931 resultados para SUCROSE ANALGESIA
Gray mold of roses (Rosa hibrida) caused by Botrytis cinerea requires many management strategies for its control. The effect of pulsing rose cv. Kiss with solutions of citric acid, salicylic acid, sucrose, calcium sulfate, and silver thiosulfate (STS) on disease severity and vase life of the flowers was evaluated. The solutions were applied to cut stems at different stages of harvest, the variation in the opening stage of harvest did not affect the results. Pulsing with STS reduced the values of area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) and of severity of disease by 15% and 55%, respectively, and increased the vase life of the flowers by 20%. Calcium sulfate consistently reduced AUDPC by 66% and maximum severity by 88%, and increased vase life of the flowers by 37%. Therefore, pulsing rose buds with solutions of STS and calcium sulfate is potentially useful in reducing losses due to gray mold after harvest and in extending the vase life.
JUSTIFICATIVAS E OBJETIVOS: A dor sempre foi uma das maiores preocupações do homem, entretanto, apesar dos progressos da ciência, ainda existem várias barreiras ao seu adequado tratamento, incluindo a falta de conhecimento por parte da equipe médica, sobre o mecanismo das diversas drogas e técnicas empregadas. O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar as principais drogas e técnicas empregadas no controle da dor pós-operatória, visando estimular o interesse sobre o assunto bem como aumentar a eficácia do tratamento dado aos pacientes. CONTEÚDO: Está ressaltada neste artigo, a importância da adequada analgesia pós-operatória, considerando as principais drogas e técnicas utilizadas no controle da dor, seus mecanismos de ação, posologias, vias de administração e efeitos colaterais, bem como a importância da integração de toda a equipe envolvida nos cuidados do paciente para o sucesso do tratamento. O tratamento inadequado da dor no pós-operatório não se justifica, pois há um arsenal considerável de drogas e técnicas analgésicas. O que se faz necessário, portanto, é que toda equipe, anestesistas, cirurgiões, e enfermeiros tenham conhecimento e estejam integrados na utilização deste arsenal.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of topical policresulen and cinchocaine in the postoperative pain behavior of open hemorrhoidectomy.METHODS: We conducted a prospective, double-blinded, controlled study. The control group received the usual guidelines with oral medications. The topical treatment group received, in addition, the application of the ointment and was comprised of two subgroups (policresulen + cinchocaine, and placebo). Pain intensity was recorded with the visual analogue scale.RESULTS: 43 patients were operated on: control group - n = 13, one excluded; placebo - n = 15; and policresulen + cinchocaine - n = 15. The mean age was 45.98 years and 37.2% were men. The average pain intensity was 4.09 (immediate postoperative), 3.22 (hospital discharge), 5.73 (day 1) , 5.77 (day 2), 5.74 (day 3), 5.65 (day 7), 5.11 (day 10), 2.75 (day 15) and 7.70 (first bowel movement), with no difference between groups in all periods.CONCLUSION: This study showed no reduction in pain after hemorrhoidectomy with the use of topical policresulen and cinchocaine.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia e segurança da associação bupivacaína com sufentanil para a analgesia no trabalho de parto e do parto por meio de um bloqueio peridural contínuo. Realizou-se um ensaio clínico duplo-cego, prospectivo e aleatório, incluindo sessenta mulheres nulíparas da Maternidade do CAISM/UNICAMP. No momento da analgesia, as mulheres foram aleatoriamente alocadas em dois grupos: BS, recebendo 12,5 mg de bupivacaína com adrenalina mais 30 µg de sufentanil e BP, recebendo 12,5 mg de bupivacaína com adrenalina mais placebo. Foram avaliados os parâmetros relativos à qualidade e duração da analgesia, duração do trabalho de parto e também possíveis efeitos sobre o recém-nascido. Os resultados mostraram a superioridade da adição do sufentanil sobre o grau de analgesia durante o tempo de ação da primeira dose de anestésico local. Não houve aumento na duração do trabalho de parto depois do início da analgesia quando se compararam ambos os grupos, nem qualquer diferença quanto à via de parto. Não houve também diferenças entre os grupos com relação à avaliação dos recém-nascidos. Conclui-se que a associação de 30 µg de sufentanil à primeira dose de bupivacaína é segura e eficaz, melhorando a qualidade da analgesia, sua duração e não afetando a progressão do trabalho de parto e o resultado neonatal.
OBJETIVOS: comparar a evolução materna e perinatal após a utilização da analgesia peridural contínua versus analgesia combinada raqui-peridural em parturientes primigestas. MÉTODOS: foi realizado ensaio clínico aleatorizado com 128 gestantes primigestas em trabalho de parto, divididas em dois grupos: analgesia peridural (APC) com 65 mulheres e grupo analgesia combinada raqui-peridural (ACRP) com 63, admitidas no pré-parto de duas maternidades na cidade de Jundiaí - SP. Foram estudadas as variáveis: tempo de latência de instalação da analgesia, intensidade da dor e tempo total decorrido até a dilatação completa, índice de Apgar no primeiro e quinto minutos, tempo de resolução do parto, grau de bloqueio motor, efeitos adversos como náuseas, vômitos, prurido, hipotensão arterial, e grau de satisfação materna. Foram critérios de inclusão: primigestas, estado físico ASA 1 e 2, feto único, apresentação cefálica, de termo, dilatação cervical de 3 a 6 cm e solicitação de analgesia pelo obstetra. Foram excluídas mulheres com morbidades, ruptura de membranas, anormalidades fetais e uso de opioides até quatro horas antes. Para a análise estatística utilizou-se o teste de Mann-Whitney para as variáveis contínuas não paramétricas e os testes exato de Fisher e χ2 de Pearson, para variáveis categóricas. RESULTADOS: não houve diferença entre os grupos para velocidade de dilatação cervical, tempo para resolução do parto, parâmetros hemodinâmicos maternos, vitalidade do recém-nascido, complementações analgésicas durante o trabalho de parto e modo de parto. Houve maior rapidez de instalação da analgesia no grupo da ACRP e menor bloqueio motor no grupo de APC. Não foram observadas diferenças em relação aos efeitos adversos como náuseas, vômitos, prurido e hipotensão, sendo hipotensão mais frequente no grupo APC (16,9 versus 6,3%) e náusea no grupo ACRP (6,3 versus 3,1%). CONCLUSÕES: as duas técnicas mostraram-se seguras e eficientes, porém a ACRP ofereceu analgesia mais rápida, com alívio precoce da dor. O bloqueio motor menos intenso no grupo APC proporcionou movimentação mais ativa no leito e colaboração mais efetiva das gestantes durante o período expulsivo. A grande maioria das mulheres referiu satisfação com a analgesia recebida. As doses de anestésicos locais e opioides utilizadas em ambas as técnicas analgésicas e as doses complementares, iguais nos dois grupos, não produziram efeitos adversos maternos significativos ou alteraram a vitalidade dos recém-nascidos.
Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the vitrification of bovine preantral follicles with dimethylsulfoxide (D) and sucrose (S) plus α-tocopherol 5mmol/L (T5) or 10mmol/L (T10) and, evaluate the thawed with minimal essential medium (m) with or without sucrose (s). Ovaries of cows were collected from slaughterhouse for the experiment I (n=66) and II (n=51). In the laboratory ovarian fragments were randomly assigned either to fresh control and 8 vitrification treatments (Controle and Dm; Dms, DSm; DSms; DST5m; DST5ms; DST10m; DST10ms). Ovarian fragments were placed in vitrification solution (5 min) and immersed in liquid nitrogen (-196°C), after a week, the fragments were thawed and analyzed. In the experiments I, preantral follicles were morphologically observed for histological evaluation, (normal; degenerated and developing of stage). In the experiment II, preantral follicles were mechanically isolated from ovarian tissue and examined with trypan blue, where dead and live corresponded to stained or non-stained. The treatments DSm, DSms and DST10m were effective in preserving the morphology in situ. However, the viability of isolated preantral follicles after vitrification remained high only in treatment DST10m. Thus, DST10m preserves survival rates and morphological integrity during vitrification of bovine preantral follicles.
A function of the endogenous analgesic system is to prevent recuperative behaviors generated by tissue damage, thus preventing the emission of species-specific defensive behaviors. Activation of intrinsic nociception is fundamental for the maintenance of the behavioral strategy adopted. Tonic immobility (TI) is an inborn defensive behavior characterized by a temporary state of profound and reversible motor inhibition elicited by some forms of physical restraint. We studied the effect of TI behavior on nociception produced by the formalin and hot-plate tests in guinea pigs. The induction of TI produced a significant decrease in the number of flinches (18 ± 6 and 2 ± 1 in phases 1 and 2) and lickings (6 ± 2 and 1 ± 1 in phases 1 and 2) in the formalin test when compared with control (75 ± 13 and 22 ± 6 flinches in phases 1 and 2; 28 ± 7 and 17 ± 7 lickings in phases 1 and 2). In the hot-plate test our results also showed antinociceptive effects of TI, with an increase in the index of analgesia 30 and 45 min after the induction of TI (0.67 ± 0.1 and 0.53 ± 0.13, respectively) when compared with control (-0.10 ± 0.08 at 30 min and -0.09 ± 0.09 at 45 min). These effects were reversed by pretreatment with naloxone (1 mg/kg, ip), suggesting that the hypoalgesia observed after induction of TI behavior, as evaluated by the algesimetric formalin and hot-plate tests, is due to activation of endogenous analgesic mechanisms involving opioid synapses.
We compared the clinical efficacy of orally administered valdecoxib and piroxicam for the prevention of pain, trismus and swelling after removal of horizontally and totally intrabony impacted lower third molars. Twenty-five patients were scheduled to undergo removal of symmetrically positioned lower third molars in two separate appointments. Valdecoxib (40 mg) or piroxicam (20 mg) was administered in a double-blind, randomized and crossed manner for 4 days after the surgical procedures. Objective and subjective parameters were recorded for comparison of postoperative courses. Both agents were effective for postoperative pain relief (N = 19). There was a similar mouth opening at suture removal compared with the preoperative values (86.14 ± 4.36 and 93.12 ± 3.70% of the initial measure for valdecoxib and piroxicam, respectively; ANOVA). There was no significant difference regarding the total amount of rescue medication taken by the patients treated with valdecoxib or piroxicam (173.08 ± 91.21 and 461.54 ± 199.85 mg, respectively; Wilcoxon test). There were no significant differences concerning the swelling observed on the second postoperative day compared to baseline measures (6.15 ± 1.84 and 8.46 ± 2.04 mm for valdecoxib and piroxicam, respectively; ANOVA) or on the seventh postoperative day (1.69 ± 1.61 and 2.23 ± 2.09 mm for valdecoxib and piroxicam, respectively; ANOVA). The cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitor valdecoxib is as effective as the non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitor piroxicam for pain, trismus and swelling control after removal of horizontally and totally intrabony impacted lower third molars.
Local anesthetic efficacy of tramadol has been reported following intradermal application. Our aim was to investigate the effect of perineural tramadol as the sole analgesic in two pain models. Male Wistar rats (280-380 g; N = 5/group) were used in these experiments. A neurostimulation-guided sciatic nerve block was performed and 2% lidocaine or tramadol (1.25 and 5 mg) was perineurally injected in two different animal pain models. In the flinching behavior test, the number of flinches was evaluated and in the plantar incision model, mechanical and heat thresholds were measured. Motor effects of lidocaine and tramadol were quantified and a motor block score elaborated. Tramadol, 1.25 mg, completely blocked the first and reduced the second phase of the flinching behavior test. In the plantar incision model, tramadol (1.25 mg) increased both paw withdrawal latency in response to radiant heat (8.3 ± 1.1, 12.7 ± 1.8, 8.4 ± 0.8, and 11.1 ± 3.3 s) and mechanical threshold in response to von Frey filaments (459 ± 82.8, 447.5 ± 91.7, 320.1 ± 120, 126.43 ± 92.8 mN) at 5, 15, 30, and 60 min, respectively. Sham block or contralateral sciatic nerve block did not differ from perineural saline injection throughout the study in either model. The effect of tramadol was not antagonized by intraperitoneal naloxone. High dose tramadol (5 mg) blocked motor function as well as 2% lidocaine. In conclusion, tramadol blocks nociception and motor function in vivo similar to local anesthetics.
Sucrose solution is recommended as relevant pain relief management in neonates during acute painful procedures; however, only a few studies have analyzed the potentially adverse effects of sucrose administration to preterm neonates. The goal of this study was to examine the potential side effects of sucrose for pain relief in preterm infants, assessing feeding and weight gain during hospitalization and their feeding patterns postdischarge. The study sample consisted of 43 preterm neonates divided into two groups: a sucrose group (SG, n=18) and a control group (CG, n=25) in which no sucrose was administered. The SG received 0.5 mL/kg 25% oral sucrose for 2 min prior to all acute painful procedures during three consecutive days. A prospective review of medical charts was performed for all samples. The study was done prior to implementation of the institutional sucrose guidelines as a routine service, and followed all ethical requirements. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in terms of weight gain, length of stay with orogastric tubes, and parenteral feeding. Postdischarge, infant nutritional intake included feeding human milk to 67% of the SG and 74% of the CG. There were no statistically significant differences between groups regarding human milk feeding patterns postdischarge. Neonate feeding patterns and weight gain were unaffected following the short-term use of sucrose for pain relief.
Rice flour was processed by extrusion cooking in the presence of variable contents of water and sucrose. The process was carried out in a twin-screw extruder under the conditions given by a centre rotational experimental design of second order. The effects of the independent variables, water content (27.9 to 42.1%), and sucrose content (0.1 to 19.9%) on the physicochemical properties of the extrudates were investigated. The water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), volumetric expansion index (VEI), and bulk density (BD) were determined as dependent variables. BD was determined for samples before and after frying. An increase in water contents resulted in higher WAI and VEI, and lower WSI and BD for extrudates before and after frying. Higher sucrose levels led to increased values of WAI and VEI and to reduced values of WSI and BD. Both independent variables had significant influence on the physicochemical properties of rice flour extrudates. However, the sucrose content was the most significant. The interaction between these two independent variables and their quadratic effect were also important for the responses studied.
Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen which may survive in biofilms and persist in food processing plants. In this study, the ability of Leuconostoc mesenteroides (bac+ and bac-) to inhibit biofilm formation by L. monocytogenes ATCC 19115 was studied with stainless steel coupons immersed in BHI broth and BHI broth plus sucrose in combination with the Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). Adhered cells were collected with swabs and enumerated on selective agars (Oxford for listeria and MRS for leuconostoc). Leuconostoc mesenteroides bac+ in co-culture with L. monocytogenes was effective to inhibit biofilm formation by listeria for up to 3 hours of incubation, but at 24 hours, biofilm was present in all conditions tested, as confirmed by observations of stainless steel coupons under Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). It was also observed that in the presence of L. mesenteroides bac+ in BHI plus sucrose, a high number of elongated cells of L. monocytogenes was present, which may indicate an adaptation response of the pathogen to stress conditions with important implications for food safety.
This work investigated the fructooligosaccharides (FOS) synthesis by immobilized inulinase obtained from Kluyveromyces marxianus NRRL Y-7571 in aqueous and aqueous-organic systems using sucrose as substrate. The sequential strategy of experimental design was used to optimize the FOS conversion in both systems. For the aqueous-organic system, a 2(6-2) fractional design was carried out to evaluate the effects of temperature, sucrose concentration, pH, aqueous/organic ratio, enzyme activity, and polyethylene glycol concentration. For the aqueous system, a central composite design for the enzyme activity and the sucrose concentration was carried out. The highest fructooligosaccharides yield (Y FOS) for the aqueous-organic system was 18.2 ± S0.9 wt%, at 40 ºC, pH 5.0, sucrose concentration of 60% (w/w), enzyme activity of 4 U.mL-1, and aqueous/organic ratio of 25/75 wt%. The highest Y FOS for the aqueous system was 14.6 ± 0.9 wt% at 40 ºC, pH 5.0, sucrose concentration of 60 wt%, and enzyme activity of 4.0 U.mL-1.