992 resultados para Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882-1945) -- Portraits
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Brother of Lola Gruenthal
Early in 1943 the Barosins were arrested and sent to the deportation camp in Gurs. They were freed by French authorities and went into hiding until their liberation in 1944 in Paris. In 1947 they emigrated to the United States.
O presente trabalho destina-se à reflexão acerca de algumas das dimensões do projeto político e educacional posto em prática no período do Estado Novo (1937-1945), buscando focalizar estratégias encaminhadas no sentido da formação da população infanto-juvenil, com base em valores morais e sociais afinados com a ideologia do regime. No âmbito das estratégias voltadas para fortalecimento e legitimação do regime, que procurava construir uma identificação com a nação, houve a preocupação com a produção de uma imagem idealizada do próprio Estado Novo, da figura de Vargas diante do povo e de sua relação com este, em especial, com os trabalhadores e a juventude. Para isso, o governo lançou mão de estratégias diversas para popularização da figura do presidente diante dos jovens e produziu todo um conjunto de representações acerca de valores como família, educação, trabalho e nação. Tais estratégias compreenderam uma vasta produção de materiais impressos e, entre estes,biografias de Getúlio Vargas, voltadas para o público infanto-juvenil. Assim, a intenção deste estudo é refletir sobre a produção destes impressos no âmbito do projeto político e educacional do regime, buscando apreender de que forma estas publicações, que têm como pano de fundo a trajetória de vida do presidente, forneceram aos jovens modelos de comportamento e parâmetros de conduta valorizados socialmente e, em que medida, se configuraram, elas próprias, produtoras daquela realidade.
Eleanor Roosevelt, as a renowned humanitarian, portrayed an inconsistency by supporting Zionist ambitions for a national homeland in Palestine while simultaneously ignoring the rights of the indigenous Palestinians. Because of this dichotomy, this dissertation explores her attitudes, her disposition and her position in light of the conflict in the region. It conveys how her particular character traits interplayed with the cultural influences prevalent in mid-century America and encouraged her empathy with the plight of European Jews after the Holocaust. As she evolved politically, initially under the tutelage of Franklin Roosevelt and latterly as a UN delegate, she outgrew the anti-Semitism of the period to become a committed Zionist. Judging the Palestinians as ‘primitives’ incapable of self-government and heartened by Jewish development, she supported the partition of Palestine in November 1947. After the 1948 Arab-Israeli war the 800,000 Palestinian refugees encamped in neighbouring Arab states threatened to destabilise the region. Her solution was to discourage repatriation and to re-settle them in Iraq – a plan that directly contravened the principles of the December 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by the UN committee she had chaired. No detailed work has been conducted on these aspects of Eleanor Roosevelt’s life; this dissertation reveals a complex person rather than a model of ‘humanitarianism’, and one whose activities cannot be so simply categorised. In the eight chapters that follow, her own thoughts are disclosed through her ‘My Day’ newspaper column, through letters to friends and to members of the public that petitioned her, through a scrutiny of her articles, books and autobiography. This information was attained as a result of archival research in the US and in The Netherlands and was considered against an extensive range of secondary literature. During the Cold War, to offset Soviet incursion, Eleanor Roosevelt promoted Jewish usurpation of Palestinian lands with equanimity in order that an industrious Western-style democracy would bring stability to the region. These events facilitated the exposure of a latent Orientalism and an imperialistic lien that fostered paternalism in a woman new to the nuances of international diplomacy.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58589
Letter to Jarvis Franklin and Co. acknowledging the receipts and copies of application from Samuel Woodruff, May 19, 1882.
This thesis questions the major esthetic differences between the artistic productions of the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939) and the nationalist artistic productions of the Civil War years and the first decade of the francoist dictatorship. These differences are analysed using the artistic productions of Josep Renau (1907 Valence – 1982 Berlin East) and of Ignacio Zuloaga (Elibar 1870 – Madrid 1945). Renau was an important artistic figure during the Spanich Republic. In this thesis, we analyse Renau’s different propaganda productions between 1931 and 1939. Zuloaga was an international artist when the nationalist uprising occurred in 1936. He was recognized by the European elites for his portraits of Andalousian and Castillian sceneries. Zuloaga supported the nationalist putsch and the francoist ideology. In 1939, the Caudillo ordered the painting of the portrait that we will be analysing. The theories of François Hartog, Reinhart Koselleck, Paul Ricoeur and Hannah Arendt are used to analyse the historical conceptual confrontation in Spain, portrayed by the artworks that we studied. During the Republic, it was the modern historical regime that was in force. The historical references used are close in time and the history is constructed in the future and attached to the idea of progress. With the nationalists, the historical conception is connected to the Historia magistra where the past is used as an example. In the first francoism, a return to Spain’s glorious past (the Middle Ages, the Golden Century and the Counter Reform) is clearly claimed in order to rescue the country from the ills of modernity. It is with these different historical conceptions in mind that we compare the esthetics specificities of the artworks, the identity and historical references and the mediums used to legitimize the power and the political actions of each front.