905 resultados para SELF-INJURIOUS-BEHAVIOR


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Behavioural phenotype research is of benefit to a large number of children with genetic syndromes and associated developmental delay. This article presents an overview of this research area and demonstrates how understanding pathways between gene disorders and behaviour can inform our understanding of the difficulties individuals with genetic syndromes and developmental delay experience, including self-injurious behaviour, social exploitation, social anxiety, social skills deficits, sensory differences, temper outbursts and repetitive behaviours. In addition, physical health difficulties and their interaction with behaviour are considered. The article demonstrates the complexity involved in assessing a child with a rare genetic syndrome.


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Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Mestrado em Educação Especial: Multideficiência e Problemas de Cognição


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Each person with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) comes with unique characteristics (idiosyncratic) that give clues to the world they know (Connolly, 2008). It is through their body that they (a) know the world they are experiencing, (b) make meaning, and (c) express certain behaviours. I used Laban’s Movement Analysis (LMA) to practice an attuned and appreciative approach to describing and understanding the body movement in one severe manifestation of autism in an adolescent male. LMA observes human movement across many disciplines and can be applied in many contexts providing a body honoring discourse for description (Connolly, 2008). The framework examines movement in body, space, quality, and relation. Each theme provides a detailed description of the individual’s movement, thus, giving us a richer understanding of patterns and possible triggers to self-injurious behaviours (SIB). During the summer of August 2013, I participated in Brock University’s annual Autism Camp and worked with a 15 year old male named “Aaron” who manifests with low functioning autism. The purpose of my research project was to code and analyze a series of photos taken to help gain insight into movement patterns associated with stressed embodiment and self-injury in “Aaron”. As I understood more about these embodied expressions, I uncovered valuable information on how to read patterns and discover what triggers these events, thus providing strategies on how to help people do more refined observations and make meaning of the behaviour. Laban’s movement analysis provided a sensitized discourse appropriate to the embodied expressions depicted in the photos.


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En milieu pédopsychiatrique, les infirmières connaissent bien le phénomène de l’automutilation des adolescentes parce qu’elles sont souvent appelées à intervenir lorsque ce type de situation survient. Cependant, puisqu’elles ont parfois une mauvaise compréhension du phénomène, des perceptions erronées et des attitudes négatives quant à celui-ci, les infirmières deviennent moins aptes à intervenir auprès de cette clientèle. Cette étude a pour objectifs d’explorer le phénomène de l’automutilation auprès des infirmières œuvrant en milieu pédopsychiatrique et de décrire les interventions infirmières privilégiées en cas d’automutilation ainsi que les facteurs du contexte organisationnel susceptible d’avoir une influence sur la façon dont ces interventions sont prodiguées. L’étude privilégie un devis qualitatif de type exploratoire. Plusieurs méthodes de collecte des données ont été sélectionnées pour mener à bien cette étude entre autres des entrevues auprès des participantes et une période d’observation au sein de l’unité où la recherche a eu lieu. L’analyse des verbatim selon les étapes élaborées par Tesch (1990) a permis d’identifier sept catégories d’interventions infirmières : les interventions de relation d’aide, d’accompagnement, d’évaluation, de sécurité, d’enseignement, les interventions en lien avec les émotions et les perceptions de l’automutilation ainsi que les interventions pour éviter la contamination sociale. En ce qui a trait aux facteurs ayant une influence sur ces interventions infirmières, trois catégories sont ressorties des données : la constitution de l’équipe interpersonnelle, la lourdeur des tâches de l’infirmière en pédopsychiatrie ainsi que la culture organisationnelle dans laquelle évoluent les membres de l’équipe soignante. Les résultats qui sont issus de cette étude permettront aux infirmières de mieux comprendre le phénomène de l’automutilation chez les adolescentes. Cette étude suggère également des pistes d’interventions qui pourraient aider les infirmières œuvrant en milieu pédopsychiatrique à mieux intervenir. De plus, cette étude serait susceptible de permettre aux gestionnaires des établissements d’apporter certains ajustements notamment en ce qui a trait à l’organisation du travail et à la formation des infirmières.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre Aix-Marseille Université et l'Université de Montréal


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Dopamine D2 receptors are involved in ethanol self- administration behavior and also suggested to mediate the onset and offset of ethanol drinking. In the present study, we investigated dopamine (DA) content and Dopamine D2 (DA D2) receptors in the hypothalamus and corpus striatum of ethanol treated rats and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity in the liver and plasma of ethanol treated rats and in vitro hepatocyte cultures. Hypothalamic and corpus striatal DA content decreased significantly (P\0.05, P\0.001 respectively) and homovanillic acid/ dopamine (HVA/DA) ratio increased significantly (P\0.001) in ethanol treated rats when compared to control. Scatchard analysis of [3H] YM-09151-2 binding to DA D2 receptors in hypothalamus showed a significant increase (P\0.001) in Bmax without any change in Kd in ethanol treated rats compared to control. The Kd of DA D2 receptors significantly decreased (P\0.05) in the corpus striatum of ethanol treated rats when compared to control. DA D2 receptor affinity in the hypothalamus and corpus striatum of control and ethanol treated rats fitted to a single site model with unity as Hill slope value. The in vitro studies on hepatocyte cultures showed that 10-5 M and 10-7 M DA can reverse the increased ALDH activity in 10% ethanol treated cells to near control level. Sulpiride, an antagonist of DA D2, reversed the effect of dopamine on 10% ethanol induced ALDH activity in hepatocytes. Our results showed a decreased dopamine concentration with enhanced DA D2 receptors in the hypothalamus and corpus striatum of ethanol treated rats. Also, increased ALDH was observed in the plasma and liver of ethanol treated rats and in vitro hepatocyte cultures with 10% ethanol as a compensatory mechanism for increased aldehyde production due to increased dopamine metabolism. A decrease in dopamine concentration in major brain regions is coupled with an increase in ALDH activity in liver and plasma, which contributes to the tendency for alcoholism. Since the administration of 10-5 M and 10-7 M DA can reverse the increased ALDH activity in ethanol treated cells to near control level, this has therapeutic application to correct ethanol addicts from addiction due to allergic reaction observed in aldehyde accumulation.


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La automedicación constituye una práctica transcultural, extendida a población de todas las edades. Dicha práctica gira en torno a la más vaga concepción de autocuidado o preservación del bienestar biológico de la persona, de la prevención de la enfermedad y de la promoción de la salud. Sin embargo, este fenómeno, cada vez más popular, a pesar de llevar consigo las mejores intenciones por parte de los usuarios, puede ser tan perjudicial como el hecho de no tratar las condiciones que representan una amenaza para la salud. Este hecho, da paso para que se abran signos de interrogación en el ámbito científico, alrededor de las evidencias empíricas que existen sobre la automedicación. El presente artículo propone presentar el conjunto de variables más frecuentemente estudiadas en la literatura científica, desde el año 2000 hasta la actualidad, sobre el comportamiento de automedicación. Se llega pues a dos tipos de conclusiones a lo largo de esta revisión bibliométrica que permiten: reafirmar el establecimiento global del fenómeno de la automedicación, y conocer la tendencia constante de variables ceñidas a este comportamiento de alto riesgo para la persona que lo practica.


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The interactions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) with poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(alkylene oxide) (E/A) block copolymers are explored in this study: With respect to the specific compositional characteristics of the copolymer, introduction of SDS can induce fundamentally different effects to the self-assembly behavior of E/A copolymer solutions. In the case of the E18B10-SDS system (E = poly(ethylene oxide) and B = poly(butylene oxide)) development of large surfactant-polymer aggregates was observed. In the case of B20E610-SDS, B12E227B12-SDS, E40B10E40-SDS, E19P43E19-SDS (P = poly(propylene oxide)), the formation of smaller particles compared to pure polymeric micelles points to micellar suppression induced by the ionic surfactant. This effect can be ascribed to a physical binding between the hydrophobic block of unassociated macromolecules and the non-polar tail of the surfactant. Analysis of critical micelle concentrations (cmc*) of polymer-surfactant aqueous solutions within the framework of regular solution theory for binary surfactants revealed negative deviations from ideal behavior for E40B10E40-SDS and E19P43E19-SDS, but positive deviations for E18B10-SDS. Ultrasonic studies performed for the E19P43E19-SDS system enabled the identification of three distinct regions, corresponding to three main steps of the complexation; SDS absorption to the hydrophobic backbone of polymer, development of polymer-surfactant complexes and gradual breakdown of the mixed aggregates. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The remarkable diversity of the self-assembly behavior of PEG−peptides is reviewed, including self-assemblies formed by PEG−peptides with β-sheet and α-helical (coiled-coil) peptide sequences. The modes of self-assembly in solution and in the solid state are discussed. Additionally, applications in bionanotechnology and synthetic materials science are summarized.


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Deliberate self harm as defined pathologically as well as socially is becoming an increasing phenomenon within forensic psychiatry. Nurses working with patients who have self harm behaviour and are confined to forensic psychiatry face different challenges which affect their feelings and attitudes in different ways, in their nursing practice. Purpose: To explore nurses’ experiences of caring for patients who suffer from deliberate self harm behaviour and are confined to forensic psychiatry. Method: Qualitative semi- structured interview s from eight nurses working within the forensic psychiatric clinic. Interviews were analysed by using a qualitative content analysis. Results: They worked strategically and emphasized the importance of teamwork, good communication and urged for the need to get necessary education, staff focused tutoring and patient focused therapy. Conclusion: Need for necessary education, patient focused therapy and staff focused tutor is needed to empower staff working with patients who are confined within forensic psychiatry and suffer from deliberate self harm behaviour.


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Purpose: To evaluate the impact of parent education groups on youth suicide risk factors. The potential for informal transmission of intervention impacts within school communities was assessed.

Methods: Parent education groups were offered to volunteers from 14 high schools that were closely matched to 14 comparison schools. The professionally led groups aimed to empower parents to assist one another to improve communication skills and relationships with adolescents. Australian 8th-grade students (aged 14 years) responded to classroom surveys repeated at baseline and after 3 months. Logistic regression was used to test for intervention impacts on adolescent substance use, deliquency, self-harm behavior, and depression. There were no differences between the intervention (n = 305) and comparison (n = 272) samples at baseline on the measures of depression, health behavior, or family relationships.

Results: Students in the intervention schools demonstrated increased maternal care (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 1.9), reductions in conflict with parents (AOR .5), reduced substance use (AOR .5 to .6), and less delinquency (AOR .2). Parent education group participants were more likely to be sole parents and their children reported higher rates of substance use at baseline. Intervention impacts revealed a dose-response with the largest impacts associated with directly participating parents, but significant impacts were also evident for others in the intervention schools. Where best friend dyads were identified, the best friend’s positive family relationships reduced subsequent substance use among respondents. This and other social contagion processes were posited to explain the transfer of positive impacts beyond the minority of directly participating families.

Conclusions: A whole-school parent education intervention demonstrated promising impacts on a range of risk behaviors and protective factors relevant to youth self-harm and suicide.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe how order-generated rules applied to organizing form dualities can assist in creating the conditions for emergent, self-organized behavior in organizations, thereby offering an operational deployment of complexity theory.

Design/methodology/approach – The paper begins by showing that the concept of dualities is consistent with complexity-thinking. In addition, when applied to organizing forms, dualities represent a practical way of affecting an organization's balance between chaos and order. Thus, when augmented with order-generating rules, organizing form dualities provide an access point for the practical instigation of edge of chaos conditions and the potential for emergence.

– The paper maintains that many attempts to “manage” complexity have been associated with changes to organizing forms, specifically toward new forms of organizing. It is suggested that organizing form dualities provide some management guidance for encouraging the “edge of chaos” conditions advocated in complexity theory, although the details of self-organization cannot be prescribed given the assumptions of non-linearity associated with complexity theory perspectives. Finally, it is proposed that organizing dualities can elucidate the nature and application of order-generating rules in non-linear complex systems.

Practical implications – Dualities offer some guidance toward the practical implementation of complexity theory as they represent an accessible sub-system where the forces for order and chaos – traditional and new forms of organizing respectively – are accessible and subject to manipulation.

– The commonalities between dualities and complexity theory are intuitive, but little conceptual work has shown how the former can be employed as a guide to managing organizing forms. Moreover, this approach demonstrates that managers may be able to stimulate “edge of chaos” conditions in a practical way, without making positivistic assumptions about the causality associated with their efforts.


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Macromolecular assembly of block copolymers into numerous nanostructures resembles self-organization of proteins and cellular components found in nature. In order to mimic nature’s assemblies either to cure a disease or construct functional devices, the organization principles underpinning the emergence of complex shapes need to be understood. In the same vein, this study aimed at understanding morphology evolution in a triblock copolymer blend in aqueous solution. An ABA type amphiphilic triblock copolymer (polystyrene-b-polyethylene oxide-b-polystyrene, PS-b-PEO-b-PS) was synthesized at different compositions via atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and self-assembly behavior of a binary mixture in aqueous solution was studied. Block copolymers that form worms and vesicles in its pristine state was shown to form complex morphologies such as fused rings, “jellyfish”, toroid vesicles, large compound vesicles and large lamellae after blending. The tendency of vesicle-forming block copolymer to form bilayers may be responsible for triggering complex morphologies when mixed with a worm or micelle-forming polymer. In other words, the interplay between curvature effects produced by two distinct polymers with different hydrophobic block lengths results in complex morphologies due to chain segregation within the nanostructure.


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The successful commercialization of smart wearable garments is hindered by the lack of fully integrated carbon-based energy storage devices into smart wearables. Since electrodes are the active components that determine the performance of energy storage systems, it is important to rationally design and engineer hierarchical architectures atboth the nano- and macroscale that can enjoy all of the necessary requirements for a perfect electrode. Here we demonstrate a large-scale flexible fabrication of highly porous high-performance multifunctional graphene oxide (GO) and rGO fibers and yarns by taking advantage of the intrinsic soft self-assembly behavior of ultralarge graphene oxide liquid crystalline dispersions. The produced yarns, which are the only practical form of these architectures for real-life device applications, were found to be mechanically robust (Young's modulus in excess of 29 GPa) and exhibited high native electrical conductivity (2508 ± 632 S m(-1)) and exceptionally high specific surface area (2605 m(2) g(-1) before reduction and 2210 m(2) g(-1) after reduction). Furthermore, the highly porous nature of these architectures enabled us to translate the superior electrochemical properties of individual graphene sheets into practical everyday use devices with complex geometrical architectures. The as-prepared final architectures exhibited an open network structure with a continuous ion transport network, resulting in unrivaled charge storage capacity (409 F g(-1) at 1 A g(-1)) and rate capability (56 F g(-1) at 100 A g(-1)) while maintaining their strong flexible nature.