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The photoelectron spectrum of the oxyallyl (OXA) radical anion has been measured. The radical anion has been generated in the reaction of the atomic oxygen radical anion (O center dot-) with acetone. Three low-lying electronic states of OXA have been observed in the spectrum. Electronic structure calculations have been performed for the triplet states (B-3(2) and B-3(1)) of OXA and the ground doublet state ((2)A(2)) of the radical anion using density, functional theory (DFT). Spectral simulations have been carried out for the triplet statics based on the results of the DFT calculations. The simulation identifies a vibrational progression of the CCC bending mode of the B-3(2) state of OXA in the lower electron binding energy (eBE) portion of the spectrum. On top of the B-3(2) feature, however, the experimental spectrum exhibits additional photoelectron peaks whose angular distribution is distinct from that for the vibronic peaks of the B-3(2) state. Complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) method and second-order perturbation theory based on the CASSCF wave function (CASPT2) have been employed to study the lowest singlet state ((1)A(1)) of OXA. The simulation based on the results of these electronic structure calculations establishes that the overlapping peaks represent the vibrational ground level of the (1)A(1) state and its vibrational progression of the CO stretching mode. The A, state is the lowest electronic state of,OXA, and the electron affinity (EA) of OXA is 1.940 +/- 0.010 eV. The B-3(2) state is the first excited state with an electronic term energy of 55 +/- 2 meV. The widths of the vibronic peaks of the (X) over tilde (1)A(1) state are much broader than those of the (a) over tilde B-3(2) state, implying that the (1)A(1) state is indeed a transition state. The CASSCF and CASPT2 calculations suggest that the (1)A(1) state is at a potential maximum along the nuclear coordinate representing disrotatory motion of the two methylene groups, which leads to three-membered-ring formation, i.e., cydopropanone. The simulation of (b) over tilde B-3(1) OXA reproduces the higher eBE portion of the spectrum very well. The term energy of the B-3(1) state is 0.883 +/- 0.012 eV. Photoelectron spectroscopic measurements have also been conducted for the other ion products of the O center dot- reaction with acetone. The photoelectron imaging spectrum of the acetylcarbene (AC) radical anion exhibits a broad, structureless feature, which is assigned to the (X) over tilde (3)A '' state of AC. The ground ((2)A '') and first excited ((2)A') states of the 1-methylvinoxy (1-MVO) radical have been observed in the photoelectron spectrum of the 1-MVO ion, and their vibronic structure has been analyzed.


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A self-consistent theory of ion-acoustic waves in dusty gas discharge plasmas is presented. The plasma is contaminated by fine dust particles with variable charge. The stationary state of the plasma and the dispersion and damping characteristics of the waves are investigated accounting for ionization, recombination, dust charge relaxation, and dissipation due to electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and dusts, as well as charging collisions with the dusts.


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The propagation of Langmuir waves in nonisothermal plasmas contaminated by fine dust particles with variable charge is investigated for a self-consistent closed system. Dust charge relaxation, ionization, recombination, and collisional dissipation are taken into account. It is shown that the otherwise unstable coupling of the Langmuir and dust-charge relaxation modes becomes stable and the Langmuir waves are frequency down-shifted.


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The equilibrium profiles of the plasma parameters of large-area if discharges in a finite-length metal-shielded dielectric cylinder are computed using a two-dimensional fluid code. The rf power is coupled to the plasma through edge-localized surface waves traveling in the azimuthal direction along the plasma edge. It is shown that self-consistent accounting for axial plasma diffusion and radial nonuniformity of the electron temperature can explain the frequently reported deviations of experimentally measured radial density profiles from that of the conventional linear diffusion models. The simulation results are in a good agreement with existing experimental data obtained from surface-wave sustained large-diameter plasmas. © 2002 The American Physical Society.


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Nanoparticle manipulation by various plasma forces in near-substrate areas of the Integrated Plasma-Aided Nanofabrication Facility (IPANF) is investigated. In the IPANF, high-density plasmas of low-temperature rf glow discharges are sustained. The model near-substrate area includes a variable-length pre-sheath, where a negatively charged nanoparticle is accelerated, and a self-consistent collisionless sheath with a repulsive electrostatic potential. Conditions enabling the nanoparticle to overcome the repulsive barrier and deposit onto the substrate are investigated numerically and experimentally. Under certain conditions the momentum gained by the nanoparticle in the pre-sheath area appears to be sufficient for the driving ion drag force to outbalance the repulsive electrostatic and thermophoretic forces. Numerical results are applied for the explanation of size-selective nanoparticle deposition in the Ar+H2+CH4 plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition of various carbon nanostructure patterns for electron field emitters and are cross-referenced by the field emission scanning electron microscopy. It is shown that the nanoparticles can be efficiently manipulated by the temperature gradient-controlled thermophoretic force. Experimentally, the temperature gradients in the near-substrate areas are measured in situ by means of the temperature gradient probe and related to the nanofilm fabrication conditions. The results are relevant to plasma-assisted synthesis of numerous nanofilms employing structural incorporation of the plasma-grown nanoparticles, including but not limited to nanofabrication of ordered single-crystalline carbon nanotip arrays for electron field emission applications.


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The control of the generation and assembly of the electronegative plasma-grown particles is discussed. Due to the large number of elementary processes of particle creation and loss, electronegative complex plasmas should be treated as open systems where the stationary states are sustained by various particle creation and loss processes in the plasma bulk, on the walls, and on the dust grain surfaces. To be physically self-consistent, ionization, diffusion, electron attachment, recombination, dust charge variation, and dissipation due to electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and fine particles, as well as charging collisions with the dust, must be accounted for.


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Negative ions and negatively charged micro- to nano-meter sized dust grains are ubiquitous in astrophysical as well as industrial processing plasmas. The negative ions can appear in electro-negative plasmas as a result of elementary processes such as dissociative or non-dissociative electron attachment to neutrals. They are usually rather small in number, and in general do not affect the overall plasma behavior. On the other hand, since the dust grains are almost always highly negative, even in small numbers they can take up a considerable proportion of the total negative charge in the system. The presence of dusts can affect the characteristics of most collective processes of the plasma since the charge balance in both the steady and dynamic states can be significantly altered. Another situation that often occurs is that the electron number density becomes small because of their absorption by the dust grains or the discharge walls. In this case the negative ions in the plasma can play a very important role. Here, a self-consistent theory of linear waves in complex laboratory plasmas containing dust grains and negative ions is presented. A comprehensive model for such plasmas including source and sink effects associated with the presence of dust grains and negative ions is introduced. The stationary state of the plasma as well as the dispersion and damping characteristics of the waves are investigated. All relevant processes, such as ionization, diffusion, electron attachment, negative-positive ion recombination, dust charge relaxation, and dissipation due to electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and dust particles, as well as charging collisions with the dusts, are taken into consideration.


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High-frequency electrostatic surface waves at the interface of a dusty plasma and a dielectric wall are investigated. The effects of ionization, recombination, and dust-charge variation are taken into account in a self-consistent manner, so that the system considered is closed. It is shown that a coupling of the surface waves and the dust-charge relaxation mode leads to anomalous damping and frequency downshift of the waves.


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A theory of low-frequency dust-acoustic waves in low-temperature collisional plasmas containing variable-charge impurities is presented. Physical processes such as dust-charge relaxation, ionization-recombination of the electrons and ions, electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and dusts, as well as charging collisions with the dusts, are taken into account. Inclusion of these processes allows a balance of the plasma particles and thus a self-consistent determination of the stationary state of the unperturbed plasma. The generalized dispersion relation describing the propagation and damping of the dust acoustic waves is derived and analyzed. © 2000 American Institute of Physics.


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A coarse-grained stochastic hydrodynamical description of velocity and concentration fluctuations in steadily sedimenting suspensions is constructed and analyzed using self-consistent and renormalization-group methods. We find a nonequilibrium phase transition from an "unscreened" phase in which we recover the Caflisch-Luke [Phys. Fluids 28, 759 (1985)] divergence of the velocity variance to a "screened" phase where the fluctuations have a finite correlation length depending on the volume fraction phi as phi(-1/3), in agreement with Segre et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2574 (1997)] (if their observation of a phi-independent diffusivity is used), and the velocity variance is independent of system size.


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We develop a new theoretical formulation to study ion conductance in electrolyte solutions, based on a mode coupling theory treatment of the electrolyte friction. The new theory provides expressions for both the ion atmosphere relaxation and electrophoretic contributions to the total electrolyte friction that acts on a moving ion. While the ion atmosphere relaxation term arises from the time-dependent microscopic interaction of the moving ion with the surrounding ions in the solution, the electrophoretic term originates from the coupling of the ion's velocity to the collective current mode of the ion atmosphere. Mode coupling theory, combined with time-dependent density functional theory of ion atmosphere fluctuations, leads to self-consistent expressions for these two terms which also include the effects of self-motion of the ion under consideration. These expressions have been solved for the concentration dependence of electrolyte friction and ion conductance. It is shown that in the limit of very low ion concentration, the present theory correctly reduces to the well-known Debye-Huckel-Onsager limiting law which predicts a linear dependence of conductance on the square root of ion concentration (c). At moderate and high concentrations, the present theory predicts a significant nonlinear and weaker dependence on root c which is in very good agreement with experimental results. The present theory is self-contained and does not involve any adjustable parameter.


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We report the results of two studies of aspects of the consistency of truncated nonlinear integral equation based theories of freezing: (i) We show that the self-consistent solutions to these nonlinear equations are unfortunately sensitive to the level of truncation. For the hard sphere system, if the Wertheim–Thiele representation of the pair direct correlation function is used, the inclusion of part but not all of the triplet direct correlation function contribution, as has been common, worsens the predictions considerably. We also show that the convergence of the solutions found, with respect to number of reciprocal lattice vectors kept in the Fourier expansion of the crystal singlet density, is slow. These conclusions imply great sensitivity to the quality of the pair direct correlation function employed in the theory. (ii) We show the direct correlation function based and the pair correlation function based theories of freezing can be cast into a form which requires solution of isomorphous nonlinear integral equations. However, in the pair correlation function theory the usual neglect of the influence of inhomogeneity of the density distribution on the pair correlation function is shown to be inconsistent to the lowest order in the change of density on freezing, and to lead to erroneous predictions. The Journal of Chemical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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We report the results of two studies of aspects of the consistency of truncated nonlinear integral equation based theories of freezing: (i) We show that the self-consistent solutions to these nonlinear equations are unfortunately sensitive to the level of truncation. For the hard sphere system, if the Wertheim–Thiele representation of the pair direct correlation function is used, the inclusion of part but not all of the triplet direct correlation function contribution, as has been common, worsens the predictions considerably. We also show that the convergence of the solutions found, with respect to number of reciprocal lattice vectors kept in the Fourier expansion of the crystal singlet density, is slow. These conclusions imply great sensitivity to the quality of the pair direct correlation function employed in the theory. (ii) We show the direct correlation function based and the pair correlation function based theories of freezing can be cast into a form which requires solution of isomorphous nonlinear integral equations. However, in the pair correlation function theory the usual neglect of the influence of inhomogeneity of the density distribution on the pair correlation function is shown to be inconsistent to the lowest order in the change of density on freezing, and to lead to erroneous predictions. The Journal of Chemical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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We analyse warps in the nearby edge-on spiral galaxies observed in the Spitzer/Infrared Array Camera (IRAC)4.5-mu m band. In our sample of 24 galaxies, we find evidence of warp in 14 galaxies. We estimate the observed onset radii for the warps in a subsample of 10 galaxies. The dark matter distribution in each of these galaxies are calculated using the mass distribution derived from the observed light distribution and the observed rotation curves. The theoretical predictions of the onset radii for the warps are then derived by applying a self-consistent linear response theory to the obtained mass models for six galaxies with rotation curves in the literature. By comparing the observed onset radii to the theoretical ones, we find that discs with constant thickness can not explain the observations; moderately flaring discs are needed. The required flaring is consistent with the observations. Our analysis shows that the onset of warp is not symmetric in our sample of galaxies. We define a new quantity called the onset-asymmetry index and study its dependence on galaxy properties. The onset asymmetries in warps tend to be larger in galaxies with smaller dis scalelengths. We also define and quantify the global asymmetry in the stellar light distribution, that we call the edge-on asymmetry in edge-on galaxies. It is shown that in most cases the onset asymmetry in warp is actually anticorrelated with the measured edge-on asymmetry in our sample of edge-on galaxies and this could plausibly indicate that the surrounding dark matter distribution is asymmetric.


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The evolution of crystallographic texture has been comprehensively studied for commercially pure Al as a function of amount of ECAE deformation for the three major routes of ECAE processing. It has been observed that processing through different routes leads to different type of texture, in both qualitative as well as quantitative sense. The results have been analyzed on the basis of existing concepts on ECAE deformation and simulations have been carried out using the simple shear model of ECAE implemented into the Viscoplastic Self Consistent model of polycrystal plasticity. The simulations revealed that non-octahedral slip is needed to reproduce the experimental texture development.