998 resultados para Receita Federal do Brasil


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This paper comprises an investigation on the influence of the variable family backgrounds (father school level, mother school level and family income) over the pupil s performance in admissions examination (entrance test or PROITEC) at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). From that point of view, the main goal of this research is to analyze the influence of the family background as a determiner of the pupil´s performance in the access to Technical and Professional education at IFRN. Secondary data were used from two databases (entrance test and PROITEC) adding up to 19.226 observations to the vacancies offered in the year of 2013. Aiming at achieving the proposed goal, a conceptual model composed of three hypothesis was developed. The results were presented in four stages: stage I presentation of the descriptive statistical results of the two databases; stage II separation of the campi in clusters; stage III analysis of multiple regressions; stage IV analysis of the logistics regressions. Two statistical tests were used to validate the hypothesis: T-test and Wald test. Hypothesis 1 and 2 were confirmed and H3 was refused. The results presented favorable causal connections to the family income and the father school level variables (with bigger effect for fathers with a higher education degree). The mother school level variable did not provide statistical significance for this research. Based on this result, after this work, this institution is to develop a strategic plan to assist in the success rate of students preparing diagnoses in order to diminish the effects of the variables that impacted negatively


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This paper comprises an investigation on the influence of the variable family backgrounds (father school level, mother school level and family income) over the pupil s performance in admissions examination (entrance test or PROITEC) at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). From that point of view, the main goal of this research is to analyze the influence of the family background as a determiner of the pupil´s performance in the access to Technical and Professional education at IFRN. Secondary data were used from two databases (entrance test and PROITEC) adding up to 19.226 observations to the vacancies offered in the year of 2013. Aiming at achieving the proposed goal, a conceptual model composed of three hypothesis was developed. The results were presented in four stages: stage I presentation of the descriptive statistical results of the two databases; stage II separation of the campi in clusters; stage III analysis of multiple regressions; stage IV analysis of the logistics regressions. Two statistical tests were used to validate the hypothesis: T-test and Wald test. Hypothesis 1 and 2 were confirmed and H3 was refused. The results presented favorable causal connections to the family income and the father school level variables (with bigger effect for fathers with a higher education degree). The mother school level variable did not provide statistical significance for this research. Based on this result, after this work, this institution is to develop a strategic plan to assist in the success rate of students preparing diagnoses in order to diminish the effects of the variables that impacted negatively


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A iniciativa visa ?? extin????o do uso de papel nos processos dentro do ??rg??o p??blico mediante a cria????o do Processo Administrativo Digital (e-Processo). A promo????o da transpar??ncia dos atos p??blicos, com gest??o do conhecimento, maior autonomia e descentraliza????o administrativa, fortalece a democracia,melhora o ambiente de neg??cio e a confian??a no governo. O sistema foi implantado em todas as ??reas de neg??cios de 700 unidades administrativas, com 33 mil servidores conectados nos tr??s ??rg??os p??blicos federais: Receita Federal do Brasil (RFB), Procuradoria da Fazenda Nacional (PFN) e Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais (Carf). A substitui????o de um documento papel por um documento imagem tem o cond??o de promover no Estado uma verdadeira reengenharia procedimental e administrativa


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RUIZ, Paulo Sergio Lopes. RECOF – Regime Aduaneiro de Entreposto Industrial sob Controle Informatizado: Percepção dos usuários sobre dificuldades e benefícios em sua implantação. 2011. 114f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul, São Caetano do Sul, 2011.


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REPETRO, the special tax regime for importing and exporting goods for the exploration and drilling of oil and gas, aims at bringing foreign assets to Brazil enjoying a suspension or even an exemption of taxes, so that Brazilian industry may profit from about 8 billion American dollars in investments. The creation of normative devices as well as the management of the REPETRO model are under the exclusive responsibility of the Brazilian Internal Revenue Services. REPETRO was created in 1999 and is composed of the following customs treatments: importation of goods with suspension of taxes by use of the drawback special regime, suspension mode for national exporting industry; exportation with fictitious exit for the national industry; temporary admission of goods or assets used in oil exploration and production, attending to the needs of both the national and foreign market. Considering the inability of the Brazilian government in restructuring its foreign trade model so that a strong investment in technology could provide for the sector¿s needs, we must ask how we can change REPETRO to help the various companies in the oil business? The issue is very important for one of our main economic activities, though not enough studied. The energy sector has a strategic importance for the development and the economic independence of any country. The winds of globalization lead Brazil to open its economy in the last decade and the national policy for exploration and drilling (E&D) was altered. The government created a new agency dedicated to market control and energy policies, the National Agency for Oil and Biofuels (ANP). With the opening of the market, Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras, the Brazilian giant, lost the monopoly of the oil business. The P-50 Platform, with a capacity for 180,000 barrels per day, was imported based on REPETRO. When it began operating on April 21st, 2006, Brazil achieved self-sufficiency in oil production. The present work intends to estimate the main variables affecting the importation and exportation of goods and assets for E&D, showing how REPETRO works. We also intend to look at the results yielded by the REPETRO model for the development of the production of oil and gas in Brazil, as well as show proposals for its modernization. It has been established that even though since its implementation the REPETRO model has brought fiscal advantages through the reduction of tax costs relating to foreign commerce operations and the incentive of investments in the E&D area with the increase in the national oil production there remain the following limitations: lack of preparation and of knowledge of the model; lack of adjustement of the model to the reality of actitity of E&D of oil and gas; taxes over the pre-operational stage or investment in oil production stage; non-allowance of full access by the national industry to the supply of goods and products relating to the industrialization of goods allowed by REPETRO; other fiscal and administrative difficulties. We conclude that the REPETRO model is important for the development of the area of E&D of oil and gas, but not completely effective. It is necessary to change it or create a new model based on a new perspective of the customs treatment of the activities of exploration and production, minimizing administrative procedures relating to the operations of exportation and importation.


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O presente trabalho propõe um processo para auxiliar a tarefa de implantação de controles de Cadeia Logística Segura para a importação e exportação de cargas conteinerizadas, transportadas pelo modal rodoviário. Está em consonância com a legislação brasileira atual, no que se refere à Receita Federal do Brasil e demais Órgãos Anuentes. Além disso, inclui, também, as novas diretrizes do Programa Brasileiro de Operador Econômico Autorizado que teve seu início na primeira quinzena de Dezembro de 2014, bem como os aspectos principais do quadro SAFE, da Organização Mundial das Aduanas (OMA) e do programa americano Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT). O processo proposto no trabalho contempla a instrumentação dos controles e seus principais pontos de integração de dados, estágio em que grande parte dos operadores econômicos atuais se encontra. A proposta justifica-se pela complexidade dos processos de cadeias logísticas, sua importância para o comércio exterior e, portanto, para a economia do país, que exigem um aperfeiçoamento constante para atender à competitividade crescente dos mercados, controlar e gerenciar riscos e incertezas dos tempos da globalização. A metodologia do trabalho de pesquisa constou de estudos sobre o significado de cadeia logística segura, legislações e normatizações existentes, principais tecnologias utilizadas no Brasil e no mundo e suas estratégias de integração de sistemas, com enfoque em alguns projetos de gestão já existentes no país. O porto de Santos foi tomado como campo principal de pesquisa. O trabalho evidenciou a importância da presença de três características fundamentais em um processo de cadeia logística segura: ser instrumentado, integrado e inteligente. Considera-se que, a partir do processo proposto, será possível aumentar o grau de inteligência de uma cadeia logística, de forma a gerenciar e mitigar os potenciais riscos de forma mais racional.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito, 2016.


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Projetos premiados no 5?? Concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal. As iniciativas representam contribui????es para a melhoria da gest??o p??blica


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Este projeto consiste na celebra????o de conv??nios entre a Superintend??ncia Regional da Secretaria da Receita Federal no Par?? com as principais institui????es envolvidas nas atividades de policiamento da Amaz??nia, visando reduzir a pr??tica do contrabando, narcotr??fico e a devasta????o do meio-ambiente causada pela extra????o indiscriminada de madeiras. O conv??nio foi celebrado entre a Pol??cia Federal, IBAMA, SUFRAMA e Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda. No munic??pio de ??bidos ??? PA, por onde passam todas as embarca????es procedentes da Zona Franca de Manaus com destino ??s cidades de Santar??m e Bel??m ??? PA, foi constru??da uma base flutuante denominada Candiru, a qual se constitui em um eficiente mecanismo de vigil??ncia e repress??o ?? pr??tica do contrabando via fluvial