945 resultados para Research lines


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Este trabajo de investigación se ha centrado en la escalera de caracol con ojo también denominado caracol de mallorca, en sus primeras apariciones a finales del s.XV y comienzos del s.XVI durante el llamado periodo tardogótico. Este elemento aparentemente sencillo presenta, sin embargo, una gran diversidad de esquemas geométricos. Todavía a día de hoy, no hay explicación del por qué de la mayor difusión de unos con respecto a otros. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido valorar el papel que el confort/seguridad de uso así como la economía en el trabajo –sencillez de ejecución y coste económico– tuvieron en el contexto de la difusión de este elemento arquitectónico. Este estudio ha analizado en base a estos criterios objetivos, la geometría de cada uno de los esquemas tipo que resuelven la formación del hueco central característico este tipo de escaleras, con la intención de determinar las causas objetivas que pudieron motivar la desigual expansión de los mismos. Una vez determinado el marco teórico, se han establecido dos líneas para abordar el problema. Por un lado se ha planteado el análisis de los modelos teóricos recogidos en los distintos textos de cantería escritos por autores españoles desde finales del s.XVI. Si bien en la época en que se escribieron, la arquitectura gótica como sistema había desaparecido, alguno de sus elementos más característicos, como la escalera de caracol, continuaban empleándose. Las trazas del caracol con ojo recogidas en estos textos, describen habitualmente las soluciones geométricas más frecuentes e incluso los ejemplos construidos más conocidos, los cuales fueron levantados en su mayoría en el período en el cual se desarrolla esta investigación. Por otro lado, este estudio se plantea el análisis de modelos construidos existentes en la Ciudad y Tierra de Segovia. La razón que justifica dichos límites geográficos, la encontramos en que la mayor parte del patrimonio gótico existente en este área fue construido entre finales del s.XV y comienzos del s. XVI. Ambos grupos, modelos teóricos y modelos construidos, recogen la herencia gótica heredada en la construcción de este elemento arquitectónico. Cada una de estas dos líneas establecidas han seguido una metodología específica adaptada al objeto de análisis, si bien ambas se basan en un primer análisis individual y posterior análisis comparativo de los modelos seleccionados. Estos análisis han permitido identificar los distintos esquemas empleados para resolver el hueco central, lo que ha posibilitado establecer una clasificación general de los mismos en tres grupos: caracol con ojo de solución radial, el caracol con ojo de solución no radial y el caracol con ojo de solución tangencial. A partir de los datos y resultados obtenidos del análisis comparativo de los parámetros geométricos que afectan al confort/seguridad de uso y economía en el trabajo de dichos esquemas, podemos concluir que a pesar que los tres esquemas identificados resuelven el caracol con ojo de forma muy similar, el predominio de la solución radial y la caída en el olvido de las soluciones tangencial y no radial estuvieron justificados. ABSTRACT This work focused on the helical staircase, also known as mallorca staircase, in the late 15th and the early 16th centuries. This seemingly simple element, presents however a wide variety of geometrical designs. Still to date, there is no explanation of why some of them were limited use, while others had a wide impact. The aim of this study was to assess the influence which comfort, safety and work economy –ease of construction and financial cost– had on their widespread. This study analysed, following these objective criteria, the geometry of the different designs, which solve the characteristic inner aperture of this type of staircase. And thus, find the reasons, which motivated their uneven spread. Once the theoretical framework was developed, two research lines were set up to address the problem. On one hand, this study analysed the theoretical helical staircases described in the early Spanish texts, which were written since the end of the 16th century. Although these texts were written after the Gothic Architecture system had already disappeared, some of its more representative elements like the helical staircase were still in use. The traces of the helical stair, which are included in these texts, describe the most frequently-used designs and even the most famous real examples which were usually constructed in the Late Gothic period. On the other hand, this study analysed some real helical staircases, which were constructed in the Ciudad y Tierra de Segovia. The reason for choosing these geographical limits is that most of the Gothic buildings of this area were constructed between the end of the 15th and the early 16th centuries, during the Late Gothic period. Both groups, theoretical and constructed samples, collect the Gothic construction tradition of the helical stair. Each of these research lines followed a specific methodology, which was adapted to the research object. Nevertheless, both are based on a first individual analysis of each selected example and a later on comparative one. These analysis allowed the identification of the different layouts which solve the inner aperture of the helical staircase, what made possible to set up a broad classification in three groups, according to the geometrical design strategy that solves the central aperture: the helical staircase by radial solution, the helical staircase by non-radial solution and the helical staircase by tangent solution. The research findings of the comparative analysis of their geometrical parameters, which have an impact in the comfort, safety and work economy, have shown that although all of them solve the helical staircase in a really similar way, the fade into oblivion of the non-radial and tangent approaches was objectively motivated.


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Durante los últimos 30 años se han creado una gran cantidad de índices e indicadores para evaluar la práctica totalidad de los países bajo distintas premisas. La tesis parte de un análisis detallado de más de un centenar de estos índices diferenciados entre los enfocados al desarrollo y los enfocados a la competitividad económica (véase Módulo I anexo) y tras esto, dentro del estudio teórico nos hemos centrado en 35 indicadores relacionados con la tecnología (capítulo 3, apartado 3.3.). La justificación, el objetivo de la investigación y la estructura de la tesis se presenta en el capítulo 2. Respecto a la metodología, tal y como se plantea en la hipótesis (apartado 2.2.), se presentan los criterios de selección de seis grupos de países (EP, EPC, EC, ECI, EI y EM)1, que se van a evaluar. Posteriormente se plantea el Protocolo de Cálculo para el total de grupos seleccionados dentro de los periodos 2005-2006 y 2007-2008 y se realiza una profunda evaluación estadística como se plantea dentro de la coherencia estadística explicada en el apartado (también se dispone de los cálculos dentro de los Módulos II, III, IV y V anexos). Tras la metodología establecemos la construcción de un índice sintético NRI(A) y, tras esto, estudiamos las relaciones así como la interpretación de los resultados (capítulo 4, apartado 4.1.). Una vez obtenidos los resultados realizamos la validación de los mismos para el periodo 2007-2015 (capítulo 4 - apartado 4.2. – y los Módulos VI y VII anexos). En el capítulo 5, evaluamos el nivel de preparación tecnológico y su relación con la competitividad para los seis grupos de países (véase desde los apartados 5.1.y 5.2.). Dentro de cada uno de los seis grupos de países, sabemos las variables que cualitativamente tienen que priorizarse para mejorar el nivel de preparación tecnológica de los mismos. Estas variables inicialmente son sesenta y ocho – año 2007-08 –, y al final de la implementación del método se reducen notablemente. Estas variables finales, llamadas Indicadores Clave de Actuación (ICA), se agrupan – vía análisis factorial – en Factores Clave de Actuación que nos simplifican lo planteado. Para cada grupo de países se realizan los conglomerados de acuerdo a sus valores dentro de las ICAs en busca de singularidades y se ha llevado a cabo un análisis minucioso en función de los Indicadores Clave de Actuación. La Tesis, plantea científicamente como podemos evaluar el nivel de preparación tecnológica y su relación con la competitividad, desde un índice sintético creado NRI(A), que contempla únicamente Indicadores Clave de Actuación (variables seleccionadas) a partir de las variables originales del Network Readiness Index (NRI(R)) . Por último se plantea dentro de las conclusiones, capítulo 6, diferentes líneas de investigación, desarrollando dos de ellas que se pueden encontrar en el Modulo VIII anexo. Por un lado presentamos una línea de investigación centrada en 29 economías africanas (EA) de las que disponemos información fidedigna y por otro lado una segunda línea en la que nos centramos en la evaluación de España respecto a sus naciones coetáneas. La principal voluntad de la presente tesis doctoral, es simplificar la evaluación del nivel de preparación tecnológica y la relación de esta con la competitividad a partir de la creación de un índice sintético propio NRI(A). ABSTRACT - During the last 30 years, many institutions have been evaluating and endless range of variables in practically all of the world´s economies. This Thesis is the product of a detail analysis of more than one hundred indicators / index, which we have divided into two parts: those focused on development and those focused on economic competitiveness (see module I annex). Secondly, in our theoretical research we have concentrated on those indicators, which are related to technology (chapters 3, section 3.3). The selection criteria of the six economic groups to be evaluated are included in our methodology, as mentioned in the hypothesis (see section 2.2.). Subsequently the calculation procedure is also presented for all of the groups selected between the periods 2005-2006 and 2007-2008. Next, we perform a statistical study, which is presented accordingly in the segment dealing with statistics, section The calculations are provided in modules I, II, III, IV and V annex. After the methods segment of the Thesis, we develop our argument, in which we presented the explanation of the relations as well as the interpretation of the results. Also at the chapter 4 you can find the result validation from 2007 till 2015. Finally in chapters 6, we evaluate the conclusions for the six economic groups (see section 6.2.). The Thesis scientifically explains the way in which we evaluate economic competitiveness in 135 countries from a standpoint of strictly technological variables. Six groups of countries are evaluated, being divided by criteria, which homogenize the economies under review. We recognize that the variables of each economic group should be prioritized in order to better their competitiveness. Initially the group consisted of 68 variables, a number which was considerably reduced after the implementation of our methodology. Likewise, these final variables, dubbed “key performance indicators”, were grouped into factors (key performance factors), which greatly simplify the prioritization process. At the same time, conglomerates have been created for each economic group according to their value concerning the selected variables. A detailed country – by – country analysis of their positioning in each of the six groups was conducted for each of the mathematically selected key performance indicators. Finally, at the Conclusion we introduce new research lines and between them we focus on two research lines in which ones we are working with (see chapter 6). We basically try to apply the multivariable analysis method, the factorial analysis and the conglomerates to designed and implemented our method first in a geographically group of countries (Africa) and secondly to evaluate and develop the public policies for Spain for the development of its competitively, comparing Spain to his coetaneous countries in Europe (see Module VIII). The main objective of this Doctoral Thesis is to noticeably simplify the comparison of the Network Readiness Index and its relation with the economic competitiveness of the countries using a new synthetic index design by us.


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Una bóveda no canónica es una bóveda que se adapta a una forma distinta de aquella para la que ha sido inicialmente concebida. Bóvedas raras, anormales, no convencionales, habitualmente consideradas excepciones o casos particulares, resultan ser más frecuentes de lo inicialmente esperado. El interés por este tipo de bóvedas surge a raíz de una investigación inicial sobre las bóvedas empleadas para cubrir espacios de planta anular, como en el caso de las girolas de las iglesias. Sin embargo, el problema de la bóveda anular no puede ser abordado directamente, sino como parte de una investigación más general sobre bóvedas que se deforman para adaptarse a una situación anómala. El análisis de las posibilidades que un determinado tipo de bóveda brinda para resolver el abovedamiento de espacios de planta irregular, trascendiendo el problema de la planta anular, es lo que da origen a esta investigación. La cuestión de las bóvedas deformadas forma parte de un contexto mayor, el de la deformación en arquitectura abovedada. Ante una contradicción, la deformación de la bóveda es sólo una de las posibles opciones que esta arquitectura ofrece para resolver un problema de deformación. La tesis se estructura en dos partes: en la primera parte se analizan los conceptos de forma y deformación en el contexto de la arquitectura abovedada con objeto de sentar las bases para una teoría de las bóvedas no canónicas. El objetivo es establecer un punto de partida para la investigación en un campo que todavía no había sido abordado. En la segunda parte se analizan tres tipos de bóveda desde la perspectiva de las bóvedas no canónicas, a partir de un estudio de casos de bóvedas en España entre los siglos XVI y XVIII. El estudio de la deformación en arquitectura abovedada se centra en el problema de la girola, por tratarse de un caso generalizado de deformación, directamente relacionado con el problema de las bóvedas irregulares y cuyo estudio, llamativamente, no había sido llevado a cabo hasta la fecha. Se propone una primera aproximación al problema de la girola, desde un punto de vista puramente morfológico, al margen de consideraciones históricas. En el caso de las bóvedas deformadas, el análisis se centra en tres tipos de bóveda: la bóveda de crucería, la bóveda de arista y la bóveda baída. Estos tres tipos de bóveda, aunque basadas en criterios formales distintos, están íntimamente relacionados entre sí. Por un lado permiten resolver el mismo problema –planta cuadrada delimitada por arcos–, por otro lado es posible establecer una relación formal entre la bóveda de arista y la bóveda baída a través de la bóveda de crucería. El estudio de casos recogido en la segunda parte de la tesis se fundamenta en dos líneas de investigación, la primera sobre soluciones teóricas de bóvedas no convencionales propuestas en los manuscritos y tratados de cantería, y la segunda sobre bóvedas efectivamente construidas, tratado de establecer una comparación entre teoría y práctica, confrontando el grado de relación entre ambas. Sin embargo este doble análisis sólo se ha podido llevar a cabo en contadas ocasiones. Constatamos que las bóvedas no canónicas reflejadas en los tratados son pocas y apenas se han llevado a la práctica, mientras que las soluciones construidas no responden a modelos teóricos propuestos, manifestando un divorcio entre teoría y práctica. El estudio de estas bóvedas permite poner en cuestión la definición tradicional que relaciona los conceptos de ‘bóveda’ y ‘superficie’. Al iniciar el trabajo nos encontramos con un modelo teórico extremadamente rígido que deja fuera un gran número de bóvedas, obligando a agruparlas bajo el término «no canónicas». El trabajo realizado pone en evidencia lo limitado del modelo. El problema no está en la presencia de bóvedas anómalas, que no se adaptan al modelo tradicionalmente propuesto, sino en la extrema rigidez del modelo. ABSTRACT A non canonical vault is a vault adapted to a different form from that for which was originally conceived. These rare, abnormal, unconventional vaults are usually considered as exceptions or special cases. However they prove to be more frequent than it was initially expected. Interest in this type of vaults arises from an initial research on the vaults used to roof annular spaces, such as ambulatories. Nevertheless, the annular vault question cannot be addressed directly, but as a part of a broader research on distorted vaults; a research on vaults deformed to conform an anomalous layout. The analysis of the possibilities that a particular type of vault provides to solve the vaulting of an irregular layout, beyond the problem of the annular plan is the origin of this research. The argument of deformed vaults is part of a greater context, the context of deformation in vaulted architecture. Facing a contradiction, deforming a vault is just one of the options that vaulted architecture offers to solve a problem of deformation. This dissertation is organised in two parts: in the first part we analyse the concepts of form and deformation in the context of vaulted architecture in order to lay the foundations for a non canonical vaults theory. The objective is to establish a starting point for future research in a field that has not been addressed yet. In the second part, we analyse three types of vault from the perspective of non canonical vaults, based on a case study of Spanish vaults between the 16th and 18th Centuries. The analysis of deformation in vaulted architecture focuses on the question of the ambulatory, because it is a generalized example of deformation, directly related to the problem of irregular vaults. Remarkably, the analysis of these spaces had not been conducted to date. We propose a first approach to the question of the ambulatory, from a purely morphological point of view, setting aside historical considerations. The analysis of deformed vaults focuses on three types of vault: the groin vault, the ribbed vault and the sail vault. These three types of vault, although based on different formal criteria, are closely related between them. On the one hand, they allow to solve the same problem –a square perimeter limited by arcs-; on the other hand, it is possible to establish a formal relationship between the groin vault and the sail vault through the ribbed vault. The case study presented in the second part of this dissertation is based on two research lines: theoretical non conventional vaults solutions proposed on stonecutting treatises; and currently built vaults. The aim of this double analysis was to establish a comparison between theory and practice, comparing the degree of relationship between them. Nevertheless, this double analysis has only been carried out on rare occasions. It is noted that non canonical vaults reflected in treaties are few and hardly been employed, while the built solutions do not meet proposed theoretical models, expressing a divorce between theory and practice. The analysis of these vaults allows us to question the traditional definition that connects the concepts of 'vault' and 'surface'. When we began this research, we found an extremely rigid theoretical model that leaved out many vaults, forcing to group them under the term of «non canonical vaults». This research evidences the limitations of the model. The problem is not the presence of abnormal vaults, which cannot adapt to the traditional model, but in the very high stiffness of the model.


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La presente Tesis Doctoral evalúa la contribución de una fachada activa, constituida por acristalamientos con circulación de agua, en el rendimiento energético del edificio. Con especial énfasis en la baja afección sobre su imagen, su integración ha de favorecer la calificación del edificio con el futuro estándar de Edificio de consumo de Energía Casi Nulo (EECN). El propósito consiste en cuantificar su aportación a limitar la demanda de climatización, como solución de fachada transparente acorde a las normas de la energía del 2020. En el primer capítulo se introduce el planteamiento del problema. En el segundo capítulo se desarrollan la hipótesis y el objetivo fundamental de la investigación. Para tal fin, en el tercer capítulo, se revisa el estado del arte de la tecnología y de la investigación científica, mediante el análisis de la literatura de referencia. Se comparan patentes, prototipos, sistemas comerciales asimilables, investigaciones en curso en Universidades, y proyectos de investigación y desarrollo, sobre envolventes que incorporan acristalamientos con circulación de agua. El método experimental, expuesto en el cuarto capítulo, acomete el diseño, la fabricación y la monitorización de un prototipo expuesto, durante ciclos de ensayos, a las condiciones climáticas de Madrid. Esta fase ha permitido adquirir información precisa sobre el rendimiento del acristalamiento en cada orientación de incidencia solar, en las distintas estaciones del año. En paralelo, se aborda el desarrollo de modelos teóricos que, mediante su asimilación a soluciones multicapa caracterizadas en las herramientas de simulación EnergyPlus y IDA-ICE (IDA Indoor Climate and Energy), reproducen el efecto experimental. En el quinto capítulo se discuten los resultados experimentales y teóricos, y se analiza la respuesta del acristalamiento asociado a un determinado volumen y temperatura del agua. Se calcula la eficiencia en la captación de la radiación y, mediante la comparativa con un acristalamiento convencional, se determina la reducción de las ganancias solares y las pérdidas de energía. Se comparan el rendimiento del acristalamiento, obtenido experimentalmente, con el ofrecido por paneles solares fototérmicos disponibles en el mercado. Mediante la traslación de los resultados experimentales a casos de células de tamaño habitable, se cuantifica la afección del acristalamiento sobre el consumo en refrigeración y calefacción. Diferenciando cada caso por su composición constructiva y orientación, se extraen conclusiones sobre la reducción del gasto en climatización, en condiciones de bienestar. Posteriormente, se evalúa el ahorro de su incorporación en un recinto existente, de construcción ligera, localizado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Mediante el planteamiento de escenarios de rehabilitación energética, se estima su compatibilidad con un sistema de climatización mediante bomba de calor y extracción geotérmica. Se describe el funcionamiento del sistema, desde la perspectiva de la operación conjunta de los acristalamientos activos e intercambio geotérmico, en nuestro clima. Mediante la parametrización de sus funciones, se estima el beneficio adicional de su integración, a partir de la mejora del rendimiento de la bomba de calor COP (Coefficient of Performance) en calefacción, y de la eficiencia EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) en refrigeración. En el recinto de la ETSAM, se ha analizado la contribución de la fachada activa en su calificación como Edificio de Energía Casi Nula, y estudiado la rentabilidad económica del sistema. En el sexto capítulo se exponen las conclusiones de la investigación. A la fecha, el sistema supone alta inversión inicial, no obstante, genera elevada eficiencia con bajo impacto arquitectónico, reduciéndose los costes operativos, y el dimensionado de los sistemas de producción, de mayor afección sobre el edificio. Mediante la envolvente activa con suministro geotérmico no se condena la superficie de cubierta, no se ocupa volumen útil por la presencia de equipos emisores, y no se reduce la superficie o altura útil a base de reforzar los aislamientos. Tras su discusión, se considera una alternativa de valor en procesos de diseño y construcción de Edificios de Energía Casi Nulo. Se proponen líneas de futuras investigación cuyo propósito sea el conocimiento de la tecnología de los acristalamientos activos. En el último capítulo se presentan las actividades de difusión de la investigación. Adicionalmente se ha proporcionado una mejora tecnológica a las fachadas activas existentes, que ha derivado en la solicitud de una patente, actualmente en tramitación. ABSTRACT This Thesis evaluates the contribution of an active water flow glazing façade on the energy performance of buildings. Special emphasis is made on the low visual impact on its image, and the active glazing implementation has to encourage the qualification of the building with the future standard of Nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB). The purpose is to quantify the façade system contribution to limit air conditioning demand, resulting in a transparent façade solution according to the 2020 energy legislation. An initial approach to the problem is presented in first chapter. The second chapter develops the hypothesis and the main objective of the research. To achieve this purpose, the third chapter reviews the state of the art of the technology and scientific research, through the analysis of reference literature. Patents, prototypes, assimilable commercial systems, ongoing research in other universities, and finally research and development projects incorporating active fluid flow glazing are compared. The experimental method, presented in fourth chapter, undertakes the design, manufacture and monitoring of a water flow glazing prototype exposed during test cycles to weather conditions in Madrid. This phase allowed the acquisition of accurate information on the performance of water flow glazing on each orientation of solar incidence, during different seasons. In parallel, the development of theoretical models is addressed which, through the assimilation to multilayer solutions characterized in the simulation tools EnergyPlus and IDA-Indoor Climate and Energy, reproduce the experimental effect. Fifth chapter discusses experimental and theoretical results focused to the analysis of the active glazing behavior, associated with a specific volume and water flow temperature. The efficiency on harvesting incident solar radiation is calculated, and, by comparison with a conventional glazing, the reduction of solar gains and energy losses are determined. The experimental performance of fluid flow glazing against the one offered by photothermal solar panels available on the market are compared. By translating the experimental and theoretical results to cases of full-size cells, the reduction in cooling and heating consumption achieved by active fluid glazing is quantified. The reduction of energy costs to achieve comfort conditions is calculated, differentiating each case by its whole construction composition and orientation. Subsequently, the saving of the implementation of the system on an existing lightweight construction enclosure, located in the School of Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), is then calculated. The compatibility between the active fluid flow glazing and a heat pump with geothermal heat supply system is estimated through the approach of different energy renovation scenarios. The overall system operation is described, from the perspective of active glazing and geothermal heat exchange combined operation, in our climate. By parameterization of its functions, the added benefit of its integration it is discussed, particularly from the improvement of the heat pump performance COP (Coefficient of Performance) in heating and efficiency EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) in cooling. In the case study of the enclosure in the School of Architecture, the contribution of the active glazing façade in qualifying the enclosure as nearly Zero Energy Building has been analyzed, and the feasibility and profitability of the system are studied. The sixth chapter sets the conclusions of the investigation. To date, the system may require high initial investment; however, high efficiency with low architectural impact is generated. Operational costs are highly reduced as well as the size and complexity of the energy production systems, which normally have huge visual impact on buildings. By the active façade with geothermal supply, the deck area it is not condemned. Useful volume is not consumed by the presence of air-conditioning equipment. Useful surface and room height are not reduced by insulation reinforcement. After discussion, water flow glazing is considered a potential value alternative in nZEB design and construction processes. Finally, this chapter proposes future research lines aiming to increase the knowledge of active water flow glazing technology. The last chapter presents research dissemination activities. Additionally, a technological improvement to existing active facades has been developed, which has resulted in a patent application, currently in handling process.


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La retirada de los aviones Harrier, en servicio en operaciones embarcadas con Armadas de diferentes países, está basada en la perspectiva de poder sustituirlos por el F-35B, versión de operación vertical del controvertido programa Joint Strike Fighter. Este proyecto en realidad engloba el diseño de tres aviones de combate muy distintos entre sí, que, a pesar de tener una considerable parte en común, y dados sus muy diferentes requisitos, es un proyecto tremendamente complejo. Como consecuencia de todo esto, y ante el sobrecoste y los continuos retrasos acumulados en el desarrollo de un proyecto tan ambicioso, se plantean numerosas incertidumbres temporales y económicas, que hacen atractivo el estudio de posibles alternativas de menor riesgo. Esta tesis es un trabajo de investigación tecnológica que plantea el estudio de la modificación de determinados diseños de aviones de combate de operación terrestre, con idea de que puedan satisfacer los exigentes requisitos de operación desde un buque. Tras estudiar las peculiaridades de dichas operaciones, y analizar los tipos de buque y sus necesidades de modificación asociadas más importantes, se propone qué acciones a realizar, y se identifican las áreas de mayor interés, permitiendo establecer un procedimiento objetivo de comparación, con el fin de poder seleccionar los potenciales candidatos para su adaptación. Se aplica esta metodología, en particular, a dos casos de diseño de especial interés; el Eurofighter Typhoon y el Saab Gripen. En ambos, y por lo que respecta a las modificaciones planteadas, no se aprecian especiales dificultades que permitan descartar las posibilidades técnicas de su adaptación. Por último, y dada la complejidad de la consecución del objetivo final, se sugieren posibles líneas de investigación, desde completar y extender la filosofía de trabajo a otros subsistemas, al análisis de los costes de las modificaciones. ABSTRACT The Harrier fleet has been in active service in several Navies from different countries as a carrier-based aircraft. However, this aircraft may be withdrawn and replaced by the F-35B, a vertical capability version of the controversial Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programme, which great complexity and constant development delays raise numerous uncertainties from a temporal and economical point of view. In fact, this program encompasses the design of three different fighter aircraft which, at the same time, share many similarities. All these aspects led us to undertake the analysis of other lower-risk alternatives. This thesis is a technological research work aimed at studying those design changes required for several fighter aircraft, initially designed for ground operation, in order to make them fullfil the highly demanding requirements for operating from aircraft carriers. After analizing the peculiarities of such operations, and studying different types of ships as well as their most significant modifications, specific actions to undertake are proposed, and those areas of greatest interest are identified, for the purposes of establishing an objective comparison procedure, and selecting potential candidates for this adaptation. This methodology is applied to design two specific cases of particular concern: the Eurofighter Typhoon and the Saab Gripen. In both instances, no major problems have been encountered regarding the modifications suggested. Finally, given the complexity of the analysis performed, some future research lines are outlined such as completing and extending this methodology to other subsystems, and giving an initial estimate of the modification costs.


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O trabalho busca resgatar historicamente o surgimento e desenvolvimento da linha de pesquisa da Comunicação para a Saúde e fazer o mapeamento dos estudos dessa área nos Estados Unidos, América Latina e Brasil. Procura-se apresentar os principais grupos de pesquisa no Brasil em ambos os espaços Comunicação e Saúde e analisar as contribuições das sete edições da Conferência Brasileira de Comunicação para a Saúde (COMSAÚDE) para a consolidação da linha de pesquisa no Brasil, fazendo uma análise comparativa entre os trabalhos apresentados, autores e obras, com o que está sendo produzido em forma de teses e dissertações em outras universidades brasileiras, bem como na literatura americana. Utilizouse o estudo exploratório, documental e análise de conteúdo para a realização do trabalho que apontou a difusão de inovações como raiz da linha de pesquisa em Comunicação para a Saúde.


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O trabalho busca resgatar historicamente o surgimento e desenvolvimento da linha de pesquisa da Comunicação para a Saúde e fazer o mapeamento dos estudos dessa área nos Estados Unidos, América Latina e Brasil. Procura-se apresentar os principais grupos de pesquisa no Brasil em ambos os espaços Comunicação e Saúde e analisar as contribuições das sete edições da Conferência Brasileira de Comunicação para a Saúde (COMSAÚDE) para a consolidação da linha de pesquisa no Brasil, fazendo uma análise comparativa entre os trabalhos apresentados, autores e obras, com o que está sendo produzido em forma de teses e dissertações em outras universidades brasileiras, bem como na literatura americana. Utilizouse o estudo exploratório, documental e análise de conteúdo para a realização do trabalho que apontou a difusão de inovações como raiz da linha de pesquisa em Comunicação para a Saúde.


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O objetivo desta investigação foi verificar se, diante da autonomia e vocação que possuem, bem como da possibilidade de receber amparo e incentivos governamentais, as universidades pertencentes à região do Grande ABC atenderam as recomendações feitas pelo PNPG vigente. Para tanto, foram analisadas cinquenta e sete dissertações e duas teses da área de ciências sociais aplicadas, publicadas no período entre 2011 e 2014, pelas seguintes instituições: Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP); Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (USCS); Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) e Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial (FEI). Essa averiguação se deu ao redor de dois eixos organizadores do PNPG 2011-2014: o terceiro eixo – o aperfeiçoamento da avaliação e sua expansão para outros segmentos do sistema de CT&I (formação de pós-graduados voltados para atividades extra-acadêmicas/setor empresarial) e o quarto eixo – a multi e a interdisciplinaridade entre as principais características da pós-graduação e importantes temas da pesquisa (promover, por meio de programas, áreas de concentração e linhas de pesquisa, a convergência de temas e compartilhamento de problemas em oposição à sua mera associação ou sobreposição). Este estudo – qualitativo, bibliográfico, documental, exploratório, descritivo, tipo estado do conhecimento – se desenvolveu por meio de pesquisa documental e de análise de conteúdo temático categorial. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio dos repositórios digitais de teses e dissertações mantidos na internet pelas Universidades, cuja produção científica foi investigada. Após a análise dos dados ficou demonstrado que aproximadamente 68,96% da produção científica da área de ciências sociais aplicadas, publicada pelas universidades do Grande ABC, no período entre 2011 e 2014, corresponde às expectativas do PNPG atual no que diz respeito às recomendações constantes no terceiro eixo. Em relação às recomendações feitas no texto do quarto eixo, vemos que aproximadamente 31,03% dos trabalhos selecionados atendem às expectativas do Plano, apresentando em sua estrutura, segundo a fundamentação teórica utilizada neste trabalho, características de interdisciplinaridade.


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O objetivo desta investigação foi verificar se, diante da autonomia e vocação que possuem, bem como da possibilidade de receber amparo e incentivos governamentais, as universidades pertencentes à região do Grande ABC atenderam as recomendações feitas pelo PNPG vigente. Para tanto, foram analisadas cinquenta e sete dissertações e duas teses da área de ciências sociais aplicadas, publicadas no período entre 2011 e 2014, pelas seguintes instituições: Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP); Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (USCS); Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) e Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial (FEI). Essa averiguação se deu ao redor de dois eixos organizadores do PNPG 2011-2014: o terceiro eixo – o aperfeiçoamento da avaliação e sua expansão para outros segmentos do sistema de CT&I (formação de pós-graduados voltados para atividades extra-acadêmicas/setor empresarial) e o quarto eixo – a multi e a interdisciplinaridade entre as principais características da pós-graduação e importantes temas da pesquisa (promover, por meio de programas, áreas de concentração e linhas de pesquisa, a convergência de temas e compartilhamento de problemas em oposição à sua mera associação ou sobreposição). Este estudo – qualitativo, bibliográfico, documental, exploratório, descritivo, tipo estado do conhecimento – se desenvolveu por meio de pesquisa documental e de análise de conteúdo temático categorial. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio dos repositórios digitais de teses e dissertações mantidos na internet pelas Universidades, cuja produção científica foi investigada. Após a análise dos dados ficou demonstrado que aproximadamente 68,96% da produção científica da área de ciências sociais aplicadas, publicada pelas universidades do Grande ABC, no período entre 2011 e 2014, corresponde às expectativas do PNPG atual no que diz respeito às recomendações constantes no terceiro eixo. Em relação às recomendações feitas no texto do quarto eixo, vemos que aproximadamente 31,03% dos trabalhos selecionados atendem às expectativas do Plano, apresentando em sua estrutura, segundo a fundamentação teórica utilizada neste trabalho, características de interdisciplinaridade.


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Phytoplasmas are bacteria with a persistent propagative transmission by insect vectors that generates direct and indirect interactions among them. In order to understand these interactions for maize bushy stunt phytoplasma (MBSP) and the leafhopper vector Dalbulus maidis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), two research lines were addressed. The first one aimed to determine the indirect effects of maize infection by MBSP on some biological and behavioral parameters of the vector, whereas a second line investigated direct interactions of the phytoplasma with D. maidis during its movement through the vector body following acquisition from plants, and associated microbiota. Indirect effects were investigated in choice experiments in which alighting and oviposition preferences by D. maidis were compared on healthy vs. MBSP-infected plants with variable incubation time (diseased plants with early and advanced symptoms, or still asymptomatic). Likewise, indirect effect of MBSP on the D. maidis biology was determined in two life table experiments in which the vector was reared on healthy vs. MBSP-infected plants expressing advanced disease symptoms or still asymptomatic. Choice experiments showed that alighting and oviposition preferences of D. maidis on MBSP-infected plants compared to healthy plants depend on the pathogen incubation period in the plant. The leafhopper preferred MBSP-infected plants over healthy ones during the asymptomatic phase of the disease, but rejected infected plants with advanced symptoms. The vector was able to acquire MBSP from asymptomatic infected plants shortly (3 days) after inoculation, but transmission efficiency increased when acquisition occurred at later stages of the pathogen incubation period (≥14 days) in the source plants and the test plants showed disease symptoms faster. These results suggest that MBSP modulates D. maidis preference for asymptomatic infected plants in the early stages of the crop, allowing rapid spread of this pathogen. Maize infection by the phytoplasma had a neutral effect on most life table parameters of D. maidis; a lower net reproductivity rate (Ro) was observed in the cohort reared on MBSP-infected plants with advanced symptoms, which was compensated to some extent by a higher sexual ratio. MBSP acquisition by all vector nymphal stadia was confirmed by PCR, and the pathogen as detected in both male and female reproductive organs. Concerning direct MBSP-vector interactions, transmission electron microscopy analyses showed phytoplasma-like cells in the midgut lumen, microvilli and epithelial cells, suggesting that MBSP enters the epithelium midgut through the microvilli wall. Within the epithelial cells, mitochondria and bacteria-like cells (possibly endosymbionts) were observed together with masses of phythoplasma-like cells. In the hemocoel, phytoplasma-like cells grouped into a matrix were also observed in association with bacteria-like cells similar to those observed in the midgut epithelium. Similar associations were found in the salivary gland. Interestingly, in-situ hybridization (FISH) technique revealed a variation in diversity and abundance of the microbiota in intestine and salivary glands of D. maidis adults over time after MBSP acquisition from plants. Sulcia sp., Cardinium sp. and eubacteria increased their abundance over time, whereas Rickettsia sp. decreased. The frequent association of the vector microbiota with the phytoplasma in some tissues of D. maidis suggests that endosymbiotic bacteria may play some role in MBSP-vector interactions.


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Existen diferentes tratamientos para reducir el sobrepeso y la obesidad; no obstante, los resultados de los tratamientos sobre la pérdida de peso tienen una expresión muy heterogénea. Objetivo: Determinar las unidades de medida más utilizadas en los tratamientos de pérdida de peso, mediante la revisión de artículos científicos. Método: Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de los últimos 5 años en CINHAL, Proquest y Scopus. Se han seleccionado los artículos publicados en inglés, francés y español. Los criterios de inclusión han sido: artículos de tratamiento únicamente dietético del sobrepeso en humanos. Los criterios de exclusión: tratamientos no dietéticos, enfermedades metabólicas, menos de 50 pacientes y menos de 8 semanas de tratamiento. La revisión ha sido realizada por dos investigadores independientes. Resultados y discusión: De 854 artículos, sólo 61 cumplían con los criterios establecidos. Estos se agruparon en 5 subgrupos, según expresaban la pérdida, en kilos o en porcentajes. Los resultados muestran falta de homogeneidad en la expresión de dicha pérdida. Conclusiones: Existe una gran heterogeneidad en la expresión de los resultados de los tratamientos de pérdida de peso; la dieta es una de las herramientas menos usadas; el análisis de los ensayos clínicos de intervención refleja una alta calidad en los sujetos mayores de 18 años, destacando la carencia de este tipo de líneas de investigación en los menores de esa edad. Por ello, se deberían estandarizar las magnitudes de expresión del éxito de dichos tratamientos y aumentar las líneas de investigación sobre este tema.


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Se describe una experiencia de transferencia de conocimiento entre investigadores del proyecto ITSAL (Inmigración, Trabajo y SALud) y representantes de asociaciones que trabajan con población inmigrante para discutir los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación y las líneas de futuro. Para ello se llevó a cabo una reunión en la que participaron tres investigadoras y 18 representantes de 11 instituciones. Tras una exposición de la metodología y los resultados del proyecto ITSAL, todos los asistentes comentaron los resultados presentados y líneas de investigación de interés. Se pusieron de manifiesto coincidencias entre ambas partes y también se obtuvieron propuestas de interés para el proyecto ITSAL. Entendemos el proceso descrito como una aproximación a la validación social de algunos resultados principales del proyecto. Esta experiencia nos ha permitido abrir un canal de comunicación con la población diana del estudio, en línea con la necesaria interacción de investigadores y población.


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El objetivo del artículo es establecer las principales líneas de investigación que se están desarrollando en la enseñanza de la Geografía. Por esta razón se ha procedido a analizar una de las principales revistas de difusión de este campo de conocimiento, Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, y comparar con aportaciones presentadas o publicadas en otros foros. La comparación de los resultados obtenidos permite concretar los principales referentes de la investigación relacionada con la enseñanza de la Geografía. La investigación se centra en la última década y se orienta sobre los caminos que ya se han establecido en la enseñanza de la geografía. El análisis de la revista se divide en cuestiones formarles y de contenido. En las primeras se aborda las características de los autores, o el modo de comunicar los resultados. En las segundas destaca la preocupación por el currículo, los contenidos, la formación docente, la evaluación, las ideas previas o los recursos didácticos.


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Introducing teaching about healthy solutions in buildings and BIM has been a challenge for the University of Alicante. Teaching attached to very tighten study plans conditioned the types of methods that could be used in the past. The worldwide situation of crisis that especially reached Spain and the bursting of the housing bubble generated a lack of employment that reached universities where careers related to construction, Architecture and Architectural Technologist, suffered a huge reduction in the number of students enrolled. In the case of the University of Alicante, students’ enrolment for Architectural Technology reached an 80% reduction. The necessity of a reaction against this situation made the teachers be innovative and use the new Bologna adapted study plans to develop new teaching experiences introducing new concepts: people wellbeing in buildings and BIM. Working with healthy solutions in buildings provided new approaches for building design and construction as an alternative to sustainability. For many years sustainability was the concept that applied to housing gave buildings an added value and the possibility of having viability in a very complex scenario. But after lots of experiences, the approved methodologies for obtaining sustainable housing were ambiguous and at the end, investors, designers, constructors and purchasers cannot find real and validated criteria for obtaining an effective sustainable house. It was the moment to work with new ideas and concepts and start facing buildings from the users’ point of view. At the same time the development of new tools, BIM, has opened a wide range of opportunities, innovative and suggestive, that allows simulation and evaluation of many building factors. This paper describes the research in teaching developed by the University of Alicante to adapt the current study plans, introducing work with healthy solutions in buildings and the use of BIM, with the aim of attracting students by improving their future employability. Pilot experiences have been carried out in different subjects based on the work with projects and case studies under an international frame with the cooperation of different European partner universities. The use of BIM tools, introduced in 2014, solved the problems that appeared in some subjects, mainly building construction, and helped with the evaluation of some healthy concepts that presented difficulties until this moment as knowledge acquired by the students was hard to be evaluated. The introduction of BIM tools: Vasari, FormIt, Revit and Light Control among others, allowed the study of precise healthy concepts and provided the students a real understand of how these different parameters can condition a healthy architectural space. The analysis of the results showed a clear acceptance by the students and gave teachers the possibility of opening new research lines. At the same time, working with BIM tools to obtain healthy solutions in building has been a good option to improve students’ employability as building market in Spain is increasing the number of specialists in BIM with a wider knowledge.


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Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) is a dioecius perennial plant. The cultivation is specific for female plants, used mainly for brewing and pharmacology. Female inflorescence, known as cone or strobili, contains bitter acids, essential oil and polyphenols. Commercial hop cultivation provides better results in regions between 45 and 55 degrees north or south in latitude, an area that also includes the northern part of Italy, where hop is endemic. Despite several studies have been conducted on the characterization of wild hops biodiversity in the U.S.A. and Europe, a lack in literature concerning the description of Italian wild hops genetic variability is still present. The increasing request of hop varieties improved in important traits, like diseases, resistance and valuable aroma profile, is bringing the hop industry. Moreover, Italian agricultural sector needs new impulse to be competitive in the market. In this view, Italian wild hop biodiversity is a resource, useful for the obtaining of Italian hop varieties, characterized by peculiar aromatic traits and more adaptable to Mediterranean climate, making their cultivation more sustainable. Based on this consideration, the present Ph.D. thesis deals with the evaluation of the Italian hop biodiversity, through the characterization of the wild samples under different point of view. The project started with the recovery of wild hop samples in different areas of north of Italy to consitue a collection field, where 11 commercial cultivars of US and European origin were grown, to have a complete vision of the hop panorama. Ph.D. project followed different research lines, the results of each one contributed to completly characterize the northern Italian hop wild biodiversity: • the morphological description showed a high phenological variability (Study 1); • the genetic characterization confirmed the rich biodiversity of the Italian population and showed a significant genetic distance between Italian genotypes and the commercial cultivars, taken in consideration (Study 2); • the need of an early sex discrimination method leads to an improvement of a genetic marker, developing a more efficient marker (Study 3); • a complete morphologic, genetic and chemical analysis of plants gave results to select the most promising genotypes (Study 4); • the comparison between the performance of wild hops and commercial cultivars in the same collection field indicated that some wild genotypes had a higher environment adaptability (Study 5); • the evaluation of the terroir, obtained comparing commercial cultivars in the collection field and the same genotypes purchased in the market, showed the influence of the northern Italian environment on the aromatic profile (Study 5); • a new analytical method for the revelation of bioactive metabolites and a simple extraction procedure were developed (Study 6). In conclusion, the Ph.D. thesis, contains the first characterization of Italian wild hop, made under field condition. The present study: i) permits to obtain a complete and significative description of the genotypes; ii) allows the identification of the most promising wild Italian genotypes; iii) allows the identification of commercial cultivars more adaptable the northern Italian climate.