896 resultados para Relações Públicas Governamentais


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It is intended, by using the theoretical frameworks of Cultural Anthropology and Social Sciences, determine how to process social relations as a result of identity processes in the university environment. The study shows relevance in the field of Anthropology and Public Relations as it undertakes to identify issues that may guide the actions and perceptions of society and the professionals themselves regarding the activity, in addition to showing a socio-historical overview of the profession. Thus, it can contribute both in the scientific realm , revealing the identity of Public Relations through anthropological knowledge, as in the social sphere, providing the public relations have a broader horizon in relation to their activity and their recognition in the social context , allowing develop identity strategies and contributing to the profession will become even more important for individuals and organizations that make up society


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This study is the result of theoretical reflections and analyses about the role of public relations professional in existing management of cultural diversity in organizations, arising from globalisation and glocalisation. This way, we analyze new perspectives for organizational communication, considering the cultural aspects of different audiences in an organization. Thus, the goal of this work is to show another look for this activity, in which prime respect and integration amid interculturality and enable new paths for public relations, acting as ' cultural Integrator ' in this scenario. For understanding these new interfaces, the study takes as its starting point an overview of roots that gave rise to this context, starting from the analysis of various aspects of globalisation and your reflexes and impacts on organizations, plus a contextualization of the organizational communication trajectory. Then the global and local culture is discussed, as well as the glocalisation and repercussions in organizations, which gave rise to a scenary of cultural diversity and possible conflicts of that context. From the particular analysis of work, are given the implications of this encounter of multiple cultures in organizations, in addition to being presented theories of intercultural communication in trying to manage and provide the dialogue and understanding between different cultures. Finally, this study deals with the possibilities of public relations practice in interculturality, showing paths to the mediation of various interests between organizations and their audiences in the sphere of glocalization, showing the activity of International/Global public relations. It also presents the possible involvement of public relations in the management of a communication on cultural diversity scenary, showing perspectives for this activity on the theory of excellence, in order to seek understanding and understanding even in the midst of diversity


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In contemporary times, to which the media is centralized in the hands of a few, it is necessary to understand and discuss its democratization. In this situation it surges a theory that is still maturing, Communication Public, which reflects the communication by the optic of citizen participation. In this sense, the research has as objective the reflection about democracy, the centrality and conglomeration media in society and what is affecting public broadcast organizations. So has too the intention to defend the performance of professional public relations in this context, due to its humanistic and strategic characteristic. Through literature review, observation of programming of Radio FM UNESP Bauru and interviews with employees, it is perceived that the vehicle radio for its intrinsic characteristics has great potential democratization, when this character in public can promote citizenship. There was also observed the demand for professional public relations, assisting the organization to recognize themselves as a social institution, defining its mission, its goals, its vision and policies, with objective to make two-way symmetrical communication to the public


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This paper aims to analyze the social media monitoring as a specific instrument of Public Relations. Indeed, in the current context this is the most suitable professional to establish the relationship between organizations and their online audiences. Its function is to be manager of communications, mediating and instituting relationships, caring image and reputation of the organization and conducting strategic planning. This case study sought to monitor the Virada Cultural de Bauru through social media's own audience. For this purpose, two types of free tools - Socialmention and Topsy - sustained the diagnosis that turned data into information to be used by this professional communication. The balance shows the power of social media and how they are able to reflect the wishes of consumers, providing often the necessary tools for an efficient communication


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In scenery where the information and the knowledge are acquiring more and more importance, the corporations are looking for alternatives to remain themselves competitive in the market, once the competition happens globally. The current work presents, through bibliographic research and multicases studies, one possibility for the organizations that wishes to increase their competitiveness and look into the participation of the Public Relations professional in the development of Corporative Education programs aiming (at) the continuing education of a very important audience for the organizations, the intern one Through courses and trainings that can happen by presence or remote way, the Corporative Educational programs have as target developing of the critical competence to the organizations, aiming to solve internal problems and reach the best position against competitors. This work is aimed to present how the Public Relation professional can act like a facilitator agent for the education of the intern public of the companies through the Corporative Education. The courses offered through these programs aim to keep the professional always updated, besides to disseminate the values, culture and company’s legacy. At this point, the participation of the Public Relations is appointed to a possibility to strengthen the organization’s internal communication and promote a larger engagement and participation of the employees


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Cultural clashes are part of the intercultural relationships, and especially in the organizations, they cause differences interfering in the process of sharing experiences, expertise and coexistence. This study outlines some communicational actions, built to improve the management of intercultural relations in organizations. This study also is related to the sharing and discussions on the communication planning process and its importance in intercultural differences detained and promoting interfaces between public of “different worlds”. The discussion is supported by theoretical theory of organizations and organizational culture in order to demonstrate a number of aspects related to this subject, which are directly accustomed to public relations activities. It also presents an analysis of the multinational AB InBev, in order to illustrate the process of knowledge and relationships that is built through the construction of the meaning in intercultural environments, as is the case of this organization


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De quanto vale um pequeno gesto, um sorriso, um olhar? São estes detalhes que nascem da linguagem corporal é que estarão presentes neste trabalho. Este projeto foi construído a partir do desejo de se provar que a mensagem presente sob as palavras tem um grande e belo papel para o diálogo e as relações humanas. É com esse propósito que, inicialmente, buscaremos o homem na raiz de sua linguagem, numa trajetória cultural e evolutiva das expressões e da utilização do corpo humano nos rituais de interação. Aos poucos, este mesmo homem se descobre um ser simbólico, com sua capacidade de interpretar símbolos e sinais por meio de um mundo de representações, que fez com que o ser humano procurasse sair da solidão em busca da formação de comunidades. Neste momento, o corpo marca importante papel comunicativo, já que exerce sua função unificadora nas variadas dimensões interpessoais. A partir dessa particularidade, buscaremos o homem imerso na coletividade das organizações, comunicando seus estados emocionais e fazendo uso do não-verbal para reeducar o seu comportamento como trabalhador, mas principalmente, como homem. Este trabalho propõe, assim, analisar a importância de dimensões esquecidas da comunicação que permeiam a percepção dos sentidos, dos afetos, das emoções e da cordialidade entre os sujeitos. Neste sentido, o profissional de Relações Públicas quer fomentar em si – e no outro – o desejo de resgatar valores adquiridos ao longo da história humana, para se fazer presente como sujeito e compreender o outro, de corpo, alma e em todas as suas dimensões


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This project addresses the importance of Public Relations as an agent capable of working towards balance and constant search for consensus in order to minimize potential conflicts of interest concerning diversity within organizations. It aims to engage the issues of power relations, believing that they permeate the entire act in society and also for being human relationships at the heart of the work of Public Relations


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The present work refers to graduation media with specialization in Public Relations and intends to observe the potential for social transformation present in the work of the Community public relations and critical development of the profession in a community, from the perspective of economics concepts creative. Specifically highlights this practice in the community and region of Bauru from observation and evaluation of the work done by the author for two and a half years in project Taquara extension, along with Project Bamboo, which has bamboo as a focus of study and its extension actions. Encompasses the perceptions of the author on existing work in the third sector challenges and observes the realization of a participatory planning process and creating a communication plan as a contribution to the growth of the project


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This paper presents a new playing field for the public relations professional: the start-ups. This new company, with characteristics of fast growth and high-risk investments, becomes an alternative and, at the same time, opportunity for innovative projects that turns from theory into real business, product or service. This way, the work starts on the context of innovation and spread of new ideas, so people can understand the importance of the promotion and study of new ways to market. Faced with this context, public relations professionals are becoming essential in the mediating process of scenario analysis for the implantation of start-ups, as well as the communication of innovation and insight in this new business environment


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This paper discusses the possible performances of professional Public Relations in Brand Management. This approach combines the concepts of brand identity, image and reputation for strategic function / managerial Public Relations. If on one hand the brand is the key element for the public identification of the organization, on the other, the result of this relationship can and should add value to both protagonists of the relationship: Public and organization. So, in an effort analytical and reflective, based on specific literature, defends the idea that the Public Relations has a professional profile that combines institutional and market interests for brand management. In practice, through an exploratory study, is observed from interviews with professionals involved in the area of Brand Management, how is the alignment between brand, relationships and purposes of the organization and which professionals working in this field. The study shows that although it is still defining itself in the market everyday, the public relations professional is a plural, able to manage this effectively


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The society of the information brings with it a lot of changes day by day of the organizations, mainly for characterizing as a flexible society, in net and ruled in technological progress. The contemporary organizations are inserted in that reality and they need be maintained in markets more and more competitive. The Private Institutions of Higher education enter in this logic for they be organizations with lucrative ends that suffer strong influence of the external and internal atmosphere. To stand out, such Institutions need to count with a strategic administration, ruled in an own strategic planning for the branch in that acts. The professional of public relationships is shown capable to develop their main functions in such complex market. For so much it needs to participate in the global planning of the Private Institutions of Higher education, at the same time in that it develops it planning of the communication, intrinsic to the global strategic planning. This way, the present study treats of the professional's of Public Relationships possible contributions, ruled in theoretical data, inside of Private Institutions of Higher education in the Brazilian current scenery


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The current rise of the Internet has allowed distances being shortened more and more-creating virtual communities with the most different people, discussing and debating opinions about their environments, what they consume or what they do. Social media has put the people and, consequently, organizations gradually changing their positions about the environment in which they are inserted. Organizations are forced to adapt to new media-always attentive to what people are saying about them. The objective of this project is to give the Public Relations the activity to analyze what is going on in these social networks, always ahead of the organization, posing as a mediator of public opinion between social networks and the organization


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This paper discusses the performance of pubic relations professional in the field of political marketing, using its tools and strategies in accordance with the established goals. The study presents a general approach to marketing, its origin, tools, strategies, starting for the main types of marketing. In the end, we discuss the relationship between political marketing and public relations. Public relations trace a new path and a new opportunity for performance across the political marketing, and the chances for working at election time, at an earlier stage and later, the politician should think about maintaining their image as well as a way to generates credibility in an upcoming campaign