985 resultados para Rho kinases


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Galactokinase catalyses the phosphorylation of galactose at the expense of ATP. Like other members of the GHMP family of kinases it is postulated to function through an active site base mechanism in which Asp-186 abstracts a proton from galactose. This asparate residue was altered to alanine and to asparagine by site-directed mutagenesis of the corresponding gene. This resulted in variant enzyme with no detectable galactokinase activity. Alteration of Arg-37, which lies adjacent to Asp-186 and is postulated to assist the catalytic base, to lysine resulted in an active enzyme. However, alteration of this residue to glutamate abolished activity. All the variant enzymes, except the arginine to lysine substitution, were structurally unstable (as judged by native gel electrophoresis in the presence of urea) compared to the wild type. This suggests that the lack of activity results from this structural instability, in addition to any direct effects on the catalytic mechanism. Computational estimations of the pK(a) values of the arginine and aspartate residues, suggest that Arg-37 remains protonated throughout the catalytic cycle whereas Asp-186 has an abnormally high pK(a) value (7.18). Quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations suggest that Asp-186 moves closer to the galactose molecule during catalysis. The experimental and theoretical studies presented here argue for a mechanism in which the C-1-OH bond in the sugar is weakened by the presence of Asp-186 thus facilitating nucleophilic attack by the oxygen atom on the gamma-phosphorus of ATP.


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Protein kinases C are a family of serine threonine protein kinases that play key roles in extracellular signal transduction. Inappropriate activation of protein kinase C has been implicated in the pathophysiology of many diseases, including diabetes mellitus. Indeed, protein kinase C activation may contribute not only to the pathogenesis of diabetic complications such as nephropathy and retinopathy, but also to insulin resistance. Growing awareness that protein kinase C isoforms subserve specific subcellular functions has led to the development of isoform-specific inhibitors, which may be useful investigational tools and therapeutic agents for attenuating the effects of inappropriate protein kinase C activity. Here we review the role played by protein kinases C in diabetic nephropathy and the recent progress that has been made to modulate its activity using specific inhibitors. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 7:563-570. (C) 1998 Lippincott Wiiliams & Wilkins.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen of patients with cystic fibrosis and chronic granulomatous disease. The bacterium survives intracellularly in macrophages within a membrane-bound vacuole (BcCV) that precludes the fusion with lysosomes. The underlying cellular mechanisms and bacterial molecules mediating these phenotypes are unknown. Here, we show that intracellular B. cenocepacia expressing a type VI secretion system (T6SS) affects the activation of the Rac1 and Cdc42 RhoGTPase by reducing the cellular pool of GTP-bound Rac1 and Cdc42. The T6SS also increases the cellular pool of GTP-bound RhoA and decreases cofilin activity. These effects lead to abnormal actin polymerization causing collapse of lamellipodia and failure to retract the uropod. The T6SS also prevents the recruitment of soluble subunits of the NADPH oxidase complex including Rac1 to the BcCV membrane, but is not involved in the BcCV maturation arrest. Therefore, T6SS-mediated deregulation of Rho family GTPases is a common mechanism linking disruption of the actin cytoskeleton and delayed NADPH oxidase activation in macrophages infected with B. cenocepacia.


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PURPOSE. This study was conducted to evaluate whether regions of the retinal neuropile become hypoxic during periods of high oxygen consumption and whether depletion of the outer retina reduces hypoxia and related changes in gene expression.

METHODS. Retinas from rhodopsin knockout (Rho(-/-)) mice were evaluated along with those of wild-type (WT) control animals. Retinas were also examined at the end of 12-hour dark or light periods, and a separate group was treated with L-cis-diltiazem at the beginning of a 12-hour dark period. Hypoxia was assessed by deposition of hypoxyprobe (HP) and HP-protein adducts were localized by immunohistochemistry and quantified using ELISA. Also, hypoxia-regulated gene expression and transcriptional activity were assessed alongside vascular density.

RESULTS. Hypoxia was observed in the inner nuclear and ganglion cell layers in WT retina and was significantly reduced in Rho (-/-) mice (P < 0.05). Retinal hypoxia was significantly increased during dark adaptation in WT mice (P < 0.05), whereas no change was observed in Rho(-/-) or with L-cis-diltiazem-treated WT mice. Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 alpha DNA-binding and VEGF mRNA expression in Rho(-/-) retina was significantly reduced in unison with outer retinal depletion (P < 0.05). Retina from the Rho(-/-) mice displayed an extensive intraretinal vascular network after 6 months, although there was evidence that capillary density was depleted in comparison with that in WT retinas.

CONCLUSIONS. Relative hypoxia occurs in the inner retina especially during dark adaptation. Photoreceptor loss reduces retinal oxygen usage and hypoxia which corresponds with attenuation of the retinal microvasculature. These studies suggest that in normal physiological conditions and diurnal cycles the adult retina exists in a state of borderline hypoxia, making this tissue particularly susceptible to even subtle reductions in perfusion.


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The regulation of the small GTPases leading to their membrane localization has long been attributed to processing of their C-terminal CAAX box. As deregulation of many of these GTPases have been implicated in cancer and other disorders, prenylation and methylation of this CAAX box has been studied in depth as a possibility for drug targeting, but unfortunately, to date no drug has proved clinically beneficial. However, these GTPases also undergo other modifications that may be important for their regulation. Ubiquitination has long been demonstrated to regulate the fate of numerous cellular proteins and recently it has become apparent that many GTPases, along with their GAPs, GeFs and GDis, undergo ubiquitination leading to a variety of fates such as re-localization or degradation. in this review we focus on the recent literature demonstrating that the regulation of small GTPases by ubiquitination, either directly or indirectly, plays a considerable role in controlling their function and that targeting these modifications could be important for disease treatment.


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Non-typable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a common commensal of the human nasopharynx, but causes opportunistic infection when the respiratory tract is compromised by infection or disease. The ability of NTHi to invade epithelial cells has been described, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly characterized. We previously determined that NTHi promotes phosphorylation of the serine-threonine kinase Akt in A549 human lung epithelial cells, and that Akt phosphorylation and NTHi cell invasion are prevented by inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K). Because PI3K-Akt signalling is associated with several host cell networks, the purpose of the current study was to identify eukaryotic molecules important for NTHi epithelial invasion. We found that inhibition of Akt activity reduced NTHi internalization; differently, bacterial entry was increased by phospholipase C?1 inhibition but was not affected by protein kinase inhibition. We also found that a5 and ß1 integrins, and the tyrosine kinases focal adhesion kinase and Src, are important for NTHi A549 cell invasion. NTHi internalization was shown to be favoured by activation of Rac1 guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase), together with the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav2 and the effector Pak1. Also, Pak1 might be associated with inactivation of the microtubule destabilizing agent Op18/stathmin, to facilitate microtubule polymerization and NTHi entry. Conversely, inhibition of RhoA GTPase and its effector ROCK increased the number of internalized bacteria. Src and Rac1 were found to be important for NTHi-triggered Akt phosphorylation. An increase in host cyclic AMP reduced bacterial entry, which was linked to protein kinase A. These findings suggest that NTHi finely manipulates host signalling molecules to invade respiratory epithelial cells.


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GHMP kinases are a group of structurally-related small molecule kinases. They have been found in all kingdoms of life and are mostly responsible for catalysing the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of intermediary metabolites. Although the GHMP kinases are of clinical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological importance, the mechanism of GHMP-kinases is controversial. A catalytic base mechanism was suggested for mevalonate kinase that has a structural feature of the ?-phosphate of ATP close to an aspartate residue; however, for one GHMP member, homoserine kinase, where the residue acting as general base is absent, a direct phosphorylation mechanism was suggested. Furthermore, it has been proposed by some authors that all the GHMP kinases function via the direct phosphorylation mechanism. This controversy in mechanism has limited our ability to exploit these enzymes as drug targets and in biotechnology. Here the phosphorylation reaction mechanism of the human galactokinase, a member of GHMP kinase was investigated using molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory-based QM/MM calculations (B3LYP-D/AMBER99). The reaction coordinates were localized by potential energy scan using adiabatic mapping method. Our results indicate that a highly conserved Glu174 captures Arg105 to the proximity of the a-phosphate of ATP forming a H-bond network, therefore the mobility of ATP in the large oxyanion hole is restricted. Arg228 functions to stabilize the negative charge developed at the ß,?-bridging oxygen of the ATP during bond cleavage. The reaction occurs via direct phosphorylation mechanism and the Asp186 in proximity of ATP does not directly participate in the reaction pathway. Since Arg228 is not conserved among GHMP kinases, reagents which form interactions with Arg228, and therefore can interrupt its function in phosphorylation may be developed into potential selective inhibitors for galactokinase.