964 resultados para SOUTH-EAST BRAZIL


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The Office of Urban Management recognises that the values which characterise the SEQ region as 'subtropical' are important determinants of form in urban and regional planning. Subtropical values are those qualities on which our regional identity depends. A built environment which responds positively to these values is a critical ingredient for achieving a desirable future for the region. The Centre for Subtropical Design has undertaken this study to identify the particular set of values which characterises SEQ, and to translate theses values into design principals that will maintain and reinforce the value set. The principles not only apply to the overall balance between the natural environment and the built environment, but can be applied by local government authorities to guide local planning schemes and help shape specific built for outcomes.


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This project examined the potential for historical mapping of land resources to be upgraded to meet current requirements for natural resource management. The methods of spatial disaggregation used to improve the scale of mapping were novel and provide a method to rapidly improve existing information. The thesis investigated the potential to use digital soil mapping techniques and the multi-scale identification of areas within historical land systems mapping to provide enhanced information to support modern natural resource management needs. This was undertaken in the Burnett Catchment of South-East Queensland.


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Tourism Australia’s launch of the ‘Restaurant Australia’ marketing campaign in 2014 is aimed at changing perceptions of the ‘prawn on the barbeque’ image of Australian culinary culture. The campaign is the government's response to global research that reveals that tourists want ‘good’ food and wine experiences (in Australia?). In effect, ‘Restaurant Australia’, and the AUS$10 million supporting it, is promoting? the notion that Australian tourism should provide epicurean food experiences associated with high quality and ‘authentic cultural’ tourism, rather than contrived versions of national identity articulated via stereotypical notions of national cuisine. This paper adopts a cultural tourism approach, especially in relation to theories of authenticity and the relationship of post-tourists, cultural tourists, and tactical tourists to examine two very different areas of wine and food production in Australia in the context of the Restaurant Australia campaign. In particular, it considers issues associated with defining Australian cuisine and the development of a narrative about Australia as a epicurean destination.


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Executive Summary: Completion of the Veloway 1 (V1) will provide a dedicated and safe route for cyclists between the Brisbane CBD and the Gateway Motorway off-ramp at Eight Mile Plains alongside the South East Motorway. The V1 is being delivered in stages and when completed will provide a dedicated 3m wide cycleway 17km in length. Two stages (D and E) remain to be constructed to complete the V1. Major trip attractors along the V1 include the Mater, Princes Alexandra and Greenslopes Hospitals, two campuses of Griffith University, Garden City shopping centre and the Australian Tax Office. This report assesses the available evidence on the impacts on cycling behaviour of the recently completed V1 Stage C. The data sources informing this review include three intercept surveys, motion activated traffic cameras and travel time surveys on the V1 and adjoining South East Freeway Bikeway (SEFB), Strava app data, and cyclist crash data along Logan Road. The key findings from the evidence are that the completed V1 Stage C has: a Attracted cyclists from Holland Park, Holland Park West, Mt Gravatt and southern parts of Tarragindi onto the V1 Stage C. b Reduced the crash exposure of pedestrians to cyclists by attracting higher speed cyclists off the adjoining SEFB onto the cycling dedicated V1 Stage C. c Reduced the potential crash exposure of cyclists to motor vehicles by attracting cyclists off Logan Road on to the V1. d Provided travel time benefits to cyclists and reduced road crossings (eight down to two). e Predominantly attracted adults commuting alone to and from work and university. The evidence shows that the two traffic crossings across Birdwood Road (required as a temporary measure until the V1 is completed) negate much of the travel time gains of the V1 Stage C compared to the adjoining SEFB for southbound cyclists. Many cyclists accessing the V1 Stage C from the south are cycling in high-volume vehicular traffic lanes to reduce their travel time along Birdwood Road, but in the process are increasing their exposure to crashes with motor vehicles. Based on these findings this report recommends that TMR: a. Continue with plans to complete the V1 Veloway b. Undertake an engineering feasibility assessment to determine the viability of constructing a section of the V1 Stage E from the intersection Weller and Birdwood Roads over Marshall Road and along Bapaume Road on the western side of the Motorway to the intersection of Bapaume and Sterculia Roads. c. In the interim, improve signage and Birdwood Road crossing points for cyclists accessing and egressing the southern end of the V1 Stage C. d. Work with Brisbane City Council to identify the safest and most practical bicycle facilities to facilitate cycle travel between Logan Road and the V1 south of Birdwood Road. e. Improve the awareness of the V1 Stage C through signage for cyclists approaching from the north with the aim of providing a better understanding of the route of the V1 to the south. f. Refine the use of motion activated traffic cameras to improve the capture rate of useable images and obtain an ongoing collection over time of V1 usage data. g. Undertake discussions with Strava, Inc. to refine the presentation of Strava data to improve visual understanding of maps showing before and after cycle route volumes along and on roads leading to the V1.


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The collection of basic environmental data by industry members was successful and offers a way of overcoming the problems associated with differences in scale between the environment and fisheries datasets. A simple method of collecting environmental data was developed that was only a small time burden on skippers, yet has the potential to provide very useful information on the same scale as the catch and effort data recorded in the logbooks. The success of this trial was aided by the natural interest of fishers to learn more about the environment in which they fish. The archival temperature-depth tags chosen proved robust, reliable and easy to use. While the use of large scale environmental data may not yield significant improvements in stock assessments for most SESSF species, fine-scale data collected from selected vessels using methods developed during this project may, in the longer term, be useful for incorporation into CPUE standardisations in the future...


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The Great Sandy Region (incorporating Fraser Island and the Cooloola sand-mass), south-east Queensland, contains a significant area of Ramsar-listed coastal wetlands, including the globally important patterned fen complexes. These mires form an elaborate network of pools surrounded by vegetated peat ridges and are the only known subtropical, Southern Hemisphere examples, with wetlands of this type typically located in high northern latitudes. Sedimentological, palynological and charcoal analysis from the Wathumba and Moon Point complexes on Fraser Island indicate two periods of swamp formation (that may contain patterned fens), one commencing at 12 000 years ago (Moon Point) and the other ~4300 years ago (Wathumba). Wetland formation and development is thought to be related to a combination of biological and hydrological processes with the dominant peat-forming rush, Empodisma minus, being an important component of both patterned and non-patterned mires within the region. In contrast to Northern Hemisphere paludifying systems, the patterning appears to initiate at the start of wetland development or as part of an infilling process. The wetlands dominated by E. minus are highly resilient to disturbance, particularly burning and sea level alterations, and appear to form important refuge areas for amphibians, fish and birds (both non-migratory and migratory) over thousands of years.


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PBDE concentrations are higher in children compared to adults with exposure suggested to include dust ingestion. Besides the home environment, children spend a great deal of time in school classrooms which may be a source of exposure. As part of the “Ultrafine Particles from Traffic Emissions and Children's Health (UPTECH)” project, dust samples (n=28) were obtained in 2011/12 from 10 Brisbane, Australia metropolitan schools and analysed using GC and LC–MS for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) -17, -28, -47, -49, -66, -85, -99, -100, -154, -183, and -209. Σ11PBDEs ranged from 11–2163 ng/g dust; with a mean and median of 600 and 469 ng/g dust, respectively. BDE-209 (range n.d. −2034 ng/g dust; mean (median) 402 (217) ng/g dust) was the dominant congener in most classrooms. Frequencies of detection were 96%, 96%, 39% and 93% for BDE-47, -99, -100 and -209, respectively. No seasonal variations were apparent and from each of the two schools where XRF measurements were carried out, only two classroom items had detectable bromine. PBDE intake for 8–11 year olds can be estimated at 0.094 ng/day BDE-47; 0.187 ng/day BDE-99 and 0.522 ng/day BDE-209 as a result of ingestion of classroom dust, based on mean PBDE concentrations. The 97.5% percentile intake is estimated to be 0.62, 1.03 and 2.14 ng/day for BDEs-47, -99 and -209, respectively. These PBDE concentrations in dust from classrooms, which are higher than in Australian homes, may explain some of the higher body burden of PBDEs in children compared to adults when taking into consideration age-dependant behaviours which increase dust ingestion.


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Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods, such as arbitration, are often used instead of litigation to resolve construction disputes, as industry folklore considers litigation overly expensive and time-consuming. But is this actually the case? Do the people most involved in construction dispute resolution agree? What are the real advantages and disadvantages of using litigation or ADR? When, if ever, is litigation the most appropriate way of resolving construction disputes? To answer these questions, this paper first provides a review of the literature on the use of litigation and ADR for construction dispute resolution. This is followed by the results of a survey of construction and legal personnel with moderate to extensive experience of dispute resolution in the Australian South-East Queensland construction industry. The main results of this are that, in addition to litigation being more expensive in money and time than ADR methods, the nature of the existing relationship between the parties has an important effect on the resolution process, what happens after an unsuccessful ADR and, if adversarial, is more likely to lead to litigation. The results are then validated and verified by one of the most experienced practitioners in claims and disputes in the whole of Australia.


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Marine reserves are increasingly being established as a mechanism to protect marine biodiversity and sensitive habitats. As well as providing conservation benefits, marine reserves provide benefits to recreational scuba divers who dive within the reserve, as well as to recreational and commercial fishers outside the reserve through spill-over effects. To ensure benefits are being realised, management of marine reserves requires ongoing monitoring and surveillance. These are not costless, and many marine reserve managers impose an entry fee. In some countries, dive tourism is major income source to coastal industries, and a concern is that high entry fees may dissuade divers. In this paper, the price elasticity of demand for dive tourism in three countries in South East Asia – Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia – is estimated using a travel-cost model. From the model, the total non-market use value associated with diving in the area is estimated to be in the order of US$4.5 billion a year. The price elasticity of demand in the region is highly inelastic, such that increasing the cost of diving through a management levy would have little impact on total diver numbers.


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Introduction and Aims: Wastewater analysis has become a useful technique for monitoring illicit drug use in communities. Findings have been reported from different countries in Europe and North America. We applied this technique to gauge the illicit drug consumption in an urban catchment from South East Queensland, Australia. Design and Methods: The sampling campaigns were conducted in 2009 (21st November – 2nd December) and 2010 (19th – 25th November). We collected daily composite wastewater samples from the inlet of the sewage treatment plant using continuous flow-proportional sampling. Ten illicit drug residues (parent compounds and key metabolites) in the samples were measured using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometer. Results: Seven compounds were quantified in all the samples. Our data indicated higher drug consumption on weekends. Cannabis was the highest used drug in both sampling periods. Compared to the first sampling campaign which indicated that cocaine and methamphetamine use exceeded ecstasy usage, the second sampling campaign suggested the use of methamphetamine exceeded that of ecstasy which in turn exceeded cocaine use. Discussion and Conclusions: The observed weekly trend of drug use in our study is in agreement with findings in other studies. The variation between two sampling periods in the prevalence of drug use may relate to the availability and prices of the drugs on markets. The cocaine use we estimated in 2009 was much greater than estimations obtained through the national household survey [1], implying under- reporting of cocaine use in surveys. Future work is underway to tackle methodological challenges for more accurate estimation.


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There is a scarcity of research that informs Interface Health Service (IHS) development. This research applied a mixed methods approach to profile older emergency department patients and patterns of health service use and to explore their ED experiences in public hospital EDs in South-East Queensland. IHS was under-utilised by older people with complex co-morbidities. Lack of communication and need identification were factors that undermined the effectiveness of IHS in reaching this cohort which highlighted a need for change.


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With growing population and fast urbanization in Australia, it is a challenging task to maintain our water quality. It is essential to develop an appropriate statistical methodology in analyzing water quality data in order to draw valid conclusions and hence provide useful advices in water management. This paper is to develop robust rank-based procedures for analyzing nonnormally distributed data collected over time at different sites. To take account of temporal correlations of the observations within sites, we consider the optimally combined estimating functions proposed by Wang and Zhu (Biometrika, 93:459-464, 2006) which leads to more efficient parameter estimation. Furthermore, we apply the induced smoothing method to reduce the computational burden. Smoothing leads to easy calculation of the parameter estimates and their variance-covariance matrix. Analysis of water quality data from Total Iron and Total Cyanophytes shows the differences between the traditional generalized linear mixed models and rank regression models. Our analysis also demonstrates the advantages of the rank regression models for analyzing nonnormal data.


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Field surveys of egg parasitoids of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, were conducted at Redlands and Gatton, south-east Queensland. Eggs of P. xylostella were present all year round in both localities, and parasitized eggs were consistently found between late spring and early winter. Percent parasitism in the range 30–75% was recorded on many occasions, although rates less than 10% were more common. The major parasitoids included Trichogrammatoidea bactrae Nagaraja and Trichogramma pretiosum Riley. Laboratory evaluation showed that the T. pretiosum from Gatton has a high capacity to parasitize P. xylostella eggs under suitable conditions. This study represents the first record of egg parasitoids of P. xylostella from Australia.