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In this paper the proximate analysis and ultimate analysis of sulfur in different semi-cokes generated from Rizhao bituminous coal and Beijing anthracite under different temperatures is done. Also the tendency of the contents of volatile, ash, fixed carbon and sulfur in different semi-cokes along with the different preparation temperatures is studied. Then the combustion experiment of semi-cokes in the drop-tube furnace system was carried out, and the kinetic parameters of different semi-cokes ware calculated.


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ENGLISH: The tendency of the tunas, especially the yellowfin (Neothunnus macropterus) to be more abundant in the near vicinity of islands and seamounts, or "banks", than in the surrounding oceanic areas, is well known to commercial fishermen. This has been confirmed by statistical analysis of fishing vessel logbook records, which demonstrates that the catch-per-day's-fishing is, indeed, higher in the near vicinity of these features. It is hypothesized that islands and seamounts cause changes in the physical circulation or the biochemical cycle resulting in greater supplies of food for tunas in their immediate environs. In order to examine this hypothesis, and in order to study possible mechanisms involved, the "Island Current Survey" was undertaken from 8 May to 12 June, 1957, under the joint auspices of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Surveys of varying nature and extent were made from M/V Spencer F. Baird near Alijos Rocks, Clarion Island, Shimada Bank and Socorro Island (Figure 1). These studies sought to provide knowledge of the action of islands and seamounts in arresting, stalling or deflecting the mean current past them, in establishing convergence and divergence in the surface flow, in producing vertical motion (mixing and upwelling), and in influencing the primary production and the standing crops of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Each survey is discussed below in detail. Observations made at a front on 10 June will be discussed in another paper. SPANISH: Los pescadores que realizan la pesca comercial conocen muy bien la tendencia de los atunes, en particular del atún aleta amarilla (Neothunnus macropterus), de presentarse en mayor abundancia en las cercanías inmediatas a las islas y cimas submarinas, o "bancos", que en las áreas oceánicas circundantes. Este hecho ha sido confirmado par el análisis estadístico de los registros de los cuadernos de bitácora de las embarcaciones pesqueras, demostrándose que la captura par dias de pesca es, en efecto, más abundante en la inmediata proximidad de tales formaciones. Hipotéticamente se admite que las islas y las cimas submarinas provocan cambios en la circulación física o en el ciclo bioquímico, lo cual se pone de manifiesto a través de un mejor abastecimiento de alimento para los atunes en sus cercanías inmediatas. Con la finalidad de verificar esta hipótesis y de estudiar los mecanismos que ella involucra, se realizó la “Island Current Survey” del 8 de mayo al 12 de junio de 1957, bajo los auspicios de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical y de la Institución Scripps de Oceanografia. Con el barco Spencer F. Baird se hicieron observaciones de distintas clases y alcances cerca de las Rocas Alijos, la Isla Clarion, el Banco Shimada y la Isla Socorro (Figura 1). Estos estudios tuvieron por objeto adquirir conocimientos sobre la acción que ejercen las islas y cimas submarinas sobre la corriente promedio, ya sea deteniéndola, reduciendo su velocidad o desviando su curso, así como estableciendo convergencia o divergencia en su flujo de superficie, o provocando un movimiento vertical (mezcla y afloramiento) e influyendo en la producción primaria y en las existencias de fitoplancton y zooplancton. Cada operación será tratada a continuación por separado. Las observaciones hechas el dia 10 de junio sobre un frente serán objeto de otra publicación.


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Experiments were conducted on copper subjected to High Pressure Torsion to investigate the evolution of microstructure and microhardness with shear strain, gamma. Observations have been carried out in the longitudinal section for a proper demonstration of the structure morphology. An elongated dislocation cell/subgrain structure was observed at relatively low strain level. With increasing strain, the elongated subgrains transformed into elongated grains and finally into equiaxed grains with high angle grain boundaries. Measurements showed the hardness increases with increasing gamma then tends to saturations when gamma >5. The variation tendency of microhardness with gamma can be simulated by Voce-type equation.


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Chromosome territories constitute the most conspicuous feature of nuclear architecture, and they exhibit non-random distribution patterns in the interphase nucleus. We observed that in cell nuclei from humans with Down Syndrome two chromosomes 21 frequently localize proximal to one another and distant from the third chromosome. To systematically investigate whether the proximally positioned chromosomes were always the same in all cells, we developed an approach consisting of sequential FISH and CISH combined with laser-microdissection of chromosomes from the interphase nucleus and followed by subsequent chromosome identification by microsatellite allele genotyping. This approach identified proximally positioned chromosomes from cultured cells, and the analysis showed that the identity of the chromosomes proximally positioned varies. However, the data suggest that there may be a tendency of the same chromosomes to be positioned close to each other in the interphase nucleus of trisomic cells. The protocol described here represents a powerful new method for genome analysis


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The molecular mechanics property is the foundation of many characters of proteins. Based on intramolecular hydrophobic force network, the representative family character underlying a protein’s mechanics property is described by a simple two-letter scheme. The tendency of a sequence to become a member of a protein family is scored according to this mathematical representation. Remote homologs of the WW-domain family could be easily designed using such a mechanistic signature of protein homology. Experimental validation showed that nearly all artificial homologs have the representative folding and bioactivity of their assigned family. Since the molecular mechanics property is the only consideration in this study, the results indicate its possible role in the generation of new members of a protein family during evolution.


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The LB films and spin-coated films of tetra-neopentoxy phthalocyanine zinc (TNPPcZn) were prepared and annealed at different temperatures. Their refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k) were measured by p-polarized reflectance. The similar value of n and k, as well as similar changing tendency of it and k at varied annealing temperatures, was found between LB films and spin-coated films. In addition, the absorption curves of TNPPcZn LB films and spin-coated films in visible range at different annealing temperature were investigated. The results indicate that the changing tendency of the extinction coefficient of two kinds of TNPPcZn films obtained from two methods mentioned above were coincident. When the annealing temperature increased to 150 degrees C, the monomers of TNPPcZn films transformed to aggregates, n(f) and k(f) of the films increased. Further, n(f) and k(f) decreased as aggregates changed back to monomers again at the annealing temperature of 300 degrees C. The experimental results coincide well with the theoretical analysis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The paper represents results on the studies undertaken to find out the causes of irregular drained weight conditions in commercial canned prawn samples. The tendency of cooked prawn to attain the equilibrium moisture content (72-74% in M. affinis and M. dobsoni) when in contact with brine has been found to be mainly responsible for the loss and gaine in drained weight. Underblanching results in loss of moistures from the meat during processing. It has been found that under standard blanching conditions, which is independent of initial moisture content, salt concentration of the blanch liquor and the temperature of sterilisation, the fluctuation in the drained weight could be avoided.


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The acute toxicity test conducted by static bioassay techniques have revealed that among selected heavy metals, copper is more toxic than zinc and mercury to Planaxis sulcatus and Trochus radiatus. The natural availability of heavy metals in the surrounding environment of these organisms is found to be deciding factor for their toxicity. Natural habitat of the animal also contributes to the sensitivity of a particular animal to the heavy metals tested. In addition the tendency of the animal to overcome the adverse conditions in their surrounding also plays a significant role in toxicity of pollutants.


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The feeding patterns with respect to quality and quantity of food of silver barb, Barbodes gonionotus varied with their size and development. The results indicated that the fish in the size group I (7-25 mm TL) were fairly omnivore with particular liking for rotifera, green and blue-green algae while the size group II (25.1-44 mm TL) and III (44.1-55 mm TL) were omnivore with higher tendency of feeding on debris, aquatic plants, green algae, blue-green algae and rotifera. However, the fish of the size group IV (55.1-80 mm TL) were found to be herbivore with feeding preference for aquatic plants, green and blue-green algae. In all the size groups, debris was the most dominant food item. Feeding preference of the fish showed clear ontogenetic shift. The electivity indices revealed that the fish were selective feeder.


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In addition to the structural control of individual carbon nanotubes (CNTs), the morphological control of their assemblies is crucial to realize miniaturized CNT devices. Microgradients in the thickness of catalyst are used to enrich the variety of available self-organized morphologies of CNTs. Microtrenches were fabricated in gate/spacer/cathode trilayers using a conventional self-aligned top-down process and catalyst exhibiting a microgradient in its thickness was formed on the cathode by sputter deposition through gate slits. CNTs, including single-walled CNTs, of up to 1μm in length were grown within 5-15 s by chemical vapor deposition. The tendency of thin CNTs to aggregate caused interactions between CNTs with different growth rates, yielding various morphologies dependent on the thickness of the catalyst. The field emission properties of several types of CNT assemblies were evaluated. The ability to produce CNTs with tailored morphologies by engineering the spatial distribution of catalysts will enhance their performance in devices. © 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.


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Acoustic signals from wild Neophocaena phocaenoides sunameri were recorded in the waters off Liao-dong-wan Bay located in Bohai Sea, China. Signal analysis shows that N. p. sunameri produced "typical" phocoenid clicks. The peak frequencies f(p), of clicks ranged from. 113 to 131 kHz with an average of 121 +/- 3.78 kHz (n=71). The 3 dB bandwidths Delta f ranged from 10.9 to 25.0 kHz with an average of 17.5 +/- 3.30 kHz. The signal durations At ranged from 56 to 109 mu s with an average 80 +/- 11.49 mu s. The number of cycles N, ranged from 7 to 13 with an average of 9 +/- 1.48. With increasing peak frequency there was a faint tendency of decrease in bandwidth, which implies a nonconstant value of f(p)/Delta f. On occasion there were some click trains with faint click energy presenting below 70 kHz, however, it was possibly introduced by interference effect from multiple pulses structures. The acoustic parameters of the clicks were compared between the investigated population and a riverine population of finless porpoise. (c) 2007 Acoustical Society of America.


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Temporal and spatial variations of the phytoplankton assemblage in Lake Chaohu, a large shallow eutrophic lake in China, were studied from September 2002 to August 2003. A total of 191 phytoplankton species was identified, among which Chlorophytes (101) ranked the first, followed by Cyanophytes (46) and Bacillariophytes (28). On average over the entire lake, the maximum total algal biomass appeared in June (19.70 mg/L) with a minimum (5.05 mg/ L) in November. In terms of annual mean biomass, cyanobacteria contributed 45.43% to total algal biomass, followed by Chlorophytes (27.14%), and Bacillariophytes (20.6%). When nitrate (NO3-N) and ammonium (NH4-N) concentrations dropped in spring, fixing-nitrogen cyanobacterium (Anabaena) developed quickly and ranked the first in terms of biomass in summer. It is likely that dominance of zooplanktivorous fish and small crustacean zooplankton favored the development of the inedible filamentous or colony forming cyanobacteria. The persistent dominance of cyanobacteria throughout all seasons may indicate a new tendency of the response of phytoplankton to eutrophication in Lake Chaohu.


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There is increasing recognition that protozoa is very useful in monitoring and evaluating water ecological healthy and quality. In order to study the relationship between structure and function of protozoan communities and water qualities, six sampling stations were set on Lake Donghu, a hypereutrophic subtropical Chinese lake. Microbial communities and protists sampling from the six stations was conducted by PFU (Polyurethane foam unit) method. Species number (S), diversity index (DI), percentage of phytomastigophra, community pollution value (CPV), community similarity and heterophy index (HI) were mensurated. The measured indicators of water quality included total phosphorus (TP), dissolved oxygen (DO), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), NH4 (+), NO2 (-) and NO3-. Every month water samples from stations I, II, III, IV were chemically analyzed for a whole year, Among the chemically analyzed stations, station I was the most heavily polluted, station II was the next, stations III and IV had similar pollution degrees. The variable tendencies of COD, TP, NH3, NO2-, NO3-, and DO during the year was approximately coincident among the six stations. Analysis from the community parameters showed that the pollution of station 0 was much more serious than others, and station V was the most slight. Of the community parameters, CPV and HI were sensitive in reflecting the variables of the water quality. Community similarity index was also sensitive in dividing water qualities and the water quality status of different stations could be correctly classified by the cluster analysis. DI could reflect the tendency of water quality gradient, species number and percentage of Phytomastigophora was not obvious in indicating the water quality gradient.


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Si-based nanomaterials are some new photoeletronic and informational materials developed rapidly in recent years, and they have potential applications in the light emitting devices, e. g. Si light emitting diode, Si laser and integrated Si-based photoelectronics. Among them are nano-scale porous silicon (ps), Si nanocrystalline embedded SiO2 (SiOx, x < 2.0) matrices, Si nanoquantum dot and Si/SiO2 superlattice, etc. At present, there are various indications that if these materials can achieve efficient and stable luminescence, which are photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL), it is possible for them to lead to a new informational revolution in the early days of the 21st century. In this article, we will mainly review the progress of study on Si-based nanomaterials in the past ten years. The involved contents are the fabricated methods, structural characterizations and light emitting properties. Finally, we predicate the developed tendency of this field in the following ten years.