84 resultados para SHUNTS
Previous studies have demonstrated that presecretory proteins such as maltose binding protein (MBP) and outer membrane protein A (OmpA) are targeted to the Escherichia coli inner membrane by the molecular chaperone SecB, but that integral membrane proteins are targeted by the signal recognition particle (SRP). In vitro studies have suggested that trigger factor binds to a sequence near the N terminus of the mature region of OmpA and shunts the protein into the SecB pathway by blocking an interaction between SRP and the signal peptide. By contrast, we have found that the targeting pathway of a protein under physiological conditions is dictated by the composition of its targeting signal. Replacement of the MBP or OmpA signal peptide with the first transmembrane segment of AcrB abolished the dependence on SecB for transport and rerouted both proteins into the SRP targeting pathway. More modest alterations of the MBP signal peptide that simply increase its hydrophobicity also promoted SRP binding. Furthermore, we obtained evidence that SRP has a low affinity for typical signal peptides in vivo. These results imply that different classes of E. coli proteins are targeted by distinct pathways because bacterial SRP binds to a more restricted range of targeting signals than its eukaryotic counterpart.
O objetivo do presente trabalho é a investigação e o desenvolvimento de estratégias de otimização contínua e discreta para problemas de Fluxo de Potência Ótimo (FPO), onde existe a necessidade de se considerar as variáveis de controle associadas aos taps de transformadores em-fase e chaveamentos de bancos de capacitores e reatores shunt como variáveis discretas e existe a necessidade da limitação, e/ou até mesmo a minimização do número de ações de controle. Neste trabalho, o problema de FPO será abordado por meio de três estratégias. Na primeira proposta, o problema de FPO é modelado como um problema de Programação Não Linear com Variáveis Contínuas e Discretas (PNLCD) para a minimização de perdas ativas na transmissão; são propostas três abordagens utilizando funções de discretização para o tratamento das variáveis discretas. Na segunda proposta, considera-se que o problema de FPO, com os taps de transformadores discretos e bancos de capacitores e reatores shunts fixos, possui uma limitação no número de ações de controles; variáveis binárias associadas ao número de ações de controles são tratadas por uma função quadrática. Na terceira proposta, o problema de FPO é modelado como um problema de Otimização Multiobjetivo. O método da soma ponderada e o método ε-restrito são utilizados para modificar os problemas multiobjetivos propostos em problemas mono-objetivos. As variáveis binárias associadas às ações de controles são tratadas por duas funções, uma sigmoidal e uma polinomial. Para verificar a eficácia e a robustez dos modelos e algoritmos desenvolvidos serão realizados testes com os sistemas elétricos IEEE de 14, 30, 57, 118 e 300 barras. Todos os algoritmos e modelos foram implementados em General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) e os solvers CONOPT, IPOPT, KNITRO e DICOPT foram utilizados na resolução dos problemas. Os resultados obtidos confirmam que as estratégias de discretização são eficientes e as propostas de modelagem para variáveis binárias permitem encontrar soluções factíveis para os problemas envolvendo as ações de controles enquanto os solvers DICOPT e KNITRO utilizados para modelar variáveis binárias não encontram soluções.
En este trabajo de tesis de grado buscaremos indagar, desde una perspectiva no-antropocéntrica, una temática contemporánea y de plena actualidad, que se está produciendo en las sociedades occidentales. Se trata del problema de la condición de persona aplicada a animales no humanos, enfocándonos principalmente en tres ejes de análisis: como hemos dicho, la noción de persona, el antropocentrismo especista, y la noción de sujeto. El marco general para pensar estas cuestiones es el cambio de perspectiva en la filosofía y en la ciencia, que comienza a darse con mayor ímpetu desde el último tercio del s. XX. Este cambio en el marco conceptual general, puede entenderse como una crisis en la forma de pensar al ser humano y su relación con el mundo no humano. Este cambio, a su vez, repercute en la sociedad en términos de la emergencia de nuevas reivindicaciones, entre ellas, la de los animales como sujetos de derecho y la plausibilidad de adscribir a algunos de ellos la condición de persona a partir de una serie de características que comparten con los seres humanos. ;Antes de proseguir, consideremos lo siguiente. Tal como señaló Niko Tinbergen con su "¿Qué pregunta, preguntas?" (Stamp Dawkins, 2007) resulta fundamental formular claramente la pregunta que guía nuestras hipótesis de trabajo, para dar cuenta de su sentido. De esta manera, explicitaremos la pregunta desde la que partimos, a saber, ¿Qué pone en juego o en duda la hipótesis de antropocentrismo especista y la de sujeto y persona aplicada a animales no humanos? Claramente es una cuestión compleja. No la abordaremos en la infinidad de sus aristas y derivaciones. Aun así, buscaremos un recorrido temático para pensar las dificultades que se imponen en este tópico contemporáneo
Hydrocephalus is a condition commonly encountered in paediatric and adult neurosurgery and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunting remains the treatment of choice for many cases. Despite improvements in shunt technology and technique, morbidity and mortality remain. The incidence of early shunt obstruction is high with later failures seen less frequently. This review aims to examine mortality associated with mechanical failure of CSF shunts within Queensland. Neurosurgical and Intensive Care databases were reviewed for cases of mortality associated with shunt failure. Eight cases were identified between the years of 1992 and 2002 with the average age at death 7.7 years. Deaths occurred on average 2 years after last shunt revision. Seven of the eight patients lived outside the metropolitan area. Shunting remains an imperfect means of treating hydrocephalus. Mortality may be encountered at any time post surgery and delays to surgical intervention influence this. Alternative measures such as third ventriculostomy or the placement of a separate access device should be considered. In the event of emergency, a spinal needle could be used to access the ventricle along the course of the ventricular catheter. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
At glutamatergic synapses, calcium influx through NMDA receptors (NMDARs) is required for long-term potentiation (LTP); this is a proposed cellular mechanism underlying memory and learning. Here we show that in lateral amygdala pyramidal neurons, SK channels are also activated by calcium influx through synaptically activated NMDARs, resulting in depression of the synaptic potential. Thus, blockade of SK channels by apamin potentiates fast glutamatergic synaptic potentials. This potentiation is blocked by the NMDAR antagonist AP5 (D(-)-2-amino-5-phosphono-valeric acid) or by buffering cytosolic calcium with BAPTA. Blockade of SK channels greatly enhances LTP of cortical inputs to lateral amygdala pyramidal neurons. These results show that NMDARs and SK channels are colocalized at glutamatergic synapses in the lateral amygdala. Calcium influx through NMDARs activates SK channels and shunts the resultant excitatory postsynaptic potential. These results demonstrate a new role for SK channels as postsynaptic regulators of synaptic efficacy.
Propionibacterium acnes is a Gram-positive bacterium that forms part of the normal flora of the skin, oral cavity, large intestine, the conjunctiva and the external ear canal. Although primarily recognized for its role in acne, P. acnes is an opportunistic pathogen, causing a range of postoperative and device-related infections. These include infections of the bones and joints, mouth, eye and brain. Device-related infections include those of joint prostheses, shunts and prosthetic heart valves. P. acnes may play a role in other conditions, including inflammation of the prostate leading to cancer, SAPHO (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis) syndrome, sarcoidosis and sciatica. If an active role in these conditions is established there are major implications for diagnosis, treatment and protection. Genome sequencing of the organism has provided an insight into the pathogenic potential and virulence of P. acnes. © 2011 Expert Reviews Ltd.
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of residual shunt in patients after device closure of atrial septal defect and its impact on long-term outcome has not been previously defined. METHODS: From a prospective, single-institution registry of 408 patients, we selected individuals with agitated saline studies performed 1 year after closure. Baseline echocardiographic, invasive hemodynamic, and comorbidity data were compared to identify contributors to residual shunt. Survival was determined by review of the medical records and the Social Security Death Index. Survival analysis according to shunt included construction of Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazards modeling. RESULTS: Among 213 analyzed patients, 27% were men and age at repair was 47 ± 17 years. Thirty patients (14%) had residual shunt at 1 year. Residual shunt was more common with Helex (22%) and CardioSEAL/STARFlex (40%) occluder devices than Amplatzer devices (9%; P = .005). Residual shunts were more common in whites (79% vs 46%, P = .004). At 7.3 ± 3.3 years of follow-up, 13 (6%) of patients had died, including 8 (5%) with Amplatzer, 5 (25%) with CardioSEAL/STARFlex, and 0 with Helex devices. Patients with residual shunting had a higher hazard of death (20% vs 4%, P = .001; hazard ratio 4.95 [1.59-14.90]). In an exploratory multivariable analysis, residual shunting, age, hypertension, coronary artery disease, and diastolic dysfunction were associated with death. CONCLUSIONS: Residual shunt after atrial septal defect device closure is common and adversely impacts long-term survival.
Hydrocephalus has been known to affect humans since the birth of human medicine as it is described by Hippocrates. The management of this condition is however still dodged by challenges due to a poor understanding of its pathophysiology. The ventriculoperitoneal shunt presents considerable problems especially with respect to infection and shunt malfunction. Low income countries, that currently face the greater burden of paediatric hydrocephalus. experience an increased challenge with ventriculoperitoneal shunts due to a shortage of qualified personnel to handle shunt complications. Recent advances in neuro-endoscopic surgery have presented opportunities for alternative treatment options for hydrocephalus such as endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV). This paper explores the alternative views in the pathophysiology of hydrocephalus and how they explain the effectiveness of ETV in treating hydrocephalus arising from a variety of causes.
Background: Perimembranous Ventricular Septal Defect (PMVSD) is the most common subtype of ventricular septal defects. Transcatheter closure of PMVSD is a challenging procedure in management of moderate or large defects. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to show that transcatheter closure of perimembranous ventricular septal defect with Amplatzer Ductal Occluder (ADO) is an effective and safe method. Patients and Methods: Between April 2012 and April 2013, 28 patients underwent percutaneous closure of PMVSD using ADO. After obtaining the size of VSD from the ventriculogram a device at least 2 mm larger than the narrowest diameter of VSD at right ventricular side was chosen. The device deployed after confirmation of its good position by echocardiography and left ventriculography. Follow up evaluations were done 1 month, 6 months, 12 months and yearly after discharge with transthoracic echocardiography and 12 lead electrocardiography. Results: The mean age of patients at procedure was 4.7 ± 6.3 (range 2 to 14) years, mean weight 14.7 ± 10.5 (range 10 to 40) kg. The mean defect size of the right ventricular side was 4.5 ± 1.6 mm. The average device size used was 7.3 ± 3.2mm (range 4 to 12 mm). The ADOs were successfully implanted in all patients. The VSD occlusion rate was 65.7% at completion of the procedure, rising up to 79.5% at discharge and 96.4% during follow-up. Small residual shunts were seen at completion of the procedure, but they disappeared during follow-up in all but one patient. The mean follow-up period was 8.3 ± 3.6 months (range 1 to 18 months). Complete atrioventricular block (CAVB), major complication or death was not observed in our study. Conclusions: Transcatheter closure of PMVSD with ADO in children is a safe and effective treatment associated with excellent success and closure rates, but long-term follow-up in a large number of patients would be warranted.