990 resultados para Ramírez, Ignacio, 1818-1879


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[ES] El género Sabacon (Arachnida: Opiliones) tiene distribución holártica, y en la Península Ibérica se restringe a Pirineos y Cordillera Cantábrica. Se menciona la presencia de S.viscayanus en la Sierra Cebollera, a partir del hallazgo de una hembra, lo que constituye el primer registro al sur del Ebro. En este trabajo se ha determinado la subespecie a la que pertenece esa población gracias a la captura de un macho, que corresponde a Sabacon viscayanus viscayanus. Con los ejemplares de las colecciones (ZUPV y CRBA) se han redescrito las especies ibéricas y se ha descrito por primera vez el macho de S. franzi. A su vez, se han construido mapas de distribución de todas las especies con datos citados y de las colecciones propias.


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The 19th century commercial ship-based fishery for gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, in the eastern North Pacific began in 1846 and continued until the mid 1870’s in southern areas and the 1880’s in the north. Henderson identified three periods in the southern part of the fishery: Initial, 1846–1854; Bonanza, 1855–1865; and Declining, 1866–1874. The largest catches were made by “lagoon whaling” in or immediately outside the whale population’s main wintering areas in Mexico—Magdalena Bay, Scammon’s Lagoon, and San Ignacio Lagoon. Large catches were also made by “coastal” or “alongshore” whaling where the whalers attacked animals as they migrated along the coast. Gray whales were also hunted to a limited extent on their feeding grounds in the Bering and Chukchi Seas in summer. Using all available sources, we identified 657 visits by whaling vessels to the Mexican whaling grounds during the gray whale breeding and calving seasons between 1846 and 1874. We then estimated the total number of such visits in which the whalers engaged in gray whaling. We also read logbooks from a sample of known visits to estimate catch per visit and the rate at which struck animals were lost. This resulted in an overall estimate of 5,269 gray whales (SE = 223.4) landed by the ship-based fleet (including both American and foreign vessels) in the Mexican whaling grounds from 1846 to 1874. Our “best” estimate of the number of gray whales removed from the eastern North Pacific (i.e. catch plus hunting loss) lies somewhere between 6,124 and 8,021, depending on assumptions about survival of struck-but-lost whales. Our estimates can be compared to those by Henderson (1984), who estimated that 5,542–5,507 gray whales were secured and processed by ship-based whalers between 1846 and 1874; Scammon (1874), who believed the total kill over the same period (of eastern gray whales by all whalers in all areas) did not exceed 10,800; and Best (1987), who estimated the total landed catch of gray whales (eastern and western) by American ship-based whalers at 2,665 or 3,013 (method-dependent) from 1850 to 1879. Our new estimates are not high enough to resolve apparent inconsistencies between the catch history and estimates of historical abundance based on genetic variability. We suggest several lines of further research that may help resolve these inconsistencies.


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A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo y sea un aporte a futuros estudios históricos. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras.


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A través desta nova série, tentamos conhecer os diferentes aspectos pessoais dos integrantes da comunidade ictiológica ibero-americana. Esta iniciativa compartilha o espírito e o objetivo das biografias de pesquisadores brasileiros, procurando, informalmente, outro ponto de conexão na “comunidade de ictiólogos ibero-americanos”. Talvez esteja equivocado na minha apreciação, mas creio que esta tentativa compensa, já que, com a colaboração generosa e voluntária dos integrantes deste “universo”, marcaremos um registro no tempo da Ictiologia Neotropical.


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A través de esta nueva serie tratamos de conocer diferentes aspectos personales de los integrantes de la comunidad ictiológica iberoamericana. Esta iniciativa, comparte el espíritu y objetivo de las semblanzas nacionales buscando informalmente, otro punto de unión en la “comunidad de ictiólogos iberoamericanos”. Quizás esté equivocado en mi apreciación, pero creo que vale la pena este intento, ya que, con la colaboración generosa e insoslayable de los integrantes de este “universo”, señalaremos un registro en el tiempo de la Ictiología Neotropical.


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The shelf life of fresh water prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii by applying low temperature was investigated. M. rosenbergii preserved at -20°C was subjected for quality assessment before storage and at 15, 30, 45, and 90 days of storage period. The quality assessments as done microbiological viz. total bacterial count (TBC), total mould count (TMC), total yeast count (TYC), total coliform count (TCC) and salmonella count. All the samples were acceptable during 90 days because the upper limit of all spoilage indicator was not exceeding within the experimental time period.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer os efeitos da ingestão de lagartas da soja infectadas com B. anticarsia pelo predador Podisus nigrispinus, avaliando-se os parâmetros biológicos de cada inseto.


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Handwritten letter from Timothy Merritt to sister (?) Ruth Merritt regarding her loss of religious conviction. Dated Nov. 10, 1818.


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Women's contribution to literature is no arbitrary or artificial distinction. However much the reformer may welcome, or the conservative lament, the growth of a harmonious sharing of ideals between men and women, that growth has been a hard-fought struggle. It has been an escape from a prison, which, when it did not entirely shut out the greater world, at least enclosed a little world of education meant for women, literature adapted to the supposed limitations of their intellect, and a course of action prescribed by the other sex. To show how the literary efforts of women developed and justified their claims to free activity is the purpose of this thesis.


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In this paper we present a couple of sheets of Umbelliferae that are preserved in the RCAXII herbaria. One of them, Selinum carvifolia, where collected in the Gredos Mountains by Miguel Barnades Mainader and was identified by his son Miguel Barnades Clarís. The other, Tragium flabellifolium, was collected in Mieres (Asturias) by Esteban de Prado and identified by Mariano La Gasca.


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This essay seeks to contextualise the intelligence work of the Royal Irish Constabulary, particularly in the 1880s, in terms of the wider British and imperial practice and, as a corollary, to reflect upon aspects of the structure of the state apparatus and the state archive in Ireland since the Union. The author contrasts Irish and British police and bureaucratic work and suggests parallels between Ireland and other imperial locations, especially India. This paper also defines the narrowly political, indeed partisan, uses to which this intelligence was put, particularly during the Special Commission of 1888 on 'Parnellism and crime', when governmentheld police records were made available to counsel for The Times. By reflecting on the structure of the state apparatus and its use in this instance, the author aims to further the debate on the governance of nineteenth-century Ireland and to explore issues of colonial identity and practice. The line of argument proposed in this essay is prefigured in Margaret O'Callaghan, British high politics and a nationalist Ireland: criminality, land and the law under Forster and Balfour (Cork, 199