984 resultados para Resistance parameters


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Stainless steel coatings obtained by High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) were characterized using optical (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron probe micro-analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), open-circuit potential (E-OC) measurements, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and polarisation tests. Differences among coated steels were mainly related with the gun-substrate distance parameter (310 nm for samples A and B and 260 min for C and D). The open-circuit potential values measured for all the samples after 18 h of immersion in aerated and unstirred 3.4% NaCl solution were: - 0.334, - 0.360, - 0.379 and - 0.412 V vs. Ag/AgCl,KClsat. for samples A to D, respectively. For EIS measurements, Nyquist plots showed higher capacitive semi-circle for samples sprayed at longer distance, indicating higher corrosion resistance in NaCl solution. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Innate and acquired resistance to rabies infection was investigated in mice genetically selected for high (H) or low (L) antibody responsiveness from selections I, III and IV and in mice selected for maximal (AIRmax) or minimal (AIRmin) acute inflammatory reaction. These mouse lines were infected intramuscularly with different virus dilutions and the LD50 was determined. The HIII and HIV mouse lines were more susceptible than the LIII and LIV lines and the HI line showed a discrete but higher resistance than the LI line. Analysis of the interline (H x L) F1 hybrids from selections III and IV indicated different dominance effects on the resistant and susceptible phenotypes when the route of vaccination was changed. No differences were observed between the AIRmax and AIRmin mice, suggesting that inflammation plays a minor role in the resistance to rabies virus. The comparison of LD50 in mice vaccinated by distinct routes showed that the highest interline difference occurred after intramuscular vaccination (250-fold between H and L and 800-fold between F1 and L). These results indicate that different mechanisms may participate in acquired antirabies resistance


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Em programas de melhoramento visando resistência genética a doenças, a estimativa de parâmetros genéticos que governam a resistência permite direcionar a introdução de resistência em germoplasmas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os efeitos heteróticos, a capacidade geral (CGC) e específica (CEC) de combinação, utilizando-se de dois métodos de avaliação da resistência, à Phaeosphaeria maydis através da análise dialélica de 36 híbridos F1 e de suas nove linhagens genitoras, em experimentos conduzidos em três ambientes. Foi utilizado um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados com três repetições e a parcela experimental foi representada por uma fileira de 5 m. As diferenças entre as estimativas da capacidade de combinação, em diferentes ambientes e para os dois métodos de avaliação, apresentaram efeitos significativos (P < 0.01) para ambientes (E), CGC e CGC x E. O efeito de CEC e a interação CEC x E não foi significativa para os dois métodos de avaliação. Os efeitos de CGC foram mais importantes que CEC nesse conjunto de linhagens, sugerindo que efeitos genéticos aditivos são mais importantes como fonte de variação para resistência a esta doença. Efeitos heteróticos para resistência foram estimados, sendo possível identificar combinações híbridas específicas entre linhagens com alto potencial para o controle genético deste patógeno. Resultados para os dois métodos de avaliação foram praticamente idênticos, embora o método PI seja de maior praticidade de uso.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Objective: In vitro analysis of caries resistance of dental enamel under caries simulation after irradiation with Er:YAG laser. Background Data: More susceptible to caries development spots at adjacent hard tissues from cavity preparations of dental tissues using burrs or lasers are quite common. Methods: Thirteen caries-free third permanent human molars were distributed as follows: G1: sound control and caries control; G2: Er:YAG 100, 200, 300, or 400 mJ/ 10 Hz/ 3 sec.; G3: the same parameters of G2 followed by artificial caries simulation, through dynamic model of demineralization and remineralization (DE/RE). Caries resistance analysis was evaluated through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Ca/P rate (X-Rays spectroscopy - EDX). Results: Photomicrographs showed that the Er:YAG laser created craters with rough aspect which became more evident as the energy per pulse was increased, but without change of regular morphology of enamel prisms. Significant statistical changes among the irradiated and control groups was observed considering the Ca/P ratio. Conclusion: Irradiated groups showed higher caries resistance than control groups. However, it is not possible to affirm that the enamel surface accidental irradiation could be a benefit to caries resistance for other situations can be considered, as biofilm deposit, which could increase the caries susceptibility.


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Drying kinetics of tomato was studied by using heat pump dryer (HPD) and electric resistance dryers with parallel and crossed airflow. The performance of both systems was evaluated and compared and the influence of temperature, air velocity, and tomato type on the drying kinetics was analyzed. The use of HPD showed to be adequate in the drying process of tomatoes, mainly in relation to the conversion rate of electric energy into thermal energy. The heat pump effective coefficient of performance (COPHT,EF) was between 2.56 and 2.68, with an energy economy of about 40% when compared to the drying system with electric resistance. The Page model could be used to predict drying time of tomato and statistical analysis showed that the model parameters were mainly affected by drying temperature.


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The buffaloes dairy milk production (BDMP) has increased in the last 20 years, mainly for the manufacturing of mozzarella cheese, which is recognized by its high nutritional quality. However, this quality can be affected by several factors i. e. high somatic cells count (SCC) provokes changes in the milk's constituents. As in bovine dairy milk, the SCC is used as diagnostic tool for milk quality; because it enables the diagnosis of sub-clinic mastitis and also allows the selection of individuals genetically resistant to that disease. Based on it, we collected information about SCC and BDMP along the lactation in Murrah breed buffaloes, during the period between 1997 and 2005. Curves were designed to estimate genetic parameters. These parameters were estimated by ordinary test-day models. There were observed variations in the estimated heritability for both characteristics the lowest score for somatic cells count (SSCC) was seen at first month (0.01) and the highest at sixth months (0.29 the genetic correlation between these traits varied from -1 at the 1 and 9(th) months to 0.31 and 0.30 in the2 and 4(th) month of lactation. Phenotypic correlations were all negative (-0.07 in the second month and up to -0.35 in the eighth month of lactation). These results showed that environmental factors are more important than genetics in explain SCC, for this reason, selection for genetic resistance to mastitis in buffalos based in SCC should not be done. In the other hand, negative phenotypic correlations demonstrated that as the SCC increased, the milk production decreased.


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When the carious tissue is eliminated either by conventional methods (with burs) or with lasers, the risk of accidentally damage the surface of adjacent teeth may occur, which hypothetically could lead to a more susceptible surface for canes formation. This in vitro study aims to evaluate the caries resistance of the dental enamel surface irradiated by the Nd:YAG laser applied in conditions simulating accidental exposition. Thirteen third molars were used in this study. The experimental groups were: G1: sound control and control + carious; G2: contact Nd:YAG laser at 0.75, 1, 2, or 3 W; 10 Hz; 3 sec (27, 35, 71, and 106 J/cm(2)); G3: same parameters from G2 + caries artificial induction through the demineralization and demineralization (DES/RE) dynamic model. The caries resistance analysis was evaluated by the superficial morphological aspect through SEM images and also by Ca/P proportion through energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The micrograph images showed that the Nd:YAG laser changed the normalmorphology of the enamel prisms resulting in a melted and re-solidified surface intensified with the power increase. Significant statistical differences were observed applying the Kruskal-Wallis statistical test (p <= 0.01) among the Nd:YAG laser irradiated groups and the control with caries regarding the Ca/P proportion. As an exception, this was not observed when 3 W; 10 Hz; 3 sec; 106 J/cm(2) was applied and posteriously submitted to a cariogenic challenge. The results indicate that the Nd:YAG laser accidental irradiation at low power settings did not represent risks to the enamel caries resistance.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Purpose: The objective of this study was to carry out a comparative evaluation of the mechanical resistance of 2 rigid internal fixation techniques for fractures of the mandibular condyle using miniplates.Materials and Methods: Fort), polyurethane resin replicas of human hemimandibles were used. The hemimandibles were sectioned to simulate a high subcondylar fracture and then stabilized with 2 fixing techniques using 2.0-mm system plates and screws. The fixation techniques were 2 separate 4-hole plates with 8 screws, and 2 overlaid 4-hole plates with 4 screws. Each system was submitted to load tests, with the application of the load in mediolateral and anteroposterior directions in an Instron 4411 universal assay machine (Instron, Norwood, MA).Results: Load values and peak displacement were measured. Means and standard deviations were evaluated by analysis of variance (P < .05) and Tukey tests, in which it was verified that the anteroposterior peak load value was affected by the arrangement of the plates on the models, although no differences were observed between the groups for the mediolateral peak load. The arrangement of the plates did not have any influence on peak displacement. Similarly, the final value of the mediolateral load was not affected by the arrangement of the plates on the model.Conclusion: The experimental model with 2 separate plates was statistically superior to the model with 2 overlaid plates only in relation to anteroposterior peak load. Despite showing superiority in mediolateral peak load and peak displacement, there was no statistical difference between the groups for these parameters. (C) 2009 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Since the reintroduction of Aedes aegypti in Brazil in the 1980s, insecticide use for its control is routine. The chemical control efficacy is threatened by vectors developing resistance to insecticides. The World Health Organization, recognizing the impact of insecticide resistance in vector control programmes, proposed standardizing bioassays for detecting and monitoring resistance using a diagnostic dose method. As Brazil has a national programme for monitoring the resistance of Ae. aegypti populations to insecticides, this study was designed to compare diagnostic bioassays at WHO suggested concentrations and those estimated for local conditions. Populations were resistant to both temephos doses. But important differences were seen for fenitrothion and malathion, which could lead to under- or over-estimation of resistance respectively. These results and inclusion of a diagnostic dose bioassay standard for larvae are discussed.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the hemodynamic and acid-base status of dogs subjected to acute normovolemic anemia. The dogs (n = 10) were evaluated 15 minutes and 24 hours after induction of anemia (hematocrit below 18) with blood withdrawal and simultaneously replacement of same volume of Ringer's lactate solution and hydroxyethyl starch-based solution in a 2:1 ratio. The cardiac output was measured by Doppler echocardiography and blood pressure by oscillometric device, and posteriorly hemodynamic parameters were calculated. The anemic groups had increase in cardiac index (P <.05) (3.82 ± 1.05 to 5.86 ± 1.49 and 5.81 ± 1.63 L/min m) and decreases (P <.05) in the indices of total peripheral resistance (6797.81 ± 3060.22 to 3220.14 ± 1275.02 and 3887.74 ± 1394.89 dinaseg/cm 5× m2) and oxygen delivery (7942.84 ± 3344.00 to 4021.68 ± 1627.00 and 4430.82 ± 1402.61 mL/min× m 2), respectively. There were no significant changes in pH, but PaO2 and SaO2 values were increased, and PaCO2 reduced in anemic dogs (P <.05). Therefore, acute normovolemic anemia can create significant hemodynamic changes and despite some hemogasometric changes, there were no changes in the acid-base status in dogs. Copyright © 2011 Tatiana Champion et al.


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The climates of the central and southern regions of São Paulo state in Brazil favor pathogens such as Puccinia psidii Winter, which causes a common and severe disease in Eucalyptus plantations under 2 years old. We studied genetic parameters including genotype by environment interaction (G × E) of resistance to P. psidii rust in Eucalyptus grandis at nine sites in São Paulo State. Open-pollinated progeny from ten 'provenances' were established in a randomized complete block design; at individual sites there were from 134 to 160 progenies, from four to eight blocks, and five to six trees per plot. Significant provenance and progeny(provenance) differences were detected, as was G × E involving progeny(provenance). However, the G × E involved little if any rank changes, indicating that selection can be done efficiently at a single site, if the disease level is sufficient. The estimated coefficient of genetic variation among the progeny within provenances CVg was high and variable among the sites (ranging from 11 % to 36. 7 %), demonstrating different expression of genetic variability among the sites. The estimated heritability at the individual-tree level h2 and within a plot hw 2 ranged from low to intermediate (ranging from 0. 04 to 0. 46) and was high at the progeny-mean level hf 2 (ranging from 0. 30 to 0. 86). Our study shows good prospects of controlling this disease by selection among and within progenies in a single site. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.