618 resultados para Rflp


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Rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) is one of the two viruses that cause tungro disease. Four RTBV strains maintained in the greenhouse for 4 years, G1, G2, Ic, and L, were differentiated by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the native viral DNA. Although strains G1 and Ic had identical restriction patterns when cleaved with Pst1, BamHI, EcoRI, and EcoRV, they can be differentiated from strains G2 and L by EcoRI and EcoRV digestion. These same endonucleases also differentiate strain G2 from strain L. When total DNA extracts from infected plants were used instead of viral DNA, and digested with EcoRV, identical restriction patterns for each strain (G2 and L) were obtained from roots, leaves, and leaf sheaths of infected plants. The restriction patterns were consistent from plant to plant, in different varieties, and at different times after inoculation. This technique can be used to differentiate RTBV strains and determine the variability of a large number of field samples.


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Human memory is a complex neurocognitive process. By combining psychological and molecular genetics expertise, we examined the APOE ε4 allele, a known risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, and the COMT Val 158 polymorphism, previously implicated in schizophrenia, for association with lowered memory functioning in healthy adults. To assess memory type we used a range of memory tests of both retrospective and prospective memory. Genotypes were determined using RFLP analysis and compared with mean memory scores using univariate ANOVAs. Despite a modest sample size (n=197), our study found a significant effect of the APOE ε4 polymorphism in prospective memory. Supporting our hypothesis, a significant difference was demonstrated between genotype groups for means of the Comprehensive Assessment of Prospective Memory total score (p=0.036; ε4 alleles=1.99; all other alleles=1.86). In addition, we demonstrate a significant interactive effect between the APOE ε4 and COMT polymorphisms in semantic memory. This is the first study to investigate both APOE and COMT genotypes in relation to memory in non-pathological adults and provides important information regarding the effect of genetic determinants on human memory.


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common cause of neurological disability in young adults. The disease generally manifests in early to middle adulthood and causes various neurological deficits. Autoreactive T lymphocytes and their associated antigens have long been presumed important features of MS pathogenesis. The Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type C gene (PTPRC) encodes the T-cell receptor CD45. Variations within PTPRC have been previously associated with diseases of autoimmune origin such as type 1 diabetes mellitus and Graves' disease. We set out to investigate two variants within the PTPRC gene, C77G and C772T in subjects with MS and matched healthy controls to determine whether significant differences exist in these markers in an Australian population. We employed high resolution melt analysis (HRM) and restriction length polymorphism (RFLP) techniques to determine genotypic and allelic frequencies. Our study found no significant difference between frequencies for PTPRC C77G by either genotype (Χ2 = 0.65, P = 0.72) or allele (Χ2 = 0.48, P = 0.49). Similarly, we did not find evidence to suggest an association between PTPRC C772T by genotype (Χ2 = 1.06, P = 0.59) or allele (Χ2 = 0.20, P = 0.66). Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis showed strong linkage disequilibrium between the two tested markers (D' = 0.9970, SD = 0.0385). This study reveals no evidence to suggest that these markers are associated with MS in the tested Australian Caucasian population. Although the PTPRC gene has a significant role in regulating CD4+ and CD8+ autoreactive T-cells, interferon-beta responsiveness, and potentially other important processes, our study does not support a role for the two tested variants of this gene in MS susceptibility in the Australian population.


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex neurological disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS) resulting in debilitating neuropathology. Pathogenesis is primarily defined by CNS inflammation and demyelination of nerve axons. Methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) is an enzyme that catalyzes the remethylation of homocysteine (Hcy) to methionine via cobalamin and folate dependant reactions. Cobalamin acts as an intermediate methyl carrier between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and Hcy. MTRR plays a critical role in maintaining cobalamin in an active form and is consequently an important determinant of total plasma Hcy (pHcy) concentrations. Elevated intracellular pHcy levels have been suggested to play a role in CNS dysfunction, neurodegenerative, and cerebrovascular diseases. Our investigation entailed the genotyping of a cohort of 140 cases and matched controls for MTRR and MTHFR, by restriction length polymorphism (RFLP) techniques. Two polymorphisms: MTRR A66G and MTHFR A1298C were investigated in an Australian age and gender matched case-control study. No significant allelic frequency difference was observed between cases and controls at the α = 0.05 level (MTRR χ2 = 0.005, P = 0.95, MTHFR χ2 = 1.15, P = 0.28). Our preliminary findings suggest no association between the MTRR A66G and MTHFR A1298C polymorphisms and MS


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Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among Australian women and its incidence is annually increasing. Genetic factors are involved in the complex etiology of breast cancer. The seco-steroid hormone, 1.25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 can influence breast cancer cell growth in vitro. A number of studies have reported correlations between vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphisms and several diseases including prostate cancer and osteoporosis. In breast cancer, low vitamin D levels in serum are correlated with disease progression and bone metastases, a situation also noted in prostate cancer and suggesting the involvement of the VDR. In our study, 2 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) in the 3' region (detected by Apa1 and Taq1) and an initiation codon variant in the 5' end of the VDR gene (detected by Fok1) were tested for association with breast cancer risk in 135 females with sporadic breast cancer and 110 cancer-free female controls. Allele frequencies of the 3' Apa1 polymorphism showed a significant association (p = 0.016; OR = 1.56, 95% CI = 1.09-2.24) while the Taq1 RFLP showed a similar trend (p = 0.053; OR = 1.45, 95% CI = 1.00-2.00). Allele frequencies of the Fok1 polymorphism were not significantly different (p = 0.97; OR = 0.99, 95% CI = 0.69-1.43) in the study population. Our results suggest that specific alleles of the VDR gene located near the 3' region may identify an increased risk for breast cancer and justify further investigation of the role of VDR in breast cancer.


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Nine probes were isolated from a human chromosome 1 enriched library and mapped to regions of chromosome 1 using somatic cell hybrid lines. One clone, LR67, which mapped 1q12→q23 detected a BglI RFLP. This probe, as well as 4 other known chromosome 1 markers, α-spectrin, Factor XIIIB, DR10 and DR78, were used for linkage studies in 15 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT1) families. Close linking of CMT1 to any of the 5 markers was not indicated. Total lod scores excluded linkage of CMT1 to LR67 and to DR10 at 5 cM or less, to DR78 and 10 cM or less, α-spectrin at 15 cM or less and Factor XIIIB at 20 cM or less. Possible linkage, however, was shown between LR67 and CMT1 at a distance of 30 cM. Also linkage at a distance of 5 cM was detected between this probe and α-spectrin.


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None of the genes responsible for essential hypertension has been identified. Recent work in genetically hypertensive rats has shown linkage of blood pressure with alleles of the renin gene. Since the renin gene is a member of a conserved synteny group that in humans spans chromosome 1q21.3-32.3 and includes the gene for antithrombin III (AT3), we used linkage studies to examine the relationship between alleles of AT3 and hypertension in a family having 10 affected members. From the lod score obtained at a recombination fraction of zero the odds for linkage of AT3 and hypertension in this family were calculated as 6:1 in favour of linkage. This result provides grounds for further examination of the possible role of the 1q23 locus in the aetiology of essential hypertension.


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A recent cross-sectional study has demonstrated a significant association of the R1 RsaI restriction fragment length polymorphism of the insulin receptor gene (INSR) with human essential hypertension. In the present study, an alternative approach, involving linkage analysis, was carried out using 8 hypertensive families with 5 or more affected members. Five of the families were found to be informative and in one of these pedigrees a conclusion of non-linkage of INSR and hypertension could be made on the basis of an obligate recombinant in one generation which yielded a Lod score of - ∞ at a recombination fraction (θ) of zero. In another family, the largest studied, a positive Lod score was obtained at θ = 0, but this was below the level required for a conclusion of linkage. Lod score at θ = 0 for a marker at the insulin locus in this family was negative. The present study has thus demonstrated one pedigree in which hypertension is not linked to the insulin receptor locus.


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The present study examined polymorphisms of genes that might be involved in the onset of essential hypertension (HT). These included the (i) growth hormone gene (GH1), whose locus has recently been linked to elevated blood pressure (BP) in the stroke-prone SHR, although recent sib-pair analysis of a polymorphism near the human chorionic somatomammotropin gene (a member of the GH cluster) was unable to show linkage with HT; (ii) renal kallikrein gene (KLK1); and (iii) atrial natriuretic factor gene (ANF), where a primary defect in production or activity of kallikrein or ANF could cause NaCl retention and vasoconstriction. Association analyses were conducted to compare restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of each gene in 85 HT and 95 normotensive (NT) Caucasian subjects whose parents had a similar BP status at age ≥50 years. The frequency of the minor allele of (i) a RsaI RFLP in the promoter of GH1, amplified from leukocyte DNA by the polymerase chain reaction, was 0.15 in the HT group and 0.14 in the NT group (χ1=0.34, P=0.55); (ii) a TaqI RFLP for KLK1 was 0.035 in the HT group and 0.015 in the NT group (χ2=1.5, P=0.21); and (iii) a XhoI RFLP for ANF was 0.50 in HTs and 0.46 in NTs (χ2=0.20, P=0.65). Studies of HT pedigrees found one family in which the ANF locus and HT were not linked, owing to an obligate recombinant. The present data thus provide no evidence for involvement of the growth hormone, renal kallikrein, nor ANF gene in the causation of essential hypertension.


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Essential hypertension is a highly hereditable disorder in which genetic influences predominate over environmental factors. The molecular genetic profiles which predispose to essential hypertension are not known. In rats with genetic hypertension, there is some recent evidence pointing to linkage of renin gene alleles with blood pressure. The genes for renin and antithrombin III belong to a conserved synteny group which, in humans, spans the q21.3-32.3 region of chromosome I and, in rats, is linkage group X on chromosome 13. The present study examined the association of particular human renin gene (REN) and antithrombin III gene (AT3) polymorphisms with essential hypertension by comparing the frequency of specific alleles for each of these genes in 50 hypertensive offspring of hypertensive parents and 91 normotensive offspring of normotensive parents. In addition, linkage relationships were examined in hypertensive pedigrees with multiple affected individuals. Alleles of a REN HindIII restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) were detected using a genomic clone, λHR5, to probe Southern blots of HindIII-cut leucocyte DNA, and those for an AT3 Pstl RFLP were detected by phATIII 113 complementary DNA probe. The frequencies of each REN allele in the hypertensive group were 0.76 and 0.24 compared with 0.74 and 0.26 in the normotensive group. For AT3, hypertensive allele frequencies were 0.49 and 0.51 compared with normotensive values of 0.54 and 0.46. These differences were not significant by χ2 analysis (P > 0.2). Linkage analysis of a family (data from 16 family members, 10 of whom were hypertensive), informative for both markers, without an age-of-onset correction, and assuming dominant inheritance of hypertension, complete penetrance and a disease frequency of 20%, did not indicate linkage of REN with hypertension, but gave a positive, although not significant, logarithm of the odds for linkage score of 0.784 at a recombination fraction of 0 for AT3 linkage to hypertension. In conclusion, the present study could find no evidence for an association of a REN HindIII RFLP with essential hypertension or for a linkage of the locus defined by this RFLP in a family segregating for hypertension. In the case of an AT3 Pstl RFLP, although association analysis was negative, linkage analysis suggested possible involvement (odds of 6:1 in favour) of a gene located near the 1q23 locus with hypertension in one informative family.


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Background Migraine is a brain disorder affecting ∼12% of the Caucasian population. Genes involved in neurological, vascular, and hormonal pathways have all been implicated in predisposing individuals to developing migraine. The migraineur presents with disabling head pain and varying symptoms of nausea, emesis, photophobia, phonophobia, and occasionally visual sensory disturbances. Biochemical and genetic studies have demonstrated dysfunction of neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, and glutamate in migraine susceptibility. Glutamate mediates the transmission of excitatory signals in the mammalian central nervous system that affect normal brain function including cognition, memory and learning. The aim of this study was to investigate polymorphisms in the GRIA2 and GRIA4 genes, which encode subunits of the ionotropic AMPA receptor for association in an Australian Caucasian population. Methods Genotypes for each polymorphism were determined using high resolution melt analysis and the RFLP method. Results Statistical analysis showed no association between migraine and the GRIA2 and GRIA4 polymorphisms investigated. Conclusions Although the results of this study showed no significant association between the tested GRIA gene variants and migraine in our Australian Caucasian population further investigation of other components of the glutamatergic system may help to elucidate if there is a relationship between glutamatergic dysfunction and migraine.


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Breast cancer is the cancer that most commonly affects women worldwide. This type of cancer is genetically complex, but is strongly linked to steroid hormone signalling systems. Because microRNAs act as translational regulators of multiple genes, including the steroid nuclear receptors, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in microRNAs genes can have potentially wide-ranging influences on breast cancer development. Thus, this study was conducted to investigate the relationships between six SNPs (rs6977848, rs199981120, rs185641358, rs113054794, rs66461782, and rs12940701) located in four miRNA genes predicted to target the estrogen receptor (miR-148a, miR-221, miR-186, and miR-152) and breast cancer risk in Caucasian Australian women. By using high resolution melt analysis (HRM) and polymerase chain reaction- restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), 487 samples including 225 controls and 262 cases were genotyped. Analysis of their genotype and allele frequencies indicated that the differences between case and control populations was not significant for rs6977848, rs66461782, and rs12940701 because their p-values are 0.81, 0.93, 0.1 which are all above the threshold value (p=0.05). Our data thus suggests that these SNPs do not affect breast cancer risk in the tested population. In addition, rs199981120, rs185641358, and rs113054794 could not be found in this population, suggesting that these SNPs do not occur in Caucasian Australians.


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Mycobacterium kansasii is a pulmonary pathogen that has been grown readily from municipal water, but rarely isolated from natural waters. A definitive link between water exposure and disease has not been demonstrated and the environmental niche for this organism is poorly understood. Strain typing of clinical isolates has revealed seven subtypes with Type 1 being highly clonal and responsible for most infections worldwide. The prevalence of other subtypes varies geographically. In this study 49 water isolates are compared with 72 patient isolates from the same geographical area (Brisbane, Australia), using automated repetitive unit PCR (Diversilab) and ITS RFLP. The clonality of the dominant clinical strain type is again demonstrated but with rep-PCR, strain variation within this group is evident comparable with other reported methods. There is significant heterogeneity of water isolates and very few are similar or related to the clinical isolates. This suggests that if water or aerosol transmission is the mode of infection, then point source contamination likely occurs from an alternative environmental source.


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A DNA sequence between two legumin genes in Pisum is a member of the copia-like class of retrotransposons and represents one member of a polymorphic and heterogeneous dispersed repeated sequence family in Pisum. This sequence can be exploited in genetic studies either by RFLP analysis where several markers can be scored together, or the segregation of individual elements can be followed after PCR amplification of specific members.