85 resultados para SLP


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We present a 55-year-long record (1928-1982) of Sr/Ca in a Bermuda coral (Diploria strigosa), which we use to reconstruct local twentieth century climate features. The clearest climate signal emerges for the late-year Sr/Ca. Although the coral was collected in shallow water (12 m), the correlation with station data is highest for temperatures at 50 m depth (r = -0.70), suggesting that local temperatures at the collection site are not representative for the sea surface temperatures in the adjacent open ocean. The most striking feature of the coral record is the persistent and significant correlation (r = -0.50) with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. Field correlations of fall Sr/Ca with the winter sea level pressure (SLP) show the typical spatial NAO pattern. The stable relationship with the NAO shows that Sr/Ca in Bermuda corals is a suitable tool for the reconstruction of North Atlantic climate variability.


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Muchos estudios han descrito la composición y diversidad de los bosques montanos tropicales, pero los patrones espaciales y las diferentes tipos de relaciones de estos, entre especies o entre grupos funcionales ha sido poco documentada. El presente trabajo se realizó en tres parcelas completamente censadas del bosque de la Estación Biológica “Chamusquin” (Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador), y se plantea como objetivo principal conocer la estructura espacial y dinámica del bosque montano tropical del sur del Ecuador, así como las interacciones bióticas y limitaciones abióticas que influyen en esta dinámica, para ello se planteó cuatro objetivos de estudio que son: conocer los patrones espaciales de los gremios ecológicos dentro de la zona de estudio; conocer la influencia de la dependencia negativa de la densidad sobre dos especies de helechos arborescentes (Cyatheaceae); conocer si existen especies o grupos ecológicos acumuladoras o repulsoras de diversidad en el área de estudio; y conocer cómo influyen la diversidad filogenética y la densidad del vecindario en la incidencia de herbivoría y parasitismo sobre las fases iniciales del establecimiento forestal (brinzales) así como en la supervivencia de los mismos Como paso previo para el análisis del resto de objetivos, dentro de cada parcela se marcaron todos los individuos con DAP ≥5 cm y se tomaron sus coordenadas (X, Y). Además se tomaron datos de variables superficiales y muestras del suelo. Las especies encontradas se clasificaron de acuerdo a sus características biológicas, asignándolas a cada uno de los cuatro gremios forestales usualmente distinguidos en los bosques tropicales: tolerantes a la sombra (TS), tolerantes parciales a la sombra (TPS), pioneras de vida larga (PVL) y pioneras de vida corta (PVC). Para el estudio del primer objetivo tas se emplearon funciones K de Ripley inhomogéneas, ajustando la heterogeneidad en base a la variación espacial de las variables ambientales registradas . Los resultados demostraron que tanto la frecuencia relativa como el patrón espacial de las diferentes estrategias funcionales varían a lo largo de la sucesión y que éste además está influido por la variación ambiental. En adición, tanto el patrón espacial como la respuesta a la variación ambiental de los diferentes gremios es distinta entre adultos y juveniles. Todo ello sugiere que el ensamblaje de la diversidad en los bosque montanos andinos está controlado por procesos deterministas más que por procesos neutrales. Para responder el segundo objetivo se estudiaron los efectos de la dependencia negativa de la densidad (DND) y la heterogeneidad ambiental en las poblaciones de dos especies de helechos arborescentes abundantes, Cyathea caracasana y Alsophila engelii, y cómo estos efectos cambian a través de un gradiente sucesional. Los patrones de especies albergan información sobre procesos tales como la competencia que puede ser revelado fácilmente utilizando técnicas de análisis de patrones punto. Sin embargo, su detección puede ser difícil debido a los efectos de factores de confusión heterogeneidad del hábitat. Aquí, empleamos funciones K y funciones de correlación de par homogéneas y no homogéneas para cuantificar el cambio en el patrón espacial de diferentes clases de tamaño con un diseño de casos-controles para estudiar las asociaciones entre helechos arborescentes jóvenes y adultos. Usando estimaciones espaciales de la biomasa de los cuatro tipos de gremios ecológicos (PVC, PVL, TPS, TS) como covariables, hemos ajustado modelos de Poisson heterogéneos a los patrones de puntos de de los helechos juveniles y los adultos y hemos explorado además la existencia de dependencia del hábitat en estos patrones. Nuestro estudio reveló efectos de la DND para C. caracasana y un fuerte filtrado ambiental que subyace al patrón de A. engelii. Encontramos también que las poblaciones de adultos y juveniles de ambas especies respondieron de manera diferente a la heterogeneidad del hábitat y en la mayoría de los casos esta heterogeneidad se asoció con la distribución espacial de la biomasa de los cuatro tipos de gremios. Estos resultados muestran la eficacia de controlar los efectos de la heterogeneidad ambiental para evitar su confusión con los patrones derivados de interacciones biológicas cuando se estudia la DND y demuestran la utilidad de los mapas de covariables derivados de comunidades biológicas como resumen de la heterogeneidad ambiental. Para nuestro tercer objetivo nos centramos en explorar cómo influyen las especies más abundantes en la organización espacial de la diversidad a lo largo de un gradiente sucesional en el bosque montano del sur del Ecuador. Para ello utilizamos la función ISAR (Individual Species Area Relationship). Encontramos que la frecuencia de especies neutras, repulsoras y acumuladoras de diversidad taxonómica varía dependiendo del grado de sucesión. Además se comprobó que la mayoría de los gremios forestales se comportó de forma neutral, pero la proporción de acumuladores, aumentó al avanzar la sucesión hacia estados más maduros, lo que indica el establecimiento de fuertes procesos competitivos a medida que avanza la sucesión y la mayor importancia del papel de las especies individuales en dichos estados. Finalmente, examinamos el efecto de la vecindad taxonómica y filogenética, así como la estrategia de vida, sobre la incidencia de la herbivoría y el parasitismo en las poblaciones de brinzales de tres fragmentos forestales en una secuencia sucesional del bosque montano húmedo. Evaluamos además los efectos de herbivoría, parasitismo, estrategia de vida y diferentes indicadores de la vecindad sobre la supervivencia de los brinzales. Por último contrastamos la posible existencia de una tendencia compensatoria de la comunidad (CCT) a nivel de fragmento forestal. Nuestros análisis no consiguieron detectar una CCT pero si pusieron de manifiesto la existencia de efectos locales de dependencia negativa de la densidad. Por ejemplo, la presencia de herbivoría y parasitismo sobre los brinzales se relacionó significativamente con una menor supervivencia de estos. Por otro lado, indicadores del efecto de la vecindad como la densidad de brinzales del mismo género y el área basal de árboles vecinos del mismo género incrementaron la prevalencia de la herbivoría o el parasitismo en los brinzales. El incremento de la incidencia de la herbivoría o el parasitismo no está exclusivamente ligado a tener una vecindad taxonómicamente idéntica (vecinos de la misma especie) sino que categorías taxonómicas más laxas como el "género" o simplemente relaciones de semejanza filogenética son capaces de predecir los efectos negativos de la vecindad. Los efectos detectados variaron en los diferentes grupos funcionales distinguidos. Los resultados que hemos obtenido en este trabajo parecen indicar que el funcionamiento de las comunidades de brinzales del bosque montano tropical no difiere mucho del reportado para comunidades de plántulas en otros bosques tropicales y cumple las predicciones de la hipótesis de Janzen y Connell, aunque matizadas por la mayor resistencia de los brinzales al efecto de herbivoría y parasitismo. ABSTRACT Many studies have described the composition and diversity of tropical montane forests, but the different spatial patterns and types of relationships between species or between functional groups has been poorly documented. This work was made in three completely surveyed forest plots at Biological Station "Chamusquin" (Zamora Chinchipe, Ecuador). Our main objective was to know the spatial structure and dynamics of the tropical montane forest in southern Ecuador, as well as the biotic interactions and abiotic constraints affecting this dynamic. More specifically, we aimed to understand the spatial patterns of ecological guilds; to explore the influence of negative density dependence on two species of tree ferns (Cyatheaceae); to determine whether some species or ecological groups structure spatially plant diversity in these forests; and to test the effects of biological neighborhood on the incidence of herbivory and parasitism and on the survival of saplings. We mapped within each plot all trees with DBH ≥5 cm. Besides, surface data variables and soil samples they were taken. The species found were classified according to their biological characteristics in four forest guilds: shade-tolerant (ST), partial shade tolerant (PST), long-lived pioneer (LLP) and short-lived pioneer (SLP). To analyze the spatial patterns of the ecological guilds, we employed the inhomogeneous version of Ripley's K-function and adjusted heterogeneity surfaces based on the spatial variation of the measured environmental variables. The results showed that both the relative frequency of each functional guild as well as their spatial pattern varied throughout succession and that the spatial pattern is explained by environmental variation. In addition, both spatial pattern and the response to spatial variation of each guild varied throughout ontogeny. All in all suggest that diversity assembly in the studied forests is ruled by deterministic instead of neutral processes. We also addressed the negative effects of density dependence (NDD) and environmental heterogeneity in populations of two species of abundant tree ferns, Cyathea caracasana and Alsophila engelii, and how these effects change across a successional gradient.. Here, we used homogeneous and inhomogeneous K and pair-correlation functions to quantify the change in the spatial pattern of different size classes with a case-control design to study associations between young and adult tree ferns. Using spatial estimates of the biomass of the four types of ecological guilds (SLP, LLP, PST, ST) as co-variables, we fitted heterogeneous Poisson models to juvenile and adult tree fern point patterns and explored the existence of habitat dependence. Our study revealed NDD effects for C. caracasana and strong environmental filtering underlying the pattern of A. engelii. We found that adult and juvenile populations of both species responded differently to habitat heterogeneity and in most cases this heterogeneity was associated with the spatial distribution of biomass of the four functional tree types. These findings show the effectiveness of factoring out environmental heterogeneity to avoid confounding factors when studying NDD and demonstrate the usefulness of covariate maps derived from mapped communities. For our third objective we focused on exploring how the most abundant species influence the spatial organization of tree diversity in these forests. For this, we used the individual species-area relationship function (ISAR). We found that the proportion of accumulator, repeller and neutral species, varied depending on the degree of succession. We found also that most guilds behaved neutrally but the proportion of accumulator guilds increased as succession advanced to more mature stages. This point, to the existence of strong competitive effects mediated by individual species in these mature forests. Finally, we examined the effects of life strategies and taxonomic and phylogenetic neighborhood on the incidence of herbivory and parasitism in the communities of saplings in the same forest fragments. We evaluated also the effects of life strategies, herbivory, parasitism and some indicators of neighborhood on sapling survival. Finally we tested for the existences of a compensatory community trend at plot scale. We did not found a CCT but we found proof of local NND effects. For instance, the prevalence of herbivory and parasitism were related to lower sapling survival. On the other hand the density of con-generic saplings and the basal area of neighbor con-generic trees were related to a higher prevalence of herbivory or parasitism in the saplings. We demonstrated that the increase in the prevalence of herbivory or parasitism it s not exclusive of a conspecific neighborhood but instead larger taxonomic categories such as "genus" or simple phylogenetic relationships are also able to predict NND effects. The NND effects varied among functional guilds. Our results show that the dynamic of sapling communities in Ecuadorian montane forests is similar to seedling dynamics in other tropical forest and follows the predictions of Janzen-Connell hypothesis, although softened by the strong resilience of saplings in comparison to seedlings.


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T cell receptor ζ (TcRζ)/CD3 ligation initiates a signaling cascade that involves src kinases p56lck and ζ-associated protein 70, leading to the phosphorylation of substrates such as TcRζ, Vav, SH2-domain-containing leukocyte protein 76 (SLP-76), cbl, and p120/130. FYN binding protein (FYB or p120/130) associates with p59fyn, the TcRζ/CD3 complex, and becomes tyrosine-phosphorylated in response to receptor ligation. In this study, we report the cDNA cloning of human and murine FYB and show that it is restricted in expression to T cells and myeloid cells and possesses an overall unique hydrophilic sequence with several tyrosine-based motifs, proline-based type I and type II SH3 domain binding motifs, several putative lysine/glutamic acid-rich nuclear localization motifs, and a SH3-like domain. In addition to binding the src kinase p59fyn, FYB binds specifically to the hematopoietic signaling protein SLP-76, an interaction mediated by the SLP-76 SH2 domain. In keeping with this, expression of FYB augmented interleukin 2 secretion from a T cell hybridoma, DC27.10, in response to TcRζ/CD3 ligation. FYB is therefore a novel hematopoietic protein that acts as a component of the FYN and SLP-76 signaling cascades in T cells.


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The balance between cell survival and cell death is critical for normal lymphoid development. This balance is maintained by signals through lymphocyte antigen receptors and death receptors such as CD95/Fas. In some cells, ligating the B cell antigen receptor can protect the cell from apoptosis induced by CD95. Here we report that ligation of CD95 inhibits antigen receptor-mediated signaling. Pretreating CD40-stimulated tonsillar B cells with anti-CD95 abolished B cell antigen receptor-mediated calcium mobilization. Furthermore, CD95 ligation led to the caspase-dependent inhibition of antigen receptor-induced calcium mobilization and to the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in B and T cell lines. A target of CD95-mediated caspase 3-like activity early in the apoptotic process is the adaptor protein GrpL/Gads. GrpL constitutively interacts with SLP-76 via its C-terminal SH3 domain to regulate transcription factors such as NF-AT. Cleavage of GrpL removes the C-terminal SH3 domain so that it is no longer capable of recruiting SLP-76 to the membrane. Transfection of a truncated form of GrpL into Jurkat T cells blocked T cell antigen receptor-induced activation of NF-AT. These results suggest that CD95 signaling can desensitize antigen receptors, in part via cleavage of the GrpL adaptor.


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Objetivos: estabelecer amostras de referência constituídas por gravações julgadas com consenso como representativas da presença ou ausência da oclusiva glotal (OG) e comparar julgamentos perceptivo-auditivos da presença e ausência da OG com e sem o uso de amostras de referência. Metodologia: o estudo foi dividido em duas etapas. Durante a ETAPA 1, 480 frases referentes aos sons oclusivos e fricativos produzidas por falantes com história de fissura labiopalatina foram julgadas por três fonoaudiólogas experientes quanto à identificação da OG. As frases foram julgadas individualmente e aquelas que não apresentaram consenso inicial foram julgadas novamente de maneira simultânea. As amostras julgadas com consenso com relação à presença ou ausência da OG durante produção das seis consoantes-alvo oclusivas e seis fricativas foram selecionadas para estabelecer um Banco de Amostras Representativas da OG. A ETAPA 2 consistiu na seleção de 48 amostras de referência referentes aos 12 sons de interesse e 120 amostras experimentais e, o julgamento dessas amostras experimentais por três grupos de juízes, cada grupo com três juízes com experiências distintas com relação ao julgamento de fala na fissura de palato. Os juízes julgaram as amostras experimentais duas vezes, primeiro sem acesso às referências e, após uma semana, com acesso às referências. Resultados: os julgamentos realizados na ETAPA 1 evidenciaram consenso com relação a OG em 352 amostras, sendo 120 frases com produção adequada para os sons de interesse e 232 representativas do uso da OG. Essas 352 amostras constituíram o Banco de amostras Representativas da OG. Os resultados da ETAPA 2 indicaram que ao comparar a média do valor de Kappa obtida para os 12 sons de interesse em cada um dos grupos nos julgamentos sem e com acesso às amostras de referência a concordância para o grupo 1 (G1) passou de regular (K=0,35) para moderada (K=0,55), para o grupo 2 (G2) passou de moderada (K=0,44) para substancial (K=0,76) e para o grupo 3 (G3) passou de substancial (K=0,72) para quase perfeita (K=0,83). Observou-se que as melhores concordâncias ocorreram para o grupo dos fonoaudiólogos experientes (G3), seguido dos fonoaudiólogos recém-formados (G2), com as piores observadas para o grupo de alunos de graduação (G1). Conclusão: um Banco de Amostras de Referência Representativas da OG foi estabelecido e os julgamentos perceptivo-auditivos de juízes com uso das amostras de referência foram obtidos com concordância inter-juízes e porcentagem de acertos melhor do que os julgamentos sem acesso às referências. Os resultados sugerem a importância do uso de amostras de referência para minimizar a subjetividade da avaliação perceptivo auditiva da fala.


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Los pacientes con LF presentan un curso clínico indolente y una supervivencia relativamente prolongada, sin embargo el LF continúa considerándose una enfermedad incurable con los tratamientos convencionales y la recaída de los pacientes es la norma, alcanzando en las sucesivas recaídas un menor número de respuestas y de menor duración. Los enfermos con LF de alto riesgo intensificados con TAPH pueden alcanzar remisiones prolongadas, pero el mejor momento para dicho procedimiento es controvertido. Los enfermos trasplantados en primera remisión han demostrado un beneficio en la Supervivencia Libre de Progresión (SLP) en comparación con los tratados con la terapia convencional o con la inmunoquimioterapia. Sin embargo, ningún estudio randomizado (ER) ha demostrado todavía un beneficio en la Supervivencia Global (SG). No obstante, la mediana de seguimiento de los estudios fase III que evalúan el papel del TAPH es insuficiente para obtener beneficios en términos de SG. El único ER disponible que evalúa el rol del TAPH en pacientes con LF trasplantados en 2ª RC demuestra un beneficio en la SLP y la SG en comparación con la terapia convencional y ha sido confirmado en varios estudios retrospectivos con largos seguimientos...


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MSC 2010: 05C50, 15A03, 15A06, 65K05, 90C08, 90C35


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The first part of this study examines the relative roles of frontogenesis and tropopause undulation in determining the intensity and structural changes of Hurricane Sandy (2012) using a high-resolution cloud-resolving model. A 138-h simulation reproduces Sandy’s four distinct development stages: (i) rapid intensification, (ii) weakening, (iii) steady maximum surface wind but with large continued sea-level pressure (SLP) falls, and (iv) re-intensification. Results show typical correlations between intensity changes, sea-surface temperature and vertical wind shear during the first two stages. The large SLP falls during the last two stages are mostly caused by Sandy’s moving northward into lower-tropopause regions associated with an eastward-propagating midlatitude trough, where the associated lower-stratospheric warm air wraps into the storm and its surrounding areas. The steady maximum surface wind occurs because of the widespread SLP falls with weak pressure gradients lacking significant inward advection of absolute angular momentum (AAM). Meanwhile, there is a continuous frontogenesis in the outer region during the last three stages. Cyclonic inward advection of AAM along each frontal rainband accounts for the continued expansion of the tropical-storm-force wind and structural changes, while deep convection in the eyewall and merging of the final two survived frontal rainbands generate a spiraling jet in Sandy’s northwestern quadrant, leading to its re-intensification prior to landfall. The physical, kinematic and dynamic aspects of an upper-level outflow layer and its possible impact on the re-intensification of Sandy are examined in the second part of this study. Above the outflow layer isentropes are tilted downward with radius as a result of the development of deep convection and an approaching upper-level trough, causing weak subsidence. Its maximum outward radial velocity is located above the cloud top, so the outflow channel experiences cloud-induced long-wave cooling. Because Sandy has two distinct convective regions (an eyewall and a frontal rainband), it has multiple outflow layers, with the eyewall’s outflow layer located above that of the frontal rainband. During the re-intensification stage, the eyewall’s outflow layer interacts with a jet stream ahead of the upper-level trough axis. Because of the presence of inertial instability on the anticyclonic side of the jet stream and symmetric instability in the inner region of the outflow layer, Sandy’s secondary circulation intensifies. Its re-intensification ceases when these instabilities disappear. The relationship between the intensity of the secondary circulation and dynamic instabilities of the outflow layer suggests that the re-intensification occurs in response to these instabilities. Additionally, it is verified that the long-wave cooling in the outflow layer helps induce symmetric instability by reducing static stability.


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Sweet potato is an important strategic agricultural crop grown in many countries around the world. The roots and aerial vine components of the crop are used for both human consumption and, to some extent as a cheap source of animal feed. In spite of its economic value and growing contribution to health and nutrition, harvested sweet potato roots and aerial vine components has limited shelf-life and is easily susceptible to post-harvest losses. Although post-harvest losses of both sweet potato roots and aerial vine components is significant, there is no information available that will support the design and development of appropriate storage and preservation systems. In this context, the present study was initiated to improve scientific knowledge about sweet potato post-harvest handling. Additionally, the study also seeks to develop a PV ventilated mud storehouse for storage of sweet potato roots under tropical conditions. In study one, airflow resistance of sweet potato aerial vine components was investigated. The influence of different operating parameters such as airflow rate, moisture content and bulk depth at different levels on airflow resistance was analyzed. All the operating parameters were observed to have significant (P < 0.01) effect on airflow resistance. Prediction models were developed and were found to adequately describe the experimental pressure drop data. In study two, the resistance of airflow through unwashed and clean sweet potato roots was investigated. The effect of sweet potato roots shape factor, surface roughness, orientation to airflow, and presence of soil fraction on airflow resistance was also assessed. The pressure drop through unwashed and clean sweet potato roots was observed to increase with higher airflow, bed depth, root grade composition, and presence of soil fraction. The physical properties of the roots were incorporated into a modified Ergun model and compared with a modified Shedd’s model. The modified Ergun model provided the best fit to the experimental data when compared with the modified Shedd’s model. In study three, the effect of sweet potato root size (medium and large), different air velocity and temperature on the cooling/or heating rate and time of individual sweet potato roots were investigated. Also, a simulation model which is based on the fundamental solution of the transient equations was proposed for estimating the cooling and heating time at the centre of sweet potato roots. The results showed that increasing air velocity during cooling and heating significantly (P < 0.05) affects the cooling and heating times. Furthermore, the cooling and heating times were significantly different (P < 0.05) among medium and large size sweet potato roots. Comparison of the simulation results with experimental data confirmed that the transient simulation model can be used to accurately estimate the cooling and heating times of whole sweet potato roots under forced convection conditions. In study four, the performance of charcoal evaporative cooling pad configurations for integration into sweet potato roots storage systems was investigated. The experiments were carried out at different levels of air velocity, water flow rates, and three pad configurations: single layer pad (SLP), double layers pad (DLP) and triple layers pad (TLP) made out of small and large size charcoal particles. The results showed that higher air velocity has tremendous effect on pressure drop. Increasing the water flow rate above the range tested had no practical benefits in terms of cooling. It was observed that DLP and TLD configurations with larger wet surface area for both types of pads provided high cooling efficiencies. In study five, CFD technique in the ANSYS Fluent software was used to simulate airflow distribution in a low-cost mud storehouse. By theoretically investigating different geometries of air inlet, plenum chamber, and outlet as well as its placement using ANSYS Fluent software, an acceptable geometry with uniform air distribution was selected and constructed. Experimental measurements validated the selected design. In study six, the performance of the developed PV ventilated system was investigated. Field measurements showed satisfactory results of the directly coupled PV ventilated system. Furthermore, the option of integrating a low-cost evaporative cooling system into the mud storage structure was also investigated. The results showed a reduction of ambient temperature inside the mud storehouse while relative humidity was enhanced. The ability of the developed storage system to provide and maintain airflow, temperature and relative humidity which are the key parameters for shelf-life extension of sweet potato roots highlight its ability to reduce post-harvest losses at the farmer level, particularly under tropical climate conditions.