932 resultados para Rational drugs use
Hermostoon vaikuttavien lääkkeiden käyttö on yleistä iäkkäässä väestössä. Erityisen yleistä käyttö on pitkäaikaisessa laitoshoidossa asuvilla iäkkäillä. Hermostoon vaikuttavien lääkkeiden haittavaikutuksia on tutkittu paljon, ja useat hermostoon vaikuttavat lääkeaineryhmät on tunnistettu murtumien riskitekijöiksi. Aikaisemmin ei ole kuitenkaan tutkittu usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkkeen yhteiskäytön yhteyksiä murtuman riskiin 65 vuotta täyttäneillä. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa havaittiin, että usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkeaineen yhtäaikainen käyttö oli hyvin yleistä Porin kaupunginsairaalan viidellä pitkäaikaisen laitoshoidon osastolla (n = 154) vuosien 2004 ja 2005 vaihteessa. Kolmasosa tutkituista käytti säännöllisesti kolmea tai useampaa hermostoon vaikuttavaa lääkettä samanaikaisesti. Kun huomioitiin myös tarvittaessa otettavat lääkkeet, vastaava luku oli 53 %. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös viitteitä lääkkeiden epäasianmukaisesta käytöstä, kun potilaiden käyttämiä lääkkeitä verrattiin heidän kognitiiviseen ja fyysiseen suorituskyynsä sekä asetettuihin diagnooseihin. Liedon kunnassa 1990-luvulla toteutettuun väestöpohjaiseen Liedon Iäkkäät -seurantatutkimukseen osallistui 1177 lietolaista 65 vuotta täyttänyttä. Lääkitystietoja sekä seuranta-aikana tapahtuneita murtumia analysoimalla havaittiin, että kahden tai useamman bentsodiatsepiinin sekä kahden tai useamman psykoosilääkkeen käyttö oli yhteydessä murtuman riskiin 65 vuotta täyttäneillä miehillä. Opioidin ja psykoosilääkkeen yhteiskäyttö sekä opioidin ja bentsodiatsepiinin yhteiskäyttö oli yhteydessä iäkkäiden miesten murtuman riskiin. Naisilla vastaavia tilastollisesti merkitseviä yhteyksiä ei havaittu. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen uusin osa-aineisto perustui Porissa vuosina 2009–2010 toteutetun Satauni-tutkimuksen aineistoon. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin 89 potilaan aineistossa, että hallittu, yhden kuukauden aikana lääkärin ja hoitajan tuella toteutettu bentsodiatsepiinivieroitus paransi merkitsevästi 55 vuotta täyttäneiden naisten käden puristusvoimaa kuuden kuukauden seuranta-aikana. Vastaavaa yhteyttä ei havaittu miehillä. Bentsodiatsepiinivieroituksella ei ollut yhteyttä osallistujien tasapainotestin tulosten paranemiseen kuuden kuukauden seurantaaikana. Murtumilla on vakavia seurauksia sekä yksilötasolla että yhteiskunnallisesti iäkkäässä väestössä. Murtumien ehkäisy on hyvin tärkeää. Siinä tulee kiinnittää huomiota potilaan käyttämään lääkitykseen ja arvioida erityisesti usean hermostoon vaikuttavan lääkkeen yhteiskäytön tarpeellisuutta.
The history of receptor autoradiography, its development and applications, testify to the utility of this histochemical technique for localizing radiolabeled hormones and drugs at cellular and subcellular sites of action in intact tissues. Localization of diffusible compounds has been a challenge that was met through the introduction of the "thaw-mount" and "dry-mount" autoradiographic techniques thirty years ago. With this cellular receptor autoradiography, used alone or combined with other histochemical techniques, sites of specific binding and deposition in vivo and in vitro have been characterized. Numerous discoveries, some reviewed in this article, provided information that led to new concepts and opened new areas of research. As an example, in recent years more than fifty target tissues for vitamin D have been specified, challenging the conventional view about the main biological role of vitamin D. The functions of most of these vitamin D target tissues are unrelated to the regulation of systemic calcium homeostasis, but pertain to the (seasonal) regulation of endo- and exocrine secretion, cell proliferation, reproduction, neural, immune and cardiovascular responses, and adaptation to stress. Receptor autoradiography with cellular resolution has become an indispensable tool in drug research and development, since information can be obtained that is difficult or impossible to gain otherwise
The recombinant heat shock protein (18 kDa-hsp) from Mycobacterium leprae was studied as a T-epitope model for vaccine development. We present a structural analysis of the stability of recombinant 18 kDa-hsp during different processing steps. Circular dichroism and ELISA were used to monitor protein structure after thermal stress, lyophilization and chemical modification. We observed that the 18 kDa-hsp is extremely resistant to a wide range of temperatures (60% of activity is retained at 80ºC for 20 min). N-Acylation increased its ordered structure by 4% and decreased its ß-T1 structure by 2%. ELISA demonstrated that the native conformation of the 18 kDa-hsp was preserved after hydrophobic modification by acylation. The recombinant 18 kDa-hsp resists to a wide range of temperatures and chemical modifications without loss of its main characteristic, which is to be a source of T epitopes. This resistance is probably directly related to its lack of organization at the level of tertiary and secondary structures.
Résumé: Les anti-infectieux sont parmi les médicaments les plus utilisés pendant la grossesse. Les indications pour l’utilisation de ces médicaments, telles que les infections bactériennes, figurent parmi les facteurs de risque les plus importants pour la prématurité et les enfants nés petits pour l'âge gestationnel («Small-for-gestational-age », SGA). Ces complications de la grossesse peuvent avoir des incidences sur la santé du nouveau né et sur son développement futur. Compte tenu des impacts sur la santé de la mère et de l’enfant, la prise en charge et le traitement efficace de ces infections sont impératifs. Cependant, l'utilisation des anti-infectieux, pour éviter des issues de grossesse défavorables, fait l’objet d’une controverse dans la littérature. Cette controverse est en partie liée à la qualité méthodologique discutable des études disponibles sur le sujet. Les quatre études présentées dans cette thèse ont donc pour objectif d’investiguer l’utilisation des anti-infectieux durant la grossesse ainsi que d’évaluer le risque de prématurité et de SGA après utilisation de ces médicaments en période gestationnelle. Une révision systématique de la littérature sur l’utilisation du métronidazole durant la grossesse est également présentée. Nous avons utilisé, comme source de données le Registre des Grossesses du Québec, une cohorte longitudinale conçue à partir du jumelage de trois bases de données administratives de la province du Québec (RAMQ, Med-Echo et ISQ). Le registre fournit des informations sur les prescriptions, les services pharmaceutiques et médicaux, ainsi que des donnés sur les soins d’hospitalisation de courte durée et démographiques. Les deux premières études présentées dans cette thèse ont eu pour objectif d’évaluer la prévalence, les tendances, les indications et les prédicteurs de l’utilisation des anti-infectieux dans une cohorte, extraite du registre, de 97 680 femmes enceintes. A l’aide d’un devis cas-témoins, les 2 dernières études ont mesuré l’association entre l’utilisation d’anti-infectieux durant les 2 derniers trimestres de grossesse et le risque de prématurité et de SGA, respectivement. Un cas de prématurité a été défini comme un accouchement survenu avant 37 semaines de gestation. Un cas de SGA a été défini comme l’accouchement d’un enfant dont le poids à la naissance se situe sous le 10ème percentile du poids normalisé à la naissance (compte tenu de l’âge gestationnel et du sexe du bébé). Les données ont été recueillies pour les agents systémiques oraux, ainsi que pour les classes et les agents individuels. Nos résultats ont montré que la prévalence de l’utilisation des anti-infectieux durant la grossesse était comparable à celle d’autres études déjà publiées (25%). Nous avons observé une augmentation de l’utilisation des agents plus anciens et ayant des profils d’innocuité connus. Les prédicteurs de l’usage en début de grossesse identifiés sont : avoir eu plus de deux différentes prescriptions (OR ajusté = 3,83, IC 95% : 3,3-4,3), avoir eu un diagnostic d’infection urinaire (OR= 1,50, IC 95% : 1,3-1,8) et un diagnostic d’infection respiratoire (OR= 1,40, IC 95% : 1,2-1,6). L’utilisation des macrolides a été associée à une diminution du risque de prématurité (OR =0,65, IC 95% : 0,50-0,85). En revanche, les femmes ayant été exposées au métronidazole ont vu leur risque augmenté de 80% (OR=1,81, IC 95% : 1,30-2,54). L’utilisation d’azithromycine a été associée à une diminution importante du risque chez les femmes ayant un diagnostic de rupture prématurée des membranes (OR=0,31, IC 95% : 0,10-0,93). Cependant, l'utilisation de sulfaméthoxazole-triméthoprime (SXT) a été significativement associée à une augmentation du risque de SGA (OR= 1,61, IC 95% : 1,16-2,23), tandis que celle des anti-infectieux urinaires a été associée à une diminution du risque (OR= 0,80, 95%CI : 0.65-0.97). Les conclusions de nos travaux suggèrent que l’utilisation des macrolides et des pénicillines diminuent le risque de prématurité et de SGA. Nous devons considérer l'utilisation de différents choix thérapeutiques tels que l’azithromycine, lors de la prise en charge des infections pouvant induire la prématurité et le SGA.
Resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum and the unavailability of useful antimalarial vaccines reinforce the need to develop new efficacious antimalarials. This study details a pharmacophore model that has been used to identify a potent, soluble, orally bioavailable antimalarial bisquinoline, metaquine (N,N'-bis(7-chloroquinolin-4-yl)benzene-1,3-diamine) (dihydrochloride), which is active against Plasmodium berghei in vivo (oral ID50 of 25 mu mol/kg) and multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum K1 in vitro (0.17 mu M). Metaquine shows strong affinity for the putative antimalarial receptor, heme at pH 7.4 in aqueous DMSO. Both crystallographic analyses and quantum mechanical calculations (HF/6-31+G*) reveal important regions of protonation and bonding thought to persist at parasitic vacuolar pH concordant with our receptor model. Formation of drug-heme adduct in solution was confirmed using high-resolution positive ion electrospray mass spectrometry. Metaquine showed strong binding with the receptor in a 1: 1 ratio (log K = 5.7 +/- 0.1) that was predicted by molecular mechanics calculations. This study illustrates a rational multidisciplinary approach for the development of new 4-aminoquinoline antimalarials, with efficacy superior to chloroquine, based on the use of a pharmacophore model.
Purpose: This paper focuses on the characterization of polymeric micelle-forming tuberculostatic prodrugs and the antimycobacterial activity of these prodrugs.Method: By the condensation of hydroxymethylpyrazinamide, isoniazid and rifampin with free carboxyl groups on the copolymer poly(ethyleneglycol)-poly(aspartic acid), micelle-forming carrier-drug conjugates were obtained. These micelles were characterized by dynamic light scattering, to measure the micelle diameter; by acid-base titration, to determine the percentage of carboxylic groups occupied by the tuberculostatic; by Sudan III solubility tests, to estimate the critical micelle concentration (CMC); and visual control and spectrophotometric measurement, to determine the stability of micelles. These micelles were tested in vitro against several Mycobacterium strains.Results: As expected, the size and distribution of the micelle-forming tuberculostatic prodrugs found to be small (78.2nm, 84.2nm and 98.9 nm) while the level of the drug conjugated was high (65.02-85.7%). Furthermore, the micelles were stable in vitro, exhibiting a low level of CMC and stronger antimycobacterial activity than the original drugs.Conclusion: the results demonstrate that polymeric micelles can be used as efficient carriers for drugs, which alone, exhibit undesired pharmacokinetics, poor solubility, and low stability. The synthesized micelle-forming tuberculostatic prodrugs opens a perspective of alternative prodrugs that prolong action and decrease the toxicity of the tuberculostatic drugs of choice.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Introduction: We sought to evaluate the risk factors that may increase the propensity to use licit and illicit drugs among students at a public university. Methods: The project involved students (n = 268) enrolled in the first and fourth years of courses in the areas of the social and biological sciences at a public university. Data collection was conducted by means of self-administered, semistructured questionnaires, based on such standardized assessment instruments as Audit, Assist, Cage and Duse. Collected data were analyzed quantitatively by calculating the percentages and evaluating the data in terms of categories of risk, classifying them by age, gender, religion, schooling, use (before or after entering university) and contexts of use. By means of this survey the researchers were able to correlate the use of drugs to the risk factors that might increase the students’ propensity to use these substances. Results: The results revealed a high proportion of current drug-using students, but showed no significant differences between the first and fourth year students as regards contexts of use. However, 67% of students regarded the university environment as encouraging the use of drugs. Students pointed to such major risk factors as friends’ and fellow-students’ influence, university parties, excessive curiosity and desire to experiment. Conclusion: Due to the high rate of drug use among university students, by the determination of the risk factors related to the university environment and also knowing that the process of addiction is one of growing chemical dependence, the importance of the development and implementation of public health policies at all levels, especially in terms of approaches and specific interventions addressing this population, should be noted.
Objective: To assess the frequency of drug use among Brazilian college students and its relationship to gender and age. Methods: A nationwide sample of 12,721 college students completed a questionnaire concerning the use of drugs and other behaviors. The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST-WHO) criteria were used to assess were used to assess hazardous drug use. A multivariate logistic regression model tested the associations of ASSIST-WHO scores with gender and age. The same analyses were carried out to measure drug use in the last 30 days. Results: After controlling for other sociodemographic, academic and administrative variables, men were found to be more likely to use and engage in the hazardous use of anabolic androgenic steroids than women across all age ranges. Conversely, women older than 34 years of age were more likely to use and engage in the hazardous use of amphetamines. Conclusions: These findings are consistent with results that have been reported for the general Brazilian population. Therefore, these findings should be taken into consideration when developing strategies at the prevention of drug use and the early identification of drug abuse among college students.
This project aimed to evaluate young people's attitudes towards drugs and to draft preventive strategies for use among young people at school and during military service. Three target groups were surveyed: young heroin users in Sofia, drug users undergoing treatment in the Military Medical Academy, and male students between the ages of 16 and 18. The research showed that more than half the respondents had used heroin for the first time before they were 16 and 11% tried it first at the age of 13, the lowest age registered since drug use in Bulgaria has been studied. One in five male students aged 16 to 18 has used hashish or marijuana at least once and amphetamines and non-prescription medications are the second-choice drugs for Bulgarian school pupils. The best predictors of drug use among young people are drug use among friends, early alcohol and tobacco use, perceived availability of drugs, an underrating of the health hazards of drug use and a lack of proper information about these, willingness to take drugs, where and with whom the young people have grown up, and a sensation-seeking attitude.
Catheter ablation of complex fractionated atrial electrograms (CFAE), also known as defragmentation ablation, may be considered for the treatment of persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) beyond pulmonary vein isolation (PVI). Concomitant antiarrhythmic drug (AAD) therapy is common, but the relevance of AAD administration and its optimal timing during ablation remain unclear. Therefore, we investigated the use and timing of AADs during defragmentation ablation and their possible implications for AF termination and ablation success in a large cohort of patients. Retrospectively, we included 200 consecutive patients (age: 61 ± 12 years, LA diameter: 47 ± 8 mm) with persistent AF (episode duration 47 ± 72 weeks) who underwent de novo ablation including CFAE ablation. In all patients, PVI was performed prior to CFAE ablation. The use and timing of AADs were registered. The follow-ups consisted of Holter ECGs and clinical visits. Termination of AF was achieved in 132 patients (66 %). Intraprocedural AADs were administered in 168/200 patients (84 %) 45 ± 27 min after completion of PVI. Amiodarone was used in the majority of the patients (160/168). The timing of AAD administration was predicted by the atrial fibrillation cycle length (AFCL). At follow-up, 88 patients (46 %) were free from atrial arrhythmia. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that administration of AAD early after PVI, LA size, duration of AF history, sex and AFCL were predictors of AF termination. The administration of AAD and its timing were not predictive of outcome, and age was the sole independent predictor of AF recurrence. The administration of AAD during ablation was common in this large cohort of persistent AF patients. The choice to administer AAD therapy and the timing of the administration during ablation were influenced by AFCL, and these factors did not significantly influence the moderate single procedure success rate in this retrospective analysis.
BACKGROUND Prior epidemiologic studies suggest inverse relations between diabetes and glioma risk, but the underlying mechanisms, including use of antidiabetic drugs, are unknown. METHODS We therefore performed a matched case-control analysis using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD). We identified incident glioma cases diagnosed between 1995 and 2012 and matched each case with 10 controls on age, gender, calendar time, general practice, and years of active history in the CPRD. We performed conditional logistic regression to estimate odds ratios (ORs) with 95% CIs, adjusted for body mass index and smoking. RESULTS We identified 2005 cases and 20 050 controls. Diabetes was associated with decreased risk of glioma (OR = 0.74; 95% CI = 0.60-0.93), particularly glioblastoma (OR = 0.69; 95% CI = 0.51-0.94). Glioblastoma risk reduction was markedly pronounced among diabetic men (OR = 0.60; 95% CI = 0.40-0.90), most apparently for those with diabetes of long-term duration (OR for >5 vs 0 y = 0.46; 95% CI = 0.26-0.82) or poor glycemic control (OR for HbA1c ≥8 vs <6.5% = 0.20; 95% CI = 0.06-0.70). In contrast, the effect of diabetes on glioblastoma risk was absent among women (OR = 0.85; 95% CI = 0.53-1.36). No significant associations with glioma were found for use of metformin (OR for ≥30 vs 0 prescriptions = 0.72; 95% CI = 0.38-1.39), sulfonylureas (OR = 0.71; 95% CI = 0.39-1.30), or insulin (OR = 0.79; 95% CI = 0.37-1.69). CONCLUSIONS Antidiabetic treatment appears to be unrelated to glioma, but long-term diabetes duration and increased HbA1c both show decreased glioma risk. Stronger findings in men than women suggest low androgen levels concurrent with diabetes as a biologic mechanism.