952 resultados para Representative Unit Cell


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A-DNA pattern, obtained using a flat plat camera, was indexed by Fuller Image on the basis of a c-face centred monoclinic cell with A = 22.24 Å, B = 40.62 Å, C = 28.15 Å and β = 97.0°. A precession photograph of A-DNA which gives an undistorted picture of the lattice, showed that the unit cell parameters as given by Fuller Image were not quite correct. The precession photograph showed a strong meridional reflection (R = 0.00 Å−1) on the 11th layer line. But the occurrence of the meridional reflection on the 11th layer line could not be explained on the basis of the cell parameters given by Fuller Image ; using those cell parameters the reflection which comes closest to the meridian on 11th layer line is at R = 0.025 Å−1. However, a simple interchange of a and b values accounted for the meridional reflection on 11th layer line. The corrected cell parameter refined against 28 strong spots are A = 40.75 Å, B = 22.07 Å, C = 28.16 Å and β = 97.5°. In the new unit cell of A-DNA, the packing arrangement of the two molecules is different from that in the old one. Nonetheless, our earlier contention is again reaffirmed that both right and left-handed A-DNA are stereochemically allowed and consistent with the observed fibre pattern.


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Crystals of C I4HsN40 are monoclinic, space group P21, Unit-cell constants are a = 13.241(4), b = 7.446 (2), c = 6.436 (2)/A, B= 93.23 (2) °. V= 633.5 /A3, Z = 2, Dob s = 1.30 (flotation), Dealt = 1.300 Mg m -3 and #(Cu Ka) = 0.72 mm -1. The structure, solved by direct methods, has been refined to an R value of 3.5% using 1245 intensity measurements. The combined effect of electron-withdrawing and –donating substituents on the geometry of the cyclopropane ring is discussed.


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The Zeeman effect of NQR was studied in 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. A low value of the asymmetry parameter (0.10) was obtained. Four physically inequivalent field gradients were located and their orientations in the crystallographic abc system were determined using symmetry considerations. From these data the orientations of the molecules in the unit cell were determined. The results agree well with the two-dimensional x-ray structural data. The bond characters of the C[Single Bond]Cl bond were calculated, and the values compare well with those generally obtained for C[Single Bond]Cl bonds in chlorine derivatives of benzene. ©1973 The American Institute of Physics.


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The crystal structure of ferroelectric sodium meta vanadate, NaVO3 has been solved using three dimensional X-ray data and refined to an R-value of 0.077 for 375 observed reflections. The crystal belongs to the monoclinic system with space group Cc and with unit cell dimensions a = 10.494 (9) Aring, b = 9.434 (7) Aring, c = 5.863 (6) Aring and β = 108° 48' in the room temperature ferroelectric phase. The unit cell dimensions in the high temperature paraelectric phase (above 380°C) are a = 10.595 (15) Aring, b = 9.671 (10) Aring, c = 5.926 (8) Aring and β = 108° 45' with space group C2/c. The crystal structure may be viewed as consisting of alternate channels of sodium polyhedra and VO4 tetrahedra.


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The paper describes a novel method of finding the position and orientation of a relatively rigid molecule in the unit cell from criteria concerning allowed contact distances between atoms. On application to the crystal structure of a hexapeptide, C25H31N6O8.2H2O, it was possible to solve the structure from this starting point, by a series of SFLS refinements with an increasingly larger number of reflexions at successive stages. The packing analysis succeeded, even though the water molecules were not included to start with.


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The complex crystallizes in the space group P21/c with four formula units in a unit cell of dimensions a= 12.747, b= 7.416, c= 17.894 A and/3= 90.2 °. The structure has been solved by the symbolic addition procedure using three-dimensional photographic data and refined to an R value of 0.079 for 2019 observed reflexions. The pyramidal nature of the two hetero nitrogen atoms in the antipyrine molecule is inter:nediate between that observed in free antipyrine and in some of its metal complexes. The molecule is more polar than that in crystals of free antipyrine but less so compared with that in metal complexes. In the salicylic acid molecule, the hydroxyl group forms an internal hydrogen bond with one of the oxygen atoms in the carboxyl group. The association between the salicylic acid and the antipyrine molecules is achieved through an intermolecular hydrogen bond with the other carboxyl oxygen atom in the salicylic acid molecule as the proton donor and the carboxyl oxygen atom of the antipyrine molecule as the acceptor.


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Amidopyrine (1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-dimethylaminopyrazolone), C13HzvN30, a dimethylamino derivative of antipyrine and an important analgesic and antipyretic agent, crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1 with four molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a= 7.458 (5), b = 10.744 (5), c= 17.486 (15)/~,, e=98.6 (2),/~= 85.6 (3), y= 108-6 (2) . The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.055 for 3706 photographically observed reflexions. The dimensions of the two crystallographically independent molecules are very nearly the same. The pyrazolone moiety in the molecule has dimensions comparable to those in antipyrine. Unlike antipyrine, the molecular dimensions of amidopyrine in the free state (the present structure) are close to those found in some of its hydrogenbonded complexes. Thus it appears that the presence of the dimethylamino group makes the molecule more resistant to changes in its dimensions resulting from molecular association. An attempt has also been made to correlate the polar nature of the pyrazolone moiety and the hybridization state of the hetero nitrogen atoms in antipyrine, amidopyrine and their complexes.


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A diastereomeric mixture of the tripeptide Boc-Ala-Ile-Aib-OMe crystallized in the space group P1 from CH3OH/H2O. The unit cell parameters are a = 10.593(2) A, b = 14.377(3) A, c = 17.872(4) A, alpha = 104.41(2) degrees, beta = 90.55(2) degrees, gamma = 106.91(2) degrees, V = 2512.4 A3, Z = 4. X-Ray crystallographic studies show the presence of four molecules in the asymmetric unit consisting of two pairs of diastereomeric peptides, Boc-L-Ala-L-Ile-Aib-OMe and Boc-L-Ala-D-Ile-Aib-OMe. The four molecules in the asymmetric unit form a rarely found mixed antiparallel and parallel beta-sheet hydrogen bond motif. The Ala and (L,D)-Ile residues in all the four molecules adopt the extended conformations, while the phi, psi values of the Aib residues are in the right-handed helical region. In one of the molecules the Ile sidechain adopts the unusual gauche conformation about the C beta-C gamma bond.


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The conformation of the synthetic cyclic tetrapeptide cyclo(D-Phe-Pro-Sar-Gly) has been determined in solution using the nuclear magnetic resonance technique and in the crystal state by X-ray crystallography. Results showed that the peptide exhibited two different conformations in solution, conformer 1 having cis-trans-cis-trans peptide bonds and conformer 2 having trans-cis-trans-cis peptide bonds. No intramolecular hydrogen bonds were observed in the structures. The X-ray diffraction studies showed the crystals to be orthorhombic with space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit-cell dimensions, a = 5.790, b = 10.344, c = 31.446 A, Z = 4, R = 0.104 for 2301 observed reflections. The crystal structure showed only one type of conformer having cis-trans-cis-trans peptide bonds similar to the conformer 1 in solution.


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1,3-Propanediol dehydrogenase is an enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of 1,3-propanediol to 3-hydroxypropanal with the simultaneous reduction of NADP(+) to NADPH. SeMet-labelled 1,3-propanediol dehydrogenase protein from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus VF5 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. Crystals of this protein were grown from an acidic buffer with ammonium sulfate as the precipitant. Single-wavelength data were collected at the selenium peak to a resolution of 2.4 angstrom. The crystal belonged to space group P3(2), with unit-cell parameters a = b = 142.19, c = 123.34 angstrom. The structure contained two dimers in the asymmetric unit and was solved by the MR-SAD approach.


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Crystal structure determination at room temperature [292 (2) K] of racemic 1,1'-binaphthalene-2,2'-diyl diethyl bis(carbonate), C26H22O6, showed that one of the terminal carbon-carbon bond lengths is very short [Csp(3)-Csp(3) = 1.327 (6) angstrom]. The reason for such a short bond length has been analysed by collecting data sets on the same crystal at 393, 150 and 90 K. The values of the corrected bond lengths clearly suggest that the shortening is mainly due to positional disorder at two sites, with minor perturbations arising as a result of thermal vibrations. The positional disorder has been resolved in the analysis of the 90 K data following the changes in the unit-cell parameters for the data sets at 150 and 90 K, which appear to be an artifact of a near centre of symmetry relationship between the two independent molecules in the space group P (1) over bar at these temperatures. Indeed, the unit cell at low temperature (150 and 90 K) is a supercell of the room-temperature unit cell.


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Two binuclear copper(II) complexes one (complex 1) with a macrocyclic ligand (H(2)L1) and other (complex 2) with a macroacyclic (end-off type) compartmental ligand (HL2) have been synthesized from single pot template synthesis involving copper(II) nitrate, 1,2diaminoethane, 4-methyl-2,6-diformylphenol, and sodium azide. Structure analysis of complex I reveals that there are actually two half molecules present in the asymmetric unit and so two complexes (molecule-I and molecule-II) are present in unit cell, although they show slight differences. The two Cu(II) centers are in distorted square pyramidal coordination environment with two endogenous phenoxo bridges provided by the phenolate of H(2)L1 I having Cu-Cu separations of 2.9133(10) angstrom and 2.9103(10) in the two molecules. In complex 2 the coordination environments around two Cu(II) centers are asymmetric, Cu1 is in distorted square pyramidal environment whereas, the coordination environment around Cu2 is distorted octahedral. The two Cu(II) centers in complex 2 are connected by two different kinds of bridges, one is endogenous phenoxo bridge provided by the phenolate of the ligand HL2 and the other is exogenous azido bridge (mu-(1),(l) type) with Cu-Cu distance of 3.032(10) angstrom. Variable temperature magnetic studies show that two Cu(II) centers in both the complexes are strongly antiferromagnetically coupled with J = -625 +/- 5 cm(-1) and J = -188.6 +/- 1cm(-1) for complex 1 and 2, respectively. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recently, partially ionic boron (γ-B28) has been predicted and observed in pure boron, in bulk phase and controlled by pressure [Nature, 457 (2009) 863]. By using ab initio evolutionary structure search, we report the prediction of ionic boron at a reduced dimension and ambient pressure, namely, the two-dimensional (2D) ionic boron. This 2D boron structure consists of graphene-like plane and B2 atom pairs, with the P6/mmm space group and 6 atoms in the unit cell, and has lower energy than the previously reported α-sheet structure and its analogues. Its dynamical and thermal stability are confirmed by the phonon-spectrum and ab initio molecular dynamics simulation. In addition, this phase exhibits double Dirac cones with massless Dirac fermions due to the significant charge transfer between the graphene-like plane and B2 pair that enhances the energetic stability of the P6/mmm boron. A Fermi velocity (vf) as high as 2.3 x 106 m/s, which is even higher than that of graphene (0.82 x 106 m/s), is predicted for the P6/mmm boron. The present work is the first report of the 2D ionic boron at atmospheric pressure. The unique electronic structure renders the 2D ionic boron a promising 2D material for applications in nanoelectronics.


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The self-diffusion properties of pure CH4 and its binary mixture with CO2 within MY zeolite have been investigated by combining an experimental quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) technique and classical Molecular dynamics simulations. The QENS measurements carried out at 200 K led to an unexpected self-diffusivity profile for Pure CH4 with the presence of a maximum for a loading of 32 CH4/unit cell, which was never observed before for the diffusion of apolar species in azeolite system With large windows. Molecular dynamics simulations were performed using two distinct microscopic models for representing the CH4/NaY interactions. Depending on the model, we are able to fairly reproduce either the magnitude or the profile of the self-diffusivity.Further analysis allowed LIS to provide some molecular insight into the diffusion mechanism in play. The QENS measurements report only a slight decrease of the self-diffusivity of CH4 in the presence of CO2 when the CO2 loading increases. Molecular dynamics simulations successfully capture this experimental trend and suggest a plausible microscopic diffusion mechanism in the case of this binary mixture.


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We report the synthesis of Cd-substituted ZnO nanostructures (Zn1-xCdxO with x up to approximate to 0.09) by the high-pressure solution growth method. The synthesized nanostructures comprise nanocrystals that are both particles (similar to 10-15 nm) and rods which grow along the [002] direction as established by transmission electron microscope (TEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Rietveld analysis of the XRD data shows a monotonic increase of the unit cell volume with the increase of Cd concentration. The optical absorption, as well as the photoluminescence (PL), shows a red shift on Cd substitution. The line width of the PL spectrum is related to the strain inhomogeneity and it peaks in the region where the CdO phase separates from the Zn1-xCdxO nanostructures. The time-resolved photoemission showed a long-lived (similar to 10 ns) component. We propose that the PL behaviour of the Zn1-xCdxO is dominated by strain in the sample with the red shift of the PL linked to the expansion of the unit cell volume on Cd substitution.