994 resultados para SEQUENTIAL EXTRACTION


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In this study we investigate benthic phosphorus cycling in recent continental margin sediments at three sites off the Namibian coastal upwelling area. Examination of the sediments reveals that organic and biogenic phosphorus are the major P-containing phases preserved. High Corg/Porg ratios just at the sediment surface suggest that the preferential regeneration of phosphorus relative to that of organic carbon has either already occurred on the suspension load or that the organic matter deposited at these sites is already rather refractory. Release of phosphate in the course of benthic microbial organic matter degradation cannot be identified as the dominating process within the observed internal benthic phosphorus cycle. Dissolved phosphate and iron in the pore water are closely coupled, showing high concentrations below the oxygenated surface layer of the sediments and low concentrations at the sediment-water interface. The abundant presence of Fe(III)-bound phosphorus in the sediments document the co-precipitation of both constituents as P-containing iron (oxyhydr)oxides. However, highly dissolved phosphate concentrations in pore waters cannot be explained, neither by simple mass balance calculations nor by the application of an established computer model. Under the assumption of steady state conditions, phosphate release rates are too high as to be balanced with a solid phase reservoir. This discrepancy points to an apparent lack of solid phase phosphorus at sediment depth were suboxic conditions prevail. We assume that the known, active, fast and episodic particle mixing by burrowing macrobenthic organisms could repeatedly provide the microbially catalyzed processes of iron reduction with authigenic iron (oxyhydro)oxides from the oxic surface sediments. Accordingly, a multiple internal cycling of phosphate and iron would result before both elements are buried below the iron reduction zone.


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Understanding phosphorus (P) geochemistry and burial in oceanic sediments is important because of the role of P for modulating oceanic productivity on long timescales. We investigated P geochemistry in seven equatorial Pacific sites over the last 53 Ma, using a sequential extraction technique to elucidate sedimentary P composition and P diagenesis within the sediments. The dominant P-bearing component in these sediments is authigenic P (61-86% of total P), followed in order of relative dominance by iron-bound P (7-17%), organic P (3-12%), adsorbed P (2-9%), and detrital P (0-1%). Clear temporal trends in P component composition exist. Organic P decreases rapidly in younger sediments in the eastern Pacific (the only sites with high sample resolution in the younger intervals), from a mean concentration of 2.3 µmol P/g sediment in the 0-1 Ma interval to 0.4 µmol/g in the 5- 6 Ma interval. Over this same time interval, decreases are also observed for iron-bound P (from 2.1 to 1.1 µmol P/g) and adsorbed P (from 1.5 to 0.7 µmol P/g). These decreases are in contrast to increases in authigenic P (from 6.0-9.6 µmol P/g) and no significant changes in detrital P (0.1 µmol P/g) and total P (12 µmol P/g). These temporal trends in P geochemistry suggest that (1) organic matter, the principal shuttle of P to the seafloor, is regenerated in sediments and releases associated P to interstitial waters, (2) P associated with iron-rich oxyhydroxides is released to interstitial waters upon microbial iron reduction, (3) the decrease in adsorbed P with age and depth probably indicates a similar decrease in interstitial water P concentrations, and (4) carbonate fluorapatite (CFA), or another authigenic P-bearing phase, precipitates due to the release of P from organic matter and iron oxyhydroxides and becomes an increasingly significant P sink with age and depth. The reorganization of P between various sedimentary pools, and its eventual incorporation in CFA, has been recognized in a variety of continental margin environments, but this is the first time these processes have been revealed in deep-sea sediments. Phosphorus accumulation rate data from this study and others indicates that the global pre-anthropogenic input rate of P to the ocean (20x10**10 mol P/yr) is about a factor of four times higher than previously thought, supporting recent suggestions that the residence time of P in the oceans may be as short as 10000-20000 years.


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We determined changes in equatorial Pacific phosphorus (µmol P/g) and barite (BaSO4; wt%) concentrations at high resolution (2 cm) across the Paleocene/Eocene (P/E) boundary in sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 199 Site 1221 (153.40 to 154.80 meters below seafloor [mbsf]). Oxide-associated, authigenic, and organic P sequentially extracted from bulk sediment were used to distinguish reactive P from detrital P. We separated barite from bulk sediment and compared its morphology with that of modern unaltered biogenic barite to check for diagenesis. On a CaCO3-free basis, reactive P concentrations are relatively constant and high (323 µmol P/g or ~1 wt%). Barite concentrations range from 0.05 to 5.6 wt%, calculated on a CaCO3-free basis, and show significant variability over this time interval. Shipboard measurements of P and Ba in bulk sediments are systematically lower (by ~25%) than shore-based concentrations and likely indicate problems with shipboard standard calibrations. The presence of Mn oxides and the size, crystal morphology, and sulfur isotopes of barite imply deposition in sulfate-rich pore fluids. Relatively constant reactive P, organic C, and biogenic silica concentrations calculated on a CaCO3-free basis indicate generally little variation in organic C, reactive P, and biogenic opal burial across the P/E boundary, whereas variable barite concentrations indicate significant changes in export productivity. Low barite Ba/reactive P ratios before and immediately after the Benthic Extinction Event (BEE) may indicate efficient nutrient burial, and, if nutrient burial and organic C burial are linked, high relative organic C burial that could temporarily drawdown CO2 at this site. This interpretation requires postdepositional oxidation of organic C because organic C to reactive P ratios are low throughout the section. After the BEE, higher barite Ba/reactive P ratios combined with higher barite Ba concentrations may imply that higher export productivity was coupled with unchanged reactive P burial, indicating efficient nutrient and possibly also organic C recycling in the water column. If the nutrient recycling is decoupled from organic C, the high export production could be indicative of drawdown of CO2. However, the observation that organic C burial is not high where barite burial is high may imply that either C sequestration was restricted to the deep ocean and thus occurred only on timescales of the deep ocean mixing or that postdepositional oxidation (burn down) of organic matter affected the sediments. The decoupling of barite and opal may result from low opal preservation or production that is not diatom based.


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Despite intensive research on the different domains of the marine phosphorus (P) cycle during the last decades, frequently discussed open questions still exist especially on controlling factors for the benthic behaviour of P and its general distribution in sediment-pore water systems. Steady state or the internal balance of all relevant physical and (bio)geochemical processes are amongst the key issues. In this study we present and discuss an extended data set from surface sediments recovered from three locations on the NW African continental slope. Pore water data and results from sequential sediment extractions give clear evidence to the well-known close relationship between the benthic cycles of P and iron. Accordingly, most of the dissolved phosphate must have been released by microbially catalyzed reductive dissolution of iron (oxhydr)oxides. However, rates of release and association of P and iron, respectively, are not directly represented in profiles of element specific sediment compositions. Results from steady-state based transport-reaction modelling suggest that particle mixing due to active bioturbation, or rather a physical net downward transport of P associated to iron (oxyhydr)oxides, is an essential process for the balance of the inspected benthic cycles. This study emphasizes the importance of balancing analytical data for a comprehensive understanding of all processes involved in biogeochemical cycles.


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En la presente tesis se estudian los contenidos geoquímicos de los sedimentos de llanura de inundación en diversas cuencas fluviales seleccionadas con el objetivo de contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de sus condiciones medioambientales. En cada cuenca, se ha muestreado un perfil vertical de llanura de inundación, dividiéndolo en tramos que generalmente corresponden a diferentes episodios de inundación. Estos sedimentos se depositan durante los episodios de crecidas una vez que la corriente sobrepasa los límites del canal. Se caracterizan normalmente por tener un tamaño de grano fino y una estructura en capas horizontales que corresponden a los sucesivos episodios de inundación. Muestran dos ventajas principales con respecto a otros medios de muestreo en geoquímica como suelos o sedimentos de corriente: • Pueden almacenar sedimento antiguo así como actual, con lo que se puede estudiar la historia geoquímica de una zona específica en un mismo punto de muestreo (perfil vertical). • Los sedimentos de llanuras de inundación son capaces de caracterizar grandes áreas de drenaje. El origen de los sedimentos es más diverso que en el sedimento de corriente, debido a las mayores áreas de donde proceden las aguas de las avenidas. Las cuencas han sido seleccionadas según las actividades antropogénicas que en ellas se llevan a cabo, en concreto, actividades urbanas e industriales, minería y agricultura. Así mismo, se han estudiado, como referencia, dos cuencas donde no se espera encontrar ningún tipo de actividad contaminante. Una vez hecha la selección, los sedimentos aluviales de las cuencas se han estudiado cuidadosamente para asegurar que no existen depósitos de acreción lateral en el punto seleccionado. Posteriormente se ha procedido al muestreo del perfil vertical. Las muestras han sido analizadas mediante ICP-MS (ataque total) e INAA para conocer los contenidos totales de los elementos traza y mayoritarios. Los análisis de la fracción extraíble se han llevado a cabo mediante ICP-MS (ataque con agua regia). Así mismo, algunas muestras seleccionadas han sido sometidas a una extracción secuencial para un estudio más detallado. La presencia de materia orgánica ha sido estimada mediante el análisis de Carbono Orgánico Total (TOC). Finalmente, se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de isótopos de Pb en muestras escogidas en los perfiles, con el objetivo de hacer una evaluación ambiental. Los contenidos metálicos aumentan hacia la superficie en algunos de los perfiles, mientras en otros muestran una distribución muy constante exceptuando algún nivel específico con un aumento de los contenidos de la mayoría de los metales. Ha sido posible determinar la influencia de las actividades antropogénicas en algunos de los perfiles. Aquellos que pertenecen a cuencas mineras, urbanas o industrializadas muestran generalmente altos contenidos en elementos metálicos. Es el caso de los perfiles muestreados en los ríos Odiel y Tinto, Besaya, Besós y Manzanares. Algunos de estos perfiles pueden incluso correlacionarse con periodos de tiempo en los que ha tenido lugar una actividad antropogénica más intensa. Los perfiles que mejor se correlacionan con la actividad antropogénica de la cuenca son el perfil de Rivas en el río Manzanares (Madrid), que refleja un crecimiento de la contaminación producida por las actividades urbana e industrial en las últimas décadas, y el río Tinto, que muestra un crecimiento llamativo de los contenidos en su mayoría metálicos que puede estar relacionado con el incremento de la actividad minera que tuvo lugar hace aproximadamente 125 años. El análisis de los isótopos de Pb ha resultado ser una herramienta útil en la evaluación ambiental de estos sedimentos. Con este estudio y mediante la comparación con fuentes naturales y antropogénicas, ha sido posible diferenciar las muestras afectadas por diferentes fuentes de plomo, así como detectar las más afectadas antropogénicamente. ABSTRACT The geochemical composition of overbank sediments of some selected river basins is studied in this thesis in order to contribute to a better knowledge of the environmental conditions surrounding them. In each basin a vertical overbank profile has been sampled, dividing it into stretches that usually correspond to different flood events. The overbank sediments are those deposited during a flood event once the flow spills over the channel banks. They are usually characterized by a very fine grain size and a structure of horizontal layers, which correspond to successive flood events. These sediments show two main advantages regarding other sampling media in geochemistry, like soils or stream sediments: • They can store sediment deposited in the past as well as in current times, so that the history of a specific location can be studied at the very same point (vertical profile). • The overbank sediments are able to characterize a large drainage area. The origin of the sediment is wider than in the stream sediments due to the larger areas where the flood water comes from. The basins have been selected depending on the anthropogenic activities developed in them, namely, urban and industrial activities, mining activities and agricultural activities. As well, two pristine basins have been studied as a reference. Afterwards, the alluvial sediments in the basins have been carefully studied in order to sample a vertical profile and make sure that lateral accretion materials are not present in the profile. The samples have been analysed by ICP-MS (total digestion) and INAA to know the total contents of trace and major elements. Analysis of the mobile fraction has been carried out by ICP-MS (aqua regia); as well some of the samples have been subjected to sequential extraction for a more detailed study. The presence of organic matter has been estimated by the analysis of the Total Organic Carbon (TOC). Finally, a lead isotope analysis of some of the samples in the profiles was carried out in order to make an environmental assessment. Metal contents grow towards the surface in some of the profiles, while others show a very steady distribution, except for some of them with a growth of most of the metals in a specific level. XI It has been possible to determine the influence of the anthropogenic activities in some of the profiles. The ones that belong to mining and urban or industrialized basins show generally high contents of metal elements. This is the case of the profiles sampled in the Odiel and Tinto Rivers, the Besaya River, the Besós River and the Manzanares River. Some of these profiles can even correlate with the periods of time when a more intense activity in their respective basins has taken place. The profiles which best correlate with the anthropogenic activity are the Rivas profile in the Manzanares River, which reflects a growth of the pollution produced by urban and industrial activities in the city of Madrid in the last decades and the Tinto profile, which shows a very dramatic growth of the elemental contents (mostly metals) which can be related to the increase of the mining activities that took place in the last 125 years. The analysis of lead isotopes has turned out to be a powerful tool in the environmental assessment in this type of sediments. With this study and through the comparison with natural and anthropogenic sources, it has been possible to determine samples affected by different sources of lead and to detect the most anthropogenicaly affected ones.