971 resultados para Redes de comunicações sem fios
As tecnologias wireless vêm evoluindo de forma rápida nas últimas décadas, pois são uma eficiente alternativa para transmissão de informações, sejam dados, voz, vídeos e demais serviços de rede. O conhecimento do processo de propagação dessas informações em diferentes ambientes é um fator de grande importância para o planejamento e o desenvolvimento de sistemas de comunicações sem fio. Devido ao rápido avanço e popularização dessas redes, os serviços oferecidos tornaram-se mais complexos e com isso, necessitam de requisitos de qualidades para que sejam ofertados ao usuário final de forma satisfatória. Devido a isso, torna-se necessário aos projetistas desses sistemas, uma metodologia que ofereça uma melhor avaliação do ambiente indoor. Essa avaliação é feita através da análise da área de cobertura e do comportamento das métricas de serviços multimídia em qualquer posição do ambiente que está recebendo o serviço. O trabalho desenvolvido nessa dissertação objetiva avaliar uma metodologia para a predição de métricas de qualidade de experiência. Para isso, foram realizadas campanhas de medições de transmissões de vídeo em uma rede sem fio e foram avaliados alguns parâmetros da rede (jitter de pacotes/frames, perda de pacotes/frames) e alguns parâmetros de qualidade de experiência (PSNR, SSIM e VQM). Os resultados apresentaram boa concordância com os modelos da literatura e com as medições.
A natureza rígida de redes de multiplexação por divisão de comprimentos de onda (WDM) provoca exploração ineficiente de capacidade espectral. Dessa forma, redes flexíveis são um possível avanço para a tecnologia óptica por viabilizarem melhor aproveitamento dos recursos espectrais disponíveis. Com o intuito de aferir a possível aplicabilidade de redes flexíveis, este trabalho propõe uma estratégia de avaliação de desempenho baseada em simulações e comparações entre resultados obtidos. Para tanto, várias simulações a tempo discreto foram implementadas em dois simuladores desenvolvidos em Matlab a fim de analisar diferentes políticas de alocação de espectro (First-Fit, Smallest-Fit, Exact-Fit e Random-Fit) em três algoritmos de roteamento por caminhos ópticos não híbridos: o roteamento por fragmentação externa (FA), por caminhos mais curtos com máxima eficiência de reuso espectral (SPSR) e por balanceamento de cargas (BLSA). Duas topologias de rede foram utilizadas: um pequeno subconjunto de 6 nós da Cost239 e uma topologia aleatória de 7 nós. Admitindo-se que efeitos de camada física não foram configurados como restrições, foram realizadas comparações entre as diversas técnicas estudadas, objetivando-se apontar, baseado nas especificidades dos cenários propostos, qual o método mais adequado de alocação espectral em termos de frequência de bloqueio entre as quatro políticas de alocação de espectro consideradas.
This paper presents the development and the main results for an interleaved boost rectifier operating as a special input power stage for a trolleybus type vehicle, allowing its feeding by alternate current (AC) or direct current (DC) distribution power systems. When feeding with two wires (single phase) alternate current distribution system, the converter accomplish active power factor correction, providing a relatively sinusoidal current with low total harmonic distortion (THD) and fully complying with IEC 61000-3-4 standards. In addition, a management control system promotes the required automatic operation changes for the proposed rectifier when the vehicle is changing from the DC distribution power system to the AC distribution power system and vice-versa, keeping its original electrical DC system characteristics for the adjustable speed driver sub-system. The main experimental results for a prototype rated at 150kW are presented, considering its application for a trolleybus with DC adjustable speed driver, demonstrating the proposed converter benefits and the possibility of AC feeding system for trolleybus type vehicle.
In this dissertation, are presented two microstrip antennas and two arrays for applications in wireless communication systems multiband. Initially, we studied an antenna and a linear array consisting of two elements identical to the patch antenna isolated. The shape of the patch used in both structures is based on fractal geometry and has multiband behavior. Next a new antenna is analyzed and a new array such as initial structure, but with the truncated ground plane, in order to obtain better bandwidths and return loss. For feeding the structures, we used microstrip transmission line. In the design of planar structures, was used HFSS software for the simulation. Next were built and measures electromagnetic parameters such as input impedance and return loss, using vector network analyzer in the telecommunications laboratory of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The experimental results were compared with the simulated and showed improved return loss for the first array and also appeared a fourth band and increased directivity compared with the isolated antenna. The first two benefits are not commonly found in the literature. For structures with a truncated ground planes, the technique improved impedance matching, bandwidth and return loss when compared to the initial structure with filled ground planes. Moreover, these structures exhibited a better distribution of frequency, facilitating the adjustment of frequencies. Thus, it is expected that the planar structures presented in this study, particularly arrays may be suitable for specific applications in wireless communication systems when frequency multiband and wideband transmission signals are required.
Wireless Communication is a trend in the industrial environment nowadays and on this trend, we can highlight the WirelessHART technology. In this situation, it is natural the search for new improvements in the technology and such improvements can be related directly to the routing and scheduling algorithms. In the present thesis, we present a literature review about the main specific solutions for Routing and scheduling for WirelessHART. The thesis also proposes a new scheduling algorithm called Flow Scheduling that intends to improve superframe utilization and flexibility aspects. For validation purposes, we develop a simulation module for the Network Simulator 3 (NS-3) that models aspects like positioning, signal attenuation and energy consumption and provides an link individual error configuration. The module also allows the creation of the scheduling superframe using the Flow and Han Algorithms. In order to validate the new algorithms, we execute a series of comparative tests and evaluate the algorithms performance for link allocation, delay and superframe occupation. In order to validate the physical layer of the simulation module, we statically configure the routing and scheduling aspects and perform reliability and energy consumption tests using various literature topologies and error probabilities.
Wireless Communication is a trend in the industrial environment nowadays and on this trend, we can highlight the WirelessHART technology. In this situation, it is natural the search for new improvements in the technology and such improvements can be related directly to the routing and scheduling algorithms. In the present thesis, we present a literature review about the main specific solutions for Routing and scheduling for WirelessHART. The thesis also proposes a new scheduling algorithm called Flow Scheduling that intends to improve superframe utilization and flexibility aspects. For validation purposes, we develop a simulation module for the Network Simulator 3 (NS-3) that models aspects like positioning, signal attenuation and energy consumption and provides an link individual error configuration. The module also allows the creation of the scheduling superframe using the Flow and Han Algorithms. In order to validate the new algorithms, we execute a series of comparative tests and evaluate the algorithms performance for link allocation, delay and superframe occupation. In order to validate the physical layer of the simulation module, we statically configure the routing and scheduling aspects and perform reliability and energy consumption tests using various literature topologies and error probabilities.
Over the past few years, the number of wireless networks users has been increasing. Until now, Radio-Frequency (RF) used to be the dominant technology. However, the electromagnetic spectrum in these region is being saturated, demanding for alternative wireless technologies. Recently, with the growing market of LED lighting, the Visible Light Communications has been drawing attentions from the research community. First, it is an eficient device for illumination. Second, because of its easy modulation and high bandwidth. Finally, it can combine illumination and communication in the same device, in other words, it allows to implement highly eficient wireless communication systems. One of the most important aspects in a communication system is its reliability when working in noisy channels. In these scenarios, the received data can be afected by errors. In order to proper system working, it is usually employed a Channel Encoder in the system. Its function is to code the data to be transmitted in order to increase system performance. It commonly uses ECC, which appends redundant information to the original data. At the receiver side, the redundant information is used to recover the erroneous data. This dissertation presents the implementation steps of a Channel Encoder for VLC. It was consider several techniques such as Reed-Solomon and Convolutional codes, Block and Convolutional Interleaving, CRC and Puncturing. A detailed analysis of each technique characteristics was made in order to choose the most appropriate ones. Simulink models were created in order to simulate how diferent codes behave in diferent scenarios. Later, the models were implemented in a FPGA and simulations were performed. Hardware co-simulations were also implemented to faster simulation results. At the end, diferent techniques were combined to create a complete Channel Encoder capable of detect and correct random and burst errors, due to the usage of a RS(255,213) code with a Block Interleaver. Furthermore, after the decoding process, the proposed system can identify uncorrectable errors in the decoded data due to the CRC-32 algorithm.
The last couple of decades have been the stage for the introduction of new telecommunication networks. It is expected that in the future all types of vehicles, such as cars, buses and trucks have the ability to intercommunicate and form a vehicular network. Vehicular networks display particularities when compared to other networks due to their continuous node mobility and their wide geographical dispersion, leading to a permanent network fragmentation. Therefore, the main challenges that this type of network entails relate to the intermittent connectivity and the long and variable delay in information delivery. To address the problems related to the intermittent connectivity, a new concept was introduced – Delay Tolerant Network (DTN). This architecture is built on a Store-Carry-and-Forward (SCF) mechanism in order to assure the delivery of information when there is no end-to-end path defined. Vehicular networks support a multiplicity of services, including the transportation of non-urgent information. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the use of a DTN for the dissemination of non-urgent information is able to surpass the aforementioned challenges. The work developed focused on the use of DTNs for the dissemination of non-urgent information. This information is originated in the network service provider and should be available on mobile network terminals during a limited period of time. In order to do so, four different strategies were deployed: Random, Least Number of Hops First (LNHF), Local Rarest Bundle First (LRBF) e Local Rarest Generation First (LRGF). All of these strategies have a common goal: to disseminate content into the network in the shortest period of time and minimizing network congestion. This work also contemplates the analysis and implementation of techniques that reduce network congestion. The design, implementation and validation of the proposed strategies was divided into three stages. The first stage focused on creating a Matlab emulator for the fast implementation and strategy validation. This stage resulted in the four strategies that were afterwards implemented in the DTNs software Helix – developed in a partnership between Instituto de Telecomunicac¸˜oes (IT) and Veniam R , which are responsible for the largest operating vehicular network worldwide that is located in Oporto city. The strategies were later evaluated on an emulator that was built for the largescale testing of DTN. Both emulators account for vehicular mobility based on information previously collected from the real platform. Finally, the strategy that presented the best overall performance was tested on a real platform – in a lab environment – for concept and operability demonstration. It is possible to conclude that two of the implemented strategies (LRBF and LRGF) can be deployed in the real network and guarantee a significant delivery rate. The LRBF strategy has the best performance in terms of delivery. However, it needs to add a significant overhead to the network in order to work. In the future, tests of scalability should be conducted in a real environment in order to confirm the emulator results. The real implementation of the strategies should be accompanied by the introduction of new types of services for content distribution.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2016.
A democracia contemporânea vem, ao longo das últimas décadas, recebendo cada vez mais influência dos meios de comunicação em seus processos. Com o surgimento e propagação da Internet, os governos tem precisado se adaptar e se preocupar com a transparência de suas ações e com as inúmeras vozes de atores sociais cada vez mais conectados, informados e munidos de ferramentas, por meio das quais, podem realizar comunicações de grande alcance de forma rápida e eficaz, sem o intermédio de grandes meios de comunicação. Com o objetivo de observar a relação entre o governos e cidadãos por meio das redess sociais online – um dos principais meios por onde a sociedade, hoje, tem se comunicado e se mobilizado sobre inúmeras, inclusive, políticas – esse estudo analisou como o Ministério da Educação do Brasil (MEC), órgão responsável pelo planejamento e desenvolvimento de políticas públicas para educação no país, trabalha sua comunicação com o cidadão por meio do Facebook e como utiliza essa ferramenta no processo de implementação e avaliação de suas políticas. O trabalho foi realizado por meio do estudo exploratório e da análise qualitativa dos dados colhidos na página MEC no Facebook entre anos de 2011 e 2014, período do primeiro mandato da presidente Dilma Rousseff. Com a análise, observou-se que o MEC modificou bastante a forma como se comunica por esta rede social, recebendo, inclusive, aparente melhor infra-estrutura para esta tarefa. Sua mudança de postura no Facebook deixa claro o interesse e a busca pela participação dos cidadadãos no desevolvimento de suas políticas públicas. Por outro lado, mostra que essa participação é, de certa forma, limitada pela atitude do MEC de não desenvolver diálogo com o cidadão, mantendo-os sempre a certa distância.
Objetivos de la Investigación: 1. Indagar acerca de las diferentes técnicas y herramientas que nos propone la teoría para establecer relaciones entre redes de conocimiento y RSE. 2. Indagar acerca del grado de aplicación de los fundamentos teóricos en la práctica. 3. Establecer las competencias necesarias para el ejercicio efectivo de la Responsabilidad Social Empresaria de las compañías establecidas en la localidad de Campana
Resumen: La difusión de las redes sociales en Internet ha pasado a formar parte de la vida cotidiana de los jóvenes. Las motivaciones que guían la elección de algunas de ellas, la frecuencia de uso y su impacto en el consumo de medios de comunicación tradicionales conforman el núcleo de este trabajo. Los jóvenes mostraron estar familiarizados con los fines y aplicaciones de las diferentes redes sociales, aunque en su gran mayoría eligen Facebook como su favorita. Manifiestan que, en términos generales, las redes sociales ofrecen una forma de comunicación completa, ya que permiten compartir texto, fotos, videos y enlaces, y estar en contacto permanente con familiares, amigos y conocidos
Resumen: Se realiza una revisión sobre los antecedentes de las Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA) como método de análisis de bases de datos medioambientales, aplicado en las diversas áreas de la Ingeniería Ambiental en general y de Impacto Ambiental en particular. Se describe como ejemplo, la aplicación de RNA en los algoritmos de inversión de datos obtenidos por sensado remoto satelital, para la medición de variables geofísicas
Resumen: Las redes malladas inalámbricas (Wireless Mesh Networks) son en particular un dominio rápidamente creciente y esto trae muchos desafíos. La principal función de los protocolos de encaminamiento es seleccionar el camino entre el nodo fuente y destino de una manera rápida y fiable. Estas redes pueden utilizar los protocolos de encaminamiento de otras redes ya existentes, pero modificándolos para que funcionen correctamente con ellas. En este trabajo se analizan distintos protocolos de encaminamiento y se presentan sus descripciones para luego compararlos de acuerdo al Tipo de Protocolo, Alcance de trasmisiones y Métrica de ruteo.
Resumen: En el marco de la integración de etapas en procesos de producción industrial en serie, se identifican, clasifican y caracterizan las variables que permiten modelizar dicho proceso, como estrategia con vistas a su optimización. El estudio se aplica en el ámbito de la industria metalúrgica, a partir de los datos de un conjunto de empresas de la región centro y sur de Santa Fe. La estructura secuencial de un proceso industrial hace que cualquier falla en una etapa cause demoras o reducción de calidad en el producto final obtenido. Como herramienta integradora de análisis, se plantea la implementación de un sistema de redes neuronales artificiales.