380 resultados para SSS


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Map comparison is a relatively uncommon practice in acoustic seabed classification to date, contrary to the field of land remote sensing, where it has been developed extensively over recent decades. The aim here is to illustrate the benefits of map comparison in the underwater realm with a case study of three maps independently describing the seabed habitats of the Te Matuku Marine Reserve (Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand). The maps are obtained from a QTC View classification of a single-beam echosounder (SBES) dataset, manual segmentation of a sidescan sonar (SSS) mosaic, and automatic classification of a backscatter dataset from a multibeam echosounder (MBES). The maps are compared using pixel-to-pixel similarity measures derived from the literature in land remote sensing. All measures agree in presenting the MBES and SSS maps as the most similar, and the SBES and SSS maps as the least similar. The results are discussed with reference to the potential of MBES backscatter as an alternative to SSS mosaic for imagery segmentation and to the potential of joint SBES–SSS survey for improved habitat mapping. Other applications of map-similarity measures in acoustic classification of the seabed are suggested.


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A methodology for automatically processing the data files from an EM3000 multibeam echosounder (Kongsberg Maritime, 300 kHz) is presented. Written in MatLab, it includes data extraction, bathymetry processing, computation of seafloor local slope, and a simple correction of the backscatter along-track banding effect. The success of the latter is dependent on operational restrictions, which are also detailed. This processing is applied to a dataset acquired in 2007 in the Tamaki Strait, New Zealand. The resulting maps are compared with a habitat classification obtained with the acoustic ground-discrimination software QTC View linked to a 200-kHz single-beam echosounder and to the imagery from a 100-kHz sidescan sonar survey, both performed in 2002. The multibeam backscatter map was found to be very similar to the sidescan imagery, quite correlated to the QTC View map on one site but mainly uncorrelated on another site. Hypotheses to explain these results are formulated and discussed. The maps and the comparison to prior surveys are used to draw conclusions on the quality of the code for further research on multibeam benthic habitat mapping.


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Electroactive polymers have attracted considerable attention in recent years due to their sensing and actuating properties which make them a material of choice for a wide range of applications including sensors, biomimetic robots, and biomedical micro devices. This paper presents an effective modeling strategy for nonlinear large deformation (small strains and moderate rotations) dynamic analysis of polymer actuators. Considering that the complicated electro-chemo-mechanical dynamics of these actuators is a drawback for their application in functional devices, establishing a mathematical model which can effectively predict the actuator's dynamic behavior can be of paramount importance. To effectively predict the actuator's dynamic behavior, a comprehensive mathematical model is proposed correlating the input voltage and the output bending displacement of polymer actuators. The proposed model, which is based on the rigid finite element (RFE) method, consists of two parts, namely electrical and mechanical models. The former is comprised of a ladder network of discrete resistive-capacitive components similar to the network used to model transmission lines, while the latter describes the actuator as a system of rigid links connected by spring-damping elements (sdes). Both electrical and mechanical components are validated through experimental results.


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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry. A novel self-adapting retarder itaconic acid/acrylamide/sodium styrene sulfonate (IA/AM/SSS, hereinafter referred to as PIAS) was synthesized by free-radical, aqueous-solution polymerization and characterized by FTIR and TG. The optimum reaction conditions of polymerization were obtained from orthogonal experiments (L33) and subsequent data analysis. According to the evaluation as a retarder, the PIAS made it possible to obtain both a long thickening time and a swift compressive strength development for cement slurry, and therefore the applicable range of bottom hole circulation temperatures to the cement slurry has been widened to 60-180°C. Moreover, the working mechanism of the self-adapting retarder PIAS was found to rely on the change of spatial structure of the molecules to retard the hydration of the cement. This paper also expounds that the delayed coagulation of the cement slurry is attributed to adsorption, chelation and "poisoning" effects of the PIAS molecules on the surface of hydrated particles or ions through XRD and SEM analyses.


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Includes bibliography


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São propostas concepções para subsidiar o planejamento da ampliação da coleta, tratamento e destino final de esgoto no município de Belém, mais especificamente na área de maior densidade populacional, que apresenta 1.143.946 habitantes e baixo índice de atendimento com Sistema de Esgotamento Sanitário (SES). Para isso, são necessárias ações voltadas à expansão dessa infra-estrutura, o que deve ocorrer de forma sustentável, eficiente, integrada e planejada. No trabalho são analisados estudos e projetos anteriormente realizados na área em questão, diagnosticado o SES existente, elaborada a projeção populacional no período de 2005-2025 e calculada a demanda de esgoto nos próximos 20 anos, para, então, serem formuladas as alternativas de concepção. As 6 (seis) alternativas de concepção são fundamentadas na descentralização progressiva do SES, apresentando variações no número de Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto - ETEs e nas características de coleta e transposição de esgoto sanitário entre as bacias de esgotamento e de localização das ETEs. A melhor alternativa foi a de número 3 (três), que apresenta tratamento de esgoto o mais próximo do local de geração. O trabalho pretende contribuir na tomada de decisão para ampliação do SES no Município de Belém.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To investigate the correlation between the Alberta Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) and the Scandinavian Stroke Scale (SSS) for the evaluation of neurological impairment in patients with acute stroke. Method: 59 patients with a first acute ischemic stroke were evaluated. The ASPECTS were evaluated by 2 neurologists at admission and by another neurologist after 48 hours. The NIHSS and SSS was applied to determinate stroke severity. Correlations and agreements were analysed statistically by Spearman and Kappa tests. Results: ASPECTS was correlated with National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) at admission (r = -0.52; p < 0.001) and SSS (r = 0.50; p < 0.001). The ASPECTS and SSS items were most correlated with arm (r = 0.52; p < 0.001) and hand (r = 0.49; p < 0.001) motor power, and speech (r = 0.51; p < 0.001). The SSS of 25.5 shows sensitivity (68%) and specificity (72%) when associated with ASPECTS <= 7. Conclusion: The SSS can predict worst neurological impairment when associated with lower values of ASPECTS.


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Background: The objective of this study was to evaluate the consistency, coherence, and interobserver reliability of the Portuguese version of the Scandinavian Stroke Scale (SSS) in a multicultural population of stroke. Methods: The SSS was translated, culturally adapted, and applied by two independent investigators. This was a randomized transverse study involving two groups: group 1 included 20 patients in the acute phase and group 2 included 20 patients in the subacute phase after stroke was confirmed by computed tomography with a pre-stroke modified Rankin Scale score of 0. Each patient also underwent National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) evaluation at hospital entry and at the time of the SSS evaluation for correlation with our current standard hospital practice. Consistency and coherence were analyzed by Cronbach’s α and interobserver reliability by ĸ. Results: Forty patients were evaluated with 0.88 consistency and coherence in both stroke phases. Mean interobserver ĸ was 0.76, with reliability considered excellent and good for most scale items, and moderate for only the facial palsy item. Conclusion: The SSS is adequate and validated to study post-stroke patients in a multicultural Brazilian population and in the Portuguese language.


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Degree in Marine Sciences. Faculty of Marine Sciences, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Institut de Ciències del Mar, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas


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Alkohol und Schläfrigkeit sind die wichtigsten fahrerbezogenen Faktoren bei der Entstehung von Autounfällen. Bislang gibt es relativ wenige konkrete Erkenntnisse über die schläfrigkeitsfördernde Wirkung von Alkohol. Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte erstmals eine quantitative und objektive Analyse der (Tages-)Schläfrigkeit unter Alkoholeinfluss während der gesamten Alkoholumsetzungskurve erstellt werden. Mit dem pupillographischen Schläfrigkeitstest (PST) steht ein Verfahren zur Verfügung, mit dem es möglich ist, Schläfrigkeit unter Alkoholeinfluss quantitativ zu bestimmen. Diese Methode beruht auf der Vermessung der Pupille, deren Durchmesser der efferenten sympathischen Steuerung unterliegt. Bei zunehmender Schläfrigkeit lässt der sympathische Einfluss auf die Pupillenweite nach und es kommt zu typischen Oszillationen der Pupille. Diese Oszillationen, sogenannte „Fatigue Waves“, werden in einem ruhigen, abgedunkelten Raum mittels Infrarotkamera über 11 Minuten kontinuierlich aufgezeichnet und als Pupillen-Unruhe-Index (PUI) in mm / min ausgegeben. Für diesen Wert existieren Normwerte, welche eine Einteilung der PUI-Werte in „normal“, „erhöht“ und „pathologisch“ ermöglichen. Es wurde ein standardisiertes Kollektiv von 53 Probanden zwischen 20 und 60 Jahren untersucht. Dieses bestand aus 28 Männern und 25 Frauen. Die Probanden wurden wahlweise mit Bier oder Wein stufenweise unter Blutalkohohol-konzentrationen von annähernd 0,3, 0,5 und 0,8 ‰ gesetzt, die genaue BAK wurde jeweils durch Gaschromatographie und ADH-Methode bestimmt. Während dieser Anflutungsphase wurde bei jeder der drei Stufen die Schläfrigkeit bestimmt. Dies geschah zum einen mittels objektivem PST und zum anderen durch die subjektive Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS), eine siebenstufige Skala zur Einschätzung der eigenen Schläfrigkeit. In der Eliminationsphase der Alkoholumsetzungskurve wurde wiederum bei 0,5 und 0,3 ‰ sowohl die subjektive als auch die objektive Schläfrigkeit gemessen. Eine Kontrollgruppe von 11 Probanden aus dem genannten Kollektiv wurde zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt unter gleichen Bedingungen ohne Alkoholeinfluss untersucht. Im Ergebnis zeigte die Anflutungsphase zunächst ein signifikantes Absinken des PUI um 5,9 %, gleichbedeutend mit einer höheren Vigilanz. Im weiteren Verlauf war das Maximum der Schläfrigkeit in der Eliminationsphase bei einer verhältnismäßig geringen BAK von durchschnittlich 0,54 ‰ zu beobachten. Der PUI hatte sich im Vergleich zum Ausgangswert um durchschnittlich 17,4 % erhöht und 40,4 % der Probanden wiesen erhöhte oder pathologische Schläfrigkeitswerte auf. Dieser Anteil lag um hochsignifikante 110 % höher als bei der Ausgangsmessung. Insgesamt ließ sich keine Korrelation zwischen objektiver und subjektiver Schläfrigkeit feststellen, obwohl auch die subjektive Schläfrigkeit stieg. Das Maximum der subjektiven Schläfrigkeit fiel zusammen mit dem Maximum der Alkoholisierung von 0,8 ‰. Wirkung auf das Ausmaß der Schläfrigkeit hatten die Häufigkeit des Alkoholkonsums, der Body-Mass-Index (BMI) und das Geschlecht. Je häufiger die Probanden nach eigenen Angaben Alkohol tranken und je höher der jeweilige BMI war, desto geringer war der Einfluss des Alkohols auf die Schläfrigkeit. Mit der Eigenschaft „weibliches Geschlecht“ ging eine höhere objektive Schläfrigkeit einher, allerdings auch eine höhere subjektive Einschätzung der eigenen Schläfrigkeit. Ein Einfluss der Getränkeart ließ sich hingegen nicht nachweisen. Für die Abnahme der Vigilanz spielte es keine Rolle, ob dies durch Bier oder Wein verursacht worden war. Bedenklich erschien die Tatsache, dass zum einen die Probanden das Ausmaß der eigenen Schläfrigkeit sogar unter relativ geringer Alkoholisierung nicht adäquat einschätzen konnten, und dass zum anderen das Maximum der Schläfrigkeit – und damit auch des mutmaßlichen Unfallrisikos – in der Eliminationsphase lag. Ein Zeitpunkt, zu dem sicherlich die meisten Alkoholfahrten unternommen werden.


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The present-day climate in the Mediterranean region is characterized by mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. There is contradictory evidence as to whether the present-day conditions (“Mediterranean climate”) already existed in the Late Miocene. This thesis presents seasonally-resolved isotope and element proxy data obtained from Late Miocene reef corals from Crete (Southern Aegean, Eastern Mediterranean) in order to illustrate climate conditions in the Mediterranean region during this time. There was a transition from greenhouse to icehouse conditions without a Greenland ice sheet during the Late Miocene. Since the Greenland ice sheet is predicted to melt fully within the next millennia, Late Miocene climate mechanisms can be considered as useful analogues in evaluating models of Northern Hemispheric climate conditions in the future. So far, high resolution chemical proxy data on Late Miocene environments are limited. In order to enlarge the proxy database for this time span, coral genus Tarbellastraea was evaluated as a new proxy archive, and proved reliable based on consistent oxygen isotope records of Tarbellastraea and the established paleoenvironmental archive of coral genus Porites. In combination with lithostratigraphic data, global 87Sr/86Sr seawater chronostratigraphy was used to constrain the numerical age of the coral sites, assuming the Mediterranean Sea to be equilibrated with global open ocean water. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of Tarbellastraea and Porites from eight stratigraphically different sampling sites were measured by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. The ratios range from 0.708900 to 0.708958 corresponding to ages of 10 to 7 Ma (Tortonian to Early Messinian). Spectral analyses of multi-decadal time-series yield interannual δ18O variability with periods of ~2 and ~5 years, similar to that of modern records, indicating that pressure field systems comparable to those controlling the seasonality of present-day Mediterranean climate existed, at least intermittently, already during the Late Miocene. In addition to sea surface temperature (SST), δ18O composition of coral aragonite is controlled by other parameters such as local seawater composition which as a result of precipitation and evaporation, influences sea surface salinity (SSS). The Sr/Ca ratio is considered to be independent of salinity, and was used, therefore, as an additional proxy to estimate seasonality in SST. Major and trace element concentrations in coral aragonite determined by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry yield significant variations along a transect perpendicular to coral growth increments, and record varying environmental conditions. The comparison between the average SST seasonality of 7°C and 9°C, derived from average annual δ18O (1.1‰) and Sr/Ca (0.579 mmol/mol) amplitudes, respectively, indicates that the δ18O-derived SST seasonality is biased by seawater composition, reducing the δ18O amplitude by 0.3‰. This value is equivalent to a seasonal SSS variation of 1‰, as observed under present-day Aegean Sea conditions. Concentration patterns of non-lattice bound major and trace elements, related to trapped particles within the coral skeleton, reflect seasonal input of suspended load into the reef environment. δ18O, Sr/Ca and non-lattice bound element proxy records, as well as geochemical compositions of the trapped particles, provide evidence for intense precipitation in the Eastern Mediterranean during winters. Winter rain caused freshwater discharge and transport of weathering products from the hinterland into the reef environment. There is a trend in coral δ18O data to more positive mean δ18O values (–2.7‰ to –1.7‰) coupled with decreased seasonal δ18O amplitudes (1.1‰ to 0.7‰) from 10 to 7 Ma. This relationship is most easily explained in terms of more positive summer δ18O. Since coral diversity and annual growth rates indicate more or less constant average SST for the Mediterranean from the Tortonian to the Early Messinian, more positive mean and summer δ18O indicate increasing aridity during the Late Miocene, and more pronounced during summers. The analytical results implicate that winter rainfall and summer drought, the main characteristics of the present-day Mediterranean climate, were already present in the Mediterranean region during the Late Miocene. Some models have argued that the Mediterranean climate did not exist in this region prior to the Pliocene. However, the data presented here show that conditions comparable to those of the present-day existed either intermittently or permanently since at least about 10 Ma.


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Purpose To evaluate geriatric assessment (GA) domains in relation to clinically important outcomes in older breast cancer survivors. Methods Six hundred sixty women diagnosed with primary breast cancer in four US geographic regions (Los Angeles, CA; Minnesota; North Carolina; and Rhode Island) were selected with disease stage I to IIIA, age ≥ 65 years at date of diagnosis, and permission from attending physician to contact. Data were collected over 7 years of follow-up from consenting patients' medical records, telephone interviews, physician questionnaires, and the National Death Index. Outcomes included self-reported treatment tolerance and all-cause mortality. Four GA domains were described by six individual measures, as follows: sociodemographic by adequate finances; clinical by Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) and body mass index; function by number of physical function limitations; and psychosocial by the five-item Mental Health Index (MHI5) and Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS). Associations were evaluated using t tests, χ2 tests, and regression analyses. Results In multivariable regression including age and stage, three measures from two domains (clinical and psychosocial) were associated with poor treatment tolerance; these were CCI ≥ 1 (odds ratio [OR] = 2.49; 95% CI, 1.18 to 5.25), MHI5 score less than 80 (OR = 2.36; 95% CI, 1.15 to 4.86), and MOS-SSS score less than 80 (OR = 3.32; 95% CI, 1.44 to 7.66). Four measures representing all four GA domains predicted mortality; these were inadequate finances (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.89; 95% CI, 1.24 to 2.88; CCI ≥ 1 (HR = 1.38; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.88), functional limitation (HR = 1.40; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.93), and MHI5 score less than 80 (HR = 1.34; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.85). In addition, the proportion of women with these outcomes incrementally increased as the number of GA deficits increased. Conclusion This study provides longitudinal evidence that GA domains are associated with poor treatment tolerance and predict mortality at 7 years of follow-up, independent of age and stage of disease.


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Context: Through overexpression and aberrant activation in many human tumors, the IGF system plays a key role in tumor development and tumor cell proliferation. Different strategies targeting IGF-I receptor (IGFI-R) have been developed, and recent studies demonstrated that combined treatments with cytostatic drugs enhance the potency of anti-IGFI-R therapies. Objective: The objective of the study was to examine the IGFI-R expression status in neuroendocrine tumors of the gastroenteropancreatic system (GEP-NETs) in comparison with healthy tissues and use potential overexpression as a target for novel anti-IGFI-R immunoliposomes. Experimental Design: A human tumor tissue array and samples from different normal tissues were investigated by immunohistochemistry. An IGFI-R antagonistic antibody (1H7) was coupled to the surface of sterically stabilized liposomes loaded with doxorubicin. Cell lines from different tumor entities were investigated for liposomal association studies in vitro. For in vivo experiments, neuroendocrine tumor xenografts were used for evaluation of pharmacokinetic and therapeutic properties of the novel compound. Results: Immunohistochemistry revealed significant IGFI-R overexpression in all investigated GEP-NETs (n = 59; staining index, 229.1 +/- 3.1%) in comparison with normal tissues (115.7 +/- 3.7%). Furthermore, anti-IGFI-R immunoliposomes displayed specific tumor cell association (44.2 +/- 1.6% vs. IgG liposomes, 0.8 +/- 0.3%; P < 0.0001) and internalization in human neuroendocrine tumor cells in vitro and superior antitumor efficacy in vivo (life span 31.5 +/- 2.2 d vs. untreated control, 19 +/- 0.6, P = 0.008). Conclusion: IGFI-R overexpression seems to be a common characteristic of otherwise heterogenous NETs. Novel anti-IGFI-R immunoliposomes have been developed and successfully tested in a preclinical model for human GEP-NETs. Moreover in vitro experiments indicate that usage of this agent could also present a promising approach for other tumor entities.