919 resultados para Ratio bias effect
It is a well-known fact that, in the electrolysis of a CuSO4 solution containing iron sulfate, using insoluble anodes, with the depletion of copper, the point is finally reached where the current efficiency becomes zero. This decrease in current efficiency is due to the oxidation of the ferrous sulfate to the ferric condition at the anode, by the oxygen liberated. The resulting ferric sulfate diffuses over to the cathode and there dissolves copper from the cathode according to the chemical equation Cu + Fe2 (SO4)3 = CuSO4 + 2FeSO4. This copper, which has been deposited at the cathode by the electric current, is thus redissolved by the Fe2(SO4)3. The solution of the copper causes at the same time a formation of FeSO4 which in turn diffuses over to the anode and is there oxidized to Fe2(SO4)3; and so the cycle continues, using electric current without rendering useful work. E. H. Larison has noted that a definite amount of ferric salts must be reduced to the ferrous condition before all the copper will remain on the cathode; he does not state, however, just what this point is. L. Addicks has plotted the relation between current efficiency and ferric sulphate content. The existence of the results scattered the points more or less, although the decrease in current efficiency with increased ferric sulphate content is clearly indicated. E. T.Kern has likewise noted that the smaller the amount of copper in the solution, the greater is the reduction of current efficiency. In this work, therefore, it was desired to determine what amount of ferric iron was permissible in a copper sulfate solution of definite concentration before the current efficiency would drop to zero, and what, if any, was the effect of definite Cu:Fe’’’ratio upon the current efficiency of the electrolysis.
In the treatment of copper ores by hydro-electro-metallurgical methods, not only is copper deposited, but other metals are also dissolved. In practice it has been found* that iron, under certain conditions, causes the copper to deposit on the cathode as a nonadherent precipitate and also that the iron in solution causes a great decrease in current efficiency, especially when the electrolysis is conducted by operating with a higher current density at the cathode than at the anode. The present investigation deals with the effects of the two valences of iron on the current efficiency and endeavors to determine whether or not there is a ratio of the two at which point the efficiency becomes zero or approaches it.
BACKGROUND Empirical research has illustrated an association between study size and relative treatment effects, but conclusions have been inconsistent about the association of study size with the risk of bias items. Small studies give generally imprecisely estimated treatment effects, and study variance can serve as a surrogate for study size. METHODS We conducted a network meta-epidemiological study analyzing 32 networks including 613 randomized controlled trials, and used Bayesian network meta-analysis and meta-regression models to evaluate the impact of trial characteristics and study variance on the results of network meta-analysis. We examined changes in relative effects and between-studies variation in network meta-regression models as a function of the variance of the observed effect size and indicators for the adequacy of each risk of bias item. Adjustment was performed both within and across networks, allowing for between-networks variability. RESULTS Imprecise studies with large variances tended to exaggerate the effects of the active or new intervention in the majority of networks, with a ratio of odds ratios of 1.83 (95% CI: 1.09,3.32). Inappropriate or unclear conduct of random sequence generation and allocation concealment, as well as lack of blinding of patients and outcome assessors, did not materially impact on the summary results. Imprecise studies also appeared to be more prone to inadequate conduct. CONCLUSIONS Compared to more precise studies, studies with large variance may give substantially different answers that alter the results of network meta-analyses for dichotomous outcomes.
BACKGROUND The Cochrane risk of bias (RoB) tool has been widely embraced by the systematic review community, but several studies have reported that its reliability is low. We aim to investigate whether training of raters, including objective and standardized instructions on how to assess risk of bias, can improve the reliability of this tool. We describe the methods that will be used in this investigation and present an intensive standardized training package for risk of bias assessment that could be used by contributors to the Cochrane Collaboration and other reviewers. METHODS/DESIGN This is a pilot study. We will first perform a systematic literature review to identify randomized clinical trials (RCTs) that will be used for risk of bias assessment. Using the identified RCTs, we will then do a randomized experiment, where raters will be allocated to two different training schemes: minimal training and intensive standardized training. We will calculate the chance-corrected weighted Kappa with 95% confidence intervals to quantify within- and between-group Kappa agreement for each of the domains of the risk of bias tool. To calculate between-group Kappa agreement, we will use risk of bias assessments from pairs of raters after resolution of disagreements. Between-group Kappa agreement will quantify the agreement between the risk of bias assessment of raters in the training groups and the risk of bias assessment of experienced raters. To compare agreement of raters under different training conditions, we will calculate differences between Kappa values with 95% confidence intervals. DISCUSSION This study will investigate whether the reliability of the risk of bias tool can be improved by training raters using standardized instructions for risk of bias assessment. One group of inexperienced raters will receive intensive training on risk of bias assessment and the other will receive minimal training. By including a control group with minimal training, we will attempt to mimic what many review authors commonly have to do, that is-conduct risk of bias assessment in RCTs without much formal training or standardized instructions. If our results indicate that an intense standardized training does improve the reliability of the RoB tool, our study is likely to help improve the quality of risk of bias assessments, which is a central component of evidence synthesis.
BACKGROUND Patients with HIV exposed to the antiretroviral drug abacavir may have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). There is concern that this association arises because of a channelling bias. Even if exposure is a risk, it is not clear how that risk changes as exposure cumulates. METHODS We assess the effect of exposure to abacavir on the risk of CVD events in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. We use a new marginal structural Cox model to estimate the effect of abacavir as a flexible function of past exposures while accounting for risk factors that potentially lie on a causal pathway between exposure to abacavir and CVD. RESULTS 11,856 patients were followed for a median of 6.6 years; 365 patients had a CVD event (4.6 events per 1000 patient years). In a conventional Cox model, recent - but not cumulative - exposure to abacavir increased the risk of a CVD event. In the new marginal structural Cox model, continued exposure to abacavir during the past four years increased the risk of a CVD event (hazard ratio 2.06, 95% confidence interval 1.43-2.98). The estimated function for the effect of past exposures suggests that exposure during the past 6 to 36 months caused the greatest increase in risk. CONCLUSIONS Abacavir increases the risk of a CVD event: the effect of exposure is not immediate, rather the risk increases as exposure cumulates over the past few years. This gradual increase in risk is not consistent with a rapidly acting mechanism, such as acute inflammation.
BACKGROUND The copy number variation (CNV) in beta-defensin genes (DEFB) on human chromosome 8p23 has been proposed to contribute to the phenotypic differences in inflammatory diseases. However, determination of exact DEFB CN is a major challenge in association studies. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), paralog ratio tests (PRT) and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) have been extensively used to determine DEFB CN in different laboratories, but inter-method inconsistencies were observed frequently. In this study we asked which one is superior among the three methods for DEFB CN determination. RESULTS We developed a clustering approach for MLPA and PRT to statistically correlate data from a single experiment. Then we compared qPCR, a newly designed PRT and MLPA for DEFB CN determination in 285 DNA samples. We found MLPA had the best convergence and clustering results of the raw data and the highest call rate. In addition, the concordance rates between MLPA or PRT and qPCR (32.12% and 37.99%, respectively) were unacceptably low with underestimated CN by qPCR. Concordance rate between MLPA and PRT (90.52%) was high but PRT systematically underestimated CN by one in a subset of samples. In these samples a sequence variant which caused complete PCR dropout of the respective DEFB cluster copies was found in one primer binding site of one of the targeted paralogous pseudogenes. CONCLUSION MLPA is superior to PRT and even more to qPCR for DEFB CN determination. Although the applied PRT provides in most cases reliable results, such a test is particularly sensitive to low-frequency sequence variations preferably accumulating in loci like pseudogenes which are most likely not under selective pressure. In the light of the superior performance of multiplex assays, the drawbacks of such single PRTs could be overcome by combining more test markers.
Of the large clinical trials evaluating screening mammography efficacy, none included women ages 75 and older. Recommendations on an upper age limit at which to discontinue screening are based on indirect evidence and are not consistent. Screening mammography is evaluated using observational data from the SEER-Medicare linked database. Measuring the benefit of screening mammography is difficult due to the impact of lead-time bias, length bias and over-detection. The underlying conceptual model divides the disease into two stages: pre-clinical (T0) and symptomatic (T1) breast cancer. Treating the time in these phases as a pair of dependent bivariate observations, (t0,t1), estimates are derived to describe the distribution of this random vector. To quantify the effect of screening mammography, statistical inference is made about the mammography parameters that correspond to the marginal distribution of the symptomatic phase duration (T1). This shows the hazard ratio of death from breast cancer comparing women with screen-detected tumors to those detected at their symptom onset is 0.36 (0.30, 0.42), indicating a benefit among the screen-detected cases. ^
The stability analysis of open cavity flows is a problem of great interest in the aeronautical industry. This type of flow can appear, for example, in landing gears or auxiliary power unit configurations. Open cavity flows is very sensitive to any change in the configuration, either physical (incoming boundary layer, Reynolds or Mach numbers) or geometrical (length to depth and length to width ratio). In this work, we have focused on the effect of geometry and of the Reynolds number on the stability properties of a threedimensional spanwise periodic cavity flow in the incompressible limit. To that end, BiGlobal analysis is used to investigate the instabilities in this configuration. The basic flow is obtained by the numerical integration of the Navier-Stokes equations with laminar boundary layers imposed upstream. The 3D perturbation, assumed to be periodic in the spanwise direction, is obtained as the solution of the global eigenvalue problem. A parametric study has been performed, analyzing the stability of the flow under variation of the Reynolds number, the L/D ratio of the cavity, and the spanwise wavenumber β. For consistency, multidomain high order numerical schemes have been used in all the computations, either basic flow or eigenvalue problems. The results allow to define the neutral curves in the range of L/D = 1 to L/D = 3. A scaling relating the frequency of the eigenmodes and the length to depth ratio is provided, based on the analysis results.
This paper investigates the gasification of two biomass types (pine wood and olive stones) in a laboratory scale bubbling fluidized bed reactor, in order to evaluate comparatively their potential in the production of syngas.
The electrical resistivity of carbon fiber reinforced cement composites (CFRCCs) has been widely studied, because of their utility as multifunctional materials. The percolation phenomenon has also been reported and modeled when the electrical behavior of those materials had to be characterized. Amongst the multiple applications of multifunctional cement composites the ability of a CFRCC to act as a strain sensor is attractive. This paper provides experimental data relating self-sensing function and percolation threshold, and studying the effect of fiber aspect ratio on both phenomena. Higher fiber slenderness permitted percolation at lower carbon fiber addition, affected mechanical properties and improved strain-sensing sensitivity of CFRCC, which was also improved if percolation had not been achieved.