960 resultados para Richardson James
Esta é uma pesquisa sobre o uso de metáforas na construção de modelos por parte do físico escocês James Clerk Maxwell. O objetivo da pesquisa foi buscar compreender de que maneira o uso de metáforas e modelos é legítimo na ciência e em que medida contribui para seu sucesso. Além disso, busca compreender em que medida o uso de artifícios como modelos e analogias entre ramos distintos da ciência são impulsionadores de sucesso explicativo e preditivo da teoria do físico estudado. Explora as crenças teológicas e filosóficas do autor, que vê o mundo como unidade, permitindo a analogia entre ramos distintos da física. Seus desenvolvimentos em torno de teorias como calor, cores, óptica, magnetismo e eletricidade permitem evidenciar essa visão em todo o seu trabalho. Maxwell é considerado inaugurador de nova metodologia com o uso de modelos e metáforas. Explora o desenvolvimento da teoria das cores, da descrição matemática da estabilidade dos anéis de Saturno e o desenvolvimento da teoria dos gases como preâmbulo à discussão da teoria do eletromagnetismo. Descreve o desenvolvimento teórico do eletromagnetismo em seus diversos momentos. A construção da teoria do eletromagnetismo evidencia paulatino abandono do mecanicismo, uso intenso de modelos e metáforas temporários e ênfase na quantificação e no uso de experimentos. Discute o relacionamento de Maxwell com as discussões filosóficas, sociais e teológicas de sua época, seu engajamento em atividades práticas nesse sentido e suas influências científicas e filosóficas. Descreve e discute os textos filosóficos do cientista, em que se evidenciam sua ontologia, suas crenças teológicas e sua concepção de analogias. Discute a questão do uso de analogias em ciência e compara diversos autores que abordam o tema. A metodologia utilizada foi a de levantamento bibliográfico com análise crítica da literatura do autor e de seus comentadores, além de comentário crítico sobre os textos primários e secundários. Conclui que o sucesso científico de Maxwell deve-se à sua aposta numa unidade do mundo garantida por Deus, bem como na unidade entre o mundo e a mente humana, posturas que mostraram ser bem-sucedidas quando aplicadas à metodologia científica. Conclui também pela legitimidade e necessidade do uso de metáforas e modelos no empreendimento científico.
A presente investigação propõe uma comparação entre a obra do romancista irlandês James Joyce produzida até 1904 e a obra Bombaim: cidade máxima, do escritor indiano Suketu Mehta no sentido de identificar semelhanças em certos procedimentos de representação tanto da cidade como da autorrepresentação, ou seja, a representação de si mesmo. É objetivo da investigação aqui desenvolvida também argumentar que tais semelhanças não são meramente fortuitas, mas que estão relacionadas à continuidade de processos históricos diretamente relacionados ao advento, propagação e manutenção do que a historiadora estadunidense Ellen Meiksins Wood chama de império do capital. Para levar a investigação a cabo, foi promovida uma pesquisa formada pelos seguintes desmembramentos que compõem os capítulos da tese: uma revisão dos conceitos de colônia, império e imperialismo, assim como da relação entre o Império Britânico e a Irlanda a primeira colônia britânica e terra natal de Joyce e a Índia a maior e mais importante colônia britânica e país onde Mehta nasceu; uma exploração do tema da cidade, que envolve sua relevância para a contemporaneidade, a emergência da cidade industrial capitalista, e as ideias do sociólogo alemão Georg Simmel acerca da configuração psicológica engendrada na e por essa conformação urbana; uma detida investigação da obra inicial de Joyce, no intuito de explorar o desenvolvimento do que chamamos de literatura dramática joyceana, seu uso nos primeiros textos ficcionais de Joyce e a relação de tal literatura com o tema da cidade; uma breve recapitulação de alguns dos eventos marcantes do século XX que acreditamos terem estreita relação com a pesquisa aqui desenvolvida: a derrocada do Império Britânico, a emergência dos EUA como nova potência imperial, a relação do movimento Modernista com o contexto imperialista do início do século e com o tema da cidade, ilustrada principalmente pela figura e obra de Joyce; uma detalhada exploração de Bombaim: cidade máxima, seus personagens e temas; finalmente, a explicitação das semelhanças e diferenças existentes entre as narrativas de Joyce e Mehta e de como tais características se relacionam com a emergência, manutenção e propagação do império do capital.
Demographic parameters were derived from sectioned otoliths of John’s Snapper (Lutjanus johnii) from 4 regions across 9° of latitude and 23° of longitude in northern Australia. Latitudinal variation in size and growth rates of this species greatly exceeded longitudinal variation. Populations of John’s Snapper farthest from the equator had the largest body sizes, in line with James’s rule, and the fastest growth rates, contrary to the temperature-size rule for ectotherms. A maximum age of 28.6 years, nearly 3 times previous estimates, was recorded and the largest individual was 990 mm in fork length. Females grew to a larger mean asymptotic fork length (L∞) than did males, a finding consistent with functional gonochorism. Otolith weight at age and gonad weight at length followed the same latitudinal trends seen in length at age. Length at maturity was ~72–87% of L∞ and varied by ~23% across the full latitudinal gradient, but age at first maturity was consistently in the range of 6–10 years, indicating that basic growth trajectories were similar across vastly different environments. We discuss both the need for complementary reproductive data in age-based studies and the insights gained from experiments where the concept of oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance is applied to explain the mechanistic causes of James’s rule in tropical fish species.
The life history of the Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) was described from 1093 specimens collected from Virginia to northern Florida between April 1997 and March 1999. Longitudinally sectioned vertebral centra were used to age each specimen, and the periodicity of circuli deposition was verified through marginal increment analysis and focus-to-increment frequency distributions. Rhizoprionodon terraenovae reached a maximum size of 828 mm precaudal length (PCL) and a maximum age of 11+ years. Mean back-calculated lengths-at-age ranged from 445 mm PCL at age one to 785 mm PCL at age ten for females, and 448 mm PCL at age one to 747 mm PCL at age nine for males. Observed lengthat-age data (estimated to 0.1 year) yielded the following von Bertalanffy parameters estimates: L∞= 749 mm PCL (SE=4.60), K = 0.49 (SE=0.020), and t0= –0.94 (SE=0.046) for females; and L∞= 745 mm PCL (SE = 5.93), K = 0.50 (SE=0.024), and t0= –0.91 (SE = 0.052) for males. Sexual maturity was reached at age three and 611 mm PCL for females, and age three and 615 mm PCL for males. Rhizoprionodon terraenovae reproduced annually and had a gestation period of approximately 11 months. Litter size ranged from one to eight (mean=3.85) embyros, and increased with female PCL.
The length-weight relationship and condition factor of Mylopharyngodon spiceus were determined. The result of the study showed the dependence of weight (W) on the total length (L) in the following form: W= 0.006L(super 3.156) or in the logarithmic form Log W=- 2.1851 + 3.156 Log L. Standard errors of length and weight were 0.674 cm and 3.214 g respectively. The co-efficient correlation "r" was found to be 0.972 which indicated that the relationship between length and body weight of the fish was highly significant. The t-test also indicated that the correlation between length and weight was significant. The range and mean value of condition factor (K) were 0.865 to 1.041 and 0.958 respectively.
An incidence of bopyrid isopod infestation was observed in giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) juveniles (40-60 mm/0.9-1.5 g) in a scampi culture farm in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. The presence of parasite was observed by conspicuous boil like swelling of the branchial chamber where the parasite was found lodged on the gills. The infested gill was highly compressed and necrosed. Only one branchial chamber was infested by the parasite while the other gill was normal. The infested prawns were thin and emaciated and showed retarded growth. The parasite was identified as Probopyrus bithynis (Richardson, 1904) which caused inhibition of ventilation due to its permanent lodging in the branchial chamber and impaired the gaseous exchange by gills. It was also observed that this parasite caused parasitic castration in the infested prawns.
Following a tunnel excavation in low-permeability soil, it is commonly observed that the ground surface continues to settle and ground loading on the tunnel lining changes, as the pore pressures in the ground approach a new equilibrium condition. The monitored ground response following the tunnelling under St James's Park, London, shows that the mechanism of subsurface deformation is composed of three different zones: swelling, consolidation and rigid body movement. The swelling took place in a confined zone above the tunnel crown, extending vertically to approximately 5 m above it. On the sides of the tunnel, the consolidation of the soil occurred in the zone primarily within the tunnel horizon, from the shoulder to just beneath the invert, and extending laterally to a large offset from the tunnel centreline. Above these swelling and consolidation zones the soil moved downward as a rigid body. In this study, soil-fluid coupled three-dimensional finite element analyses were performed to simulate the mechanism of long-term ground response monitored at St James's Park. An advanced critical state soil model, which can simulate the behaviour of London Clay in both drained and undrained conditions, was adopted for the analyses. The analysis results are discussed and compared with the field monitoring data. It is found that the observed mechanism of long-term subsurface ground and tunnel lining response at St James's Park can be simulated accurately only when stiffness anisotropy, the variation of permeability between different units within the London Clay and non-uniform drainage conditions for the tunnel lining are considered. This has important implications for future prediction of the long-term behaviour of tunnels in clays.
The twin-tunnel construction of the Jubilee Line Extension tunnels beneath St James's Park was simulated using coupled-consolidation finite-element analyses. The effect of defining different permeabilities for the final consolidation stage was investigated, and the performance of a fissure softening model was also evaluated. The analyses suggested an unexpectedly high permeability anisotropy for soil around the tunnel crown, possibly due to stress-induced permeability changes, or low-permeability laminations. Also, the permeability profile and lining conductivity were found to differ between the tunnels. Inclusion of the fissure model gave a narrower settlement trough, more alike that in the field, by preferentially softening simple shear behaviour. Long-term settlements at the site continue to increase at an unexpectedly high rate, suggesting the possibility of creep or unexpected soil softening during excavation. © 2012 Taylor & Francis Group.
Three groups of gynogenetic diploid bighead carp were successfully obtained by means of artificial gynogenesis. The activation rates of gynogenesis varied from 75.9% to 98.8%, and the frequency of spontaneous diploidization was around 0.4%. Over 2000 normally gynogenetic diploid fry were obtained in three gynogenetic groups. The haploid karyotype consisted of nine metacentric, 12 submetacentric, three subtelocentric chromosomes and 45 arms. The chromosome number was 48 from gynogenetic diploid. The results showed that the genetic material of offspring was maternal. The aneuploid hybrid embryos of bighead carp and Xingguo red common carp with chromosome numbers ranging from 28 to 73 did not survive post hatch, likely the result of incompatibility between the nucleus and the cytoplasm of two parents. Sixty RAPD primers from three groups were used for total DNA amplification of gynogenetic offspring, maternal and 'paternal' fish. A total of 451 bands were amplified from three kinds of samples above. From maternal bighead carp, 256 bands were amplified; however, there were 251 shared bands between maternal and gynogenetic bighead carp. From artificial gynogenetic offspring, two 'paternal' DNA segments without an expression function were found. An UPGMA tree showed that gynogenetic offspring were closely clustered and the genetic identity among them was very high (0.956).
Six polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized using an enriched library technique in the large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea Richardson, 1864), a commercially important marine fish in China. They showed PIC (polymorphism information content) ranging from 0.064 to 0.885 (average of 0.580) and allele numbers ranging from two to 13 (average of 7.5), which were useful for the studies on population genetics and selective breeding of the large yellow croaker.