fold), p38 (4.4-fold), Tyr-326 Akt (4.7-fold), Ser-473 Akt (6.9-fold), PKCa (4.7-fold) and PKCd (2.3-fold). Treatment of AMs with insulin before LPS stimulation, significantly reduced the activation of ERK (54%), p38 (48%), Tyr-326 Akt (64%), Ser-473 Akt (41%), PKCa (62%) and PKCd (39%). LPS induced TNF production in AMs which was also inhibited by insulin (60%). These results show that insulin down-regulates MAPK, PI3K and PKCs and inhibits a downstream effect of LPS, TNF production, in rat AMs stimulated with LPS and suggest that the protective effect of insulin in sepsis could be through modulation of signal transduction pathways elicited by LPS in lung macrophages. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Monocytes/macrophages and lymphocytes have a key role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis through the production of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. We evaluated mRNA expression and protein production of CCL2, CXCL8, CXCL9, CXCL10, IFN-gamma and IL-10 in vitro as well as the expression of the CCR2 and CXCR3 receptors in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and healthy controls in the presence or absence of oxidized LDL (oxLDL). Patients with CAD showed higher constitutive expression of CCL2, CXCL8, CXCL9, CXCL10 and IFN-gamma mRNA and, after stimulation with oxLDL, higher expression of CCL2 and CXCL8 mRNA than the control group. We also detected higher levels of CCL2 and CXCL8 in supernatants of oxLDL-stimulated PBMCs from CAD patients than in corresponding supernatants from controls. Patients with CAD had a higher percentage of constitutive CCR2(+) and CXCR3(+) cells after stimulation with oxLDL. Among CAD patients, the main differences between the stable (SA) and unstable angina (UA) groups were lower IL-10 mRNA production in the latter group. Altogether, our data suggest that PBMCs from CAD patients are able to produce higher concentrations of chemokines and cytokines involved in the regulation of monocyte and lymphocyte migration and retention in atherosclerotic lesions. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) control T-cell responses by multiple mechanisms, including the expression of co-stimulatory molecules and the production of cytokines and other mediators that control T-cell proliferation, survival and differentiation. Here, we demonstrate that soluble factor(s) produced by Toll-like receptor (TLR)-activated APCs suppress activation-induced cell death (AICD). This effect was observed in non-stimulated APCs, but it was significantly increased after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment. Using different KO mice, we found that the LPS-induced protective factor is dependent on TLR4/MyD88. We identified the protective factor as prostaglandin E-2(PGE(2)) and showed that both APC-derived supernatants and PGE(2) prevented CD95L upregulation in T cells in response to TCR/CD3 stimulation, thereby avoiding both AICD and activated T cell killing of target macrophages. The PGE(2) receptors, EP2 and EP4, appear to be involved since pharmacological stimulation of these receptors mimics the protective effect on T cells and their respective antagonists interfere with the protection induced by either APCs derived or synthetic PGE(2). Finally, the engagement of EP2 and EP4 synergistically activates protein kinase A (PKA) and exchange protein directly activated by cAMP pathways to prevent AICD. Taken together, these results indicate that APCs can regulate T-cell levels of CD95L by releasing PGE2 in response to LPS through a TLR4/MyD88-dependent pathway, with consequences for both T cell and their own survival.


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In this work we evaluated the ability of different types of antimicrobial peptides to promote permeabilization and growth inhibition of Acanthamoeba castellanii trophozoites, which cause eye keratitis. We used cationic alpha-helical peptides P5 and a beta-hairpin amphipathic molecule (gomesin), of the spider Acanthoscurria gomesiana haemocytes. A. castellanii permeabilization was obtained after 1 h incubation with micromolar concentrations of both types of peptides. While permeabilization induced by gomesin increased with longer incubations, P5 permeabilization did not increase with time and occurred at doses that are more toxic for SIRC cells, P5, however, at doses below the critical dose used to kill rabbit corneal cells was quite effective in promoting growth inhibition. Similarly, P5 was more effective when serine protease inhibitor was added simultaneously to the permeabilization assay. High performance chromatography followed by mass spectrometry analysis confirmed that, in contrast to gomesin, P5 is hydrolysed by A. castellanii culture supernatants. We conclude that the use of antimicrobial peptides to treat A. castellanii infections requires the search of more specific peptides that are resistant to proteolysis.


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P>Acute ocular infection due to free-living amoebae of the genus Acanthamoeba is characterized by severe pain, loss of corneal transparency and, eventually, blindness. Proteolytic enzymes secreted by trophozoites of virulent Acanthamoeba strains have an essential role in the mechanisms of pathogenesis, including adhesion, invasion and destruction of the corneal stroma. In this study, we analysed the relationship between the extracellular proteases secreted by clinical isolates of Acanthamoeba and the clinical manifestations and severity of disease that they caused. Clinical isolates were obtained from patients who showed typical symptoms of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Trophozoites were cultivated axenically, and extracellular proteins were collected from cell culture supernatants. Secreted enzymes were partially characterized by gelatin and collagen zymography. Acanthamoeba trophozoites secreted proteases with different molecular masses, proteolysis rates and substrate specificities, mostly serine-like proteases. Different enzymatic patterns of collagenases were observed, varying between single and multiple collagenolytic activities. Low molecular weight serine proteases were secreted by trophozoites associated with worse clinical manifestations. Consequently, proteolytic enzymes of some Acanthamoeba trophozoites could be related to the degree of their virulence and clinical manifestations of disease in the human cornea.