380 resultados para Søren Kierkegaard


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A proposta do meu trabalho é apresentar, a partir de uma interpretação do caso Corsário, a crítica de Kierkegaard a um dado tipo de jornalismo que ocorria na Dinamarca de sua época. O intuito é compreender a polêmica do pensador para além de uma mera querela dinamarquesa e paroquial, situando-a num contexto maior de crítica à imprensa e, nessa mesma direção, almeja compreender o quanto o autor dinamarquês se enquadraria no modelo do típico intelectual do século XIX. Desse modo, o artigo divide-se em três partes: a) O caso Corsário - uma primeira explicação, b) Kierkegaard como intelectual do século XIX; c) Kierkegaard e outros autores da crise da modernidade: Balzac e Bernanos; d) Considerações finais. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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O objetivo deste artigo é analisar, com intuito aproximativo, duas posições éticas. Para atingir tal objetivo, o texto vai analisar, nas suas considerações introdutórias, o contexto e os objetivos das Obras do Amor de Kierkegaard, visto que ali se encontra claramente expressa a proposta ética do autor dinamarquês. Na sua primeira parte, o foco do artigo consistirá na avaliação da racionalidade da ética do dever, especialmente por meio de uma investigação da boa vontade em relação à liberdade, tal como elaborada na terceira seção da Fundamentação da Metafísica dos Costumes. Na segunda parte, o artigo analisará o discurso kierkegaardiano Tu deves amar, que é parte integrante das Obras do Amor. Por fim, à guisa de conclusão, serão realizadas aproximações e apontadas as diferenças significativas entre os dois pensadores. Aqui serão utilizadas, de forma mais intensiva, também as reflexões de comentadores de ambos os autores. Todavia, o foco principal da pesquisa se dará em torno das reflexões kierkegaardianas, que serão avaliadas de modo mais exaustivo. A reflexão acerca da filosofia moral kantiana não seguirá do mesmo modo, mas, antes, buscará compreendê-lo no diálogo com a filosofia kierkegaardiana. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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The significance of Jacques Derrida's philosophical contribution to translation studies is becoming more widely acknowledged, thanks to authors such as Lawrence Venuti, Kaisa Koskinen, Rosemary Arrojo, Lieven Tack and africa Vidal Claramonte. However, what remains unknown is the debt which Derrida owes to the thinking of SOren Kierkegaard. This article sets out this legacy for the purposes of presenting some basic principles of deconstruction and in order to further promote its dissemination in the area of translation studies. At the same time, this article aims to be both a tribute to the Danish philosopher and a recognition of his contribution to modern-day thinking. Ultimately, the objective of this piece of research is to demonstrate how the ramifications of Kierkegaard's ideas are still relevant and, to a certain extent, are present in the area of translation studies. Among other things, this article shows how notions which are so fundamental to Kierkegaardian thinking, such as subjectivity', decision', instant' or impossible' echo in several recent texts regarding translation studies.


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Traditional treatment of infectious diseases is based on compounds that kill or inhibit growth of bacteria. A major concern with this approach is the frequent development of resistance to antibiotics. The discovery of communication systems (quorum sensing systems) regulating bacterial virulence has afforded a novel opportunity to control infectious bacteria without interfering with growth. Compounds that can override communication signals have been found in the marine environment. Using Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 as an example of an opportunistic human pathogen, we show that a synthetic derivate of natural furanone compounds can act as a potent antagonist of bacterial quorum sensing. We employed GeneChip((R)) microarray technology to identify furanone target genes and to map the quorum sensing regulon. The transcriptome analysis showed that the furanone drug specifically targeted quorum sensing systems and inhibited virulence factor expression. Application of the drug to P.aeruginosa biofilms increased bacterial susceptibility to tobramycin and SDS. In a mouse pulmonary infection model, the drug inhibited quorum sensing of the infecting bacteria and promoted their clearance by the mouse immune response.


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Contém artigos apresentados na International Conference “Uncertain Spaces: Virtual Configurations in Contemporary Art and Museums”, na Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisboa), 31 Outubro - 1 de Novembro de 2014) de: Helena Barranha e Susana S. Martins - Introduction: Art, Museums and Uncertainty (pp.1-12); Alexandra Bounia e Eleni Myrivili - Beyond the ‘Virtual’: Intangible Museographies and Collaborative Museum Experiences (pp.15-32); Annet Dekker - Curating in Progress. Moving Between Objects and Processes (pp.33-54); Giselle Beiguelman - Corrupted Memories. The aesthetics of Digital Ruins and the Museum of the Unfinished (pp.55-82); Andrew Vaas Brooks - The Planetary Datalinks (pp.85-110); Sören Meschede - Curators’ Network: Creating a Promotional Database for Contemporary Visual Arts (pp.11-130); Stefanie Kogler - Divergent Histories and Digital Archives of Latin American and Latino Art in the United States – Old Problems in New Digital Formats (pp.131-156); Luise Reitstätter e Florian Bettel - Right to the City! Right to the Museum!(pp.159-182); Roberto Terracciano - On Geo-poetic systems: virtual interventions inside and outside the museum space (pp.183-210); e, Catarina Carneiro de Sousa e Luís Eustáquio - Art Practice in Collaborative Virtual Environments (pp.211-240).


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The considerable amount of energy consumed on Earth is a major cause for not achieving sustainable development. Buildings are responsible for the highest worldwide energy consumption, nearly 40%. Strong efforts have been made in what concerns the reduction of buildings operational energy (heating, hot water, ventilation, electricity), since operational energy is so far the highest energy component in a building life cycle. However, as operational energy is being reduced the embodied energy increases. One of the building elements responsible for higher embodied energy consumption is the building structural system. Therefore, the present work is going to study part of embodied energy (initial embodied energy) in building structures using a life cycle assessment methodology, in order to contribute for a greater understanding of embodied energy in buildings structural systems. Initial embodied energy is estimated for a building structure by varying the span and the structural material type. The results are analysed and compared for different stages, and some conclusions are drawn. At the end of this work it was possible to conclude that the building span does not have considerable influence in embodied energy consumption of building structures. However, the structural material type has influence in the overall energetic performance. In fact, with this research it was possible that building structure that requires more initial embodied energy is the steel structure; then the glued laminated timber structure; and finally the concrete structure.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2012


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2009


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La recerca de nous materials pel desenvolupament de membranes per a la reducció d’emissions de SO2 ha estat en el punt de mira de nombrosos estudis recents, degut al seu gran potencial per a dur a terme aquests processos i pel gran impacte mediambiental causat pel SO2. La temàtica d’aquest projecte consisteix en la síntesi i caracterització de nous materials basats en compostos d’Oxo-Vanadi-Sulfats de metalls alcalins per tal de preparar aquestes membranes supressores de SO2.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa Helsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadian jalkapisteessä hoidossa käyneiden eri-ikäisten asiakkaiden (n=346) jalkojen omahoitotottumukset ja niiden tarkoituksenmukaisuus sekä jalkaterien terveyden taso. Tutkimukseen osallistuneiden ikäjakauma oli 6-96 ja keski-ikä 60 vuotta. Kysely toteutettiin Kunto-Stadian jalkapisteessä opiskelijoiden harjoittelujaksoilla vuosina 2003-2005. Tutkimusstrategia oli kvantitatiivinen ja tiedonhankintamenetelmänä oli strukturoitu kyselylomake. Tulokset on esitetty käyttäen frekvenssejä ja prosenttiosuuksia. Tulosten mukaan suurin osa vastanneista pesi jalat päivittäin ja kuivasi varvasvälit joka pesun yhteydessä. Vajaa puolet rasvasi jalat harvemmin kuin kerran viikossa tai ei lainkaan. Noin puolet käytti jalkojen ihon hoidossa raspia. Noin puolet käytti luonnonkuitusukkia. Yksi kymmenestä liikkui sisätiloissa sukkasillaan. Hieman yli puolelle kenkien löytyminen oli vaikeata. Alle kolmasosa harrasti yhtä tai kahta liikuntalajia. Yleisimmin harrastettiin kävelyä. Alle puolet harrasti liikuntaa 3-4 kertaa viikossa. Alle puolet ei toteuttanut jalkavoimistelua. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että jalkahygienian taso on huono, koska jalkojen omahoitotietoudessa on puutteita. Tässä tutkimuksessa sukat ja kengät tukevat jalkojen terveyttä melko huonosti. Tutkimustulosten mukaan sukkia vaihdetaan liian harvoin, jonka seurauksena jalkahygienia kärsii. Kenkätottumukset eivät tue pystyasentoa ja liikkumista. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet harrastavat yksipuolista liikuntaa, koska tutkimustuloksista ilmenee, että suurin osa harrastaa yhtä tai kahta liikuntalajia. Jalkavoimistelua harrastettiin liian vähän, jonka seurauksena jalkaterän ja säären alueen lihastasapaino häiriintyy ja nivelten toiminta kärsii. Suomessa ja ulkomailla ei ole aiemmin tehty näin laajaa tutkimusta jalkojen omahoitotottumuksista. Ammattikuntamme ja muu terveydenhuoltohenkilöstö saavat ajankohtaista ja syventävää tietoa, jolloin jalkaongelmien syntymistä voidaan ehkäistä puuttumalla ajoissa opetuksen ja ohjauksen avulla puutteellisiin jalkojen omahoitotottumuksiin. Toivomme tämän tutkimuksen kannustavan jalkojenhoitajia ja jalkaterapeutteja panostamaan jatkossa yksilölliseen asiakkaan opetukseen ja ohjaukseen sekä kehittämisehdotusten perusteella muokatun jalkojen omahoitolomakeen motivoivan entistä enemmän keräämään tietoja asiakkaiden jalkojen omahoitotottumuksista. Kysymykset on muokattu tutkimustulosten ja opinnäytetyön tekovaiheessa ilmenneiden kehitystarpeiden perusteella.


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