955 resultados para SAR interferometry
Protein adsorption plays a crucial role in biomaterial surface science as it is directly linked to the biocompatibility of artificial biomaterial devices. Here, elucidation of protein adsorption mechanism is effected using dual polarization interferometry and a quartz crystal microbalance to characterize lysozyme layer properties on a silica surface at different coverage values. Lysozyme is observed to adsorb from sparse monolayer to multilayer coverage. At low coverage an irreversibly adsorbed layer is formed with slight deformation consistent with side-on orientation. At higher coverage values dynamic re-orientation effects are observed which lead to monolayer surface coverages of 2-3 ng/mm² corresponding to edge-on or/and end-on orientations. These monolayer thickness values ranged between 3 and 4.5 nm with a protein density value of 0.60 g/mL and with 50 wt% solvent mass. Further increase of coverage results formation of a multilayer structure. Using the hydration content and other physical layer properties a tentative model lysozyme adsorption is proposed.
Protein adsorption plays a crucial role in biomaterial surface science as it is directly linked to the biocompatibility of artificial biomaterial devices. Here, elucidation of protein adsorption mechanism is effected using dual polarization interferometry and a quartz crystal microbalance to characterize lysozyme layer properties on a silica surface at different coverage values. Lysozyme is observed to adsorb from sparse monolayer to multilayer coverage. At low coverage an irreversibly adsorbed layer is formed with slight deformation consistent with side-on orientation. At higher coverage values dynamic re-orientation effects are observed which lead to monolayer surface coverages of 2-3 ng/mm2 corresponding to edge-on or/and end-on orientations. These monolayer thickness values ranged between 3 and 4.5 nm with a protein density value of 0.60 g/mL and with 50 wt% solvent mass. Further increase of coverage results formation of a multilayer structure. Using the hydration content and other physical layer properties a tentative model lysozyme adsorption is proposed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
随着信息技术的发展 ,用于军事、地理、自然灾害扫描探测的合成孔径雷达系统 (SAR)对其成像能力的分辨率和实时显示要求越来越高 因此 ,研究具有自主知识产权的、可以实时处理高分辨率成像的实时系统迫在眉睫 针对实时数据接收、存储、显示和处理等核心问题 ,提出了一种实时系统解决方案 该方案通过对Linux内核的实时扩展 ,实现了可达到高处理机利用率的多任务实时调度方法 ,可支持混成调度 ;在应用层实现符合实时需求的功能模块 ;为DSP板开发实时驱动 ,形成了从硬件驱动层和操作系统层 ,直到应用软件层的完整实时计算体系
面向地学处理的机载SAR实时成像处理器由一组连接在工业总线上的数据处理板和一个嵌入式主控子系统构成 ,成像处理器的总体设计对主控系统的实时性、稳定性及可扩展性提出了严格的要求 比较了传统的嵌入式工业控制系统的设计方法 ,设计并实现一个基于廉价的PC与RTLinux的主控系统 ,分析了主控系统的两个重点 :DSP宿主环境和RTLinux下的混合任务集 ,并通过给出一个RTLinux与Linux调度精度和误差的对比试验及其结果 ,证明了基于RTLinux的主控系统对支持细粒度调度方面的优越性
SAR实时成像系统在国防等很多领域都有着重要的应用 ,系统对数据可视化方面的要求也越来越高 ,但目前国内对SAR实时成像系统的数据可视化方面的研究还不多 提出了一种针对SAR实时成像系统的新的数据可视化方案 ,并已在实际的飞行成像中得到了检验 新方案实时提供的信息更全面、更直观、可分析性更强 ,具有较强的信息表现能力和双向实时交互能力 ,能够较好地辅助对图像的在线分析 还对方案的重要组成部分———缩略图的原理和实现算法做了概括介绍
Photoinduced anisotropy in bacteriorhodopsin (BR) film is based on photoanisotropic selective bleaching of BR molecules under linearly polarized excitation light. It is modulated by the polarization orientation of the linearly polarized light. The anisotropic information recorded in the BR film is read by a circularly polarized light, which is in turn converted into an elliptical polarized light by the BR film. The rotation angle and the ellipticity of the elliptical polarized light are dependent on the polarization orientation of the linearly polarized excitation light. A phase-shifting interferometer based on the photoinduced anisotropy of BR film is presented theoretically and experimentally. Phase shift is controlled by the polarization orientation of the external excitation light, thus, the phase shift can be controlled without moving parts inside the interferometer, which contributes to the mechanical stability of the system.
Single photon Sagnac interferometry as a probe to macroscopic quantum mechanics is considered at the theoretical level. For a freely moving macroscopic quantum mirror susceptible to radiation pressure force inside a Sagnac interferometer, a careful analysis of the input-output relation reveals that the particle spectrum readout at the bright and dark ports encode information concerning the noncommutativity of position and momentum of the macroscopic mirror. A feasible experimental scheme to probe the commutation relation of a macroscopic quantum mirror is outlined to explore the possible frontier between classical and quantum regimes. In the Appendix, the case of Michelson interferometry as a feasible probe is also sketched.