992 resultados para Rotating masses of fluid


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All extra-solar planet masses that have been derived spectroscopically are lower limits since the inclination of the orbit to our line-of-sight is unknown except for transiting systems. In theory, however, it is possible to determine the inclination angle, i, between the rotation axis of a star and an observer's line-of-sight from measurements of the projected equatorial velocity (v sin i), the stellar rotation period (P(rot)) and the stellar radius (R(*)). For stars which host planetary systems this allows the removal of the sin i dependency of extra-solar planet masses derived from spectroscopic observations under the assumption that the planetary orbits lie perpendicular to the stellar rotation axis.
We have carried out an extensive literature search and present a catalogue of v sin i, P(rot) and R(*) estimates for stars hosting extra-solar planets. In addition, we have used Hipparcos parallaxes and the Barnes-Evans relationship to further supplement the R(*) estimates obtained from the literature. Using this catalogue, we have obtained sin i estimates using a Markov-chain Monte Carlo analysis. This technique allows proper 1 Sigma two-tailed confidence limits to be placed on the derived sin i's along with the transit probability for each planet to be determined.
While we find that a small proportion of systems yield sin i's significantly greater than 1, most likely due to poor P(rot) estimations, the large majority are acceptable. We are further encouraged by the cases where we have data on transiting systems, as the technique indicates inclinations of similar to 90 degrees and high transit probabilities. In total, we are able to estimate the true masses of 133 extra-solar planets. Of these 133 extra-solar planets, only six have revised masses that place them above the 13M(J) deuterium burning limit; four of those six extra-solar planet candidates were already suspected to lie above the deuterium burning limit before correcting their masses for the sin i dependency. Our work reveals a population of high-mass extra-solar planets with low eccentricities, and we speculate that these extra-solar planets may represent the signature of different planetary formation mechanisms at work. Finally, we discuss future observations that should improve the robustness of this technique.


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The term fatigue loads on the Oyster Oscillating Wave Surge Converter (OWSC) is used to describe hydrostatic loads due to water surface elevation with quasi-static changes of state. Therefore a procedure to implement hydrostatic pressure distributions into finite element analysis of the structure is desired. Currently available experimental methods enable one to measure time variant water surface elevation at discrete locations either on or around the body of the scale model during tank tests. This paper discusses the development of a finite element analysis procedure to implement time variant, spatially distributed hydrostatic pressure derived from discretely measured water surface elevation. The developed method can process differently resolved (temporal and spatial) input data and approximate the elevation over the flap faces with user defined properties. The structural loads, namely the forces and moments on the body can then be investigated by post processing the numerical results. This method offers the possibility to process surface elevation or hydrostatic pressure data from computational fluid dynamics simulations and can thus be seen as a first step to a fluid-structure interaction model.


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A significant portion of the UK’s transportation system relies on a network of geotechnical earthworks (cuttings and embankments) that were constructed more than 100 years ago, whose stability is affected by the change in precipitation patterns experienced over the past few decades. The vulnerability of these structures requires a reliable, cost- and time-effective monitoring of their geomechanical condition. We have assessed the potential application of P-wave refraction for tracking the seasonal variations of seismic properties within an aged clay-filled railway embankment, located in southwest England. Seismic data were acquired repeatedly along the crest of the earthwork at regular time intervals, for a total period of 16 months. P-wave first-break times were picked from all available recorded traces, to obtain a set of hodocrones referenced to the same spatial locations, for various dates along the surveyed period of time. Traveltimes extracted from each acquisition were then compared to track the pattern of their temporal variability. The relevance of such variations over time was compared with the data experimental uncertainty. The multiple set of hodocrones was subsequently inverted using a tomographic approach, to retrieve a time-lapse model of VPVP for the embankment structure. To directly compare the reconstructed VPVP sections, identical initial models and spatial regularization were used for the inversion of all available data sets. A consistent temporal trend for P-wave traveltimes, and consequently for the reconstructed VPVP models, was identified. This pattern could be related to the seasonal distribution of precipitation and soil-water content measured on site.


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IEEE International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems, Networks and Applications (CPSNA'15), Hong Kong, China.


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The study of stability problems is relevant to the study of structure of a physical system. It 1S particularly important when it is not possible to probe into its interior and obtain information on its structure by a direct method. The thesis states about stability theory that has become of dominant importance in the study of dynamical systems. and has many applications in basic fields like meteorology, oceanography, astrophysics and geophysics- to mention few of them. The definition of stability was found useful 1n many situations, but inadequate in many others so that a host of other important concepts have been introduced in past many years which are more or less related to the first definition and to the common sense meaning of stability. In recent years the theoretical developments in the studies of instabilities and turbulence have been as profound as the developments in experimental methods. The study here Points to a new direction for stability studies based on Lagrangian formulation instead of the Hamiltonian formulation used by other authors.


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This thesis contains a study of conservation laws of fluid mechanics. These conservation laws though classical, have been put to extensive studies in t:he past many decades


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Effective medium approximations for the frequency-dependent and complex-valued effective stiffness tensors of cracked/ porous rocks with multiple solid constituents are developed on the basis of the T-matrix approach (based on integral equation methods for quasi-static composites), the elastic - viscoelastic correspondence principle, and a unified treatment of the local and global flow mechanisms, which is consistent with the principle of fluid mass conservation. The main advantage of using the T-matrix approach, rather than the first-order approach of Eshelby or the second-order approach of Hudson, is that it produces physically plausible results even when the volume concentrations of inclusions or cavities are no longer small. The new formulae, which operates with an arbitrary homogeneous (anisotropic) reference medium and contains terms of all order in the volume concentrations of solid particles and communicating cavities, take explicitly account of inclusion shape and spatial distribution independently. We show analytically that an expansion of the T-matrix formulae to first order in the volume concentration of cavities (in agreement with the dilute estimate of Eshelby) has the correct dependence on the properties of the saturating fluid, in the sense that it is consistent with the Brown-Korringa relation, when the frequency is sufficiently low. We present numerical results for the (anisotropic) effective viscoelastic properties of a cracked permeable medium with finite storage porosity, indicating that the complete T-matrix formulae (including the higher-order terms) are generally consistent with the Brown-Korringa relation, at least if we assume the spatial distribution of cavities to be the same for all cavity pairs. We have found an efficient way to treat statistical correlations in the shapes and orientations of the communicating cavities, and also obtained a reasonable match between theoretical predictions (based on a dual porosity model for quartz-clay mixtures, involving relatively flat clay-related pores and more rounded quartz-related pores) and laboratory results for the ultrasonic velocity and attenuation spectra of a suite of typical reservoir rocks. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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LDL aggregates when exposed to even moderate fluid mechanical stresses in the laboratory, yet its half-life in the circulation is 2-3 days, implying that little aggregation occurs. LDL may be protected from aggregation in vivo by components of plasma, or by a qualitative difference in flows. Previous studies have shown that HDL and albumin inhibit the aggregation induced by vortexing. Using a more reproducible method of inducing aggregation and assessing aggregation both spectrophotometrically and by sedimentation techniques, we showed that at physiological concentrations, albumin is the more effective inhibitor, and that aggregation is substantially but not completely inhibited in plasma. Heat denatured and fatty-acid-stripped albumin were more effective inhibitors than normal albumin, supporting the idea that hydrophobic interactions are involved. Aggregation of LDL in a model reproducing several aspects of flow in the circulation was 200-fold slower, but was still inhibited by HDL and albumin, suggesting similar mechanisms are involved. Within the sensitivity of our technique, LDL aggregation did not occur in plasma exposed to these flows.jlr Thus, as a result of the characteristics of blood flow and the inhibitory effects of plasma components, particularly albumin, LDL aggregation is unlikely to occur within the circulation.


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We present a new approach to determine palaeotemperatures (mean annual surface temperatures) based on measurements of the liquid–vapour homogenisation temperature of fluid inclusions in stalagmites. The aim of this study is to explore the potential and the limitations of this new palaeothermometer and to develop a reliable methodology for routine applications in palaeoclimate research. Therefore, we have investigated recent fluid inclusions from the top part of actively growing stalagmites that have formed at temperatures close to the present-day cave air temperature. A precondition for measuring homogenisation temperatures of originally monophase inclusions is the nucleation of a vapour bubble by means of single ultra-short laser pulses. Based on the observed homogenisation temperatures (Th(obs)) and measurements of the vapour bubble diameter at a known temperature, we calculated stalagmite formation temperatures (Tf) by applying a thermodynamic model that takes into account the effect of surface tension on liquid–vapour homogenisation. Results from recent stalagmite samples demonstrate that calculated stalagmite formation temperatures match the present-day cave air temperature within ± 0.2 °C. To avoid artificially induced changes of the fluid density we defined specific demands on the selection, handling and preparation of the stalagmite samples. Application of the method is restricted to stalagmites that formed at cave temperatures greater than ~ 9–11 °C.


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The rise in boiling point of blackberry juice was experimentally measured at soluble solids concentrations in the range of 9.4 to 58.4Brix and pressures between 4.9 103 and 9.0 104 Pa (abs.). Different approaches to representing experimental data, including the Duhring`s rule, a model similar to Antoine equation and other empirical models proposed in the literature were tested. In the range of 9.4 to 33.6Brix, the rise in boiling point was nearly independent of pressure, varying only with juice concentration. Considerable deviations of this behavior began to occur at concentrations higher than 39.1Brix. Experimental data could be best predicted by adjusting an empirical model, which consists of a single equation that takes into account the dependence of rise in boiling point on pressure and concentration.


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Composites containing saturated fluid are widely distributed in nature, such as saturated rocks, colloidal materials and biological cells. In the study to determine effective mechanical properties of fluid-saturated composites, a micromechanical model and a multi-scale homogenization-based model are developed. In the micromechanical model the internal fluid pressure is generated by applying eigenstrains in the domain of the fluid phase and the explicit expressions of effective bulk modulus and shear modulus are obtained. Meanwhile a multi-scale homogenization theory is employed to develop the homogenization-based model on determination of effective properties at the small scale in a unit cell level. Applying the two proposed approaches, the effects of the internal pressure of hydrostatic fluid on effective properties are further investigated.


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For fluid-filled closed cell composites widely distributed in nature, the configuration evolution and effective elastic properties are investigated using a micromechanical model and a multiscale homogenization theory, in which the effect of initial fluid pressure is considered. Based on the configuration evolution of the composite, we present a novel micromechanics model to examine the interactions between the initial fluid pressure and the macroscopic elasticity of the material. In this model, the initial fluid pressure of the closed cells and the corresponding configuration can be produced by applying an eigenstrain at the introduced fictitious stress-free configuration, and the pressure-induced initial microscopic strain is derived. Through a configuration analysis, we find the initial fluid pressure has a prominent effect on the effective elastic properties of freestanding materials containing pressurized fluid pores, and a new explicit expression of effective moduli is then given in terms of the initial fluid pressure. Meanwhile, the classical multiscale homogenization theory for calculating the effective moduli of a periodical heterogeneous material is generalized to include the pressurized fluid "inclusion" effect. Considering the coupling between matrix deformation and fluid pressure in closed cells, the multiscale homogenization method is utilized to numerically determine the macroscopic elastic properties of such composites at the unit cell level with specific boundary conditions. The present micromechanical model and multiscale homogenization method are illustrated by several numerical examples for validation purposes, and good agreements are achieved. The results show that the initial pressure of the fluid phase can strengthen overall effective bulk modulus but has no contribution to the shear modulus of fluid-filled closed cell composites.