924 resultados para Renal artery


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PURPOSE: To quantify the interobserver variability of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) neck length and angulation measurements. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 25 consecutive patients scheduled for endovascular AAA repair underwent follow-up 64-row computed tomographic (CT) angiography in 0.625-mm collimation. AAA neck length and angulation were determined by four blinded, independent readers. AAA neck length was defined as the longitudinal distance between the first transverse CT slice directly distal to the lowermost renal artery and the first transverse CT slice that showed at least a 15% larger outer aortic wall diameter versus the diameter measured directly below the lowermost renal artery. Infrarenal AAA neck angulation was defined as the true angle between the longitudinal axis of the proximal AAA neck and the longitudinal axis of the AAA lumen as analyzed on three-dimensional CT reconstructions. RESULTS: Mean deviation in aortic neck length determination was 32.3% and that in aortic neck angulation was 32.1%. Interobserver variability of aortic neck length and angulation measurements was considerable: in any reader combination, at least one measurement difference was outside the predefined limits of agreement. CONCLUSIONS: Assessment of the longitudinal extension and angulation of the infrarenal aortic neck is associated with substantial observer variability, even if measurement is carried out according to a standardized protocol. Further studies are mandatory to assess dedicated technical approaches to minimize variance in the determination of the longitudinal extension and angulation of the infrarenal aortic neck.


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PURPOSE: To compare objective fellow and expert efficiency indices for an interventional radiology renal artery stenosis skill set with the use of a high-fidelity simulator. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Mentice VIST simulator was used for three different renal artery stenosis simulations of varying difficulty, which were used to grade performance. Fellows' indices at three intervals throughout 1 year were compared to expert baseline performance. Seventy-four simulated procedures were performed, 63 of which were captured as audiovisual recordings. Three levels of fellow experience were analyzed: 1, 6, and 12 months of dedicated interventional radiology fellowship. The recordings were compiled on a computer workstation and analyzed. Distinct measurable events in the procedures were identified with task analysis, and data regarding efficiency were extracted. Total scores were calculated as the product of procedure time, fluoroscopy time, tools, and contrast agent volume. The lowest scores, which reflected efficient use of tools, radiation, and time, were considered to indicate proficiency. Subjective analysis of participants' procedural errors was not included in this analysis. RESULTS: Fellows' mean scores diminished from 1 month to 12 months (42,960 at 1 month, 18,726 at 6 months, and 9,636 at 12 months). The experts' mean score was 4,660. In addition, the range of variance in score diminished with increasing experience (from a range of 5,940-120,156 at 1 month to 2,436-85,272 at 6 months and 2,160-32,400 at 12 months). Expert scores ranged from 1,450 to 10,800. CONCLUSIONS: Objective efficiency indices for simulated procedures can demonstrate scores directly comparable to the level of clinical experience.


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Flash pulmonary edema (FPE) is a general clinical term used to describe a particularly dramatic form of acute decompensated heart failure. Well-established risk factors for heart failure such as hypertension, coronary ischemia, valvular heart disease, and diastolic dysfunction are associated with acute decompensated heart failure as well as with FPE. However, endothelial dysfunction possibly secondary to an excessive activity of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, impaired nitric oxide synthesis, increased endothelin levels, and/or excessive circulating catecholamines may cause excessive pulmonary capillary permeability and facilitate FPE formation. Renal artery stenosis particularly when bilateral has been identified has a common cause of FPE. Lack of diurnal variation in blood pressure and a widened pulse pressure have been identified as risk factors for FPE. This review is an attempt to delineate clinical and pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for FPE and to distinguish pathophysiologic, clinical, and therapeutic aspects of FPE from those of acute decompensated heart failure.


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Secondary hypertension refers to arterial hypertension due to an identifiable cause and affects ∼5-10% of the general hypertensive population. Because secondary forms are rare and work up is time-consuming and expensive, only patients with clinical suspicion should be screened. In recent years, some new aspects gained importance regarding this screening. In particular, increasing evidence suggests that 24 h ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring plays a central role in the work up of patients with suspected secondary hypertension. Moreover, obstructive sleep apnoea has been identified as one of the most frequent causes. Finally, the introduction of catheter-based renal denervation for the treatment of patients with resistant hypertension has dramatically increased the interest and the number of patients evaluated for renal artery stenosis. We review the clinical clues of the most common causes of secondary hypertension. Specific recommendations are given as to evaluation and treatment of various forms of secondary hypertension. Despite appropriate therapy or even removal of the secondary cause, BP rarely ever returns to normal with long-term follow-up. Such residue hypertension indicates either that some patients with secondary hypertension also have concomitant essential hypertension or that irreversible vascular remodelling has taken place. Thus, in patients with potentially reversible causes of hypertension, early detection and treatment are important to minimize/prevent irreversible changes in the vasculature and target organs.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Durante procedimentos endovasculares, estão presentes os riscos relacionados ao uso dos contrastes iodados, tais como a nefropatia por contraste, uma vez que é fundamental o emprego de um meio de contraste para a obtenção das imagens radiológicas vasculares. A injeção intravascular de gás CO2 purificado é reconhecidamente uma alternativa relativamente mais segura ao contraste iodado, contudo, seu manuseio artesanal pode também trazer dificuldades técnicas e riscos aos pacientes. Para contemplar estas questões, foi desenvolvido o protótipo de um injetor intravascular de CO2 medicinal, microprocessado, dedicado à obtenção de imagens angiográficas. OBJETIVOS: Realizar os testes de viabilidade técnica inicial do protótipo em modelo in vivo. MÉTODOS: Realizar a angioplastia da artéria renal esquerda de 10 porcos, divididos em 2 grupos: Grupo 1 (n=5) injeção de contraste iodado, Grupo 2 (n=5) injeção de CO2 através do protótipo. Monitorização clínica e laboratorial dos animais no pré, intra e pós-operatório, com exames de função renal na véspera e 48h após os procedimentos e 3 gasometrias arteriais seriadas no intra-operatório. Observação clínica foi mantida por 48h no pós- operatório. RESULTADOS: Os procedimentos de angioplastia com CO2 foram realizados com sucesso técnico de 100%, sem necessidade de complementação com injeção de contraste iodado no Grupo 2. Não foram identificadas falhas no protótipo em funcionamento. Não foram identificadas alterações clínicas ou radiológicas sugestivas de contaminação por ar ambiente do sistema de CO2 e nem alterações laboratoriais nos animais. As imagens angiográficas obtidas no Grupo 2 foram consideradas, numa avaliação subjetiva, relativamente inferiores às imagens obtidas no Grupo 1. DISCUSSÃO: A qualidade inferior de imagem no Grupo 2 pode ser atribuída ao equipamento de fluoroscopia utilizado, com software desatualizado em relação aos equipamentos atuais, que incluem pré-configurações para angiografia com CO2; no entanto, ainda assim todos os procedimentos propostos no Grupo 2 foram realizados com sucesso técnico, o que nos leva a classificar as imagens deste grupo 2 como satisfatórias. O manuseio do aparelho mostrou-se ágil e eficiente, com a programação dos parâmetros sendo realizada com facilidade através do visor \"touch screen\", comparativamente superior ao método artesanal de injeção de CO2 com seringas em selo d\'água. CONCLUSÕES: O protótipo do aparelho injetor intravascular de CO2 funcionou de forma adequada durante os testes e as imagens obtidas permitiram a compleição com sucesso dos procedimentos. Portanto, os resultados positivos obtidos sugerem que o equipamento é tecnicamente viável


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We report a clinical case of renovascular disease, probably linked to fibromuscular dysplasia, in a 12 months old boy with severe arterial hypertension with target-organ damage, highlighting the radiological approach. Initial investigation included renal ultrasound that showed normal sized kidneys, with normal cortical echogenicity on the right and focally increased echogenicity of the posterior aspect of the left kidney, forming a mass-like lesion. Magnetic resonance imaging excluded renal tumor, which was confirmed by ultrasound guided biopsy. A doppler ultrasonography was also performed suggesting a right renal artery stenosis and decreased flow to the posterior aspect of the left kidney. Angiography with diagnostic and therapeutic intention was performed: right renal artery stenosis was detected and transluminal ballon dilation was performed; the left renal artery bifurcated precociously and the branch that irrigated the posterior part of the kidney had a stenosis which was also successfully dilated. After the intervention good blood pressure control with antihypertensive drugs was achieved, which was not possible before the angiographic procedure. The authors underline various methods of imaging used to accurately diagnose renovascular disease and the usefulness of interventional radiology treatment for this disease in very young children.


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Foram estudados 20 pares de rins decutias (Dasyprocta prymnolopha Wagler, 1831), com o objetivo de descrever os segmentos anátomo-cirúrgicos arteriais. As artérias renais foram injetadas com solução de Vinilite corada, e os rins foram submetidos à corrosão ácida para a obtenção dos moldes vasculares. Observou-se que as artérias renais da cutia, sempre únicas, dividiram-se em artéria setorial ventral e artéria setorial dorsal, caracterizando dois setores renais separados por plano avascular. As artérias setoriais penetraram no hilo renal (100% dos casos). Estes vasos deram origem aos ramos segmentares responsáveis pela irrigação de territórios independentes em cada setor, os segmentos arteriais renais. No rim direito foram observados 3 (60%), 4 (35%) e 5 segmentos (5%) no setor arterial ventral e 3 (30%), 4 (45%), 5 (20%) e 6 (5%) segmentos no setor dorsal e, à esquerda, 2(10%), 3 (55%) e 4 (35%) segmentos no setor ventral e 3 (25%), 4 (50%) e 5 (25%) no dorsal. Com base na distribuição arterial nos rins de cutia, observaram-se setores e segmentos arteriais independentes, sendo possível, desta forma, a realização de setoriectomia e segmentectomia nesta espécie.


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Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is often associated with renal dysfunction, as measured by plasma creatinine levels and hemodialysis rates. Aim. To compare creatinine clearance (CrCl), estimated with the Cockroft and Gault formula, between patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) versus on-pump CABG (on-CAB). Material and methods. Between April 2008 and April 2009, 119 patients underwent coronary bypass graft surgery. Fifty-eight (58) of these patients underwent OPCAB while 61 had on-CAB. Creatinine clearance, plasma creatinine levels, and clinical outcome were compared between the groups. A creatinine clearance value of 50 mL/minute was accepted as the lowest limit of normal renal function. Results. There were two hospital deaths caused by sepses after pulmonary infection. Creatinine clearance (Preoperative OPCAB 73,64±33,72 x on-CAB 75,70±34,30mL/min; discharge OPCAB 75,73±35,07 x on-CAB 79,07±34,71 mL/ min; p=0,609), and creatinine levels (Preoperative OPCAB 1,04±0,38 x on-CAB 1,13±0,53 mg/dL; discharge OPCAB 1,12±0,79 x on-CAB 1,04±0,29mg/dL; p=0,407) did not show statistically inter-group differences. Conclusion. Deterioration in renal function is associated with higher rates of postoperative complications. No significant difference in CrCl could be demonstrated between the groups.


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Background/aims: Cardiovascular diseases are major causes of mortality in chronic renal failure patients before and after renal transplantation. Among them, coronary disease presents a particular risk; however, risk predictors have been used to diagnose coronary heart disease. This study evaluated the frequency and importance of clinical predictors of coronary artery disease in chronic renal failure patients undergoing dialysis who were renal transplant candidates, and assessed a previously developed scoring system. Methods: Coronary angiographies conducted between March 2008 and April 2013 from 99 candidates for renal transplantation from two transplant centers in Sao Paulo state were analyzed for associations between significant coronary artery diseases (>= 70% stenosis in one or more epicardial coronary arteries or >= 50% in the left main coronary artery) and clinical parameters. Results: Univariate logistic regression analysis identified diabetes, angina, and/or previous infarction, clinical peripheral arterial disease and dyslipidemia as predictors of coronary artery disease. Multiple logistic regression analysis identified only diabetes and angina and/or previous infarction as independent predictors. Conclusion: The results corroborate previous studies demonstrating the importance of these factors when selecting patients for coronary angiography in clinical pretransplant evaluation.


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High serum phosphorus levels have been associated with mortality and cardiovascular events in patients with chronic kidney disease and in the general population. In addition, high phosphorus levels have been shown to induce vascular calcification and endothelial dysfunction in vitro. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relation of phosphorus and coronary calcification and atherosclerosis in the setting of normal renal function. This was a cross-sectional study involving 290 patients with suspected coronary artery disease and undergoing elective coronary angiography, with a creatinine clearance >60 ml/min/1.73 m(2). Coronary artery obstruction was assessed by the Friesinger score and coronary artery calcification by multislice computed tomography. Serum phosphorus was higher in patients with an Agatston score >10 than in those with an Agatston score <= 10 (3.63 +/- 0.55 versus 3.49 +/- 0.52 mg/dl; p = 0.02). In the patients with Friesinger scores >4, serum phosphorus was higher (3.6 +/- 0.5 versus 3.5 +/- 0.6 mg/dl, p = 0.04) and median intact fibroblast growth factor 23 was lower (40.3 pg/ml versus 45.7 pg/ml, p = 0.01). Each 0.1-mg/dl higher serum phosphate was associated with a 7.4% higher odds of having a Friesinger score >4 (p = 0.03) and a 6.1% greater risk of having an Agatston score >10 (p = 0.01). Fibroblast growth factor 23 was a negative predictor of Friesinger score ( p = 0.002). In conclusion, phosphorus is positively associated with coronary artery calcification and obstruction in patients with suspected coronary artery disease and preserved renal function.


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Assessment of regional blood flow changes is difficult in the clinical setting. We tested whether conventional pulmonary artery catheters (PACs) can be used to measure regional venous blood flows by inverse thermodilution (ITD). Inverse thermodilution was tested in vitro and in vivo using perivascular ultrasound Doppler (USD) flow probes as a reference. In anesthetized pigs, PACs were inserted in jugular, hepatic, renal, and femoral veins, and their measurements were compared with simultaneous USD flow measurements from carotid, hepatic, renal, and femoral arteries and from portal vein. Fluid boluses were injected through the PAC's distal port, and temperature changes were recorded from the proximally located thermistor. Injectates of 2 and 5 mL at 22 degrees C and 4 degrees C were used. Flows were altered by using a roller pump (in vitro), and infusion of dobutamine and induction of cardiac tamponade, respectively. In vitro: At blood flows between 400 mL . min-1 and 700 mL . min-1 (n = 50), ITD and USD correlated well (r = 0.86, P < 0.0001), with bias and limits of agreement of 3 +/- 101 mL . min-1. In vivo: 514 pairs of measurements had to be excluded from analysis for technical reasons, and 976 were analyzed. Best correlations were r = 0.87 (P < 0.0001) for renal flow and r = 0.46 (P < 0.0001) for hepatic flow. No significant correlation was found for cerebral and femoral flows. Inverse thermodilution using conventional PAC compared moderately well with USD for renal but not for other flows despite good in vitro correlation in various conditions. In addition, this method has significant technical limitations.


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Background: Cyclosporin A (CsA)-treated renal transplant recipients (RTR) exhibit relative hyperhomocystinemia and vascular dysfunction. Folate supplementation lowers homocysteine and has been shown to improve vascular function in healthy subjects and patients with coronary artery disease. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of 3 months of folate supplementation (5 mg/day) on vascular function and structure in RTR. Methods: A double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study was conducted in 10 CsA-treated RTR. Vascular structure was measured as carotid artery intima media thickness (IMT) and function was assessed as changes in brachial artery diameter during reactive hyperemia (RE) and in response to glyceryl trinitrate (GTN). Function data were analyzed as absolute and percent change from baseline and area under the diameter/time curve. Blood samples were collected before and after supplementation and analyzed for total plasma homocysteine, folate, vitamin B-12 and asymmetric dimethyl arginine (ADMA) in addition to regular measures of hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and serum creatinine. Results: Folate supplementation significantly increased plasma folate by 687% (p < 0.005) and decreased homocysteine by 37% (p < 0.05) with no changes (p > 0.05) in vitamin B 12 or ADMA. There were no significant (p > 0.05) changes in vascular structure or function during the placebo or the folate supplementation phases; IMT; placebo pre mean +/- SD, 0.52 +/- 0.12, post 0.50 +/- 0.11; folate pre 0.55 +/- 0.17, post 0.49 +/- 10.20 mm 5% change in brachial artery diameter (RH, placebo pre 10 +/- 8, post 6 +/- 5; folate pre 9 +/- 7, post 7 +/- 5; GTN, placebo pre 18 +/- 10, post 17 +/- 9, folate pre 16 +/- 9, post-supplementation 18 +/- 8). Conclusion: Three months of folate supplementation decreases plasma homocysteine but has no effect on endothelial function or carotid artery IMT in RTR.


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Background. Diabetic nephropathy is a leading cause of end-stage renal disease. Premature mortality is common in patients with nephropathy, largely due to cardiovascular disease. Genetic variants implicated in macrovascular disease are therefore excellent candidates to assess for association with diabetic nephropathy. Recent genome-wide association studies have identified a total of 15 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are reproducibly associated with cardiovascular disease.

Methods. We initially assessed these SNPs for association in UK type 1 diabetic patients with (cases; n = 597) and without (controls; n = 502) nephropathy using iPLEXTM and TaqMan® assays. Replication studies were performed with DNA genotyped in a total of 2668 individuals from the British Isles.

Results. One SNP (rs4420638) on chromosome 19q13 was found to be significantly associated with diabetic nephropathy before (P = 0.0002) and after correction for multiple testing (Pcorrected = 0.002). We replicated this finding in a phenotypically similar case–control collection comprising 709 individuals with type 1 diabetes (P = 0.002; combined P < 0.00001; OR = 1.54, 95% CI: 1.29–1.84).

Conclusions. Our case–control data suggest that rs4420638, or a functional SNP in linkage disequilibrium with this SNP, may be associated with diabetic nephropathy.