941 resultados para Research Audio-visual aids


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We propose a novel technique for conducting robust voice activity detection (VAD) in high-noise recordings. We use Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM) to train two generic models; speech and non-speech. We then score smaller segments of a given (unseen) recording against each of these GMMs to obtain two respective likelihood scores for each segment. These scores are used to compute a dissimilarity measure between pairs of segments and to carry out complete-linkage clustering of the segments into speech and non-speech clusters. We compare the accuracy of our method against state-of-the-art and standardised VAD techniques to demonstrate an absolute improvement of 15% in half-total error rate (HTER) over the best performing baseline system and across the QUT-NOISE-TIMIT database. We then apply our approach to the Audio-Visual Database of American English (AVDBAE) to demonstrate the performance of our algorithm in using visual, audio-visual or a proposed fusion of these features.


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Research is often characterised as the search for new ideas and understanding. The language of this view privileges the cognitive and intellectual aspects of discovery. However, in the research process theoretical claims are usually evaluated in practice and, indeed, the observations and experiences of practical circumstances often lead to new research questions. This feedback loop between speculation and experimentation is fundamental to research in many disciplines, and is also appropriate for research in the creative arts. In this chapter we will examine how our creative desire for artistic expressivity results in interplay between actions and ideas that direct the development of techniques and approaches for our audio/visual live-coding activities.


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Practice-led or multi modal theses (describing examinable outcomes of postgraduate study which comprise the practice of dancing/choreography with an accompanying exegesis) are an emerging strength of dance scholarship; a form of enquiry that has been gaining momentum for over a decade, particularly in Australia and the United Kingdom. It has been strongly argued that, in this form of research, legitimate claims to new knowledge are embodied predominantly within the practice itself (Pakes, 2003) and that these findings are emergent, contingent and often interstitial, contained within both the material form of the practice and in the symbolic languages surrounding the form. In a recent study on ‘dancing’ theses Phillips, Stock, Vincs (2009) found that there was general agreement from academics and artists that ‘there could be more flexibility in matching written language with conceptual thought expressed in practice’. The authors discuss how the seemingly intangible nature of danced / embodied research, reliant on what Melrose (2003) terms ‘performance mastery’ by the ‘expert practitioner’ (2006, Point 4) involving ‘expert’ intuition (2006, Point 5), might be accessed, articulated and validated in terms of alternative ways of knowing through exploring an ongoing dialogue in which the danced practice develops emergent theory. They also propose ways in which the danced thesis can be ‘converted’ into the required ‘durable’ artefact which the ephemerality of live performance denies, drawing on the work of Rye’s ‘multi-view’ digital record (2003) and Stapleton’s ‘multi-voiced audio visual document’(2006, 82). Building on a two-year research project (2007-2008) Dancing Between Diversity and Consistency: Refining Assessment in Postgraduate Degrees in Dance, which examined such issues in relation to assessment in an Australian context, the three researchers have further explored issues around interdisciplinarity, cultural differences and documentation through engaging with the following questions:  How do we represent research in which understandings, meanings and findings are situated within the body of the dancer/choreographer?  Do these need a form of ‘translating’ into textual form in order to be accessed as research?  What kind of language structures can be developed to effect this translation: metaphor, allusion, symbol?  How important is contextualising the creative practice?  How do we incorporate differing cultural inflections and practices into our reading and evaluation?  What kind of layered documentation can assist in producing a ‘durable’ research artefact from a non-reproduce-able live event?


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Introduction: Sue Owen, Associate University Librarian, Deakin University Library.


Using Creative Commons licences to provide open access in the education and research sectors / Professor Anne Fitzgerald ;
Elsevier and open access / Macy Lee and David Tempest ;
Electronic rights  in academic publishing; a researcher's perspective / Professor Christoph Antons.

Panel discussion, Question and answer.

Includes audio/visual recording of whole Symposium


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In this paper the author traces the possibilities afforded by engaging with the aesthetic, historic and socio-political nature of shodo (Japanese calligraphy) as an intersectional space. Shodo literally translated as 'the way of writing' is an artistic practice bringing together ink, brush and paper. It is simultaneously a juncture between studied discipline and an ongoing mediation of subjectivities. The calligrapher/writer/drawer communicates to the reader through the bold or subtle brush strokes, the pressure and movement at the completion of each stroke. The calligrapher/writer/drawer draws across the boundaries of text and image to meet the reader blurring the lines between subject and object. This discussion re-examines the hierarchical binaries of writing/drawing, text/image, self/Other as they play out from vanishing lines of distinction between truth and conjecture. Crossing these binaries opens up opportunity for decentring and questioning representational practice by enabling other possible meanings and practices to emerge (Lather, 2007). I work from a stance of theoretical promiscuity in order to disrupt constitutive discourses and restore the liminal in social research. Drawing across the fragments of research projects I illustrate the generative and speculative space of visualising pedascapes in educational research.


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This article is inserted in a study aimed at the identification of the main barriers for the inclusion of visually-impaired students in Physics classes. It focuses on the understanding of the communication context which facilitates or hardens the effective participation of students with visual impairment in Mechanics activities. To do so, the research defines, from empirical - sensory and semantic structures, the language to be applied in the activities, as well as, the moment and the speech pattern in which the languages have been used. As a result, it identifies the rela tion between the uses of the interdependent audio-visual empirical lan guage structure in the non-interactive episodes of authority; the decrease in the use of this structure in interactive episodes; the creation of educa tional segregation environments within the classroom and the frequent use of the interdependent tactile-hearing empirical language structure in such environments.


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This article represents a continuation of the results of a research presented in Camargo and Nardi (2007). It is inserted in the study that seeks to understand the main student’s inclusion barriers with visual impairment in the Physics classes. It aims to understand which communication context shows kindness or unkindness to the impairment visual student’s real participation in thermology activities. For this, the research defines, from the empirical - sensory and semantics structures, the used languages in the activities, as well, the moment and the speech pattern in which the languages have been used. As result, identifies a strong relation between the uses of the interdependent empirical structure audio-visual language in the non-interactive episodes of authority; a decrease of this structure use in the interactive episodes and the creation of education segregation environments within the classroom.


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This article is inserted in a wider study that seeks to understand the main inclusion barriers in Physics classes for students with visual impairment It aims to understand which communication context favors or impedes the visually impaired student participation to the impairment visual student’s real participation in Modern Physics activities. The research defines, from the empirical-sensory and semantics structures, the languages used in the activities, as well as, the moment and the speech pattern in which those languages have been used. As a result, this study identifies a strong relation between the uses of the interdependent empirical structure audio-visual language in the non-interactive episodes of authority; a decrease of this structure use in the interactive episodes; the creation of education segregation environments within the clasroom and the frequent use of empirical tactile-hearing interdependent language structure in these environments. Moreover, the concept of «special educational need» is discussed and its inadequate use is analyzed. Suggestions are given for its correct use of «special educational need,» its inadequate use, giving suggestions for its correct use.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Chiefly tables.


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Purpose: Technological devices such as smartphones and tablets are widely available and increasingly used as visual aids. This study evaluated the use of a novel app for tablets (MD_evReader) developed as a reading aid for individuals with a central field loss resulting from macular degeneration. The MD_evReader app scrolls text as single lines (similar to a news ticker) and is intended to enhance reading performance using the eccentric viewing technique by both reducing the demands on the eye movement system and minimising the deleterious effects of perceptual crowding. Reading performance with scrolling text was compared with reading static sentences, also presented on a tablet computer. Methods: Twenty-six people with low vision (diagnosis of macular degeneration) read static or dynamic text (scrolled from right to left), presented as a single line at high contrast on a tablet device. Reading error rates and comprehension were recorded for both text formats, and the participant’s subjective experience of reading with the app was assessed using a simple questionnaire. Results: The average reading speed for static and dynamic text was not significantly different and equal to or greater than 85 words per minute. The comprehension scores for both text formats were also similar, equal to approximately 95% correct. However, reading error rates were significantly (p=0.02) less for dynamic text than for static text. The participants’ questionnaire ratings of their reading experience with the MD_evReader were highly positive and indicated a preference for reading with this app compared with their usual method. Conclusions: Our data show that reading performance with scrolling text is at least equal to that achieved with static text and in some respects (reading error rate) is better than static text. Bespoke apps informed by an understanding of the underlying sensorimotor processes involved in a cognitive task such as reading have excellent potential as aids for people with visual impairments.


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This PhD by publication examines selected practice-based audio-visual works made by the author over a ten-year period, placing them in a critical context. Central to the publications, and the focus of the thesis, is an exploration of the role of sound in the creation of dialectic tension between the audio, the visual and the audience. By first analysing a number of texts (films/videos and key writings) the thesis locates the principal issues and debates around the use of audio in artists’ moving image practice. From this it is argued that asynchronism, first advocated in 1929 by Pudovkin as a response to the advent of synchronised sound, can be used to articulate audio-visual relationships. Central to asynchronism’s application in this paper is a recognition of the propensity for sound and image to adhere, and in visual music for there to be a literal equation of audio with the visual, often married with a quest for the synaesthetic. These elements can either be used in an illusionist fashion, or employed as part of an anti-illusionist strategy for realising dialectic. Using this as a theoretical basis, the paper examines how the publications implement asynchronism, including digital mapping to facilitate innovative reciprocal sound and image combinations, and the asynchronous use of ‘found sound’ from a range of online sources to reframe the moving image. The synthesis of publications and practice demonstrates that asynchronism can both underpin the creation of dialectic, and be an integral component in an audio-visual anti-illusionist methodology.


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Notre mémoire prend en charge de re-conceptualiser notre nouvel environnement audio-visuel et l’expérience que nous en faisons. À l’ère du numérique et de la dissémination généralisée des images animées, nous circonscrivons une catégorie d’images que nous concevons comme la plus à même d’avoir un impact sur le développement humain. Nous les appelons des images-sons synchrono-photo-temporalisées. Plus spécifiquement, nous cherchons à mettre en lumière leur puissance d’affection et de contrôle en démontrant qu’elles ont une influence certaine sur le processus d’individuation, influence qui est grandement facilitée par l’isotopie structurelle qui existe entre le flux de conscience et leur flux d’écoulement. Par le biais des recherches de Bernard Stiegler, nous remarquons également l’important rôle que jouent l’attention et la mémoire dans le processus d’individuation. L’ensemble de notre réflexion nous fait réaliser à quel point le système d’éducation actuel québécois manque à sa tâche de formation citoyenne en ne dispensant pas un enseignement adéquat des images animées.