996 resultados para Reference concentration
Sea surface temperatures and sea-ice extent are the most critical variables to evaluate the Southern Ocean paleoceanographic evolution in relation to the development of the global carbon cycle, atmospheric CO2 variability and ocean-atmosphere circulation. In contrast to the Atlantic and the Indian sectors, the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean has been insufficiently investigated so far. To cover this gap of information we present diatom-based estimates of summer sea surface temperature (SSST) and winter sea-ice concentration (WSI) from 17 sites in the polar South Pacific to study the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) at the EPILOG time slice (19,000-23,000 cal. years BP). Applied statistical methods are the Imbrie and Kipp Method (IKM) and the Modern Analog Technique (MAT) to estimate temperature and sea-ice concentration, respectively. Our data display a distinct LGM east-west differentiation in SSST and WSI with steeper latitudinal temperature gradients and a winter sea-ice edge located consistently north of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge in the Ross sea sector. In the eastern sector of our study area, which is governed by the Amundsen Abyssal Plain, the estimates yield weaker latitudinal SSST gradients together with a variable extended winter sea-ice field. In this sector, sea-ice extent may have reached sporadically the area of the present Subantarctic Front at its maximum LGM expansion. This pattern points to topographic forcing as major controller of the frontal system location and sea-ice extent in the western Pacific sector whereas atmospheric conditions like the Southern Annular Mode and the ENSO affected the oceanographic conditions in the eastern Pacific sector. Although it is difficult to depict the location and the physical nature of frontal systems separating the glacial Southern Ocean water masses into different zones, we found a distinct temperature gradient in latitudes straddled by the modern Southern Subtropical Front. Considering that the glacial temperatures north of this zone are similar to the modern, we suggest that this represents the Glacial Southern Subtropical Front (GSSTF), which delimits the zone of strongest glacial SSST cooling (>4K) to its North. The southern boundary of the zone of maximum cooling is close to the glacial 4°C isotherm. This isotherm, which is in the range of SSST at the modern Antarctic Polar Front (APF), represents a circum-Antarctic feature and marks the northern edge of the glacial Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). We also assume that a glacial front was established at the northern average winter sea ice edge, comparable with the modern Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF). During the glacial, this front would be located in the area of the modern APF. The northward deflection of colder than modern surface waters along the South American continent leads to a significant cooling of the glacial Humboldt Current surface waters (4-8K), which affects the temperature regimes as far north as into tropical latitudes. The glacial reduction of ACC temperatures may also result in the significant cooling in the Atlantic and Indian Southern Ocean, thus may enhance thermal differentiation of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic continental cooling. Comparison with temperature and sea ice simulations for the last glacial based on numerical simulations show that the majority of modern models overestimate summer and winter sea ice cover and that there exists few models that reproduce our temperature data rather well.
The impact of climate change and its relation with evapotranspiration was evaluated in the Duero River Basin (Spain). The study shows the possible future situations 50 years from now from the reference evapotranspiration (ETo). The maximum temperature (Tmax), minimum temperature (Tmin), dew point (Td), wind speed (U) and net radiation (Rn) trends during the 1980-2009 period were obtained and extrapolated with the FAO-56 Penman- Montheith equation to estimate ETo. Changes in stomatal resistance in response to increases in CO2 were also considered. Four scenarios were done, considering the concentration of CO2 and the period analyzed (annual or monthly). The scenarios studied showed the changes in ETo as a consequence of the annual and monthly trends in the variables Tmax, Tmin, Td, U and Rn with current and future CO2 concentrations (372 ppm and 550 ppm). The future ETo showed increases between 118 mm (11%) and 55 mm (5%) with respect to the current situation of the river basin at 1042 mm. The months most affected by climate change are May, June, July, August and September, which also coincide with the maximum water needs of the basin?s crops
The impact of climate change and its relation with evapotranspiration was evaluated in the Duero River Basin (Spain). The study shows possible future situations 50 yr from now from the reference evapotranspiration (ETo). The maximum temperature (Tmax), minimum temperature (Tmin), dew point (Td), wind speed (U) and net radiation (Rn) trends during the 1980–2009 period were obtained and extrapolated with the FAO-56 Penman-Montheith equation to estimate ETo. Changes in stomatal resistance in response to increases in CO2 were also considered. Four scenarios were done, taking the concentration of CO2 and the period analyzed (annual or monthly) into consideration. The scenarios studied showed the changes in ETo as a consequence of the annual and monthly trends in the variables Tmax, Tmin, Td, U and Rn with current and future CO2 concentrations (372 ppm and 550 ppm). The future ETo showed increases between 118 mm (11 %) and 55 mm (5 %) with respect to the current situation of the river basin at 1042 mm. The months most affected by climate change are May, June, July, August and September, which also coincide with the maximum water needs of the basin’s crops
In the present study, nanocrystalline titanium dioxide (TiO2) was prepared by sol–gel method at low temperature from titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) and characterized by different techniques (gas adsorption, XRD, TEM and FTIR). Variables of the synthesis, such as the hydrolyzing agent (acetic acid or isopropanol) and calcination temperatures (300–800 °C), were analyzed to get uniform size TiO2 nanoparticles. The effect that these two variables have on the structure of the resultant TiO2 nanoparticles and on their photocatalytic activity is investigated. The photocatalytic activities of TiO2 nanoparticles were evaluated for propene oxidation at low concentration (100 ppmv) under two different kinds of UV light (UV-A ∼ 365 nm and UV-C ∼ 257.7 nm) and compared with Degussa TiO2 P-25, used as reference sample. The results show that both hydrolyzing agents allow to prepare TiO2 nanoparticles and that the hydrolyzing agent influences the crystalline structure and its change with the thermal treatments. Interestingly, the prepared TiO2 nanoparticles possess anatase phase with small crystalline size, high surface area and higher photocatalytic activity for propene oxidation than commercial TiO2 (Degussa P-25) under UV-light. Curiously, these prepared TiO2 nanoparticles are more active with the 365 nm source than with the 257.7 nm UV-light, which is a remarkable advantage from an application point of view. Additionally, the obtained results are particularly good when acetic acid is the hydrolyzing agent at both wavelengths used, possibly due to the high crystallinity, low anatase phase size and high surface oxygen groups’ content in the nanoparticles prepared with it, in comparison to those prepared using isopropanol.
The cell concentration and size distribution of the microalgae Nannochloropsis gaditana were studied over the whole growth process. Various samples were taken during the light and dark periods the algae were exposed to. The distributions obtained exhibited positive skew, and no change in the type of distribution was observed during the growth process. The size distribution shifted to lower diameters in dark periods while in light periods the opposite occurred. The overall trend during the growth process was one where the size distribution shifted to larger cell diameters, with differences between initial and final distributions of individual cycles becoming smaller. A model based on the Logistic model for cell concentration as a function of time in the dark period that also takes into account cell respiration and growth processes during dark and light periods, respectively, was proposed and successfully applied. This model provides a picture that is closer to the real growth and evolution of cultures, and reveals a clear effect of light and dark periods on the different ways in which cell concentration and diameter evolve with time.
OBJECTIVE To determine changes in creatinine concentrations following the administration of 6% tetrastarch (hydroxyethyl starch [HES] 130/0.4) compared to crystalloids (CRYSs) in critically ill dogs. DESIGN Retrospective case series (2010-2013). SETTING University teaching hospital. ANIMALS Two hundred and one dogs admitted to the intensive care unit with initial plasma creatinine concentrations not exceeding laboratory reference intervals (52-117 μmol/L [0.6-1.3 mg/dL]) and receiving either CRYSs alone (CRYS group, n = 115) or HES with or without CRYSs (HES group, n = 86) for at least 24 hours. INTERVENTIONS None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS Creatinine concentrations at admission to the intensive care unit (T0), and 2-13 days (T1) and 2-12 weeks (T2) after initiation of fluid therapy were analyzed. Creatinine concentrations were analyzed as absolute values and as the maximum percentage change from T0 to T1 (T1max%) and from T0 to T2 (T2max%), respectively. Creatinine concentrations were available for 192 dogs during T1 and 37 dogs during T2. The median cumulative dose of HES was 86 mL/kg (range, 12-336 mL/kg). No difference was detected between the groups for age, gender, body weight, and length of hospitalization. Outcome was significantly different between the HES (66% survived) and the CRYS (87% survived) groups (P = 0.014). No significant difference was detected between groups for creatinine concentrations at T0, T1, T2, T1max%, or T2max%. No significant difference was detected between the groups for T1max% creatinine in dogs subclassified as having systemic inflammatory response syndrome or sepsis. CONCLUSIONS HES administration in this canine population did not result in increased creatinine concentrations compared to administration of CRYSs. Further studies are needed to establish the safety of HES in critically ill dogs.