948 resultados para STEROID-HORMONES


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Un animal qui s’approvisionne en groupe peut rechercher soi-même sa nourriture (tactique producteur) ou tenter de se joindre à des parcelles déjà découvertes par un autre individu (tactique chapardeur). Bien que les modèles de jeu producteur-chapardeur partent du principe que les gains moyens à l’équilibre associés à chacune de ces tactiques sont égaux et ne dépendent pas des caractéristiques des individus, de plus en plus d’études démontrent que le gain de chaque tactique est influencé par certaines caractéristiques phénotypiques (agressivité, capacités d’apprentissage,…). Dans cette étude, nous nous intéressons aux effets de la testostérone sur le choix des tactiques d’approvisionnement chez les mâles de diamant mandarin (Taeniopygia guttata). La testostérone est connue pour influencer le développement du cerveau et l’agressivité, nous avons donc testé les effets d’une exposition prénatale à la testostérone ainsi que durant l’âge adulte sur le choix des tactiques d’approvisionnement lorsque la nourriture est cryptique ou défendable. Nous avons réalisé deux expériences : nous avons tout d’abord utilisé la longueur du tarse ainsi que la différence entre les longueurs des doigts 2 et 4 comme des indicateurs de l’exposition prénatale à la testostérone puis testé si ces différences morphologiques se traduisent par des différences dans le choix des tactiques dans une condition défendable et une condition cryptique. Nous avons trouvé que le choix des tactiques chez les diamants mandarins était limité par le phénotype. Une exposition précoce à la testostérone au cours du développement prénatal pourrait donc être la cause d’au moins une part de la variation observée dans le choix des tactiques d’approvisionnement. Ensuite, nous avons manipulé le taux de testostérone plasmatique chez des mâles adultes grâce à des implants hormonaux sous-cutanés puis comparé le comportement des individus lorsqu’ils portaient un implant hormonal et un implant contrôle et ce, dans chacune des deux conditions d’approvisionnement. Nous n’avons mis en évidence aucun effet du taux de testostérone plasmatique sur le choix des tactiques à l’âge adulte. Nos résultats sont en accord avec l’hypothèse que le choix des tactiques d’approvisionnement peut être influencé par les hormones. Notre conclusion est que les hormones stéroïdiennes peut affecter le choix des tactiques via l’existence d’effets maternels dans le jeu producteur-chapardeur.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec Michèle Prévost (Ph.D), Professeure titulaire au département des génies civil, géologique et des mines de l'École Polytechnique de Montréal.


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Secretion of LH and FSH from the anterior pituitary is regulated primarily by hypothalamic GnRH and ovarian steroid hormones. More recent evidence indicates regulatory roles for certain members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) superfamily including inhibin and activin. The aim of this study was to identify expression of mRNAs encoding key receptors and ligands of the inhibin/activin system in the hen pituitary gland and to monitor their expression throughout the 24-25-h ovulatory cycle. Hens maintained on long days (16 h light/8 h dark) were killed 20, 12, 6 and 2 h before predicted ovulation of a midsequence egg (n = 8 per group). Anterior pituitary glands were removed, RNA extracted and cDNA synthesized. Plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, progesterone and inhibin A were measured. Real-time quantitative PCR was used to quantify pituitary expression of mRNAs encoding betaglycan, activin receptor (ActR) subtypes (type I, IIA), GnRH receptor (GnP,H-R), LH beta subunit, FSH beta subunit and GAPDH. Levels of mRNA for inhibin/activin beta A and beta B subunits, inhibin alpha subunit, follistatin and ActRIIB mRNA in pituitary were undetectable by quantitative PCR (< 2 amol/reaction). Significant changes in expression (P < 0.05) of ActRIIA and betaglycan mRNA were found, both peaking 6 h before ovulation just prior to the preovulatory LH surge and reaching a nadir 2 h before ovulation, just after the LH surge. There were no significant changes in expression of ActRI mRNA throughout the cycle although values were correlated with mRNA levels for both ActRIIA (r=0.77; P < 0.001) and betaglycan (r=0.45; P < 0.01). Expression of GnRH-R mRNA was lowest 20 h before ovulation and highest (P < 0.05) 6 h before ovulation; values were weakly correlated with betaglycan (r=0.33; P=0.06) and ActRIIA (r=0.34; P=0.06) mRNA levels. Expression of mRNAs encoding LH beta and FSH beta subunit were both lowest (P < 0.05) after the LH surge, 2 h before ovulation. These results are consistent with an endocrine, but not a local intrapituitary, role of inhibin-related proteins in modulating gonadotroph function during the ovulatory cycle of the hen, potentially through interaction with betaglycan and ActRIIA. In contrast to mammals, intrapituitary expression of inhibin/activin subunits and follistatin appears to be extremely low or absent in the domestic fowl.


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Development of external genitalia in mammalian embryos requires tight coordination of a complex series of morphogenetic events involving outgrowth, proximodistal and dorsoventral patterning, and epithelial tubulogenesis. Hypospadias is a congenital defect of the external genitalia that results from failure of urethral tube closure. Although this is the second most common birth defect in humans, affecting one in every 250 children, the molecular mechanisms that regulate morphogenesis of the mammalian urethra are poorly understood. We report that mice lacking the IIIb isoform of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (Fgfr2) exhibit severe hypospadias. Urethral signaling regions, as indicated by Shh and Fgf8 expression, are established in Fgfr2-IIIb null mice; however, cell proliferation arrests prematurely and maturation of the urethral epithelium is disrupted. Fgfr2-IIIb(-/-) mutants fail to maintain the progenitor cell population required for uroepithelial renewal during tubular morphogenesis. In addition, we show that antagonism of the androgen receptor (AR) leads to loss of Fgfr2-IIIb and Fgf10 expression in the urethra, and an associated hypospadias phenotype, suggesting that these genes are downstream targets of AR during external genital development. Genitourinary defects resulting from disruption of AR activity, by either genetic or environmental factors, may therefore involve negative regulation of the Fgfr2 pathway. This represents the first example of how the developing genitourinary system integrates cues from systemically circulating steroid hormones with a locally expressed growth factor pathway.


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The Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study has provided the first evidence implicating vitamin E in hormone synthesis. The effect of vitamin E on stereoidogenesis in testes and adrenal glands was assessed in growing rats using Affymetrix gene-chip technology. Dietary supplementation of rats with vitamin E (60 mg/kg feed) for a period of 429 days caused a significant repression of genes encoding for proteins centrally involved in the uptake (low-density lipoprotein receptor) and de novo synthesis (for example, 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A synthase, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase, isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase, and farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase) of cholesterol, the precursor of all steroid hormones. The present investigation indicates that dietary vitamin E may induce changes in stereoidogenesis by affecting cholesterol homeostasis.


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Secretion of LH and FSH from the anterior pituitary is regulated primarily by hypothalamic GnRH and ovarian steroid hormones. More recent evidence indicates regulatory roles for certain members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) superfamily including inhibin and activin. The aim of this study was to identify expression of mRNAs encoding key receptors and ligands of the inhibin/activin system in the hen pituitary gland and to monitor their expression throughout the 24-25-h ovulatory cycle. Hens maintained on long days (16 h light/8 h dark) were killed 20, 12, 6 and 2 h before predicted ovulation of a midsequence egg (n = 8 per group). Anterior pituitary glands were removed, RNA extracted and cDNA synthesized. Plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, progesterone and inhibin A were measured. Real-time quantitative PCR was used to quantify pituitary expression of mRNAs encoding betaglycan, activin receptor (ActR) subtypes (type I, IIA), GnRH receptor (GnP,H-R), LH beta subunit, FSH beta subunit and GAPDH. Levels of mRNA for inhibin/activin beta A and beta B subunits, inhibin alpha subunit, follistatin and ActRIIB mRNA in pituitary were undetectable by quantitative PCR (< 2 amol/reaction). Significant changes in expression (P < 0.05) of ActRIIA and betaglycan mRNA were found, both peaking 6 h before ovulation just prior to the preovulatory LH surge and reaching a nadir 2 h before ovulation, just after the LH surge. There were no significant changes in expression of ActRI mRNA throughout the cycle although values were correlated with mRNA levels for both ActRIIA (r=0.77; P < 0.001) and betaglycan (r=0.45; P < 0.01). Expression of GnRH-R mRNA was lowest 20 h before ovulation and highest (P < 0.05) 6 h before ovulation; values were weakly correlated with betaglycan (r=0.33; P=0.06) and ActRIIA (r=0.34; P=0.06) mRNA levels. Expression of mRNAs encoding LH beta and FSH beta subunit were both lowest (P < 0.05) after the LH surge, 2 h before ovulation. These results are consistent with an endocrine, but not a local intrapituitary, role of inhibin-related proteins in modulating gonadotroph function during the ovulatory cycle of the hen, potentially through interaction with betaglycan and ActRIIA. In contrast to mammals, intrapituitary expression of inhibin/activin subunits and follistatin appears to be extremely low or absent in the domestic fowl.


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Molecular and behavioural evidence points to an association between sex-steroid hormones and autism spectrum conditions (ASC) and/or autistic traits. Prenatal androgen levels are associated with autistic traits, and several genes involved in steroidogenesis are associated with autism, Asperger Syndrome and/or autistic traits. Furthermore, higher rates of androgen-related conditions (such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, hirsutism, acne and hormone-related cancers) are reported in women with autism spectrum conditions. A key question therefore is if serum levels of gonadal and adrenal sex-steroids (particularly testosterone, estradiol, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and androstenedione) are elevated in individuals with ASC. This was tested in a total sample of n=166 participants. The final eligible sample for hormone analysis comprised n=128 participants, n=58 of whom had a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome or high functioning autism (33 males and 25 females) and n=70 of whom were age- and IQ-matched typical controls (39 males and 31 females). ASC diagnosis (without any interaction with sex) strongly predicted androstenedione levels (p<0.01), and serum androstenedione levels were significantly elevated in the ASC group (Mann-Whitney W=2677, p=0.002), a result confirmed by permutation testing in females (permutation-corrected p=0.02). This result is discussed in terms of androstenedione being the immediate precursor of, and being converted into, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, or estrogens in hormone-sensitive tissues and organs.


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Autism affects males more than females, giving rise to the idea that the influence of steroid hormones on early fetal brain development may be one important early biological risk factor. Utilizing the Danish Historic Birth Cohort and Danish Psychiatric Central Register, we identified all amniotic fluid samples of males born between 1993 and 1999 who later received ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision) diagnoses of autism, Asperger syndrome or PDD-NOS (pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified) (n=128) compared with matched typically developing controls. Concentration levels of Δ4 sex steroids (progesterone, 17α-hydroxy-progesterone, androstenedione and testosterone) and cortisol were measured with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. All hormones were positively associated with each other and principal component analysis confirmed that one generalized latent steroidogenic factor was driving much of the variation in the data. The autism group showed elevations across all hormones on this latent generalized steroidogenic factor (Cohen's d=0.37, P=0.0009) and this elevation was uniform across ICD-10 diagnostic label. These results provide the first direct evidence of elevated fetal steroidogenic activity in autism. Such elevations may be important as epigenetic fetal programming mechanisms and may interact with other important pathophysiological factors in autism.


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The in vitro effect of testosterone on human neutrophil function was investigated. Blood neutrophils from healthy male subjects were isolated and treated with 10 nM, 0.1 and 10 mu M testosterone for 24 h. As compared with untreated cells, the testosterone treatment produced a significant decrease of superoxide production as indicated by the measurement of extra- and intracellular superoxide content. An increment in the production of nitric oxide was observed at 0.1 and 10 mu M testosterone concentrations, whereas no effect was found for 10 nM. Intracellular calcium mobilization was significantly increased at 10 nM, whereas it was reduced at 10 mu M testosterone. There was an increase in phagocytic capacity at 10 nM and a decrease of microbicidal activity in neutrophils treated with testosterone at 10 mu M. Glutathione reductase activity was increased by testosterone treatment, whereas no effect was observed in other antioxidant enzyme activities. An increase in the content of thiol groups was observed at all testosterone concentrations. Lipid peroxidation in neutrophils evaluated by levels of TBARS was decreased at 10 nM and 0.1 mu M testosterone. These results indicate the antioxidant properties of testosterone in neutrophils as suggested by reduction of superoxide anion production, and lipid peroxidation, and by the increase in nitric oxide production, glutathione reductase activity and the content of thiol groups. Therefore, the plasma levels of testosterone are important regulators of neutrophil function and so of the inflammatory response. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A disfunção sexual corresponde a alterações em uma ou mais fases da resposta sexual humana e apresenta maior prevalência na população feminina. Ademais, a participação de alguns fatores como obesidade e níveis dos hormônios esteroidais na disfunção sexual feminina (DSF) permanece incerta. O presente estudo deteve-se na análise da ocorrência de DSF numa população de mulheres portadoras de obesidade, cadastradas no Ambulatório de Cirurgia Bariátrica do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, no município de Natal, RN. O estudo foi realizado em uma amostra composta por trinta e uma mulheres, com idade entre 20 e 50 anos, com índice de massa corpórea (IMC) > 30 Kg/m2. A todas as pacientes foi aplicado um questionário composto por uma seção com dados socio-econômicos, e outra abordando a saúde sexual feminina, sendo esta última correspondente ao Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), para diagnóstico de DSF. A partir dessa caracterização, as pacientes foram reunidas nos grupos CD (pacientes com disfunção, n= 9) e SD (sem disfunção, n= 22). Para a análise do efeito da obesidade na DSF, as pacientes foram reunidas nos grupos 1 (6 pacientes com IMC grau I e II: entre 30 e 40 Kg/m2) e 2 (25 com IMC grau III: acima de 40). Para o estudo da participação dos hormônios esteroidais foram determinadas as concentrações séricas de cortisol, estradiol e dehidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) pelo método de quimiluminescência. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada usando os testes ANOVA, MANOVA (Pillai), além de análise de Cluster. Para identificar as diferenças entre os domínios do FSFI, foi usado o teste T de Student. A significância considerada para todos os testes foi para p< 0,01. Das pacientes estudadas, 25,8% apresentaram DSF de acordo com o escore total do FSFI. A análise estatística posterior evidenciou que as diferenças ocorreram para os domínios desejo, excitação e orgasmo. Não foi encontrada relação da presença de DSF com os diferentes graus de obesidade ou com os níveis hormonais dos esteróides cortisol, estradiol ou DHEA. Contudo, foi encontrado aumento significativo nos níveis séricos de estradiol para o grupo 1, que corresponde ao de menor índice de IMC. Estes resultados mostram que a prevalência de DSF não diferiu entre os graus I,II e III de obesidade das pacientes deste estudo mas, quando presente, a disfunção ocorre nos domínios desejo, excitação e orgasmo. A maior concentração de estradiol encontrada nas pacientes de menor índice de IMC sugere uma possível relação entre as duas variáveis que precisa ser investigada em estudos futuros.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Zinc plays a very important role in animal and human metabolism. Nowadays, it is one of the most extensively studied trace element, since its sphere of action has been demonstrated to be very broad. From the biochemical standpoint, it controls more than 300 different enzymes, many of them involved with intermediary metabolism, DNA and RNA synthesis, gene expression, and immunocompetence. It also plays a significant role in hormonal homeostasis, since it can interact with almost all hormones. Zn2+ is closely related to the thyroid and steroid hormones, insulin, parathormone, and pituitary hormones, particularly prolactin (PRL). Zn2+ can inhibit PRL secretion within a range of physiologically and pharmacologically relevant concentrations. This property has raised the possibility of clinical applications of zinc. In this article, we review the Literature on the subject in an attempt to provide a comprehensible general view.