967 resultados para Recombination fingerprinting
The untargeted integration of foreign DNA into the mammalian cell genome, extensively used in gene therapy and biotechnology, remains an incompletely understood process. It is believed to be based on cellular DNA double strand break (DSB) repair machinery and to involve two major steps: i) the formation of long gene arrays (concatemers), and ii) recombination of the resulting concatemer with the genome. The main DSB repair pathways in eukaryotes include non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), homologous recombination (HR), and microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ). However, it is still not clear, which of these pathways are responsible for transgene integration. Here, we show that NHEJ is not the primary pathway used by mammalian cells in the transgene integration process, while the components of the HR pathway seem to be important for genomic integration but not concatemerization. Instead, concatemer formation appears to be mediated by a subset of the MMEJ pathway, termed synthesis-dependent MMEJ (SD-MMEJ). This mechanism also seems to be preferentially used for plasmid integration into the genome, as confirmed by the analysis of plasmid-to-genome junction sequences, which were found to display an SD-MMEJ pattern. Therefore, we propose the existence of two distinct SD-MMEJ subpathways, relying on different subsets of enzymes. One of these mechanisms appears to be responsible for concatemerization, while the other mechanism, partially dependent in HR enzymes, seems to mediate recombination with the genome. Previous studies performed by our group suggested that matrix attachment regions (MARs), which are epigenetic regulatory DNA elements that participate in the formation of chromatin boundaries and augment transcription, may mediate increased plasmid integration into the genome of CHO cells by stimulating DNA recombination. In the present work, we demonstrate that MAR-mediated plasmid integration results from the enhanced SD-MMEJ pathway. Analysis of transgene integration loci and junction DNA sequences validated the prevalent use of this pathway by the MAR elements to target plasmid DNA into gene-rich areas of the CHO genome. We propose that this finding should in the future help to engineer cells for improved recombinant protein production. In addition to investigating the process of transgene integration, we designed recombination assays to better characterize the components of the MMEJ and SD-MMEJ pathways. We also used CHO cells expressing cycle-sensitive reporter genes to demonstrate a potential role of HR proteins in the cell cycle regulation.
Eukaryotic cells respond to DNA breaks, especially double-stranded breaks (DSBs), by activating the DNA damage response (DDR), which encompasses DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint signaling. The DNA damage signal is transmitted to the checkpoint machinery by a network of specialized DNA damage-recognizing and signal-transducing molecules. However, recent evidence suggests that DNA repair proteins themselves may also directly contribute to the checkpoint control. Here, we investigated the role of homologous recombination (HR) proteins in normal cell cycle regulation in the absence of exogenous DNA damage. For this purpose, we used Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells expressing the Fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicators (Fucci). Systematic siRNA-mediated knockdown of HR genes in these cells demonstrated that the lack of several of these factors alters cell cycle distribution, albeit differentially. The knock-down of MDC1, Rad51 and Brca1 caused the cells to arrest in the G2 phase, suggesting that they may be required for the G2/M transition. In contrast, inhibition of the other HR factors, including several Rad51 paralogs and Rad50, led to the arrest in the G1/G0 phase. Moreover, reduced expression of Rad51B, Rad51C, CtIP and Rad50 induced entry into a quiescent G0-like phase. In conclusion, the lack of many HR factors may lead to cell cycle checkpoint activation, even in the absence of exogenous DNA damage, indicating that these proteins may play an essential role both in DNA repair and checkpoint signaling.
Bread is one of the most widely consumed foods. Its impact on human health is currently of special interest for researchers. We aimed to identify biomarkers of bread consumption by applying a nutrimetabolomic approach to a free-living population. An untargeted HPLC q-TOF-MS and multivariate analysis was applied to human urine from 155 subjects stratified by habitual bread consumption in three groups: non-consumers of bread (n = 56), white-bread consumers (n = 48) and whole-grain bread consumers (n = 51). The most differential metabolites (variable importance for projection ≥1.5) included compounds originating from cereal plant phytochemicals such as benzoxazinoids and alkylresorcinol metabolites, and compounds produced by gut microbiota (such as enterolactones, hydroxybenzoic and dihydroferulic acid metabolites). Pyrraline, riboflavin, 3-indolecarboxylic acid glucuronide, 2,8-dihydroxyquinoline glucuronide and N-α-acetylcitrulline were also tentatively identified. In order to combine multiple metabolites in a model to predict bread consumption, a stepwise logistic regression analysis was used. Receiver operating curves were constructed to evaluate the global performance of individual metabolites and their combination. The area under the curve values [AUC (95 % CI)] of combined models ranged from 77.8 % (69.1 86.4 %) to 93.7 % (89.4 98.1 %), whereas the AUC for the metabolites included in the models had weak values when they were evaluated individually: from 58.1 % (46.6 69.7 %) to 78.4 % (69.8 87.1 %). Our study showed that a daily bread intake significantly impacted on the urinary metabolome, despite being examined under uncontrolled free-living conditions. We further concluded that a combination of several biomarkers of exposure is better than a single biomarker for the predictive ability of discriminative analysis.
Bread is one of the most widely consumed foods. Its impact on human health is currently of special interest for researchers. We aimed to identify biomarkers of bread consumption by applying a nutrimetabolomic approach to a free-living population. An untargeted HPLC q-TOF-MS and multivariate analysis was applied to human urine from 155 subjects stratified by habitual bread consumption in three groups: non-consumers of bread (n = 56), white-bread consumers (n = 48) and whole-grain bread consumers (n = 51). The most differential metabolites (variable importance for projection ≥1.5) included compounds originating from cereal plant phytochemicals such as benzoxazinoids and alkylresorcinol metabolites, and compounds produced by gut microbiota (such as enterolactones, hydroxybenzoic and dihydroferulic acid metabolites). Pyrraline, riboflavin, 3-indolecarboxylic acid glucuronide, 2,8-dihydroxyquinoline glucuronide and N-α-acetylcitrulline were also tentatively identified. In order to combine multiple metabolites in a model to predict bread consumption, a stepwise logistic regression analysis was used. Receiver operating curves were constructed to evaluate the global performance of individual metabolites and their combination. The area under the curve values [AUC (95 % CI)] of combined models ranged from 77.8 % (69.1 86.4 %) to 93.7 % (89.4 98.1 %), whereas the AUC for the metabolites included in the models had weak values when they were evaluated individually: from 58.1 % (46.6 69.7 %) to 78.4 % (69.8 87.1 %). Our study showed that a daily bread intake significantly impacted on the urinary metabolome, despite being examined under uncontrolled free-living conditions. We further concluded that a combination of several biomarkers of exposure is better than a single biomarker for the predictive ability of discriminative analysis.
Bacterial canker of grapevine (Vitis vinifera), caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola was first detected in Brazil in 1998, affecting grapevines in the São Francisco river basin, state of Pernambuco. The disease was also reported in Juazeiro, Bahia and later in Piauí and Ceará. Due to its limited geographical distribution and relatively recent detection in Brazil, very little is known about the pathogen's biology and diversity. Repetitive DNA based-PCR (rep-PCR) profiles were generated from purified bacterial DNA of 40 field strains of X. campestris pv. viticola, collected between 1998 and 2001 in the states of Pernambuco, Bahia and Piauí. Combined analysis of the PCR patterns obtained with primers REP, ERIC and BOX, showed a high degree of similarity among Brazilian strains and the Indian type strain NCPPB 2475. Similar genomic patterns with several diagnostic bands, present in all strains, could be detected. Fingerprints were distinct from those of strains representing other pathovars and from a yellow non-pathogenic isolate from grape leaves. The polymorphism observed among the Brazilian strains allowed their separation into five subgroups, although with no correlation with cultivar of origin, geographic location or year collected.
Min avhandling behandlar hur oordnade material leder elektrisk ström. Bland materialen som studeras finns ledande polymerer, d.v.s. plaster som leder ström, och mer allmänt organiska halvledare. Av de här materialen har man kunnat bygga elektroniska komponenter, och man hoppas på att kunna trycka hela kretsar av organiska material. För de här tillämpningarna är det viktigt att förstå hur materialen själva leder elektrisk ström. Termen oordnade material syftar på material som saknar kristallstruktur. Oordningen gör att elektronernas tillstånd blir lokaliserade i rummet, så att en elektron i ett visst tillstånd är begränsad t.ex. till en molekyl eller ett segment av en polymer. Det här kan jämföras med kristallina material, där ett elektrontillstånd är utspritt över hela kristallen (men i stället har en väldefinierad rörelsemängd). Elektronerna (eller hålen) i det oordnade materialet kan röra sig genom att tunnelera mellan de lokaliserade tillstånden. Utgående från egenskaperna för den här tunneleringsprocessen, kan man bestämma transportegenskaperna för hela materialet. Det här är utgångspunkten för den så kallade hopptransportmodellen, som jag har använt mig av. Hopptransportmodellen innehåller flera drastiska förenklingar. Till exempel betraktas elektrontillstånden som punktformiga, så att tunneleringssannolikheten mellan två tillstånd endast beror på avståndet mellan dem, och inte på deras relativa orientation. En annan förenkling är att behandla det kvantmekaniska tunneleringsproblemet som en klassisk process, en slumpvandring. Trots de här grova approximationerna visar hopptransportmodellen ändå många av de fenomen som uppträder i de verkliga materialen som man vill modellera. Man kan kanske säga att hopptransportmodellen är den enklaste modell för oordnade material som fortfarande är intressant att studera. Man har inte hittat exakta analytiska lösningar för hopptransportmodellen, därför använder man approximationer och numeriska metoder, ofta i form av datorberäkningar. Vi har använt både analytiska metoder och numeriska beräkningar för att studera olika aspekter av hopptransportmodellen. En viktig del av artiklarna som min avhandling baserar sig på är att jämföra analytiska och numeriska resultat. Min andel av arbetet har främst varit att utveckla de numeriska metoderna och applicera dem på hopptransportmodellen. Därför fokuserar jag på den här delen av arbetet i avhandlingens introduktionsdel. Ett sätt att studera hopptransportmodellen numeriskt är att direkt utföra en slumpvandringsprocess med ett datorprogram. Genom att föra statisik över slumpvandringen kan man beräkna olika transportegenskaper i modellen. Det här är en så kallad Monte Carlo-metod, eftersom själva beräkningen är en slumpmässig process. I stället för att följa rörelsebanan för enskilda elektroner, kan man beräkna sannolikheten vid jämvikt för att hitta en elektron i olika tillstånd. Man ställer upp ett system av ekvationer, som relaterar sannolikheterna för att hitta elektronen i olika tillstånd i systemet med flödet, strömmen, mellan de olika tillstånden. Genom att lösa ekvationssystemet fås sannolikhetsfördelningen för elektronerna. Från sannolikhetsfördelningen kan sedan strömmen och materialets transportegenskaper beräknas. En aspekt av hopptransportmodellen som vi studerat är elektronernas diffusion, d.v.s. deras slumpmässiga rörelse. Om man betraktar en samling elektroner, så sprider den med tiden ut sig över ett större område. Det är känt att diffusionshastigheten beror av elfältet, så att elektronerna sprider sig fortare om de påverkas av ett elektriskt fält. Vi har undersökt den här processen, och visat att beteendet är väldigt olika i endimensionella system, jämfört med två- och tredimensionella. I två och tre dimensioner beror diffusionskoefficienten kvadratiskt av elfältet, medan beroendet i en dimension är linjärt. En annan aspekt vi studerat är negativ differentiell konduktivitet, d.v.s. att strömmen i ett material minskar då man ökar spänningen över det. Eftersom det här fenomenet har uppmätts i organiska minnesceller, ville vi undersöka om fenomenet också kan uppstå i hopptransportmodellen. Det visade sig att det i modellen finns två olika mekanismer som kan ge upphov till negativ differentiell konduktivitet. Dels kan elektronerna fastna i fällor, återvändsgränder i systemet, som är sådana att det är svårare att ta sig ur dem då elfältet är stort. Då kan elektronernas medelhastighet och därmed strömmen i materialet minska med ökande elfält. Elektrisk växelverkan mellan elektronerna kan också leda till samma beteende, genom en så kallad coulombblockad. En coulombblockad kan uppstå om antalet ledningselektroner i materialet ökar med ökande spänning. Elektronerna repellerar varandra och ett större antal elektroner kan leda till att transporten blir långsammare, d.v.s. att strömmen minskar.
In some literature variations in photosynthetic rates are considered to be of little relevance for individual fitness. This depends among other things on how one defines fitness, i.e. if one takes strictly Darwinian fitness as seed production or if one needs to evaluate particular traits and consider plant establishment. It also matters if one takes the Darwinian "organism individual" as the central entity in evolution ("individual fitness") or the "species individual" in a modified "Structure of Evolutionary Theory" sensu Stephen Jay Gould. A phenotypically expressed trait like photosynthetic rate, even if intra- and interspecific differences may be small, can matter in habitat performance and niche acquisition. Light dependence curves (LCs) of photosynthetic rates are now readily measured under field conditions using miniaturized equipment of pulse amplitude modulated fluorometers. In contrast to actual momentary measurements of quantum yield of photosynthesis under actually prevailing ambient conditions, LC measurements reflect the expressed intrinsic capacity of photosynthesis. In this review we explore the power of LC measurements yielding cardinal points such as maximum apparent electron transport rate of photosystem II (ETRmax) and saturating photosynthetically active radiation (PARsat) in making intra- and interspecific comparisons of plant performance and synecological fingerprinting in ecophysiological studies across species, sites, habitats and ecosystems.
Isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis derived from patients with AIDS from a single hospital in Rio de Janeiro were typed using a standardized RFLP technique detecting IS6110 polymorphism. Nineteen isolates were obtained from 15 different patients. Eleven distinct IS6110 patterns were found, with 4 banding patterns shared by 2 patients. The clustering value of 53% was much higher in comparison with clustering of M. tuberculosis strains from TB patients without clinical signs for HIV infection from randomly selected health centers. We present these results as preliminary data on M. tuberculosis strain polymorphism in Brazil and on the higher risk for recent transmission amongst patients with AIDS
The development of in vitro propagation of cells has been an extraordinary technical advance for several biological studies. The correct identification of the cell line used, however, is crucial, as a mistaken identity or the presence of another contaminating cell may lead to invalid and/or erroneous conclusions. We report here the application of a DNA fingerprinting procedure (directed amplification of minisatellite-region DNA), developed by Heath et al. [Nucleic Acids Research (1993) 21: 5782-5785], to the characterization of cell lines. Genomic DNA of cells in culture was extracted and amplified by PCR in the presence of VNTR core sequences, and the amplicons were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. After image capture with a digital camera, the banding profiles obtained were analyzed using a software (AnaGel) specially developed for the storage and analysis of electrophoretic fingerprints. The fingerprints are useful for construction of a data base for identification of cell lines by comparison to reference profiles as well as comparison of similar lines from different sources and periodic follow-up of cells in culture.
Botrytis cinerea isolates collected from Niagara region were treated with different concentrations of the fiingicide, iprodione to test their sensitivity to this fungicide. These Botrytis cinerea isolates were divided into two groups according to their sensitivity to iprodione. Those isolates whose growth was inhibited by iprodione at concentrations < 2|i,g/nil were classified as sensitive isolates. Isolates that were able to show considerable growth at 2|j,g/ml iprodione were classified as resistant isolates. Resistant and sensitive isolates were compared for their morphological and growth characteristics, conidial germination, virulence on grape berries and protein banding profiles. The fungicide iprodione at a concentration of 2|xg/nil inhibited mycelial growth, sporulation and conidial germination of sensitive isolates but not those of resistant isolates. The inhibitory effect of the fungicide was greater on mycelial growth than on conidia germination of the sensitive isolates. Sensitive isolates produced no sclerotia whereas resistant isolates produced large number of sclerotia. The fungicide iprodione affected sclerotial production in the resistant isolates. The number of sclerotia was decreased by the increase of iprodione in the medium. Sporulation of resistant isolates was improved significantly in the presence of iprodione. The resistant isolates were as virulent as the sensitive isolates on grape berries. The sensitive and resistant isolates showed similar protein banding profiles in the absence of iprodione in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis studies. Similar protein profiles were also observed when these isolates were grown in the presence of low iprodione concentration (0.5|ig/nil). However, in the presence of concentration (0.5|ig/nil). However, in the presence of iprodione at concentration of 5|Xg/nil, one protein band with approximate molecular weight of 83 KDa was present in the growing resistant isolates (and the controls) but was missing in the inhibited sensitive isolates.
The manipulation of large (>10 kb) plasmid systems amplifies problems common to traditional cloning strategies. Unique or rare restriction enzyme recognition sequences are uncommon and very rarely located in opportunistic locations. Making site-specific deletions and insertions in larger plasmids consequently leads to multiple step cloning strategies that are often limited by time-consuming, low efficiency linker insertions or blunt-end cloning strategies. Manipulation ofthe adenovirus genome and the genomes ofother viruses as bacterial plasmids are systems that typify such situations. Recombinational cloning techniques based on homologous recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that circumvent many ofthese common problems have been developed. However, these techniques are rarely realistic options for such large plasmid systems due to the above mentioned difficulties associated with the addition ofrequired yeast DNA replication, partitioning and selectable marker sequences. To determine ifrecombinational cloning techniques could be modified to simplify the manipulation of such a large plasmid system, a recombinational cloning system for the creation of human adenovirus EI-deletion rescue plasmids was developed. Here we report for the first time that the 1,456 bp TRP1/ARS fragment ofYRp7 is alone sufficient to foster successful recombinational cloning without additional partitioning sequences, using only slight modifications of existing protocols. In addition, we describe conditions for efficient recombinational cloning involving simultaneous deletion of large segments ofDNA (>4.2 kb) and insertion of donor fragment DNA using only a single non-unique restriction site. The discovery that recombinational cloning can foster large deletions has been used to develop a novel recombiliational cloillng technique, selectable inarker 'kilockouf" recombinational cloning, that uses deletion of a yeast selectable marker coupled with simultaneous negative and positive selection to reduce background transformants to undetectable levels. The modification of existing protocols as described in this report facilitates the use of recombinational cloning strategies that are otherwise difficult or impractical for use with large plasmid systems. Improvement of general recombinational cloning strategies and strategies specific to the manipulation ofthe adenovirus genome are considered in light of data presented herein.
Endonuclease G (EndoG) is a well conserved mitochondrial nuclease with dual lethal and vital roles in the cell. It non-specifically cleaves endogenous DNA following apoptosis induction, but is also active in non-apoptotic cells for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication and may also be important for replication, repair and recombination of genomic DNA. The aim of our study was to examine whether EndoG exerts similar activities on exogenous DNA substrates such as plasmid DNA (pDNA) and viral DNA vectors, considering their importance in gene therapy applications. The effects of EndoG knockdown on pDNA stability and levels of encoded reporter gene expression were evaluated in the cervical carcinoma HeLa cells. Transfection of pDNA vectors encoding short-hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) reduced levels of EndoG mRNA and nuclease activity in HeLa cells. In physiological circumstances, EndoG knockdown did not have an effect on the stability of pDNA or the levels of encoded transgene expression as measured over a four day time-course. However, when endogenous expression of EndoG was induced by an extrinsic stimulus (a cationic liposome transfection reagent), targeting of EndoG by shRNA improved the perceived stability and transgene expression of pDNA vectors. Therefore, EndoG is not a mediator of exogenous DNA clearance, but in non-physiological circumstances it may non-specifically cleave intracellular DNA regardless of its origin. To investigate possible effects of EndoG on viral DNA vectors, we constructed and evaluated AdsiEndoG, a first generation adenovirus (Ad5 ΔE1) vector encoding a shRNA directed against EndoG mRNA, along with appropriate Ad5 ΔE1 controls. Infection of HeLa cells with AdsiEndoG at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 10 p.f.u./cell resulted in an early cell proliferation defect, absent from cells infected at equivalent MOI with control Ad5 ΔE1 vectors. Replication of Ad5 ΔE1 DNA was detected for all vectors, but AdsiEndoG DNA accumulated to levels that were 50 fold higher than initially, four days after infection, compared to 14 fold for the next highest control Ad5 ΔE1 vector. Deregulation of the cell cycle by EndoG depletion, which is characterized by an accumulation of cells in the G2/M transition, is the most likely reason for the observed cell proliferation defect. The enhanced replication of AdsiEndoG is consistent with this conclusion, as Ad5 ΔE1 DNA replication is intimately related to cell cycling and prolongation or delay in G2/M greatly enhances this process. Furthermore, infection of HeLa with AdsiEndoG at MOI of 50 p.f.u./cell resulted in an almost complete disappearance of viable, adherent tumour cells from culture, whereas almost a third of the cells were still adherent after infection with control Ad5 ΔE1 vectors, relative to the non-infected control. Therefore, targeting of EndoG by RNAi is a viable strategy for improving the oncolytic properties of first generation adenovirus vectors. In addition, AdsiEndoG-mediated knockdown of EndoG reduced homologous recombination between pDNA substrates in HeLa cells. The effect was modest but, nevertheless demonstrated that the proposed role of EndoG in homologous recombination of cellular DNA also extends to exogenous DNA substrates.
XerC et XerD, deux recombinases impliquées dans la recombinaison site spécifique, résolvent les multimères d’ADN en monomères. Cette réaction se produit au niveau du site dif du chromosome, et nécessite le domaine C-terminale de la protéine de division cellulaire FtsK. Caulobacter crescentus est une bactérie aquatique de type Gram-négative qui se retrouve dans plusieurs environnements. Elle présente un cycle cellulaire asymétrique avec deux types de cellules distinctes. Cette propriété peut être utilisée pour synchroniser la croissance d’une population bactérienne pour permettre l’étude de l’expression de gènes à travers le temps et les liens entre le cycle cellulaire et le développement de la bactérie. La liaison à l’ADN et la capacité de former des complexes covalents (phosphotyrosyl) avec le site dif de C. crescentus (ccdif) ont été testé pour les recombinases de C. crescentus (ccXerC et ccXerD). Les deux recombinases ont eu une meilleure liaison au demi-site gauche de ccdif et sont incapable d’effectuer une liaison coopérative, contrairement à ce qui se produit au niveau du site dif de E. coli. La formation de complexes covalents a été testé en utilisant des «substrats suicides avec bris» marqués à la fluorescence ainsi que des protéines de fusion (marquées ou non à la fluorescence). Des complexes ADN-protéines résistants à la chaleur et au SDS ont été observé lors de la réaction de ccXerC et ccXerD de type sauvage avec ccdif, mais pas lors de la réaction de mutants avec le même ADN. Des complexes covalents phosphotyrosine sont formés de façon plus efficace sur les substrats suicides avec un bris au niveau du brin supérieur que ceux ayant un bris au niveau du brin inférieur. Dans les deux cas, c’est ccXerC qui est resté lié de façon covalente à l’ADN de ccdif.
Durant la méiose, il se produit des échanges réciproques entre fragments de chromosomes homologues par recombinaison génétique. Les chromosomes parentaux ainsi modifiés donnent naissance à des gamètes uniques. En redistribuant les mutations génétiques pour générer de nouvelles combinaisons, ce processus est à l’origine de la diversité haplotypique dans la population. Dans cette thèse, je présente des résultats décrivant l’implication de la recombinaison méiotique dans les maladies chez l’humain. Premièrement, l'analyse statistique de données de génotypage de familles québécoises démontre une importante hétérogénéité individuelle et sexe-spécifique des taux de recombinaisons. Pour la première fois chez l’humain, nous avons observé que le taux de recombinaison maternel diminue avec l'âge de la mère, un phénomène potentiellement impliqué dans la régulation du taux d’aneuploïdie associé à l’âge maternel. Ensuite, grâce à l’analyse de données de séquençage d’exomes de patients atteints de leucémie et de ceux de leurs parents, nous avons découvert une localisation anormale des évènements de recombinaison chez les enfants leucémiques. Le gène PRDM9, principal déterminant de la localisation des recombinaisons chez l’humain, présente des formes alléliques rares dans ces familles. Finalement, en utilisant un large spectre de variants génétiques identifiés dans les transcriptomes d’individus Canadiens Français, nous avons étudié et comparé le fardeau génétique présent dans les régions génomiques à haut et à faible taux de recombinaison. Le fardeau génétique est substantiellement plus élevé dans les régions à faible taux de recombinaison et nous démontrons qu’au niveau individuel, ce fardeau varie selon la population humaine. Grâce à l’utilisation de données génomiques de pointe pour étudier la recombinaison dans des cohortes populationnelles et médicales, ce travail démontre de quelle façon la recombinaison peut affecter la santé des individus.