143 resultados para Readership


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In 2013 The Guardian launched its third online iteration as 'Guardian Australia' - complementing "Guardian US' and Guardian UK'. Via these three digital editions the Guardian has expanded its global readership, which is one of its strategies to strengthen its future viability in the digital and mobile news sphere. The Guardian's journalists, while gathering news from around the world, now report in to the different news hubs. In the three main newsrooms, the journalists also create particular stories for their niche audiences in Australia, the USA and the UK. This paper examines the editorial content the Guardian has created on the back of digital disruption. Two months' worth of 'Editor's Picks' from across the three platforms are analysed to reveal how much the Guardian is promoting new, distinctive, locally created content versus how much it draws on material written by journalists from the other editions. This content is compared to data derived from interviewing those in charge of the three editions (Editor in chief Kath Viner, Guardian Australia Editor Emily Wilson and Guardian US Editor Lee Glendinning) plus interviews with other senior managers of the news organisation. In mid-2015 a fourth online edition of the Guardian began rolling out - Guardian International. This edition is not geo-specific and will instead promote and aggregate international news gathered from the other editions on its digital 'front page'. In January 2016 the Guardian announced it planned to cut annual costs by £53.6m due to rising losses: a move that will almost certainly involve staff redundancies. Later in the same month, Guardian Australia's editor, Emily Wilson, said in a public forum that the operations in Sydney and New York would be 'completely insulated' from these cuts. This paper explores the Guardian's global digital strategy during this difficult era for media that straddle the legacy and digital worlds.


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Welcome! It is with great enthusiasm that we publish this first issue of Challenges bulletin, in the conviction that we need to reach out to a broad and diverse readership and share what we know and think about progress towards the Millennium Development Goals for children and adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Homens e caranguejos (1967), única narrativa ficcional de Josué Apolônio de Castro (1908-1973), a priori publicada em francês (1966), durante o forçoso exílio do autor em Paris, é sumariamente expressiva desde o prólogo que antecede a trama. Nomeando as páginas introdutórias deste romance como Prefácio um tanto gordo para um romance um tanto magro, Josué de Castro distende, ao retomar num tempo que já considerava anacrônico, o hábito pela escrita prefacial, a concepção de paratexto ampliada por Gerard Genette (1930), em Palimpsestes (1982). Apresentando a fome pelas recordações infantis que dela possui, o autor aguça no público-leitor a vontade de tatear, rente a seu olhar aparentemente ingênuo de criança e, de ficcionista de “primeira viagem”, o macrocosmo de memórias da fome que lhe serve como porto de partida para a criação de um microcosmo lúdico e faminto, pelo qual a imaginação e impossibilidade de re-apresentação total do vivido na linguagem, rearranjam a realidade da condição humana, reinventando-a pela articulação dramática dos elementos formais, sobretudo, tempo-espaço, narrador e personagem. A ficção se põe no ritmo fragmentado de aventuras e desventuras assumidas a partir dos intervalos da memória. Serão sumários nos estudos mnemônicos, as apreciações de Henri Bergson em Matéria e memória (1896), Jacques Le Goff em História e memória (1924) e Maurice Halbwachs, na publicação póstuma de A memória coletiva (1950), em face de serem fontes subsidiárias da aproximação entre os estudos da memória e a literatura. Lança-se mão da lembrança a fim de legendar os diálogos futuros entre o protagonista infantil, João Paulo, ávido pela liberdade sonhadora própria da criança, e as memórias de outros experientes personagens, nem tão esperançosos assim. Dá-se na narrativa o tom que oscila entre a transformação e a acomodação do eu e do outro, de espaços simbioticamente incertos e unidos por suas fomes. Fome que é, desde então, a personagem modeladora, que provoca o diálogo da presente pesquisa com o modo de apreensão que é dado por Angela Faria, na dissertação Homens e caranguejos: uma trama interdisciplinar. A literatura topofílica e telúrica (2008). Vislumbra-se no elemento famélico uma função que vai além da tematização social do subdesenvolvimento, como agente que apalpa com mãos-de-ferro o estrato formal e interno da obra.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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If readers of Great Plains Research are seeking a window on rock art research in North America, this book provides a few clear panes, a few that are hazy, and a few muddy ones. Like many edited volumes, the weaker contributions and lack of a consistent style limit the book's usefulness. Some authors target a general readership; others clearly are addressing colleagues. The book has two stated themes: the history of rock art research in North America and recent approaches to rock art analysis. Articles by Julie Francis and (jointly) David Whitley and Jean Clottes explore why rock art research has long been marginalized in North America. Unfortunately, both of these otherwise observant essays slip into advocacy of shamanism as a unifying or primary explanation for rock art, an interpretive model by no means universally accepted by today's rock art specialists.


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Prevention Center Papers are occasional publications of the Nebraska Prevention Center for Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Their purpose is to make available information that would not otherwise be easily accessible. This Prevention Center Paper should be considered a working document and does not reflect the official policy or position of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, The U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the Nebraska Department of Education, or Health Education, Inc. Prevention Center Papers are produced for a limited readership to stimulate discussion and generate a flow of communication between the Prevention Center and those interested in the broad field of disease prevention and health promotion.


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At first, the main author of the book was presented together with the Italian source text: it was pointed out her double role of author and protagonist of the very events narrated in the book, inspired from facts which truly happened and which have to do with the story of her family. Afterwards, the translation part itself follows. Some pages taken from the original Italian book were translated into English; the parts which have been chosen are various extracts which were thought as a leading thread to understand the meaning and the intention of the entire book. After the translation, the analysis part was presented, where idiomatic expressions which can be found in great quantity throughout the book, are explained and commented. Here, clarifications can also be found concerning geographical and historical references, and something about the main characters who stand for people that truly existed. Finally some other little extracts from the book were included: they were translated and some translating choices were explained. These extra parts were integrated in the thesis in order to point out the main difficulty of translating the book La Collina, that is, the presence of a great deal of idiomatic and slang expressions both of everyday colloquial use and concerning the field of drugs. The English translation of these parts had to sound natural and spontaneous to an English-speaking readership, which should not notice they were translated from Italian. A great deal of research on the Internet was carried out in order to make sure those expressions didn’t seem contrived and unnatural in English: this was one of the main concerns of the translation.


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This dissertation is aimed at analysing deeply and thoroughly the most significant topics and features reflected in the Latin American literary work of Alberto Manzi. His almost thirty years of travelling and volunteering in the indigenous communities of South America formed a background of knowledge and experiences, which turned out to be crucial for the genesis of his Latin American trilogy. In the light of this, not only are ‘La luna nelle baracche’, ‘El loco’ and ‘E venne il sabato’ a speaking testimony of Manzi’s life and inner development, but they also offer a privileged perspective on the social, historical and religious situation of the people of Latin America. For a better understanding of the books, chapter one provides an extensive historical and economic commentary stretching over a century, from the collapse of the Spanish Empire to the rise of modern dictatorships in the late ‘70s, and the long democratic transition of the ‘80s. As far as the religious background is concerned, it is important to mention the influence of the liberation theology in the shaping of Manzi’s revolutionary thought. Indeed, chapter two identifies the precursors of the liberation theology, considers the effects of the Second Vatican Council on Latin America’s Catholic Church, and presents the methodology and the most powerful intuitions of the liberation theology. Finally, chapter three employs a critical analysis of Manzi’s Latin American trilogy, which focuses on his personal journal of his time in the austral continent, and Sonia and Giulia Manzi’s testimony published in a book entitled ‘Non è mai troppo tardi’. Chapter three provides an in-depth analysis of the evolution of the author’s revolutionary thought and plot dynamics; it discusses the psychological profile of the characters, the cultural features of the indigenous traditions, and the author’s urge to involve the readership in a permanent process of self-questioning.


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The aim of this dissertation is to provide a translation from English into Italian of a specialised scientific article published in the Cambridge Working Papers in Economics series. In this text, the authors estimate the economic consequences of the earthquake that hit the Abruzzo region in 2009. An extract of this translation will be published as part of conference proceedings. The main reason behind this choice is a personal interest in specialised translation in the economic domain. Moreover, the subject of the article is of particular interest to the Italian readership. The aim of this study is to show how a non-specialised translator can tackle with such a highly specialised translation with the use of appropriate terminology resources and the collaboration of field experts. The translation could be of help to other Italian linguists looking for translated material in this particular domain where English seems to be the dominant language. In order to ensure consistent terminology and adequate style, the document has been translated with the use of different resources, such as dictionaries, glossaries and specialised corpora. I also contacted field experts and the authors of text. The collaboration with the authors proved to be an invaluable resource yet one to be carefully managed. This work is divided into 5 chapters. The first deals with domain-specific sublanguages. The second gives an overview of corpus linguistics and describes the corpora designed for the translation. The third provides an analysis of the article, focusing on syntactical, lexical and structural features while the fourth presents the translation, side-by-side with the source text. The fifth comments on the main difficulties encountered in the translation and the strategies used, as well as the relationship with the authors and their review of the published text. Appendix I contains the econometric glossary English – Italian.


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The project investigated the presentation of crime in the Lithuanian media and its possible impact on the general public's understanding of crime-related problems in society. Dobryninas concentrated on three main aspects of this problem: the development of the image of crime in the Lithuanian press and television, journalists' principles in presenting crime-related information, and the public attitude to the presentation of crime in the media. A content analysis of national newspapers from the period of 1992-1997 showed not only increasing interest in crime problems, but also the distorted nature of the image of crime in the media. In-depth interviews with Lithuanian journalists demonstrated that they understood their role in presenting crime-related information firstly as providing information oriented to high public demand, although at the same time they did not deny the commercial and entertainment aspects of crime reporting. Readership and audience research illustrated the clear influence of the media on the public understanding of crime problems in society. However, the virtual image of crime did not greatly affect the system of values and beliefs of Lithuanians, nor did it challenge their insistence that problems of crime could and should be managed within the framework of a civil and open society.


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This project set out to investigate the effects of the recent massive social transitions in Eastern Europe on the everyday social lives of the inhabitants of three very different nations: Georgia, Russia and Hungary. It focused in particular on the availability and nature of the support networks available to three different segments of each of the societies (manual workers, students and entrepreneurs) and the impact of network participation on psychological and physical well-being. The group set four specific questions to investigate: the part played by individual psychological beliefs in the formation and maintenance of social networks and the consequent formation of trusting relations; the implication of the size and quality of these networks for mental health; the nature of the social groups inhabited by the respondents and the implication of their work schedule and daily routines on the maintenance of a social and family life; and an analysis of how cultures vary in their social networks and intimacy. Three different methods were used to examine social support and its implications: structured questionnaires, semi-structured short interviews and a media analysis of newspaper materials. The questionnaires were administered to 150 participants in each country, equally divided between students studying full time, manual workers employed in factories, and business people (small kiosk owners, whose work and life style differs considerably from that of the manual workers). The questionnaires investigated various predictors of social support including the locus of control, relationship beliefs, individualism-collectivism and egalitarianism, demographic variables (age, gender and occupation), social support, both in general and in relation to significant events that have occurred since the transition from communism. Those with an internal locus of control were more likely to report a higher level of social support, as were collectivists, while age too was a significant predictor, with younger respondents enjoying higher levels of support, regardless of the measures of support employed. Respondents across the cultures referred to a decline of social support and the group also found a direct correlation between social support and mental health outcomes. All 450 respondents were interviewed on their general responses to changes in their lives since the fall of communism and the effects of their work lives on their social lives and the home environment. The interviews revealed considerable variations in the way in which work-life offered opportunities for a broader social life and also provided a hindrance to the development of fulfilling relationships. Many of the work experiences discussed were culture specific, with work having a particularly negative impact on the social life of Russian entrepreneurs but being seen much more positively in Georgia. This may reflect the nature of support offered in a society as overall support levels were lowest in Russia, meaning that social support may be of particular importance there. The way in cultural values and norms about personal relationships are transmitted in a culture is a critical issue for social psychologists and the group examined newspaper articles in those newspapers read by the respondents in each of the three countries. These revealed a number of different themes. The concept of a divided society and its implications for personal relationships was clearest in Russian and Hungary, where widely-read newspapers dwelt on the contrast between "new Russians/Hungarians" and the older, poorer ones and extended considerable sympathy to those suffering from neglect in institutions. Magyar Nemzet, a paper widely read by Hungarian students reflects the generally more pessimistic tone about personal relationships in Russia and Hungary and gave a particularly detailed analysis of the implications this holds for human relations in a modern society. In Georgia, however, the tone of the newspapers is more positive, stressing greater social cohesion. Part of this cohesion is framed in the context of religion, with the church appealing to a broader egalitarianism, whereas in less egalitarian Hungary appeals by the Church are centred more on the nuclear family and its need for expansion in both size and influence. The division between the sexes was another prominent issue in Hungary and Russia, while the theme of generational conflict also emerged in Hungarian and Georgian papers, although with some understanding of "young people today". The team's original expectation that the different newspapers read by the different groups of respondents would present differing images of personal relationships was not fulfilled, as despite variations in style, they found little clear "ideological targeting" of any particular readership. They conclude that the vast majority of respondents recognised that the social transition from communism has had a significant impact on the well-being of social relationships and that this is a pertinent issue for all segments of society. While the group see the data collected as a source to be worked on for some time in the future, their initial impressions include the following. Social support is clearly an important concern across all three countries. All respondents (including the students) lament the time taken up by their heavy work schedules and value their social networks and family ties in particular. The level of social support differs across the countries investigated, with Georgian apparently enjoying significantly higher levels of social support. The analysis produced an image of a relatively cohesive and egalitarian society in which even the group most often seen as distant from the general population, business people, is supported by a strong social network. In contrast, the support networks available to the Russian respondents seem particularly weak and reflect a general sense of division and alienation within the culture as a whole. The implications of low levels of social support may vary across countries. While Russians reported the lowest level of mental health problems, the link between social support and mental health may be strongest in that country. In contrast, in Hungary it is the link between fatalism and mental health problems which is particularly strong, while in Georgia the strongest correlation was between mental health and marital quality, emphasising the significance of the marital relationship in that country.