960 resultados para Russian drama


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Sexton, J. (2003). Telev?rit? Hits Britain: Documentary, Drama and the Growth of 16mm Filmmaking in British Television. Screen. 44(4), pp.429-444. RAE2008


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Williams, Ioan, Y Mudiad Drama yng Nghymru 1880-1940 (University of Wales Press, 2006), pp.vii+215


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Williams, I. (2005). Daniel Owen a 'Gwir Gychwyn' y Mudiad Drama. Ll?n Cymru. 28, pp.138-159.


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Rendle, M. (2005). Family, Kinship and Revolution: The Russian Nobility, 1917-1923. Family and Community History. 8(1), pp.35-47. RAE2008


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Rendle, Matthew, 'Conservatism and Revolution: The All-Russian Union of Landowners, 1916-1918', Slavonic and East European Review (2006) 84(3) pp.481-507 RAE2008


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Rendle, Matthew, 'The Symbolic Revolution: The Russian Nobility and February 1917', Revolutionary Russia (2005) 18(1) pp.23-46 RAE2008


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Wilkinson, Jane, 'The Place of the European Foreigner in Contemporary German Drama', Third Text (2006) 20(6) pp.753-762 RAE2008 Special Issue: FORTRESS EUROPE: Migration, Culture and Representation


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Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Filozofii


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Tematem artykułu jest książka bezpośrednio nie zaliczana do literatury Holocaustu, wybitna powieść Życie i los, rosyjskiego pisarza i dziennikarza Wasilija Grossmana, który dziś uznawany jest za jednego z najważniejszych twórców rosyjskich XX wieku. Życie i los okazuje się przykładem ujęcia dramatu Shoah na tle wojny jako części wielkiej Historii poddanej szaleństwom ideologii i polityki nazistów oraz terroru i rosnącego z drugiej strony antysemityzmu w państwie bolszewickim. Jednocześnie Zagłada pozostaje w tym utworze przede wszystkim tragedią konkretnych osób, widziana w porządku pojedynczej ludzkiej egzystencji, która nie daje się nigdy całkowicie sprowadzić do tego, co bezosobowe i masowe. Indywidualna perspektywa humanizuje obraz historii, ale też i go podważa w jego ogólnych strukturach i narracjach. Artykuł opisuje elementy, które składają się na żydowski wątek utworu. Dla jego odczytania ważny okazuje się szerszy kontekst biografii Grossmana i historia powstania oraz wydania powieści Życie i los. Jak widać – rosyjski pisarz dokonał dwóch znaczących gestów w odniesieniu do problemu reprezentacji Zagłady: z jednej strony zwrócił się ku konwencjom literackim, wykorzystał epicki rozmach, kompozycję wielowątkową i panoramiczne ujęcia wraz z ich koncepcją realizmu, wehikularności słowa, a jednocześnie wyszedł poza estetyczne ramy tekstu literackiego, wprowadził elementy lirycznych opisów i autobiograficzne akcenty oraz podkreślił etyczny wymiar całości – jako formy pamięci o tych niezliczonych ofiarach nie tylko Zagłady, ale i każdego XX wiecznego totalitaryzmu.


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This dissertation introduces and evaluates dramagrammar, a new concept for the teaching and learning of foreign language grammar. Grammar, traditionally taught in a predominantly cognitive, abstract mode, often fails to capture the minds of foreign language learners, who are then unable to integrate this grammatical knowledge into their use of the foreign language in a meaningful way. The consequences of this approach are manifested at university level in German departments in England and Ireland, where the outcomes are unconvincing at best, abysmal at worst. Language teaching research suggests that interaction plays an important role in foreign language acquisition. Recent studies also stress the significance of grammatical knowledge in the learning process. Dramagrammar combines both interactive negotiation of meaning and explicit grammar instruction in a holistic approach, taking up the concept of drama in foreign language education and applying it to the teaching and learning of grammar. Techniques from dramatic art forms allow grammar to be experienced not only cognitively but also in social, emotional, and bodily-kinaesthetic ways. Dramagrammar lessons confront the learner with fictitious situations in which grammar is experienced 'hands-on'. Learners have to use grammatical structures in a variety of contexts, reflect upon their use, and then enlarge and enrich the dramatic situations with their newly acquired or more finely nuanced knowledge. The initial hypothesis of this dissertation is that the drammagrammar approach is beneficial to the acquisition of foreign language grammar. This hypothesis is corroborated by research findings from language teaching pedagogy and drama in education. It is further confirmed by empirical data gained from specifically designed dramagrammar modules that have been put into practice in German departments at the University of Leicester (England), the University Colleges Cork and Dublin (Ireland), the University of Bologna (Italy), as well as the Goethe-Institute Bratislava (Slovenia). The data suggests that drammagrammar has positive effects on both understanding of and attitudes towards grammar.


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Zakes Mda, dubbed one of South Africa's most prolific playwrights, produced his richest and most powerful theatre work during the 70s and 80s. Ironically, it is only in the 90s that he has been acknowledged in his own country as one of its foremost dramatists - ironic since he has recently moved away from drama into the realms of fiction. Fortunately Mda has accumulated a worthy canon of dramatic works, spanning radio and film, as well as theatre, and there is no reason to believe that he will not return to play writing. Mda has worked extensively in theatre in various capacities but most notably in the area of theatre-for-development. For example, he worked as director with Maratholi Travelling Theatre in Lesotho, an experience which contributed, in part, towards his book "When People Play People: Development Communication Through Theatre". Mda's plays have been produced in the United States, Britain, Spain, France and Russia as well as in southern Africa. "The Nun's Romantic Story" has been translated into Castilian and Catalan and "We Shall Sing for the Fatherland" and "Dark Voices Ring" have both been translated into Russian and French. In South Africa he won the Merit Award of the Amstel Playwright of the Year Society for "We Shall Sing for the Fatherland" in 1978 and in 1979 he was Amstel Playright of the Year for "The Hill". For his novel "She Plays with the Darkness", he won the Sanlam Literary Award in 1995.


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This dissertation investigates how social issues can be explored through process drama projects in the Japanese university English as a Foreign Language classroom context. The trajectory of this dissertation moves along a traditional Noh three part macro-continuum, called Jo-Ha-Kyu, interpreted as enticement, crux and consolidation. Within these three parts, there are six further divisions. Part I consists of three sections: Section I, the introduction, sets the backdrop for the entire dissertation, that of Japan, and aims to draw the reader into its culturally unique and specific world. This section outlines the rationale for placing the ethnographer at the centre of the research, and presents Japan through the eyes of the writer. Section II outlines relevant Japanese cultural norms, mores and values, the English educational landscape of Japan and an overview of theatre in Japan and its possible influences on the Japanese university student today. Section III provides three literature reviews: second language acquisition, drama in education to process drama, and Content Language Integrated Learning. In Part 2, Sections IV and V respectively consist of the research methodology and the action research at the core of this dissertation. Section IV describes the case of Kwansei Gakuin University, then explains the design of the process drama curricula. Section V details the three-process drama projects based around the three social issues at the centre of this dissertation. There is also a description of an extra project that of the guest lecturer project. The ultimate goals of all four projects were to change motivation through English in a CLIL context, to develop linguistic spontaneity and to deepen emotional engagement with the themes. Part 3 serves to reflect upon the viability of using process drama in the Japanese university curriculum, and to critically self-reflect on the project as a whole.