413 resultados para SCHOLASTIC HUMANISM
Treball de recerca amb uns objectius definits per a una possible anàlisi crítica dels estudis sobre hominització que, de manera emblemàtica, representa la figura d'Eudald Carbonell. Es considera més idoni per a jutjar el valor de la seva aportació pel fet de no centrar-se en el camp de la prehistòria, sinó el de la sociologia, la filosofia de la tecnologia i la filosofia de la història.
El treball té l’objectiu de dissenyar un protocol d’actuació que contempli aspectes sobre prevenció, detecció i intervenció contra l’absentisme escolar i la desescolarització al municipi. Per a això s’ha desenvolupat una diagnosi municipal d’anàlisi de la realitat sobre el tema, fent èmfasi en la intervenció socioeducativa que s’ha de realitzar per a tractar el fenomen des d’una perspectiva holística i global
OBJECTIVE: An inverse relationship between blood pressure (BP) and cognitive function has been found in adults, but limited data are available in adolescents and young adults. We examined the prospective relation between BP and cognitive function in adolescence. METHODS: We examined the association between BP measured at the ages of 12-15 years in school surveys and cognitive endpoints measured in the Seychelles Child Development Study at ages 17 (n = 407) and 19 (n = 429) years, respectively. We evaluated multiple domains of cognition based on subtests of the Cambridge Neurological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB), the Woodcock Johnson Test of Scholastic Achievement (WJTA), the Finger Tapping test (FT) and the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT). We used age, sex and height-specific z-scores of SBP, DBP and mean arterial pressure (MAP). RESULTS: Six out of the 21 cognitive endpoints tested were associated with BP. However, none of these associations were found to hold for both males and females or for different subtests within the same neurodevelopmental domain or for both SBP and DBP. Most of these associations disappeared when analyses were adjusted for selected potential confounding factors such as socio-economic status, birth weight, gestational age, BMI, alcohol consumption, blood glucose, and total n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fats. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings do not support a consistent association between BP and subsequent performance on tests assessing various cognitive domains in adolescents.
Carta de Mariàngela Vilallonga dirigida a Antoni Badia i Margarit a propòsit de l’obra d’aquest últim Les Regles d’esquivar vocables i la “qüestió de la llengua” on Vilallonga li transmet les seves impressions sobre l’obra. La carta va ser llegida a la presentació de la mateixa a l’IEC l’any 2000
Dignity is recognised as both a central and also a contested value in bioethics discourse. The aim of this manuscript is to examine some of the key strands of the extensive body of dignity scholarship and research literature as it relates to nursing ethics and practice. The method is a critical appraisal of selected articles published in Nursing Ethics and other key manuscripts and texts identified by researchers in the UK and Brazil as influential. The results suggest a wide and rather confusing range of perspectives and findings albeit with some overall themes relating to objective and subjective features of dignity. In conclusion, the authors point to the need for more sustained philosophical engagement contextualising human dignity within a plurality of professional values. Future empirical work should explore what matters to patients, families, professionals and citizens in different cultural contexts rather than foregrounding qualitative research with such a contested concept.
Objective: An inverse relationship between blood pressure and cognitive function has been found in adults, but limited data are available in adolescents and young adults. We prospectively examined the relation between blood pressure and cognitive function in adolescence. Methods: We examined the association between BP measured at the ages of 12-15 years in school surveys and cognitive endpoints measured in the Seychelles Child Development Study at ages 17 (n=407) and 19 (n=429) years respectively. We evaluated multiple domains of cognition based on subtests of the Cambridge Neurological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB), the Woodcock Johnson Test of Scholastic Achievement (WJTA), the Finger Tapping test (FT) and the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT). We used age-, sex- and height-specific z-scores of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP). Results: Six out of the 21 cognitive endpoints tested were associated with BP. However, none of these associations were found to hold for both males and females or for different subtests within the same neurodevelopmental domain or for both SBP and DBP. Most of these associations disappeared when analyses were adjusted for selected potential confounding factors such as socio-economic status, birth weight, gestational age, body mass index, alcohol consumption, blood glucose, and total n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fats. Conclusions: Our findings do not support a consistent association between BP and subsequent performance on tests assessing various cognitive domains in adolescents.
Simo Knuuttila
AIM: The study aims to evaluate the effects of assertive community treatment (ACT) on the mental health and overall functioning of adolescents suffering from severe psychiatric disorders and who refuse any traditional child psychiatric care. There are a few studies evaluating the effects of ACT on a population of adolescents with psychiatric disorders. This short report highlights the impact of an ACT programme tailored to the needs of these patients, not only as an alternative to hospitalization, but also as a new form of intervention for patients that are difficult to engage. METHODS: The effect of ACT on 35 adolescents using the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA) as a measuring tool in pre- and post-intervention was evaluated. RESULTS: The results show that the intervention was associated with a significant improvement on the HoNOSCA overall score, with the following items showing significant amelioration: hyperactivity/focus problems, non-organic somatic symptoms, emotional symptoms, scholastic/language skills, peer relationships, family relationships and school attendance. CONCLUSION: ACT appears as a feasible intervention for hard-to-engage adolescents suffering from psychiatric disorders. The intervention seems to improve their mental health and functioning. This pilot study may serve as a basis to prepare a controlled study that will also take the costs of the intervention into account.
The title of this brief article quite clearly illustrates its aims and evident limitations. In principle, a search for a Greek basis of the misogynist content of Andreas Capellanus's De amore is likely to lead researchers to focus on analysis of the sources -Greek sources, of course. However, there is no doubt that Ovid, the most frequently quoted ancient author, in this case the structural source, above all his Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris and Heroides, which is quite logical in light of the remarkable presence and influence of Ovid's works throughout that time. There was also a good knowledge of the works of Cicero, Virgil, Horace and Juvenal. However, other classical authors, even the Greeks -those who were known then-, were undoubtedly read in the schools, but the knowledge of their works was certainly superficial. Furthermore, given the scholastic method followed in De amore, it would be absurd not to consider the use of many quotations that appeared in the Compendia and in handbooks of religious instruction.
[cat] Aquest projecte revisa la narrativa al voltant del fracàs escolar a partir del desenvolupament de deu històries de joves - set nois i tres noies- de Catalunya en situació d'exclusió escolar. Dins d'aquest marc la recerca s'ha articulat a partir de tres eixos: (1) La realització d'un mapa dels estudis realitzats a Catalunya entorn l'anomenat fracàs escolar, amb la finalitat de situar i contextualitzar les seves narratives dominants. (2) La recerca entorn a les històries biogràfiques d'un grup de joves per explorar alternatives a l'actual crisi internacional de l'escola secundària que es reflecteix, entre d'altres fenòmens, en els elevats índexs d'abandonament d'aquesta etapa educativa per part dels estudiants. (3) La recerca conclou amb una sèrie de consideracions que pretenen contribuir a una narrativa a favor d¿una escola inclusiva per a l'educació secundària que tingui en compte les experiències i sabers d'aquests joves que, per diferents raons, no finalitzen la seva educació bàsica.
[cat] Aquest projecte revisa la narrativa al voltant del fracàs escolar a partir del desenvolupament de deu històries de joves - set nois i tres noies- de Catalunya en situació d'exclusió escolar. Dins d'aquest marc la recerca s'ha articulat a partir de tres eixos: (1) La realització d'un mapa dels estudis realitzats a Catalunya entorn l'anomenat fracàs escolar, amb la finalitat de situar i contextualitzar les seves narratives dominants. (2) La recerca entorn a les històries biogràfiques d'un grup de joves per explorar alternatives a l'actual crisi internacional de l'escola secundària que es reflecteix, entre d'altres fenòmens, en els elevats índexs d'abandonament d'aquesta etapa educativa per part dels estudiants. (3) La recerca conclou amb una sèrie de consideracions que pretenen contribuir a una narrativa a favor d¿una escola inclusiva per a l'educació secundària que tingui en compte les experiències i sabers d'aquests joves que, per diferents raons, no finalitzen la seva educació bàsica.
El humanismo, como proyecto cultural de la burguesía cultural, que prometía laemancipación del hombre de todas sus sumisiones y alienaciones, se ha revelado ilusorio enla práctica. La ciencia, la técnica, la economía, a pesar de sus increíbles desarrollos y desus éxitos -o tal vez por ellos- no han cumplido las expectativas de generar seres humanosautónomos, es decir, capaces de pensar por sí mismos y de determinar su voluntadconforme al deber racionalmente comprendido. Ese fracaso práctico tiene su expresiónteórica en la filosofía, donde el humanismo, como ontología especial en el marco de lafilosofía moderna de la subjetividad, se revelda pronto como impensable. La crisis de larazón práctica, y con ella la idea de subjetividad y de esencia humanas universales, hanarrastrado consigo al ideal humanista y a la moral del deber. Esa larga batalla que hoyparece llegar a su fin tiene en Sartre un momento relevante, tal vez el último esfuerzo porpensar lo impensable: un humanismo sin esencia. Su fracaso parece abocarnos a unaalternativa trágica: el nihilismo o el humanitarismo espontáneo e indoloro que describeLipovetsky.