919 resultados para SOCIAL CLASS


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: A mortalidade infantil expressa uma conjunção de fatores relacionados às condições de vida, trabalho e acesso aos serviços de saúde, e a identificação desses fatores pode contribuir para definição de intervenções em saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a expressão da vulnerabilidade e conseqüentes diferenças de acesso aos serviços de saúde e na ocorrência de óbitos em menores de um ano no município do Embu. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo descritivo, no município de Embu. MÉTODOS: Foram coletados dados secundários (declarações de óbitos) e primários (entrevistas a famílias de crianças residentes do município do Embu, falecidas nos anos de 1996 e 1997, antes de completarem um ano). Variáveis estudadas foram relacionadas às condições de vida, renda e trabalho, à assistência pré-natal, ao parto e à atenção à saúde da criança, as quais foram comparadas com resultados obtidos em estudo realizado no ano de 1996. RESULTADOS: Verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significantes quanto a renda, trabalho sem carteira assinada e acesso a plano privado de saúde entre famílias de crianças que foram ao óbito. Verificaram-se, também, diferenças quanto ao acesso e à qualidade da assistência pré-natal, à freqüência de baixo peso ao nascer e a intercorrências neonatais. CONCLUSÕES: A situação de emprego/desemprego foi decisiva na determinação da estabilidade familiar, conferindo maior vulnerabilidade para ocorrência de óbitos infantis, somada às condições de acesso e à qualidade dos serviços de saúde


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Background A higher burden of head and neck cancer has been reported to affect deprived populations. This study assessed the association between socioeconomic status and head and neck cancer, aiming to explore how this association is related to differences of tobacco and alcohol consumption across socioeconomic strata. Methods We conducted a case-control study in Sao Paulo, Brazil (1998-2006), including 1017 incident cases of oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal cancer, and 951 sex- and age-matched controls. Education and occupation were distal determinants in the hierarchical approach; cumulative exposure to tobacco and alcohol were proximal risk factors. Outcomes of the hierarchical model were compared with fully adjusted ORs. Results Individuals with lower education (OR 2.27; 95% CI 1.61 to 3.19) and those performing manual labour (OR 1.55; 95% CI 1.26 to 1.92) had a higher risk of disease. However, 54% of the association with lower education and 45% of the association with manual labour were explained by proximal lifestyle exposures, and socioeconomic status remained significantly associated with disease when adjusted for smoking and alcohol consumption. Conclusions Socioeconomic differences in head and neck cancer are partially attributable to the distribution of tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption across socioeconomic strata. Additional mediating factors may explain the remaining variation of socioeconomic status on head and neck cancer.


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Background: The objective of this study was to assess trends in cancer mortality by educational level in Barcelona from 1992 to 2003. Methods: The study population comprised Barcelona inhabitants aged 20 years or older. Data on cancer deaths were supplied by the system of information on mortality. Educational level was obtained from the municipal census. Age-standardized rates by educational level were calculated. We also fitted Poisson regression models to estimate the relative index of inequality (RII) and the Slope Index of Inequalities (SII). All were calculated for each sex and period (1992-1994, 1995-1997, 1998-2000, and 2001-2003). Results: Cancer mortality was higher in men and women with lower educational level throughout the study period. Less-schooled men had higher mortality by stomach, mouth and pharynx, oesophagus, larynx and lung cancer. In women, there were educational inequalities for cervix uteri, liver and colon cancer. Inequalities of overall and specific types of cancer mortality remained stable in Barcelona; although a slight reduction was observed for some cancers. Conclusion: This study has identified those cancer types presenting the greatest inequalities between men and women in recent years and shown that in Barcelona there is a stable trend in inequalities in the burden of cancer.


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Objective: to examine how adolescent fathers experience recurring parenthood. Design: qualitative study with a social phenomenological focus. Participants: five fathers between 16 and 19 years of age, each with two children. Findings: the participants perceived themselves as mature, responsible, worried about the care and education of their children, and desiring a secure future life. These factors made them seek employment, their own home, marital stability, construction of a family and return to school. They experienced the ambivalence of desiring one reality and living another, given that, as adolescent parents, they regretted the loss of their freedom. Key conclusions: recurring parenthood in adolescence is a complex phenomenon, with many possible perceptions. The diverse experiences depend on the social context that is defined by the wishes, plans, possibilities and meanings of each distinct social class. Implications for practice: care delivery to these adolescents should consider not only theoretical and chronobiological aspects, but also the experiences of these young people and the psychosocial and cultural factors involved in their fatherhood. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This qualitative study explored how influences on recreational physical activity (RPA) were patterned by socioeconomic position. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 10 males and 10 females in three socioeconomic groups (N = 60). Influences salient across all groups included previous opportunities, physical health, social assistance, safety, environmental aesthetics and urban design, physical and health benefits, and barriers of self-consciousness, low skill, and weather/time of year. Influences more salient to the high socioeconomic group included social benefits, achieving a balanced lifestyle, and the barrier of an unpredictable lifestyle. Influences more salient to the high and mid socioeconomic groups included efficacy, perceived need, activity demands, affiliation, emotional benefits, and the barrier of competing demands. Influences more salient to the low socioeconomic group included poor health and barriers of inconvenient access and low personal functioning. Data suggest that efforts to increase RPA in the population should include both general and socioeconomically targeted strategies.


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Objective. To examine possible risk factors in post-stroke depression (PSD) other than site of lesion in the brain Data sources. 191 first-ever stroke patients were examined physically shortly after their stroke and examined psychiatrically and physically 4 months post-stroke. Setting. A geographically defined segment of the metropolitan area of Perth, Western Australia, from which all strokes over a course of 18 months were examined (the Perth Community Stroke Study). Measures. Psychiatric Assessment Schedule, Mini Mental State Examination, Barthel Index, Frenchay Activities Index, physical illness and sociodemographic data were collected. Post-stroke depression (PSD) included both major depression and minor depression (dysthymia without the 2-year time stipulation) according to DSM-III (American Psychiatric Association) criteria. Patients depressed at the time of the stroke were excluded. Patients. 191 first-ever stroke patients, 111M, 80F, 28% had PSD, 17% major and 11% minor depression. Results. Significant associations with PSD at 4 months were major functional impairment, living in a nursing home, being divorced and having a high pre-stroke alcohol intake (M only). There was no significant association with age, sex, social class, cognitive impairment or pre-stroke physical illness. Conclusion. Results favoured the hypothesis that depression in an unselected group of stroke patients is no more common, and of no more specific aetiology, than it is among elderly patients with other physical illness.


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A pesquisa desta tese investiga as mediações das categorias de raça e de classe social no processo de implementação do modelo de cotas sociais da Ufes para ingresso nos cursos de graduação, entre 2006 a 2012, como parte das ações afirmativas dessa universidade. Tal modelo, para incluir a população afro-brasileira no ensino superior do Espírito Santo, respeitou estritamente os critérios de renda e de origem escolar pública, não adotando o critério étnico-racial que contemplaria especificamente os negros e os indígenas. Diante disso, o autor busca sustentar a tese de que, considerando o padrão das relações raciais brasileiras produtor de assimetrias entre grupos com marcas raciais distintas, no caso de negros e brancos, as desigualdades raciais têm na operacionalização do racismo seu mote ofensivo e poderoso, ao mesmo tempo em que a classe social isolada é insuficiente na compreensão e superação do problema racial do Brasil. Portanto, na adoção de políticas de combate às desigualdades raciais no ensino superior, caberia também a utilização de medidas etnicamente referenciadas. Autores como Hall (2008) e Fraser (2006), ao trazerem a dimensão articulada e bifocal das injustiças simbólicas e das injustiças econômicas, permitem entender a complementaridade e as dinâmicas entre ambas, deslocando-se de determinismos classistas que invisibilizam o racismo como instrumento opressor nas relações sociais. Como objetivos específicos, considera: compreender o processo de construção do modelo de cotas da Ufes, para ingresso nos cursos de graduação implementado em 2008, sob a perspectiva do debate da relação entre raça e classe; examinar as políticas de ações afirmativas como respostas às demandas históricas dos afro-brasileiros no contexto da sociedade brasileira; avaliar a posição de professores e alunos de cursos de graduação da Ufes diante do ingresso de alunos cotistas, sobretudo afro-brasileiros e pobres; e investigar a relação das políticas classistas, no caso específico das cotas sociais, na superação das assimetrias raciais. Adota como procedimentos metodológicos a metodologia dialética de pesquisa considerando todas as contradições entre raça e classe no processo de implementação de ações afirmativas na Ufes. Como instrumentos de pesquisa, utiliza entrevistas de professores e alunos cotistas e não cotistas de cursos variados da universidade, assim como documentos referentes à temática. Os resultados apontam para uma “oxigenação” da universidade depois de uma entrada maior de negros e pobres, principalmente nos cursos mais elitizados, pois as cotas operam uma dimensão pedagógica de ampliar a diversidade social na academia, trazendo outras demandas, outras 10 afetividades, outras lógicas de mundo e concepções de sociedade para a única universidade pública do Espírito Santo. Indica que os mecanismos discriminatórios e estigmatizantes interpessoais e institucionais, vividos no contexto das cotas sociais e explícitos na pesquisa, não inviabilizam a importância das ações afirmativas, pois apontam para a universidade repensar e ressignificar seus currículos e ações pedagógicas homogeneizantes no sentido de ampliar a ideia de inclusão e de democratização de seus espaços. Reitera que a raça, em seu viés político e cultural, é operante de forma relacional e independente com a classe social no contexto da produção das assimetrias raciais brasileiras, de maneira que a ação de uma não nega a ação da outra, mesmo na relação entre ambas. Enfatiza a importância do entendimento e da materialidade das ações afirmativas como políticas de reconhecimento que combateriam as desigualdades simbólicas na Ufes. Aponta a relevância das políticas de assistência estudantil, conjugadas às cotas, como políticas de redistribuição econômica, que lidariam com as dificuldades ou ausências materiais dos discentes, principalmente dos cotistas. Conclui que as cotas étnico-raciais nas universidades brasileiras são instrumentos legítimos de luta pela educação, um direito social de oportunidade dos grupos historicamente apartados de princípios constituidores da emancipação, da cidadania, dos direitos humanos, da justiça social, da igualdade e da diferença.


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The association of cigarette smoking, physical activity at work, and social class with total cholesterol and with high and low density lipoprotein cholesterol were examined in a random sample of 238 males, of 18 years of age, of Rosario, Argerntina. The mean (mg/dl) total serum cholesterol of the whole sample was 174.7, the high density lipoprotein cholesterol 52.8, and the low density lipoprotein cholesterol 121.5. Black tobacco consumers, evenly distributed by social class, had higher levels of total and low density lipoprotein cholesterol. Total cholesterol was higher in the high social class, differently from what smokers' distribution by social class, would lead one to expect. While a highly negative association was found between social class and physical activity at work, there were no significant diferences in lipoprotein levels between manual and non-manual workers. It is possible that the nutritional differences by social class still prevail over the smoking habit in their influence on the lipoprotein levels in these subjects.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Artística - Especialização em Teatro na Educação


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia da Educação (Contextos Educativos), 12 de Novembro de 2010, Universidade dos Açores.


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Há mais de uma década começou a formar-se um movimento de reconversão nos estudos sobre as classes sociais, orientado pela ideia de que é preciso dar mais relevo aos processos culturais, à formação de identidades, ao gosto e à expressão de modos de vida e proceder ao exame direto da maneira como as posições de classe são vividas. Nesta perspetiva, as culturas de classe deixam de designar apenas tipos de comportamento próprios de grupos de desigualdade e passam a ser vistas também como modos de diferenciação, em que as categorias de classe operam através de distinções individualizadas e comparações relacionais com membros de outras classes. O que o conceito de identidade de classe quer agora indicar é um sentido das distâncias sociais dentro das hierarquias, que recorre às diferenças culturais para se exprimir. Este texto recenseia os desenvolvimentos teóricos e as bases empíricas desta linha de trabalho, emergente na sociologia britânica a partir do final da década de 90, com as propostas de autores como Savage, Skeggs, Reay, ou Bottero, entre outros.


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The clinical and epidemiologic aspects of infection with Ascaris lumbricoides were studied in a random stratified sample of the population of the subdistrict of Cavacos, municipality of Alterosa (Minas Gerais, Brazil). The effect of mass treatment with a single dose of albendazole on the prevalence and intensity of infection was also studied six months later in the same population. During the first phase of the study, a questionnaire was applied to 248 individuals to obtain information about the socioeconomic, sanitary and clinical conditions of the population surveyed. A total of 230 fecal samples were also examined by the Kato-Katz technique in order to determine the intensity of A. lumbricoides infection. Two hundred and two individuals were simultaneously submitted to blood counts and 70 children aged 12 years or less were evaluated for nutritional status. The presence of A. lumbricoides and other helminth eggs was also determined in 22 soil samples collected in the urban zone of Cavacos. Infection with enteroparasitic helminths was detected in 29.1% of the sample, with a predominance of A. lumbricoides (23.9%). Parasitism and/or intensity of A. lumbricoides infection were significantly correlated with age range (15 years or less), social class, sanitary and living conditions (water, sewage and domiciliary area per person), and presence of abdominal pain. However, these parameters were not correlated with nutritional status or hematocrit levels. During the second phase of the study, a slight but not statistically significant decrease in the prevalence of A. lumbricoides infection was detected after treatment with albendazole. However, an important and significant reduction in the amount of A. lumbricoides eggs eliminated through the feces was detected, indicating that the intensity of A. lumbricoides infection was lower in all the age ranges of the Cavacos population, especially among younger individuals, even six months after administration of the anthelminthic agent.


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OBJECTIVE: In the last decade, some attention has been given to spirituality and faith and their role in cancer patients' coping. Few data are available about spirituality among cancer patients in Southern European countries, which have a big tradition of spirituality, namely, the Catholic religion. As part of a more general investigation (Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study--SEPOS), the aim of this study was to examine the effect of spirituality in molding psychosocial implications in Southern European cancer patients. METHOD: A convenience sample of 323 outpatients with a diagnosis of cancer between 6 to 18 months, a good performance status (Karnofsky Performance Status > 80), and no cognitive deficits or central nervous system (CNS) involvement by disease were approached in university and affiliated cancer centers in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland (Italian speaking area). Each patient was evaluated for spirituality (Visual Analog Scale 0-10), psychological morbidity (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale--HADS), coping strategies (Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer--Mini-MAC) and concerns about illness (Cancer Worries Inventory--CWI). RESULTS. The majority of patients (79.3%) referred to being supported by their spirituality/faith throughout their illness. Significant differences were found between the spirituality and non-spirituality groups (p ≤ 0.01) in terms of education, coping styles, and psychological morbidity. Spirituality was significantly correlated with fighting spirit (r = -0.27), fatalism (r = 0.50), and avoidance (r = 0.23) coping styles and negatively correlated with education (r = -0.25), depression (r = -0.22) and HAD total (r = -0.17). SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: Spirituality is frequent among Southern European cancer patients with lower education and seems to play some protective role towards psychological morbidity, specifically depression. Further studies should examine this trend in Southern European cancer patients.


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Resumo: O estudo das vias de acesso à consulta de Psiquiatria permite identificar os parceiros mais importantes no acesso dos utentes aos serviços psiquiátricos. O modelo de Goldberg-Huxley considera que o acesso às consultas de Psiquiatria se faz principalmente através dos cuidados de saúde primários. Material e Métodos: Para estudar as vias de acesso aos cuidados psiquiátricos utilizamos a Encounter Form, questionário desenvolvido por Gater. Foi também avaliada a classe social dos utentes utilizando a Escala de Graffar. Este inquérito foi passado na Consulta de Psiquiatria de Sintra a utentes de primeira consulta. A amostra estudada foi de 93 utentes. O objectivo do estudo foi conhecer a trajectória do utente desde que teve necessidade de ser consultado até chegar à consulta de Psiquiatria, os sintomas que determinaram a decisão de procurar ajuda e a influência da classe social no tempo de percurso. Resultados: Observa-se que os utentes passam pela Medicina Geral e Familiar em 71 % dos casos, pela Urgência Psiquiátrica em 16,1 % dos casos, pela Medicina Especializada Hospitalar em 10,7 % dos casos e pela Urgência Geral em 1,1 % dos casos. Na escala de Graffar a classe social prevalente é a média (Classe III). O tempo de percurso foi maior que em estudo similar realizado em 1991. A classe Social III foi a que teve tempo de percurso maior. Conclusões: O estudo conclui que o acesso a esta consulta de Psiquiatria se faz principalmente através da Medicina Geral e Familiar. O tempo de percurso é maior que o desejável por falta de recursos humanos.------- ABSTRACT: Introduction: The study of the Pathways to Psychiatric Care identifies the most important partners in accessing psychiatric services. The Goldberg- Huxley model believes that access to Psychiatric consultation is done preferably through the primary health care. Material and Methods: This survey included 93 first-time users of the Psychiatric Consultation of Sintra. The aim was to study the trajectory of the user since he had felt a need to be consulted until the consultation of Psychiatry, the symptoms that led to the decision to seek help and influence of social class in time spent in pathways. This study used the Encounter Form, a questionnaire developed by Gater. Social class of users was also assessed using the Scale of Graffar. Results: We observed that users have contact with General Practitionaires in 71% of cases, the Psychiatric Urgency in 16.1% of cases, the Hospital Medical Specialist in 10.7% of cases and the General Urgency in 1,1% of cases. On the Graffar scale middle class (Class III) was the most prevalent. The travel time spend in pathways was reater than that obtained in a similar study carried out in 1991. Social Class III group had a greater time spent on pathways. Conclusions: The study concludes that access to this Psychiatric consultation is principally through general practice. The time spent in pathways is greater than desirable due to lack of resources.


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OBJECTIVE/BACKGROUND: The association between socioeconomic status (SES), presentation, and outcome after vascular surgery is largely unknown. This study aimed to determine the influence of SES on post-operative survival and severity of disease at presentation among vascular surgery patients in the Dutch setting of equal access to and provision of care. METHODS: Patients undergoing surgical treatment for peripheral artery disease (PAD), abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), or carotid artery stenosis between January 2003 and December 2011 were retrospectively included. The association between SES, quantified by household income, disease severity at presentation, and survival was studied using logistic and Cox regression analysis adjusted for demographics, and medical and behavioral risk factors. RESULTS: A total of 1,178 patients were included. Low income was associated with worse post-operative survival in the PAD cohort (n = 324, hazard ratio 1.05, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00-1.10, per 5,000 Euro decrease) and the AAA cohort (n = 440, quadratic relation, p = .01). AAA patients in the lowest income quartile were more likely to present with a ruptured aneurysm (odds ratio [OR] 2.12, 95% CI 1.08-4.17). Lowest income quartile PAD patients presented more frequently with symptoms of critical limb ischemia, although no significant association could be established (OR 2.02, 95% CI 0.96-4.26). CONCLUSIONS: The increased health hazards observed in this study are caused by patient related factors rather than differences in medical care, considering the equality of care provided by the study setting. Although the exact mechanism driving the association between SES and worse outcome remains elusive, consideration of SES as a risk factor in pre-operative decision making and focus on treatment of known SES related behavioral and psychosocial risk factors may improve the outcome of patients with vascular disease.