971 resultados para SPIDER MONKEYS
澳隐亭及多巴胺受体D2激动剂会影响除人以外其它灵长类动物的一系列行为,特别是与运动和 心理活动相关的行为,比如动物会表现出抑制性行为及幻觉样行为。除药物外,快速眼动睡眠(REM)机制的紊 乱也可导致幻觉。打乱清醒、REM及非快速眼动睡眠(NREM)的规律可引起一系列精神病症状。方法当动物 处于清醒,NREM和REM及药物导致的类精神病状态时,同时记录五个皮层脑区的听觉诱发电位,从而研究 对比不同状态下听觉诱发电位的变化。结果在幻觉状态及REM期,前额叶背外侧皮层记录到的潜伏期为250 ms的诱发电位成分出现波峰到基线的相位翻转(PBA250),说明幻觉状态及REM在前额叶背外侧皮层有类似的调 节机制。结论在前额叶背外侧皮层记录到的N250可以用来判断幻觉样行为是否出现,这表明前额叶背外侧皮 层可能同幻觉样行为最相关。
从2000 年11 月至2002 年1 月, 我们在云南富合山(99°20′E , 26°25′N) 记录了滇金丝猴( Rhinopithe2 cus bieti) 的游走以及其他行为, 以描述猴群行为模式的季节性变化及其对温带环境的适应。由于季节间行为方 式的相似, 我们将冬季和春季、夏季和秋季的数据合并表述。猴群终年以取食树叶为主, 多在过夜地附近活动。 在冬- 春季, 猴群一般在低海拔的南部地区活动, 同时缩短日行走距离, 花费较多的时间取食树叶、竹叶和竹 笋; 而在夏- 秋季猴群的活动模式与冬- 春季相反, 并取食大量果实。我们将富合地区猴群的季节性游走模式 以及食性看作是食物供给和温度变化之间折中的结果, 这些行为特征和其它温带灵长类的相似。此外, 过夜地 的分布也会影响猴群利用家域内各方格的方式[动物学报50 (5) : 691 - 696 , 2004 ] 。
Very low doses (0.00001 mg/kg) of the alpha-2 adrenergic antagonist, yohimbine, improved working memory performance in a subset of aged monkeys. Improvement appeared to result from increased norepinephrine (NE) release onto postsynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors, as the response was blocked by the ''postsynaptic'' alpha-2 antagonist, SKF104078. Cognitive-enhancing effects of low dose yohimbine treatment may depend on aged animals retaining an intact, endogenous NE system. In contrast to yohimbine, the alpha-2 agonist, clonidine, has improved working memory in air aged animals examined. In the present study, clonidine's beneficial effects were also blocked by the postsynaptic antagonists SKF104078 and SKF104856, suggesting that clonidine acts by directly stimulating postsynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors. Beneficial doses of clonidine (0.01 mg/kg) and yohimbine (0.00001 mg/kg) were combined to see if they would produce additive effects on memory enhancement. This strategy was successful in young monkeys with intact NE systems but was not effective in the aged monkeys. These findings demonstrate that drugs that indirectly stimulate postsynaptic alpha-2 receptors by increasing NE release are not as reliable in aged monkeys as directly acting agonists that can replace NE at postsynaptic alpha-2 receptors.
Repeated daily treatment with the catecholamine-depleting agent, reserpine, dramatically reduced performance on the delayed response task, a test of spatial working memory that depends upon the integrity of the prefrontal cortex. Delayed response performance fell from an average of 27.2/30 trials correct before reserpine treatment to an average of 20.4/30 trials correct after repeated reserpine administration. Injection of the alpha2-adrenergic agonist, clonidine (0.0001-0.05 mg/kg), to chronic reserpine-treated monkeys significantly restored performance on the delayed response task; performance after an optimal dose averaged 27.8/30 trials correct. Clonidine's beneficial effects on delayed response performance were longlasting; monkeys remained improved for more than 24 h after a single clonidine injection. The finding that clonidine is efficacious in reserpinized animals supports the hypothesis that alpha2-adrenergic agonists improve cognitive function through actions at postsynaptic, alpha2-adrenergic receptors on non-adrenergic cells. In contrast to the delayed response task, reserpine had little effect on performance of a visual discrimination task, a reference memory task which does not depend on the prefrontal cortex. These results emphasize the importance of postsynaptic alpha2-adrenergic mechanisms in the regulation of working memory,
Dopamine (DA) D-1 receptor compounds were examined in monkeys for effects on the working memory functions of the prefrontal cortex and on the fine motor abilities of the primary motor cortex. The D-1 antagonist, SCH23390, the partial D-1 agonist, SKF38393, and the full D-1 agonist, dihydrexidine, were characterized in young control monkeys, and in aged monkeys with naturally occurring catecholamine depletion. In addition, SKF38393 was tested in young monkeys experimentally depleted of catecholamines with chronic reserpine treatment. Injections of SCH23390 significantly impaired the memory performance of young control monkeys, but did not impair aged monkeys with presumed catecholamine depletion. Conversely, the partial agonist, SKF38393, improved the depleted monkeys (aged or reserpine-treated) but did not improve young control animals. The full agonist, dihydrexidine, did improve memory performance in young control monkeys, as well as in a subset of aged monkeys. Consistent with D, receptor mechanisms, agonist-induced improvements were blocked by SCH23390. Drug effects on memory performance occurred independently of effects on fine motor performance. These results underscore the importance of DA D-1 mechanisms in cognitive function, and provide functional evidence of DA system degeneration in aged monkeys. Finally, high doses of D-1 agonists impaired memory performance in aged monkeys, suggesting that excessive D-1 stimulation may be deleterious to cognitive function.
The D2 dopamine (DA) receptor agonist, quinpirole, was characterized in young adult monkeys, young reserpine-treated monkeys and aged monkeys to assess the contribution of DA to age-related loss of prefrontal cortical (PFC) cognitive function, Monkeys were tested on a delayed response memory task that depends on the PFC, and a fine motor task that taps the functions of the motor cortex, In young adult monkeys, low quinpirole doses impaired performance of the PFC and fine motor tasks, while higher doses improved memory performance and induced dyskinesias and ''hallucinatory-like'' behaviors. The pattern of the quinpirole response in reserpine-treated monkeys suggested that the impairments in delayed response and fine motor performance resulted from drug actions at D2 autoreceptors, while the improvement in delayed response performance, dyskinesias and ''hallucinatory-like'' behaviors resulted from actions at postsynaptic receptors. In aged monkeys, low doses of quinpirole continued to impair fine motor performance, but lost their ability to impair delayed response performance. The magnitude of cognitive improvement and the incidence of ''hallucinatory-like'' behaviors were also reduced in the aged animals, suggesting some loss of postsynaptic D2 receptor function, The pattern of results is consistent with the greater loss of DA from the PFC than from motor areas in aged monkey brain (Goldman-Rakic and Brown, 1981; Wenk et al., 1989), and indicates that DA depletion contributes significantly to age-related cognitive decline.
With advancing age, monkeys develop deficits in spatial working memory resembling those induced by lesions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Aged monkeys also exhibit marked loss of dopamine from the PFC, a transmitter known to be important for proper PFC cognitive function. Previous results suggest that D1 agonist treatment can improve spatial working memory abilities in aged monkeys. However, this research was limited by the use of drugs with either partial agonist actions or significant D2 receptor actions. In our study, the selective dopamine D1 receptor full agonists A77636 and SKF81297 were examined in aged monkeys for effects on the working memory functions of the PFC. Both compounds produced a significant, dose-related effect on delayed response performance without evidence of side effects: low doses improved performance although higher doses impaired or had no effect on performance. Both the improvement and impairment in performance were reversed by pretreatment with the D1 receptor antagonist, SCH23390. These findings are consistent with previous results demonstrating that there is a narrow range of D1 receptor stimulation for optimal PFC cognitive function, and suggest that very low doses of D1 receptor agonists may have cognitive-enhancing actions in the elderly.
Our previous studies demonstrated that huperzine A, a reversible and selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, exerts beneficial effects on memory deficits in various rodent models of amnesia. To extend the antiamnesic action of huperzine A to nonhuman primates, huperzine A was evaluated for its ability to reverse the deficits in spatial memory produced by scopolamine in young adult monkeys or those that are naturally occurring in aged monkeys using a delayed-response task. Scopolamine, a muscarinic receptor antagonist, dose dependently impaired performance with the highest dose (0.03 mg/kg, i.m.) producing a significant reduction in choice accuracy in young adult monkeys. The delayed performance changed from an average of 26.8/30 trials correct on saline control to an average of 20.2/30 trials correct after scopolamine administration. Huperzine A (0.01-0.1 mg/kg, i.m.) significantly reversed deficits induced by scopolamine in young adult monkeys on a delayed-response task; performance after an optimal dose (0.1 mg/kg) averaged 25.0/30 correct. In four aged monkeys, huperzine A (0.001-0.01 mg/kg, i.m.) significantly increased choice accuracy from 20.5/30 on saline control to 25.2/30 at the optimal dose (0.001 mg/kg for two monkeys and 0.01 mg/kg for the other two monkeys). The beneficial effects of huperzine A on delayed-response performance were long lasting; monkeys remained improved for about 24 h after a single injection of huperzine A. This study extended the findings that huperzine A improves the mnemonic performance requiring working memory in monkeys, and suggests that huperzine A may be a promising agent for clinical therapy of cognitive impairments in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
The effect of huperzine A, a reversible and selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, on reserpine- or yohimbine-induced spatial working memory deficits in monkeys has been examined using the delayed response task that depends on the integrity of prefront
Data on sleeping sites of a group of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus bieti (Colobinae, Primates) were collected between April-July and September-December 2001 to try to determine the factors affecting site selection at Nanren (99 degrees