983 resultados para Right-hemisphere


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The present study examined the neural basis of vivid motor imagery with parametrical functional magnetic resonance imaging. 22 participants performed motor imagery (MI) of six different right-hand movements that differed in terms of pointing accuracy needs and object involvement, i.e., either none, two big or two small squares had to be pointed at in alternation either with or without an object grasped with the fingers. After each imagery trial, they rated the perceived vividness of motor imagery on a 7-point scale. Results showed that increased perceived imagery vividness was parametrically associated with increasing neural activation within the left putamen, the left premotor cortex (PMC), the posterior parietal cortex of the left hemisphere, the left primary motor cortex, the left somatosensory cortex, and the left cerebellum. Within the right hemisphere, activation was found within the right cerebellum, the right putamen, and the right PMC. It is concluded that the perceived vividness of MI is parametrically associated with neural activity within sensorimotor areas. The results corroborate the hypothesis that MI is an outcome of neural computations based on movement representations located within motor areas.


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Antisocial and violent behaviour have been associated with both structural and functional brain abnormalities in the frontal and the temporal lobes. The aim of the present study was to assess cortical thickness in offenders undergoing forensic psychiatric assessments, one group with psychopathy (PSY, n=7) and one group with autism spectrum disorder (ASD, n=7) compared to each other as well as to a reference group consisting of healthy non-criminal subjects (RG, n=12). A second aim was to assess correlation between scores on a psychopathy checklist (PCL-SV) and cortical thickness. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and surface-based cortical segmentation were used to calculate cortical thickness. Analyses used both regions of interest and statistical maps. When the two groups of offenders were compared, there were no differences in cortical thickness, but the PSY group had thinner cortex in the temporal lobes and in the whole right hemisphere compared to RG. There were no differences in cortical thickness between the ASD group and RG. Across subjects there was a negative correlation between PCL-SV scores and cortical thickness in the temporal lobes and the whole right hemisphere. The findings indicate that thinner cortex in the temporal lobes is present in psychopathic offenders and that these regions are important for the expression of psychopathy. However, whether thinner temporal cortex is a cause or a consequence of the antisocial behaviour is still unknown.


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Speech melody or prosody subserves linguistic, emotional, and pragmatic functions in speech communication. Prosodic perception is based on the decoding of acoustic cues with a predominant function of frequency-related information perceived as speaker's pitch. Evaluation of prosodic meaning is a cognitive function implemented in cortical and subcortical networks that generate continuously updated affective or linguistic speaker impressions. Various brain-imaging methods allow delineation of neural structures involved in prosody processing. In contrast to functional magnetic resonance imaging techniques, DC (direct current, slow) components of the EEG directly measure cortical activation without temporal delay. Activation patterns obtained with this method are highly task specific and intraindividually reproducible. Studies presented here investigated the topography of prosodic stimulus processing in dependence on acoustic stimulus structure and linguistic or affective task demands, respectively. Data obtained from measuring DC potentials demonstrated that the right hemisphere has a predominant role in processing emotions from the tone of voice, irrespective of emotional valence. However, right hemisphere involvement is modulated by diverse speech and language-related conditions that are associated with a left hemisphere participation in prosody processing. The degree of left hemisphere involvement depends on several factors such as (i) articulatory demands on the perceiver of prosody (possibly, also the poser), (ii) a relative left hemisphere specialization in processing temporal cues mediating prosodic meaning, and (iii) the propensity of prosody to act on the segment level in order to modulate word or sentence meaning. The specific role of top-down effects in terms of either linguistically or affectively oriented attention on lateralization of stimulus processing is not clear and requires further investigations.


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Human subjects overestimate the change of rising intensity sounds compared with falling intensity sounds. Rising sound intensity has therefore been proposed to be an intrinsic warning cue. In order to test this hypothesis, we presented rising, falling, and constant intensity sounds to healthy humans and gathered psychophysiological and behavioral responses. Brain activity was measured using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging. We found that rising compared with falling sound intensity facilitates autonomic orienting reflex and phasic alertness to auditory targets. Rising intensity sounds produced neural activity in the amygdala, which was accompanied by activity in intraparietal sulcus, superior temporal sulcus, and temporal plane. Our results indicate that rising sound intensity is an elementary warning cue eliciting adaptive responses by recruiting attentional and physiological resources. Regions involved in cross-modal integration were activated by rising sound intensity, while the right-hemisphere phasic alertness network could not be supported by this study.


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Edges are important cues defining coherent auditory objects. As a model of auditory edges, sound on- and offset are particularly suitable to study their neural underpinnings because they contrast a specific physical input against no physical input. Change from silence to sound, that is onset, has extensively been studied and elicits transient neural responses bilaterally in auditory cortex. However, neural activity associated with sound onset is not only related to edge detection but also to novel afferent inputs. Edges at the change from sound to silence, that is offset, are not confounded by novel physical input and thus allow to examine neural activity associated with sound edges per se. In the first experiment, we used silent acquisition functional magnetic resonance imaging and found that the offset of pulsed sound activates planum temporale, superior temporal sulcus and planum polare of the right hemisphere. In the planum temporale and the superior temporal sulcus, offset response amplitudes were related to the pulse repetition rate of the preceding stimulation. In the second experiment, we found that these offset-responsive regions were also activated by single sound pulses, onset of sound pulse sequences and single sound pulse omissions within sound pulse sequences. However, they were not active during sustained sound presentation. Thus, our data show that circumscribed areas in right temporal cortex are specifically involved in identifying auditory edges. This operation is crucial for translating acoustic signal time series into coherent auditory objects.


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Edges are crucial for the formation of coherent objects from sequential sensory inputs within a single modality. Moreover, temporally coincident boundaries of perceptual objects across different sensory modalities facilitate crossmodal integration. Here, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging in order to examine the neural basis of temporal edge detection across modalities. Onsets of sensory inputs are not only related to the detection of an edge but also to the processing of novel sensory inputs. Thus, we used transitions from input to rest (offsets) as convenient stimuli for studying the neural underpinnings of visual and acoustic edge detection per se. We found, besides modality-specific patterns, shared visual and auditory offset-related activity in the superior temporal sulcus and insula of the right hemisphere. Our data suggest that right hemispheric regions known to be involved in multisensory processing are crucial for detection of edges in the temporal domain across both visual and auditory modalities. This operation is likely to facilitate cross-modal object feature binding based on temporal coincidence. Hum Brain Mapp, 2008. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The cardinal feature of spatial neglect is severely impaired exploration of the contralesional space, a failure resulting in unawareness of many contralesional stimuli. This deficit is exacerbated by a reflexive attentional bias toward ipsilesional items. Here we show that, in addition to these spatially lateralized failures, neglect patients also exhibit a severe bias favouring stimuli presented at fixation. We tested neglect patients and matched healthy and right-hemisphere damaged patients without neglect in a task requiring saccade execution to targets in the left or right hemifield. Targets were presented alone or simultaneously with a distracter that appeared in the same hemifield, in the opposite hemifield, or at fixation. We found two fundamental biases in saccade initiation of neglect patients: irrelevant distracters presented in the preserved hemifield tended to capture gaze reflexively, resulting in a large number of saccades erroneously directed toward the distracter. Additionally, distracters presented at fixation severely disrupted saccade initiation irrespective of saccade direction, leading to disproportionately increased latencies of left and right saccades. This latency increase was specific to oculomotor responses of neglect patients and was not observed when a manual response was required. These results show that, in addition to their failure to inhibit reflexive glances toward ipsilesional items neglect patients exhibit a strong oculomotor bias favouring fixated stimuli. We conclude that impaired initiation of saccades in any direction contributes to the deficits of spatial exploration that characterize spatial neglect.


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Prosody or speech melody subserves linguistic (e.g., question intonation) and emotional functions in speech communication. Findings from lesion studies and imaging experiments suggest that, depending on function or acoustic stimulus structure, prosodic speech components are differentially processed in the right and left hemispheres. This direct current (DC) potential study investigated the linguistic processing of digitally manipulated pitch contours of sentences that carried an emotional or neutral intonation. Discrimination of linguistic prosody was better for neutral stimuli as compared to happily as well as fearfully spoken sentences. Brain activation was increased during the processing of happy sentences as compared to neutral utterances. Neither neutral nor emotional stimuli evoked lateralized processing in the left or right hemisphere, indicating bilateral mechanisms of linguistic processing for pitch direction. Acoustic stimulus analysis suggested that prosodic components related to emotional intonation, such as pitch variability, interfered with linguistic processing of pitch course direction.


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Interhemispheric imbalance is discussed as a pathophysiological mechanism in visuospatial neglect. It is suggested that after a lesion of the right hemisphere the mutual transcallosal inhibition is impaired, resulting in an increased activity of the left hemisphere. We investigated the interhemispheric balance of attention in healthy subjects by using a free visual exploration task and by interfering with the neural activity of the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) of either hemisphere using an inhibitory transcranial magnetic stimulation routine with theta burst stimulation (TBS). Subjects explored colour photographs of real-life scenes presented on a computer screen under four conditions: (i) without TBS; (ii) after TBS over the right PPC; (iii) after TBS over the left PPC; and (iv) after TBS over the right PPC and, after the first half of the task, over the left PPC. Eye movements were measured, and distribution of mean cumulative fixation duration over screen halves was analyzed. TBS over the right PPC resulted in a significant rightward shift of mean cumulative fixation duration of approximately 30 min. The shift could be reversed when a subsequent train of TBS was applied over the left PPC. However, left PPC stimulation alone had no significant effect on visual exploration behaviour. The present study shows that the effect of TBS on the PPC depends on which hemisphere is stimulated and on the state of the contralateral homologue area. These findings are in accordance with the predictions of the interhemispheric rivalry model in neglect.


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Several studies on hemineglect have reported that patients recover remarkably well when assessed with neuropsychological screening tests, however, they show deficits on novel or complex tasks. We investigated whether such deficits can be revealed with eye movement analysis, applying two basic oculomotor tasks as well as two exploratory tasks. Eye movements were recorded in eight hemineglect patients at least eleven months after right-hemisphere brain damage had occurred. Sixteen healthy volunteers participated in the control group. Regarding the basic oculomotor tasks, only the overlap task revealed residual deficits in patients, suggesting that a directional deficit in disengaging attention persisted during recovery. Further residual deficits were evident in the exploratory tasks. When everyday scenes were explored, patients showed a bias in early orienting towards the ipsilateral hemispace. In a search task, they demonstrated the same orienting bias as well as a non-directional deficit concerning search times. Moreover, patients preferentially fixated in the contralateral hemispace, but did not benefit from this asymmetry in terms of search times, i.e. they did not detect contralateral targets faster than ipsilateral ones. This suggests a dissociation between oculomotor processes and attentional ones. In conclusion, we have identified behavioural aspects that seem to recover slower than others. A disengagement deficit and biases in early orienting have been the most pronounced residual oculomotor deficits.


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Disturbances of the motor and sensory system as well as an alteration of the preparation of movements have been reported to play a role in the pathogenesis of dystonias. However, it is unclear whether higher aspects of cortical – like cognitive – functions are also involved. Recently, the NoGo-anteriorization (NGA) elicited with a visual continuous performance test (CPT) during recording of a 21-channel electroencephalogram has been proposed as an electrophysiological standard-index for cognitive response control. The NGA consists of a more anterior location of the positive area of the brain electrical field associated with the inhibition (NoGo-condition) compared with that of the execution (Go-condition) of a prepared motor response in the CPT. This response control paradigm was applied in 16 patients with writer’s cramp (WC) and 14 age matched healthy controls. Topographical analysis of the associated event-related potentials revealed a significant (P < 0.05) NGA effect for both patients and controls. Moreover, patients with WC showed a significantly higher global field power value (P < 0.05) in the Go-condition and a significantly higher difference-amplitude (P < 0.05) in the NoGo-condition. A source location analysis with the low resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) method demonstrated a hypoactivity for the Go-condition in the parietal cortex of the right hemisphere and a hyperactivity in the NoGo-condition in the left parietal cortex in patients with WC compared with healthy controls. These results indicate an altered response control in patients with WC in widespread cortical brain areas and therefore support the hypothesis that the pathogenesis of WC is not restricted to a pure sensory-motor dysfunction.


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Brain electrical microstates represent spatial configurations of scalp recorded brain electrical activity and are considered to be the basic elements of stepwise processing of information in the brain. In the present study, the hypothesis of a temporo-limbic dysfunction in panic disorder (PD) was tested by investigating the topographic descriptors of brain microstates, in particular the one corresponding to the Late Positive Complex (LPC), an event-related potential (ERP) component with generators in these regions. ERPs were recorded in PD patients and matched healthy subjects during a target detection task, in a central (CC) and a lateral condition (LC). In the CC, a leftward shift of the LPC microstate positive centroid was observed in the patients with PD versus the healthy control subjects. In the LC, the topographic descriptor of the first microstate showed a rightward shift, while those of both the second and the fourth microstate, corresponding to the LPC, revealed a leftward shift in the PD patients versus the healthy control subjects. These findings indicate an overactivation of the right hemisphere networks involved in early visual processing and a hypoactivation of the right hemisphere circuits involved in LPC generators in PD. In line with this interpretation, the abnormal topography of the LPC microstate, observed in the CC, was associated with a worse performance on a test exploring right temporo-hippocampal functioning. Topographical abnormalities found for the LPC microstate in the LC were associated with a higher number of panic attacks, suggesting a pathogenetic role of the right temporo-hippocampal dysfunction in PD.


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The hypothesis that psychotic experiences in healthy subjects are associated with a dysfunction of the right hemisphere is supported by some, but not all, available studies. Differences in gender composition of study samples may explain in part the divergent findings. The present study was carried out in 42 healthy, right-handed university students. Scores on the Schizophrenia and Paranoia scales of the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory-2 were used in correlation analyses and to define a High- and a Low-Psychotic group. Brain Electrical Microstates and Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) source analyses of the auditory P300 (P3a and P3b) components of the event-related potential, as well as a battery of neuropsychological tests, were used to assess hemispheric functioning. Scores on the Paranoia scale were positively associated with a leftward shift of the P3a topographic descriptors in females but not in males. When comparing High-Psychotic and Low-Psychotic females, a leftward shift of P3a descriptors and an increased cortical activation in left fronto-temporal areas were observed in the High-Psychotic group. Our results demonstrated gender-related differences in the pattern of hemispheric imbalance associated with psychotic experiences in healthy subjects.


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The neurocognitive processes underlying the formation and maintenance of paranormal beliefs are important for understanding schizotypal ideation. Behavioral studies indicated that both schizotypal and paranormal ideation are based on an overreliance on the right hemisphere, whose coarse rather than focussed semantic processing may favor the emergence of 'loose' and 'uncommon' associations. To elucidate the electrophysiological basis of these behavioral observations, 35-channel resting EEG was recorded in pre-screened female strong believers and disbelievers during resting baseline. EEG data were subjected to FFT-Dipole-Approximation analysis, a reference-free frequency-domain dipole source modeling, and Regional (hemispheric) Omega Complexity analysis, a linear approach estimating the complexity of the trajectories of momentary EEG map series in state space. Compared to disbelievers, believers showed: more right-located sources of the beta2 band (18.5-21 Hz, excitatory activity); reduced interhemispheric differences in Omega complexity values; higher scores on the Magical Ideation scale; more general negative affect; and more hypnagogic-like reveries after a 4-min eyes-closed resting period. Thus, subjects differing in their declared paranormal belief displayed different active, cerebral neural populations during resting, task-free conditions. As hypothesized, believers showed relatively higher right hemispheric activation and reduced hemispheric asymmetry of functional complexity. These markers may constitute the neurophysiological basis for paranormal and schizotypal ideation.


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Recent studies using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) have advanced our knowledge of the organization of white matter subserving language function. It remains unclear, however, how DTI may be used to predict accurately a key feature of language organization: its asymmetric representation in one cerebral hemisphere. In this study of epilepsy patients with unambiguous lateralization on Wada testing (19 left and 4 right lateralized subjects; no bilateral subjects), the predictive value of DTI for classifying the dominant hemisphere for language was assessed relative to the existing standard-the intra-carotid Amytal (Wada) procedure. Our specific hypothesis is that language laterality in both unilateral left- and right-hemisphere language dominant subjects may be predicted by hemispheric asymmetry in the relative density of three white matter pathways terminating in the temporal lobe implicated in different aspects of language function: the arcuate (AF), uncinate (UF), and inferior longitudinal fasciculi (ILF). Laterality indices computed from asymmetry of high anisotropy AF pathways, but not the other pathways, classified the majority (19 of 23) of patients using the Wada results as the standard. A logistic regression model incorporating information from DTI of the AF, fMRI activity in Broca's area, and handedness was able to classify 22 of 23 (95.6%) patients correctly according to their Wada score. We conclude that evaluation of highly anisotropic components of the AF alone has significant predictive power for determining language laterality, and that this markedly asymmetric distribution in the dominant hemisphere may reflect enhanced connectivity between frontal and temporal sites to support fluent language processes. Given the small sample reported in this preliminary study, future research should assess this method on a larger group of patients, including subjects with bi-hemispheric dominance.